The Wingham Times, 1906-03-22, Page 22 iRENEAR TIMES MARCH 2!, 1
WEAK ' w"
there are that get %Mae
TIRED freelunent from sleep -
They wake in the mom -
WOMEN ing and feel tireder than
whenthey went to bed.
Whey have a dizzy sensation in the head,
the heart palpitates; they are irritable
and nervous, weak and worn out, and
the lightest household duties during the
slay seem to he a drag and a hurden.,
Many a good man baa gone wrong,
rums' It life hoe been a Where
tt Might have been a blessing to sof*.
tee for want of proper knowledge nod
habite in the swing and tieing of ungtey.
Alen aro frequently reduced to a State of
uselessness, or are driven to actual crime
by necestities which Are the natural re-
sale of their failnre to make a prOper ue
of their own powers and opportunitiela
They have never been taught to save
They have never been taught what
=nee really is, ttpd how it should he
need. -Woodstoelt Sentinel -Review.
Iare the very remedy that weak, nervous,
tired out, sickly women need to restore
tit= the blessings of good health.
t They give sound, restful sleep, tone up
the nerves, strengthen the heart, and
snake ride blood. irs. C. McDonald,
Portage la Prairie, Man„ -watt*: "1 was
troubled with shortness 4ef breath, palpi-
tation of the heart and weak spelle. I
got four boxes of Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills, and after taking them I was
completely cured.
Price 50 cents per box or three boxes
for *1.25, ail dealers or the The T. Mil-
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week.
• eTHI311,8DAY. MAR 22, t906.
- ---- -
If the tide of immigration continnee-
and the pwicession of young men head.
ing, westward is prolonged -what is to
become of our gide? Are they not suit-
ed for the strenn life as well? They'
wilt have to speak cm When is leap
year auy way 3 -Kingston Whig.
The Jocks and the Jeans.
"There are more bachelors and fewer
children in Huron and Bruce counties
and the north and west of Middlesex
than in any other district in old Outa-
rio," is the rather stealing statement
made by one of the Farmers' Insatiate
leoturers in his report to Supt. Pathan.
Now its up to Hon. Nelson Monteith to
sae that this tate of affairs is remedied.
A Jean aleould bo found for every jook
if the Bruce peninsula is to keep up with
the procession. -St. Thomas Time.
In alt likelihood the Jocks have gone
to the Northwest to make homes far the
Jeans. The young men of Huron and
Brace are not eo enamoured with the
lite of a bachelor as to justify critics iu
nailing them to the cross. They don't
believe in race suicide, but they do be-
lieve in entering the married state equip.
ped for the responsibilities of the higher
postural. Moreover they are adventurous
boys and hke a taste of the roving life
betore settling down. All over the West
they aro to be found, mostly in posts
that proclaim their worth to the world,
And the married men among them testify
to their love for the old horae, old as-
sociations, and the old gals. The Jeans
from Huron and Bruce are with them,
and we 'venture to predict that the Jean
Of the sideline of Hugh Clark's constitu-
ency is in the eyes of many au exBruce-
ite now earniug somethingsubstantial on
the prairies of the Northwest by the
sweat of hie brow. -Galt Reporter.
Temperance sentiment cnn be develop•
ed only by education andexample. The
e xawple must be set by those who drink,
and if these of in licence, if a few of suf-
ficient force of character will but re-
solutely decline to accept or give the re-
turn treat, a decisive break will be made
in a custom that is as senseless as it Is
pernicious -Bcbcaygeon Independent.
Tinsel show and finukeyism seem to
be reaching extravagant proportions at
Ottawa. Even the Deputy Minieters
now have to appear at Government
'House in all the gands and trappings of
a mimic court -cocked hat and feather
and sword. Even the people of Ottawa
are woaderiug where alt this is going to
end in a country professing a simple de-
mocracy. - Windsor Record„
The oppenents. of the "grab" most
fight with insistence and determination
until they have either compelled the
House to unloosen its fingera, or until
they have pat ovary 'grabber' definite/3,
on record. The country wants a "black
net" of thein if the shade ee is to remain.
