HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-03-22, Page 5Clearing Sale !l Bargains in Fur Gauntlets Bargains in Fur Collars Crowder's BARGAIN LIST We have a number of odd lines which we . are clearing out this week regardless of cost. If you are look- ing for Bargains in Men's Wear call and see us and save money. 1 Dyed Wombat Far Coat, .1 Coon Coat, large size, 3 Men's Persian Lamb Caps 2 Men's Electric Seal Caps 4 Men's Blaok Coney Caps regular $30 0, bargain $22.50 regular .00, bargaiu $35,00 reign! $12.50, bargain $9.00 re lar $3.75, bargain $2.50 gnlar $2 00, bargain $1,25 OVERCOAT BARGAINS 10 Men's Black .Frieze Overcoats, sizes 35 to 44 chest, regular price $7 50. Bargain - - $5.59 9 Men's Fancy and Tweed Overcoats, sizes 35 to 42 chest, regular $9 50 to $12 00. Bargain . $7.50 10 Boys' Black Stripe and Fancy Overcoats, sizes 22 to 28, regular $5.00 and $0 50. Bargain - $3.50 8 Youths' Fancy Tweed Overcoats, sizes 29 to 34 chest, regular $6.50 and $7.00. Bargain - - $5.00 Men's bine stripe Fleece Lined Underwear, all sizes, regular 60c. Bargain - • - 400 Men's $1.75 Heavy Rubbers. Bargain. - , $1.25 Bargains. in Boots and Robbers, Bargains in Trunks and Valises. 1:1he R. H. CROWDER Co. WINGHAM, ONT. Owing to an exceedingly small output of timber this mild Winter, lumber is advancing greatly in price. This means dearer furniture shortly. In view of this, would it not be wise on. your part to take advantageof our Clear- ing. Sale ? You will find our stock complete, from the kitchen to the parlor. Everything' must be sqld by April gth.. People are amazed at the bargains they are getting. -Parlor Suites, - $15.00 0 -Bedroom Suites - 10.7 to -Sideboards - «.00 to -Extension. Tables - 4 90 to -Iron Beds 2.75 to -Mattresses -' 2.25` to -Chairs, per TA dol en, 2.5o and upward $6o.00 65.00 45.00 35.00 25.0o I8.00 It will be to your advantage to inspect our stock early. 2,000 feet of Picture Moulding in stozk ; all frames made free of charge. To see our goods is to buy ; everything must be sold, Our stock includes Window Shades, Curtain -Poles, Lounge Coverings, Oilcloths, Linoleums and Carpets. Goods may remain in the'store till first week in April. A special discount to those who' save us the trouble of delivering goods. UNDERTAKING Brick residence, 5th house west from Hamiltons Corner Drug Store, where night calls will receive prompt attention.. L. A. BALL Bc CO. PHONE 51 YVVVWWI/VWWVVVWWWVW II How about . Watch? IThat THE WING110 TIMES, MARCH ° 22 1006 NESS FROG OUR NEIGHBORS EVENTS OF INTEREST To ALi, OUR READERS. Whet Wideawske Times Correepondente Communionte--Other Items' Clipped From Our Exchanges. W ROXETI:R, Mrs. Scott Black has been very sick for some time. ... Thompson c:G Gibeon's saw mill ootn. menced operations last week. Mr.. D. C. Pope has charge of the engine, Mr. Wm. Douglas .is moving to . the village from his farm in Turnberry, hav- ing purchased Mr. John Robertson's residence. - Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson and daughter, left this week for Boiesevain, Mau., where they intend residing in fatare. This family will be very much missed in the village and in the Presby- terian Church. They made a large circle of warm friends since moving to the village six years ago. Terrible Back Pains They fairly agonize your life, Some- thing powerful and penetrating is need- ed. Doctors know of nothing so swift to relieve as Nerviliue, a strong, penetrat- ing liniment madeto cure just such pains as yours. Nerviline is very concentrated, about four,tilnee more powerful than or- dinary liniments. In the worst cases Nerviline is extraordinarily good. An muscular pain flees before it. Nearly fifty years in nse-a good recommenda- tion, surely. OODERICH The opening of the new North Street Methodist Churoh, Sunday was honored by the presence of Dr. Carman, General Superintendent of tho Methodist Church end ley. Jos. Philip, B. D., President of the London Conference. Services were heldmorning, afternoon and evening, and wereattended by large congregations including numbers of friends from out- side the town. Victoria Street Churoh was closed for the occasion, and the evening service in Knox Church was withdrawn. - Mr. Philip addressed the