The Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-01-21, Page 1616 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, January 21, 2015 Rev. Ken DeBoer chatted at the back of the Lucknow Community Christian Reformed Church after the service on January 18, 2015, the second since the entire building was renovated. Lucknow Community Christian Reformed Church is back in use after a fire at the front of the sanctuary caused extensive damage throughout the building. January 18, 2015. Valerie Gillies/Lucknow Sentinel Pianist Brittany Jurjens supplies musical accompaniment during worship at Lucknow Community Christian Reformed Church. January 18, 2015. Back in their Worship Home Lucknow Community Christian Reformed Church Valerie Gillies Editor, Lucknow Sentinel Chair of the Church Board of the Lucknow Community Christian Reformed Church Peter Brink reports that the congregation was very happy to be back worshipping in their own church on Sunday, January 11, 2015. Brink reports "the congregation has a coming back feeling." Following a fire at the front of the sanctuary on August 25, 2014 which began due to electronic equipment, there had to be extensive renova- tion and restoration work to return the building to a usa- ble state. The whole place, upstairs and down, has been repainted and restored. Brink reported on January 18 that the insurance had treated them well. "There are still some things that need to be finalized, but we are working away." The Board is thankful to the members who worked along with the restoration and insurance companies to get things ready for service once more. The congregation is really appreciative of the support from the commu- nity. They would like to particularly thank the Luc - know churches who shared their space with worship services being held in the Presbyterian Church while meetings and programs were held in the United and St. Peter's Anglican churches. Bruce Power Encourages Public to get involved in Relicensing Process Submitted Members of the public are encouraged to partici- pate in the Bruce Power relicensing process, which will include a formal hear- ing in Ottawa on February 5, 2015, as well as three days of hearings from April 14-16 at the Kincardine Legion. "Public support and engagement has always been a key component to Bruce Power's success and one we never take for granted," said James Scon- gack, Vice President, Cor- porate Affairs. "We encour- age people to get involved in the process and have their say." Canada's nuclear regula- tor, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), will hold the two- part public hearing on the application by Bruce Power for a five-year renewal of its power reac- tor operating licence for Bruce A and B. The public hearings will be webcast live and then archived for a period of 90 days on the CNSC website, HYPER- LINK "http://www.nucle- arsafety.gc.ca" www.nucle- arsafety.gc.ca. Members of the public who have an interest or expertise in this matter, or information that may be useful to the Commission, are invited to comment on luelli lii61 Elul kiUlu Bruce Power's application during Part 2 of the hearing in Kincardine. Requests to intervene must be filed with the Secretary of the Commission by March 16, either online at nuclear- safety.gc.ca/eng/the-com- mission/intervention, via mail c/o Louise Levert, Sec- retariat, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, 280 Slater St., Box 1046, Ottawa, Ont., K1P 5S9 or email at HYPERLINK "mailto:interventions@ cnsc-ccsn.gc.ca" interven- tions@cnsc-ccsn.gc.ca. The request must include a written submis- sion of the comments to be presented to the Commis- sion, a statement setting out whether the requester wishes to intervene by way of written submission only or by way of written sub- mission and oral presenta- tion, and name, address and telephone number of the requester. Agendas, hearing tran- scripts and information on the hearing process are available at the CNSC web- site, www.nuclearsafety. gc.ca. More information, including a relicensing briefing document, is available at HYPERLINK "http://www.brucepower. com/licence- renewal-2015" www.bruce- power.com/ licence -renewal -2015. Bruce Power has advanced a number of out- reach initiatives, including Version 2 of its iPad and iPhone apps, collaboration with EnergyMobile for the GridWatch app, which pro- vides up-to-the-minute electricity supply mix information, as well as the Ontario's Nuclear Advan- tage campaign, an out- reach initiative that high- lights the strength and benefits of Ontario's nuclear industry. The com- pany also donated iPads to libraries in Bruce, Grey and Huron counties to help explain Ontario's electricity sector. The company also rein- troduced site tours in 2014 for the first time since 2001. Four bus tours were held each week in July and another two tours were added to each week of August to help meet demand, with over 1,900 participants. Improve- ments continued at the Bruce Power Visitors' Cen- tre in 2014 including a new, interactive Radiation Exhibit that was installed in December. The exhibit illustrates types and sources of radiation, as well as techniques nuclear energy workers use to min- imize exposure. It features a video component as well as a hands-on, role playing activity. The Visitors' Cen- tre hosted more than 10,000 people in 2014. WE CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR WINTER DRIVING Selection of Used 4vl Escapes —`—_ FISO Pickups 6AWO Edges. New Arrivals of Pre -owned F-150 pickups Balance of Factory Warranty. SEE MONTGOMERY FORD IN LUCKNOW & KINCARDINE FOR DETAILS. NTOEI Lucknow : Kincardine 519-528-2813;519-396-3436