The result of nominating conventions in
the future, and of contests at the polis as
well, will be settled by the position that
the members take daring the next few
weeks nrihn the disgusting business. -
Montreal Scar.
Is is beyoad question that the "treed-
ing" custom is responsible for most of
the drunkenness, but it is not at all like.
ly that Mr. McNaught's bill will booms
law. Already there is a disposition to
regard it Be "freak" legislation, but whet.
her it receives the assent of the Legisla-
ture or not, the introdaction of the bill
may serve a good purpose in educating
the public as to the evil of this form of
what is sometiraes erroneously referred
to tta an evideuce of "good -fellowship."
-Halifax Chronicle. municipality. Nor in addressing you
can we omit your esteemed wife, whose
kiudness, good will and hospitality we
have Ito often and so pleasantly enjoyed.
That she may long be spared to you and
to your children le the sincere wish of
We beat that when out iQ the wide
western prairie, Where the view is un-
limited yOrt many in imagination travel
beyond the limits of virion and recall to
memory the good old township of Tran -
berry and the Mettiy pIeiteatt memories
connected thetewith.
Wishing that yourself, your wife and
family may long enjoy (Sall tinder the
folds of the old Union Zaelt) happiness
and prosperity, we ask you to eteeept
Iroise us this purse, as a token of our
love and goodwill.
And when your sojourn on earth is
trol over diseases of the tierves Dr. completed, may the Angel of Time dip
Chase's Nerve Food has come to be him pen in the sunbeam and 'Write in
considered the one great treatment
From Tim WINGILtat TIMES of
(Friday, Meath 19th, 1880.)
The Goderiob Signal gives the follow-
ing paraphrase of a speech delivered in
the House of Commone by Thomas
Farrow, U. P ,for East Huron, who is
the reeognized guardian of hen fruit
When bad Grits rnled our °Gantry fair
The very hens were even slow
To lay good eggs; and none could e're
Lay bigger eggs theta this below:
But Sir John, with his great N
Thought bigger eggs were not stale,
And so he got the bens to work,
And now they lay their eggs like this:
R. Laidlaw, of the gth eon. Morris,
was kicked by a horse a few days ago,
and had three of his ribs broken.
During last year the township of
Morris patd out $160 for charity, $1,711
for roads and bridges; $175 for drainage;
$4086 for schools; $752 for salaries and
$42 for printing. There in a balance of
$1424 on hand.
T, F. Troy, of Goderich, has sold his
old homestead. South half lot 27, West
Wawanosh, to Edward Haines, of the
same towsishtp, for the sum of $5,600.
Al ter Piles have existed for a long time
and passed through different stages, the
suffering is intense --pain, aching, throb-
bing, tumors form,filled to bursting with
black blood.
Symptoms indicating other troubles
may appear to a thoroughly Pilesiek per -
This is when Dr. Leonbard'ts Bern-
roid, the only absolute Pile cure, brings
tae results that has made its fame.
It will cure the moat stubborn case in
existence and a bonded guarantee to that
effect goes with each package.
Hem-Roid 12 80 be had for $1,00 at the
drug store, or from The Wilson-Fyle
Company, Limited, Niagara rolls, Ont.
Address and Presentation.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Fraser and family,
far a number of years residents of Turn.
berry, left Wingham on Tuesday for
their new home in Pilot Mound, Man.
That they will have health and prosper-
ity in their new home is the wish of
many old friends in this section. We
give below a copy of the address read to
Mr. Fraser on the evening of March 6th:
To Douglas Fraser, Esq., -
Dear Sir, -Your many friends in the
township ot Turnberry, where you have
resided for so meny years, having heard
of your contemplated departure from
among them, have met this evening to
convey to you and your family an ex-
pression of respect and totem.
As teacher in two of the most inipOn-
ant schools in this townthip, for many
years yon faithfally discharged the
duties of your high and responsible posi-
tion, and we trust that the results of
your labors in this respect may he far
reaching for good, and that this may be
reflected in the characters and lines of
those who were intrusted to your charge.