afternoon service in North Street Churoh. Dr. Carman was in charge of the dedicatory services throughout, and preached in the morning. The new church has been in course of erection for a year, and cost $19.000. BRUSSELS. The arrest at Brussels of a man who has been causing annoyance in that sec- tion brings to light some interesting de- tails of bis manner of extorting money. The man, who gives his name as Geo - Reid, has been operating in the township of Aehfied, and later near Brussels. He would obtain work at some farm house and, after working a short time, would demand money, and, as he accompanied the demand with threats of violence, he generally succeeded in getting something. Three informations have been laid, two by fanners and one by a constable, but his arrest was immediately due to his theft of some valuables from farm hous- es near Brussels a few days ago. A largely attended funeral took people away from home, and gave him a chance for depredation, but an attempt to dis- pose of a bracelet and a ring in Brussels led to his apprehension. Reid appeared before John Leohie, J. P. and was sent up to Goderich for trial. Largest Organ in the Body Is the liver. Small wonder that' liver trouble makes you feel so miserable. The symptoms are constipation, dizziness, indigestion, headache, feeling of depres- sion and laok of appetite. There is but one sure cure -Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills. Ili every case they are sac- cesstul. By relying on Dr. Hamilton's Pills you are sure of strong vitaYeter, nourishing blood, bright, cheery spirits. No longer will you. suffer from disordered liver or kidneys. The marvel of this medicine is that it keeps you well- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. AMAAAA prevents and wards of sickness of every kind. 25e. per box everywhere. Does it keep accurate time ? Can you depend upon it ? If -you cannot, bring it to us and we will tell you what is the natter and 'set it right for you. We pay special attention to fine watch, clock and jewelry repairing, and guarantee all our work to give satisfaction. R. KNOX Opposite Queen's Hotel, a WINGHAM. I olosed by. singing God Save the tits. ST. HELENS. Mr, Geo. McKenzie, of Kenora, was visiting with his sister, Mrs. Hyde, last week. An entertainment under the auspices of the public library will be given on. Friday evening; March 30th. It is not given to many to celebrate their diamond wedding, but this fortune has fallen to ]lir. and Mrs. Hugh Ander- 80n, of St. Helene, who with friends and acquaintances celebrated the Goth anni- versary of their marriage at the resi- dence of Mr. Tltomae Todd, of St. Helene onThured'ay evening, March 6th. A short program was provided, then fol- lowed a speeoh by Rev. Mr. Oraw, and then the friends Joined in singfng Auld Lang Syne. The address was read by Rev. Mr. Craw, who was chairman. Mr. acid Mrs. Anderson were presented with a lovely Morris chair and lee: dozen large photos of themselves, one being in a large !ratite. Speeches were made by Mr. Ramage, Mr. Tom, Mr. Clark, Mr, Murray and Mr, Philips, a few old Scotch songs were sting by all joining handfi. Those who oontribated -sough were Mr. McGregor, Rev. Mr. Craw, Mr. Maiee and Miss Ella Taylor. .A. dainty ittnoh was served. The program semen Inspector Robb. `paid' an official visit to our aohoul last week. • Mr. P. II. Douglas, left last week for Winnipeg to accept a poettiou with the - Northern Bank of Canada. Miss Ida Crittenden, has returned to her home in Neepawai Man., after spend- ing a month withfriends iu this district. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Young have re- turned to their home in Oyprese River Man. They were accompanied by Mise Carry Berry, of Walton. A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs. John Shortreed ou Wed- nesday evening, March 7th, when her adopted daughter, Miss Elizabeth Ellen Richardson, became the wife of Mr. Jolla Coming, of Morris, sou of Mr. and Mrs. N. Coming, of Blyth. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Dr. Mo - Lean in the presence of a large number of guests, the house being beautifully decorated with flowers. (*REY. The farm of Michael Kranter,•lot 19, - con. 11, Grey, containing 100 acres wt e purchased by Dan. and Jno. Henther, of 1 Cranbrook. Price was $3,500. They 1 get possession at once. Mr. Kreuter is moving to the homestead which adjoins the farm sold. Conrad Engle, who recently sold his farm to Thos. and Harry Alcock, parts of lots 7 and 8, eon. 13, one time owned by Robt. Menzies, who is now residing in Sootland, are moving this week to lot : 9, oon. 13 on the same conceseion, which he purchased from David Clark. Thos Alcock gets 101 acres and Harry 15 of the farm they bought. We wish them good luck. Tuesday. of last week Albert and Thos. Hislop left Brassels for Arcola, N. W. T., where they purpose making their home. They took a oter of horses and other belongings with them. There many friends wish them success. Miss Maggie and Mabel Hislop have removed to Clinton where they will reside. Their brother J. H,, of Areola, N. W. T., may go to Clinton too if he disposes of his farm lands in the West. The Happiness of Home Very largely; depends on the mother's disposition; if she is animated and bright everyone is happy; but if she is nervous, irritable and cross -everything goes wrong. Bright, cheery women usually use Ferrozone, the greatest health-maker- known. ealth-makerknown. By acting through the blood Ferrozone is able to reach all the organs that needs assistance; it establishes reg- ular and healthy actions of all functions, builds up the general health, fortifies the system with a reserve of energy that defies disease. Don't put off-Ferrozone costs only 503 at any drag store; get it to -day. (; LEN A'ARROW. John Edgar is visiting his aunt, Mrs. John Bash. Howard Hooey and Len Henning, left for the West on Tuesday. Mr. Alvin Higgins renewed old ao- cquaintanoes on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mre Lennox, of Wingham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Higgins. Mr. Lige Higgins moved to their now home in Morris on Wednesday of last week, Mr. J. H. Smith, has purchased a shorthorn bull from Mr. John Craig, of Whitechurch. The many friende of Mr. Jae. Wylie, sr., are pleased to hear of his recovery after his severe fines. Mrg. John Rae, returned home last week after attending the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Crawford. The Saimen Choir spent a very enjoy- able evening at the home of Wm Mac- keraie Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser and family left for their new home in the West on Tues. day after a residence of thirty years in Tnrnberry. Established %879. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis ;Cough, Grip,. Asthma,;fiphtheria Crcaotono t9 a boonto Asthmatics Crrsol.tsr. is a long established and standard remedy for the diseases Indicated. It Cares henna. the air pm. dcreistrongly antiseptic Is cart:ed over the diseased sur. Area of the bmnrh!al taim, with ernes troth, giving prolonged and cur butt to al umni% 't lose o0 a cmtump• tree tendency, or eurre: rs from ciruu;t Dram_hart, find immediate relief fecal touts or 11.1lamed conditions of the throat. Vapn.Cresoleuo 10 told by druggists sr sent pro- , - pald on rcrcint et price. A Vero Cresolene out. flt Including. a b.•ttle of 1 Crclolcnt ILIO. Send for fore illustrated bo..111 t. t.tnII'.o MIl T.9 Co.. ltd., Agents, 2N8 8t. JamO St, Mentrnet, Canada',) 508 Itltl above picture of the man and fish is the trade- ' mark of Scott's Emulsion, and is the synonym for strength and purity. It is sold in almost all the civilized coun- tries of the globe. If the sod fish became extinct it would be a world-wide calam- ity, because the oil that comes from its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life-giving properties. Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scott's EmuI- sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can take it and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable taste.. Scott's Emulsion is the best thing in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate people, and all conditions of wasting and lost strength. Send fur free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS TORONTO, O2.72. LOc. and.