HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-01-28, Page 88 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, January 28, 2015
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CaII for Applications
Seeking members for local drinking water
The Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water
Source Protection Committee (SPC) is a committee
of 15 people from the region. The committee has
worked since 2007 to create local terms of reference,
assessment reports, and source protection plans.
These documents have been completed and
approved by the Province of Ontario.
In fulfilment of the requirements of the Ontario
Clean Water Act, 2006 and Ontario Regulation 287/07,
one third of the source protection committee
membership is now changing.
The Ausable Bayfield Source Protection Authority
announces it is seeking applications for four (4)
vacancies on the source protection committee from
the following interests:
Economic Sector- Industry (1)
Economic Sector- Commerce (1)
Environment/Health/Public/Property Association (2)
For a summary of member obligations and full job
description please visit: sourcewaterinfo.on.ca.
For more information call Jenna Allain, Program
Supervisor, at 519-235-2610 or toll-free
1-888-286-2610 or email jallain@abca.on.ca.
If interested in consideration for appointment to the
Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection
Committee, please submit a cover letter and resume,
with position title clearly marked, by March 6, 2015
by 4 p.m. local time. Please indicate clearly for which
of the four seats your application is to be considered.
Applications should be submitted to:
Brian Horner, General Manager and Secretary -
Treasurer, Ausable Bayfield Source Protection
Authority, 71108 Morrison Line, RR 3 Exeter, ON
DRINKING WATER Maitland Valley
SOURCE PROTECTION source Protection
Ausable Bayfield
Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection Region,
c/o ABCA, 71108 Morrison Line, RR 3 Exeter, ON NOM 155
519-235-2610. 1-888-286-2610
info@sourcewaterinfo.on.ca • sourcewaterinfo.on.ca
Made possible with funding support from the Province of Ontario
Valerie Gillies/Lucknow Sentine
Local women Anne (left) and Suzanne Andrew will be travelling
to Tanzania with the charity Sleeping Children Around the World
(SCAW) in the summer of 2015.
Province of Ontario has approved local Source
Protection Plans and Updated Assessment
Reports for Maitland Valley, Ausable Bayfield
Source Protection Areas
The Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source
Protection Committee is pleased to announce positive steps forward
that will reduce risk to your municipal drinking water sources.
The Province of Ontario has approved Updated Assessment Reports
and locally developed Source Protection Plans.
Plans were approved on January 19, 2015. The date they take effect
is April 1, 2015. You are invited to inspect these documents online
at: www.sourcewaterinfo.on.ca or during business hours at one of
these locations:
Maitland Valley
Conservation Authority
1093 Marietta Street,
Wroxeter, Ontario
Ausable Bayfield
Conservation Authority
71108 Morrison Line,
RR 3 Exeter, Ontario
If you are located close to a mun'cipal well and would like to learn
if Plan policies apply to you, or how you can protect local drinking
water sources, call toll-free 1-888-286-2610.
For more information on the approved Source Protection Plan and
the policies that will apply to drinking water threat activities, you
are also invited to attend one of these open houses:
Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015 - REACH Centre, Clinton, 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 - North Huron Wescast Community
Complex, Wingham, 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Thank you for all you do to protect drinking water and public health.
Ausable Bayfield
DRINKING WATER Maitland Valley
Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Region,
c/o ABCA, 71108 Morrison Line, RR 3 Exeter, ON NOM 155
519-235-2610. 1-888-286-2610 • info@sourcewaterinfo.on.ca • sourcewaterinfo.on.ca
DateofNotice: January22, 2015
Made possible with funding support from the Province of Ontario
The Andrew Ladies
are destined for
Tanzania for Charity
Sleeping Children Around the World
Valerie Gillies
Editor, Lucknow Sentinel
Anne and Suzanne
Andrew first heard of the
charity Sleeping Children
Around the World (SCAW) at
a United Church Women
(UCW) meeting. They
explained that the funds of
the charity group are not
used for advertising, as the
focus is on helping needy
children, therefore the way
the word is spread is through
speakers talking to groups
such as the church groups.
Both Andrew ladies travelled
with the group to Belgaum,
India in 2010 and are set to
depart for Tanzania to over-
see distribution of bed kits in
late July or the beginning of
August in 2015. Their names
came up when two others
backed out.
SCAW was founded by
Murray and Margaret
Dryden, parents of hockey
goalies Ken and Dave
Dryden, in 1970. They
dreamed of a world where
every child would be able to
reap the benefits of a good
night's sleep. The seed came
from earlier family experi-
ence growing up in the
Depression. It was
impressed on the next gen-
erations that they greatly val-
ued getting a good night's
sleep to be able to function
the next day. To begin fulfill-
ing their dream, the couple
donated 50 bed kits to chil-
dren in India who were liv-
ing in poverty.
Now the organization has
expanded and values the
many volunteers who come
forward to make up the
teams who speak to various
groups and also travel to the
various countries to oversee
the distribution of the bed
kits. Last year there were
approximately 6,000 bed kits
assembled and distributed.
Bed kits are made in the
family of origin and all
items are purchased or pro-
duced there. SCAW volun-
teers make sure that they
are of good quality. A dona-
tion of $35 provides a bed
kit containing: a sleeping
mat, pillow, blanket, two
outfits of clothing, hat,
school supplies, towel, mos-
quito net as well as other
essential supplies. 100% of
the donation goes into
assembling the bed kits.
Donations can be made
online on the website
www.scaw.org. Donations
are often made as a gift to
someone for a special
occasion. The person mak-
ing the donation can
arrange for a gift card with
a brief personal message
by writing to SCAW and
enclosing a cheque in the
letter. The gift card will be
delivered to the recipient,
who will also receive a
photograph of the child
that they have sponsored
receiving the bed kit. The
address and instructions to
do this can be found on the
SCAW website.
SCAW is dedicated to
being accountable to their
supporters. Children who
will receive the bed kits are
selected by volunteers in
the country of distribution.
They select the children
with the greatest need. The
recipients are usually
between 6-12 years old. The
volunteer committees are
made up of community ser-
vice groups including Lions
Clubs, Rotary Clubs, Salva-
tion Army and others.
These volunteers organize
the manufacture of the bed
kits, choose the distribu-
tion sites and assist the dis-
tribution volunteers.
Distribution volunteers
such as the Andrew ladies
travel to the country where
they will be distributed, at
their own expense, and as
part of a six -person team will
oversee the actual distribu-
tion and take a photograph
of each child as they receive
their bed kit, showing the
donation label to ensure that
the donor can verify that
their gift has been used
properly. The photo and the
donation label is the receipt
to the donor.
For more information on
this specific trip or about
SCAW call Anne at 519-529-
7179 or Suzanne at