In your intercourse with your friends
and neighbors, in both business and
social life, yon have in ways command-
ed the respect and esteem due to your
good glandes of head and heart, and
that confidence in your integrity and
honesty has long been shown by the
many years you have been chosen to
discharge the duties of Auditor for this
Symptoms of
Nerve Disorders
TWITCHING of the nerves and
muscles, sensitiveness to light,
sound and motion, jerking of the
limbs, Sleeplessness, headache and
indigestion -such are some of the
symptoms of exhausted nerves.
BeCtitiSe there is no acute pain
people do Met always realize the
seriousness of nervous diseases.
They do not think of the helpless-
ness of body and mind, which is the
result of neglecting such ailments.
Because a its extraordinary con -
for disorders of this nature. Not
•only does it revitalize the wasted
nerve cells, but actually forms firm
gosh and tissue, builds up the
system turd sends new vigor and
vitality to every organ of the body.
*0 canto a box, at all dealers, or
intanoca, Dates ic Co., Toronto.
letters Of gold on the aiIsWhite
marble, "Well done good tut
servant." -
Signed • -
jaunts Elliot, Herbert Henning
jam ifosgrore, -A. Genii:all
A. IllsolCvntris •Z. T. Wylie
Ternherry, Kat, 6,1906.
Wan. Elliott has taken up hie resid-
ence for the present on the north half of
lot 20, con. 10. It seems "Billy" Is go.
ing to try the balmy air of Turnberry
for another spell.
George McKay, J. P., is able to be a-
round again after leaving been confined
to the house for three weeks with a
severe cold.
Mr. Hanna, of Brandon, Mare is in
town this week, the guest of W. J. Me.
Cutcheson. Mr. Hanna is purchasing
a number of good horses to place on his
farm ont there.
Geo. Hughes is about to leave on an-
other trip across the briny ocean with a
load of cattle for Liverpool.
Mr. Burns, until, lately one of the pro-
prietors of the skating rink here, leaves
on Monday for the Pacific Coast for the
benefit of his health.
Murdoch Moll. Fleming for the past
six years in the employ of Thos. Leslie,
tailor, of this town, leaves next week
for New York,where he intends entering
the cutting school of J. J. Mitchell &
Co., where he will remain until he gets
his diploma.
Local history et the early 800.
Items from The "Times" fyle
Barrier thaletunt-eSabbatit stark** M
11 a in and 7 p Sunday School at
2:30_2 M. General prayer meeting
011 Wednesday evenings. Rev. E. R.
' Foote, I3,A., pastor B Y P U. mote
EAST WAWANCsSit Monday evening- 8 p w. Abner Omega
James Unlit intends moviug into hie S*S' SuPeriu*Klent'
pew house in about a month.e _
Morgonner Chatlit011-plauuatlifierVlOtiti
John Bentley, who recently bad hieleg at 11 a m and 7 p an, Sunday School at
okene,5.te now able to go round On • 2:30 14 )34'. Epworth 1-m40 gevery- 249u
day evening. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev, J. R.
Robert Stewart aud Beery. Audersc n Gundy, D.D., pastor. W. B. Towler,
intend going to Mauitoba on the 23rd of 1 MD.) S. 8, Superintendent,
vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p nx. General prayer
wurreorionott pleating on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
e D. Perna
Sleighing still holds Out and femorapastor. L. Harold, 8 R. Su.
Peril:40440R .
keep busy hauling togs, feneing, eto.
ST. PAUL'S 01111110/C, Ensooean-Sab-
The following buildings na this 'Mill. bath services at li a m and 7 p me Sun-
ity are in course of erection: White. day School at 2:30pm. General prayer
church creemerv, 11. Cook, C. Reinhart me;tinBg.voine!WmA„av.Rectoredneodoyevealugtand.Bev-
and Them, Armstrong, private dwelliuglis T.
James Gaunt, straw shed and stable, A. ''''
.011.. /sItille, ri=upaethnateTntiatVuld
Isom, R. McCann, A. Itintoni, John
MaCray and .1-ishn blelCenzie, bank a niSe-eanvaeoraldArepx-mSlirvion oseuantda7ya,ndaaId1
every evening during the week at 8
On the 2nd inst., by Rev. Corcoran, o'clock at the barracks.