$1.00. All druggists. CULROSS. Miss Maggie McDonald of Princeton, N. J., is visiting her old home. John Martin, Walter Waugh and Murray Batton went West Tuesday of last week. Messrs. Bert Armstrong and Wm. Little have secured emmigrants from the Emmigration Barean to work for them this summer. • It is onread duty this week to chroni- cle the death of Mr. William Sutherland McKay, who passed away at his home on the 2nd of Oalross on Friday, March 9th. He was in his 61st year having been born in the township of W. Gwil- limbary, Simone Co., on June 14th, 1845. Mr. McKay 'a parents were born in Fort Gary, now Winnipeg. Not finding the climate and work congenial in the West, a number of these settlers worked their way from Fort Garry to Gwillimbury township and formed what has since been known at the Scotch Settlement, composed of Frasers, Sntherlands, Mc-. Beaths, McKaye and Be.nuermans. Mr. McKay left the settlement at an early age and for a number of years followed the vocation of school teacher having se- cured his education in the old Quaker school known as Rockwood Academy, near Gaelph. He was married in 1873 to Miss Fannie Ross of Kinloss township and shortly after this, owing to failing health, he gave np teaching and up to the time of his death followed farming. His death was due to anaemia from which he had suffered for a number of years. His trouble became acute in September laet, since which time he gradually sank. To mourn his loss he leaves a widow and family of ten -five boys and five girls. Listen for the Bronchial Wheeze." It means that disease will soon attack the lungs. Wheezing is distressing to the sufferer and annoying to his friends. Nothing half so certain in bronchitis and throat trouble as "Catarrhozone;" it gives instant relief and cares even the worst oases Bronchitis fairly flees under the magic influence of Catarrho- zone which Dares so thoroughly the dis- ease never returns. Other remedies may relieve, bat Catarrhozone cures bron- ohitis, catarrh, and throat trouble for all time to come. Sold everywhere. WEST WAWANOsa.. Oa Monday evening, March 12th, the immediate friends of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McQuillan gathered attheir home to celebrate the tenth anniversary of their wedding. A very pleasant evening was spent by all. After a sumptuous repast provided for the occasion an hour or two was spent conversation and then Rev. E. Saunders was called upon to act as chairman. A program consisting of muslo, solos, speeches and recitations was rendered to Mr. and Mrs. McQuillan and then the gathering dispersed. A large number of articles appropriate to this oecasion'were presented to the high- ly esteemed host and hostess. One re- markable feature of this gathering wail that two unbroken families were present on this 000aeion, that of Mr. McQuillan and Mr. R. Haines, fathers of Mr. and 5 The General Hardware. I DEALENCS w' wish to earl year attPxttion t0 tsar IDEAL Wien 'Fans -all No 8 steel wird. We are satisfied itis rite best and ohsapeat 'e. 100 in the market. Silverware Having placed our trier for a huge gaantityof Silverware, w•e are in apo�ltion to sell the best at the lowest possible price. Wedding Presents a specialty. ISLAND CITY PAINTS -best in the world. WIRE FENCING -All kinds of Wire Fencing op hand. Bishop & Brewer. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,AAAA t+ s U I YOUR. CREDIT 1 1 Parlor Siu®ts, Couches, etc., Just think 1 A Moquette Rug Parlor Suit, spring edge, plural banded, for - - - - $33.00 Velour Suit -The best Velour 5 piece Suit for - - 25.00 c 3 -piece Silk Snits, polished frames - - - - 22.50 Springs and Mattresses, from - - 5.00 to 0.00 is good'at our store, the same as in the past Fight years. A special Olean -out ofall lines of Furniture -especially in In fact a cut price on all lines, and a large stock to choose from. WALKER BROW & BUTTON tUndertaking receives our prompt and careful attention. 1 t AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WVVVVWVVWWVVVVVWVVVW WINGHAM.. •••••••••♦•••N••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • COAL COAL COAL. • • • • • • We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, which has no equal Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. I Wecarrya LUMBER,SHINGLES, LATH full stock of • Dressed or t ndressed 1 • • •Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. • • fg Highest Price paid for alt kinds of Logs. _Kt • •• • • JsAMcLeaIh A.i • •♦ • • Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••N♦•♦•••••••♦•••••• • • • • • a •• • •• • • McQnillnu, all of whom were present at the wedding ten years ago. Council met as per adjournment on March 14th. Reeve Bailie in the chair:. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting were confirmed. ' Murray -Anderson, that the Treasar- er's statement showing balance on hand of $104.34 be filed. Anderson -Murray, that after consid- ering the tenders for printing, ,ve accept the tender for the Lucknow Sentinel at $50.00 as we consider it the best tender for the Township. Thompson -Medd, that this Township pay 8c per yd for gravel, and no damage for roadway into gravel pits. The following cheques were isene3:- W. H. Wilson 62 yds gravels, :f6 20; R. Irwin balance on gravel account, 703 ; G. Mason 2 memo books 80c. The following officers were appointed: Fence Viewers -J. Mills, J. Stafford, A. Dnrnin, J. Pardon, Gao. Greer jr. W. E. Gordon. Poundkeepers-R. Robertsoo, Wm. Carr, W. 3. Jackman, Thos. Alexander, Wm Humphrey, Win. MoQailin. Pathmaeters: C. Girvin, S. Kerr, D. McPhee, J. Young, J. Willard, M. Sproule, Jae. Bailie, A. Kerk, J. Ashton, G. Rontledge, D. Phalen, 3. Flnoker, J. Feagan, S. Scott, Wm. Ryan, J. Red- mond, D. Smylie, R. Henderson, A. Pol- lard, C. Clifton, H. King, F. Mess, W. Wightman, T. Radcliffe, H. Glenn, P. Glasoow, Thos. Young, G. Henry, is . Thompson, R. McAllister, J. Boyle, W. McAllister, J. Redmond, P. McGuire, Wm. Sillib, J. Chamney, Thos. Woods, C. Dnrnin, W. Cameron, J. Pardon, B. Brophy, M. Champion, J. Forehan, W. Brophy, W. Smeltzer, D. Rutherford, S. Cook, A. Harper, C. McDonald, J. Dera- in, W. Todd, W. J. Todd, W. Taylor, 3 Barber, W. Bell, Ed, Haines. J. Bowles, Con. Gaynor, N. Campbell,J. Lyons, Ed Thome, W. C. Webb, T. Atchieson, Ed. Jarvis, R. Taylor, J. Laidlaw, J. Martin P. Smeltzer, P. McMillan, D. McDonald, R. McQuillan, Jas, McQuillan, J. Nixon, F. Webb, T, Inglis, R Thompson, Jno. Eaglestone, G. Asquith, R. Lowrie, R Moore, Council adjourned to meet on May 30th as a Canrt of Revision of Assess- ment Roll and for General business. W. S. McCeeeeren, Cterir 1 Mrs. James Thomas of Wallaceburg, '• was found dead in her house. an A nen theatre and hotel are to be e built at Winnipeg, to cost half a million dollars. ' 1 Thomas* Batley, Governor of Nor- { folk CounteeJail, died at Simeoe, aged 62 years. Mr. Eugene R. White, owner of The :Niagara F812e Gazette, died in a Buffalo { hospital. Benjamin Cooney of Belleville was bad- ly hurt by a premature explosion in • well that he was excavating. $1 .00 Rt:fUND TRIP GODERICH TO DETROIT TUESDAY, JUNE 19 RETURNING JUNE 2t S1'r GREYHOUND 2 Days in Detroit Write E. H. AYER, Agent, DETROIT' For PARTICULARS. to Manitoba A herta and • Saskatchewan SPECIAL. TRAINS FOR SETTLERS With live stock and effects, from Toronto at 9.00 p.m. EVERY TUESDAY DURING MARCH AND APRIL COLONIST CARS ATTACHED NO EXTRA CHARGE Settlers travelling without live stock should use 1.45 p.m. train from Toronto dailb TOURIST CARS on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sat. urdays. Cost of sleeping berths as follows: - Winnipeg - $3.00 Regina - $5.00 Moose Jaw - 5.00 Calgary - 6.00 "Settlers' Guide" and "Western Canada booklets of tuCAipe,gor1esn'n,. with rpartaet.icnnld usue 1 andfonrmsotn fsres t,R.pelriTcaowrtoirnoitetontottoneCaB. CFaentteadrianD.pcd,ifil itaximulatki SPECIAL ME• WAY RATES To Billings, Mont., Denver, Color- ado Springs, Salt Lake City, Nelson, Roseland, Vancouver. Portland, Ore., San. Francisco. Tickets on pale daily. Special Settlers Trains to - North-West Every Tueieday during March and April special train with Colonist - Sleeper will ,este Toronto 900 p m., every Tuesday daring. March and April for Manitoba and North-West. Passengers travelling without live stock should take Express leav- ing Toronto 1 45 p. in. The Short Line to Cuba Leave home Thursday p. in, arriv- ing in Havana Cabs, Carly Monday morning. Direct connection. Tour- ist rates in effect. For tickets and full information call on L. Harold, Depot Agent. 3. D. McDo13At'D, Distrtot I'aedenger Agent, .Toronto.