Tames Kerby to Miss Carrie Tsoheart,
POST OFTME In. _Macdonald Bloc*.
both of ()dross. Oa the 2ud inst. by Office hours from. 8 a m to 6:30 p M.
Rev. Corcoran, K1612391 Kandy to Blase Peter Fisher, poetmeteter.
Margaret Taugheir, both of Calms% On
PUBLIC LIBILIZIT Library and free
the 3rd inst., by Rev, Corcoran, Thomas reading room in the To Hall, ill
&Woe, of Culross, to Miss Kate Koil• be open eery afternoon from 2 to
of Carrick. On the 3rd inst., by Rev. 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7
to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Maud Robertson,
Corcoran, Peter McGill° to Miss S. A. librarian.
O'Maley, both of Onlroes,
A special.train for Dakota left Wing -
ham on the G. T. R. 4 o'clock oa Tues-
day afternoon, and took with it 13 pas.
mangers from this town, 12 from Luck.
now and 4 from Whitechuroh. Wm,
Gemmill, of Wroxeter, took a oar load
of horses along. By the time Hyde Park
was reached the train comprised 27' oars,
Ludwig G. Meyer, father of IL W. 0.
Meyer, of this town, who has been ailing
for some time, passed peacefully away
at has residence in Seaforth, on Sunday
last, at the advanced age of 77 years. Mr.
Meyer has been a resident of Seaforth
for upwards of 40 years, during 80 years
BOARD or Heavra-Thos. Bell,
of which he has held the position of ory, John wiison
division court clerk, and he was widely 0. J. Reading, Thos Ferguson,Gre, V.S., J. B. n
known and universally respected.
Dr. J. R. Macdonald,
Alf. Watt and Jas. Welsh, two enter -
Medical Health Officer
prising young men of this place, have
purchased the tinware business of Geo.
Russell, and have moved their stook to
the vacant store uext to Mrs. Grange's,
where they will carer on business in
On Tuesday afternodu a fire broke out
in the dwelling house, occupied by Mr.
James, on Victoria street, east of S.
Nickel's carriage works,and which might
have proved a very disastrous blaze had
not our efficient water a orks been in ex-
cellent working order and the fire de-
partment on the scene in a few minutes
after the alarm was sounded.
Team Comore -Thos. Bells Mayor;
S. Bennett, David Bell, Thos. Forbes,
Geo. C. Hanna, D. E. McDonald and
Wm Nioleolson, Conecillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson
Daltnage, Assessor. Board meets first
Monday evening in each month at 8
SCHOOL BOARD. -Dr, A, 3. Irwin,
(chairman), Thos. Abraham, J. D. Long,
J. J. Homuth, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, A.
E. Lloyd, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John
P. Groves; Treaeurer, 3. B. Ferguson.
leteetings.second Tuesday evening in eaoh
Musgrove, Prinoipal, Miss Brook,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss Matheson, Miss Wilson,
Miss Ouramings and Miss De La Mater.
ZOSV to but/ FROST reNces
Our prices for Frost Fence arc only as much as the
best fence in the world is honestly worth. And we
make the terms so easy that every farmer and stock
Than can talc. advantage of them.
Here's th.. .ay we. will let you buy al, the Prost
Vence you necAl :-Onthird cash on delivery. one
third by note, dut. Oct, 1st 'ori. On:. third by note, due
lttarclt tst,
Five per cent. discount for cash if paid within 6o
days from date of invoice.
And remember -should Vitos'r VrixcUs go wrong, from
mechanical defects or workmanship in building,
they are repaired, free of chargc,
J. W. MOWBRAY, Whitechurch
"Let the COW DUST TWINS at° your work°
it the WOrk which GOLD DUST accomplishes. All labors
look alike to the Gold Dust Twins. They clean floors and
doors, sinks and chinks -go from cellar to attiw-and leave
only brightness behind. Get acquainted with
Gold Oust Washing Powder
103TABL11111trt 1872
113 mum=
The Theo °Mee, Seager Black
Tease or tenseonnerzote-11.00 per annum in
Havana% 51.5811 not eo paid. No paper cliecofl.
wilted till ell arrears aro paid, eicoopt at the
option of the publisher,
eat% acivTelftmistuil"enra 180e. -perj6Nartiparsientalluatirr
first insertion, 8, per line for each subsequent
Advertisements in loofa column* are aliartted
wets. per line for first Inserthen, and 6 omits
per line for emelt subsequent Mention.
Advertioeutoota of Strayed. Parcae for Sale
or to Rent, auct. Bindle?, 51.00 for first three
weeks, and 26 (lento for *nob isethisimpient
Coxrneor Remise -The following table show
our ratea for the assertion of advertisements
for epeoiiied porioda:-
0QuitaeeOrstilluniom limn --STUD $40.00 522.50 $8 00
e,ott. 1 via 0 mo. 8 Us), Iwo
Half Column 40.00 35.00 15.00 0.00
20.00 12.50 7.50 8.00
Ono Inch . 5,00 8.00 2.00 1.25
fw!IfitlineeradislirfallIgstigli,* Tee: 11:
r a c gala er •
!ugly, Transient edvertisements must be paid
TUE Jon Dar araErr is elooked with ea
VXtOnsiLve assortment -of all requisites for print.
icaolgun' tytlagdir tuErnig fngacilionlefirg ant°Solaitr:oirlt iLnartlitcr°
type and appropriate ants for all etylee of Peet
ere, Hand 1fla, etc., and the latest styles ol
choice fanoy type for the finer °lessee of print
TRAINS wave ron
London 8,90 am . • . 8.80hm-
Toronto &East 10.40 a.m8.48 a.m.... 2.40p.m.
Kincardine -11.15 a.m...2.08 p•m ... 9.15p.m,
Annivi9 room
Kincardine --8.40 a.m10.40 2.40 p.m.
London 11.10 a,m- 7.85 p.m.
Pabnerston 9.135 a.m.
Toronto & East 2.08 p.ra.-. 9.15 p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
Toronto and East 6.55 a.m.- 8.86 p.m.
Teeswater 1.88 p.m -.10.58 p.m.
Teeswater:- ...... 6.55 aan,.... 386 p.m.
Toronto and East - •.131p.m-10.53 p.m.
J. EL BEEMER, Agent,Winscham.
ill. ELLIOTT,.
Pray attar and Publisher
_r P zioneray, D.O. M.P. /3. 0
U • Member of the Britian Medical Meows.
tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special
attention paidito diseases of Women and Child
ren. O13oehours1to5pafla,.7to9p,m
Orders for the insertion of advertisements
such as teachers wanted, business chances,
mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact
any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or
other city papers, may be left at the Tates
ofRce. This woric will receive prompt attention
SIRI, will save people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates will be qudted on application. Leave
or send your next Work of this kind to the
TIMES OFFICE. Winthava.,
fit yelegitAL I Scrubbing gore, -gimlet clothe* end &bet, easel* weed -
work, 00 cloth, tliverware and tinware, tellishint trete Work,
otis'r cleansing hath room, pipet. etc., and Makingthe finest soft seep.
Madit bY CORPAelY, Manatee P. lleeetakere of Malt SOAP. 1
fitt)Ltf 'MIST hard svatto soft.
--- "4" TIMES
Centre Street
Physician, Surgeon, eta.
Office--Moodonala Block, over W.lifollibbones
Drug Stotts. Night calls answered id the office.
DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND, M. 0. S. (Eng
°face. with Dr. phisholm.
Private and Company /snide to loan at lowest
rate of interest. NO4012XIIIISSiele charged mort-
gages, town and farm property bought and
sold. °Moe, Beaver Block. Wingham
hArthleTER, &o.
Wingham, Ont.
E. L. Drosaarsore DUDLEY HOMES
Mortar To Lome.
Orrunt : Bleyer Block,
Wingham, Ont
1 -ata Mr. Prefontaine Outlined His
Phalli Fee Canada's P0601)&61°0 In
the Defence of the Seaboard.
Canada's nave', the chief subject at
the recent dinner of the Canada Club
In London, Eng., received encourage-
ment frees Admiral. Sir Archibald Dou-
glas, while Hoe. Raymond Prefontaine
revealed. the "state secret" that if it
hadn't been for the change of Govern-
ment tile negotiations for the coasts:PP
Of the merino docks at Halifax and (
VsOUlmait would have been closed.
Sir Archibald -he is the first "Cantle
dlan Admiral," having been born in
Ueauport, Quehee-In proposing the
tno.9e,vsyt.:74 the DeMIDIOn, field, speaking
of our navy:
your navy grosv In strength for the de -
%Once of the Dominion. I know there
IS good material in 'Canada 10r such a
I3ritIsh navy will rejoice to see
Our Second Duty.
The Minister of Marine, responding,
said: As regards the navy, we are as
yet in our Infancy -eve are just begin-
ning the task -and I happen to be In
London as your guest to. night because
my Government bas thollght that we
should establish tri Calla da a. naval re-
serve, or some kind of organization,
that little by little win come to form
part of the great British navy, and be
a power in defending the Empire wher-
ever and whenever the Occasion may
arise. Wo have an immense territory -
larger than that of our neighbors in
the 'United States -and our first duty,
as every good Britisher will acknowl-
edge, is to develop qur country and
Its resources, In order that we may
be in a position to look. to aur neigh-
bors as friends, but as independent
from them, and • not as their tribu-
taries. That is our first duty; but there
is another duty which devolves upon
us, namely, to protect ourselves in the
best possible way with the resources
at the disposal of our Government.
Taking Over Dockyards.
ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. 8., t, D, S.
Doctor of Dental Bar gory of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. OWce
over Post Mee, Wingham.
Beaver Block, Wingham
D. D, S. -Toronto University.
L. D. S. -Royal College of Dental Surgeona.
I I •
Is now prepared to attend the wants of those
requiring his services. at a reasonable price.
No necessity- of going out of town for an auc-
tioneer. Ail orders left at the Tunis otUce
will receive prompt attentiOn.
AL XELLY, Wingham, Ont.
For the County of Huron. ee14313 of all kinds
conducted at reasonable rates. Orden left at
the Toms office will receive prompt attention.
jAs. elluernmetsort, Winghani, Ont,
Pot the Cocuitlee of Huron and Bruce. Sales
of Perm Stook and Implements a specialty.
.A.0 orders left at the Tants °Moe promptly
attended to.
Terms reasonable.
I am not betraying any secret when
I say, what Is now known to both poli-
tical parties in England, that negotia-
tions have been entered into between
the Canadian Government and the Ad-
miralty as regards a cession of
the important marine docks at Halifax
and Esquimalt. You are perfectly
aware that the British Government has
already decided that garrisoning, as
well as all connected with the local or
provisional protection of the colonieS,
is, in future, to be left in the hands of
the colonies. The Dominion Govern-
ment has taken In hand the question
of the militia, and it remains for the
Departnient of Marine to take in hand
tho defence of our coast. The first
question to be decided concerned the
docks at Halifax and Esquimalt, which
cost the Imperial Government many
millions of dollars, and the nucleus of
the new Canadian navy depended a
great deal on what the Admiralty dee
eided to do towards Canada regarding
those important docks. I must say
that the negotiations entered into be-
tween the Canadian Government and
the Admiralty through Lord Strath-'
cona, our High Commisisoner in Lon-
don, were in such a condition when
left Canada, that, really, if I had been
authorized by my colleagues in the
council, the matter would have been
Will Do Our Part.
Unfortunately -I say unfortunately
without making any political allusion. -
there was a change of Government-
aud that is probably why I am here
to -night. It is very gratifying to me
as. a, Canadian to be able to say, that
When 1 ,am called upon In Canada as
Minister of Marine to present a report
upon my mission in Landon I shall be
able to acknowledge how nicely, hoz/
royally, and how splendidly I have been
received at the Admiralty by the auth-
orities of the late Government, and how
well-disposed are the representatives
of the new Government towards Can-
ada. (Loud cheers.) If the arrange-
ments are carried out as they are pro-
posed, there can be rio question as to
the result, and I can tell my fellow -
citizens in all the other colonies, that,
as regards a naval reserve and the or-
ganization of the navy, Canada will do
its duty to the Empire. (Cheers.)
As regards the Canadian militia, 1
am not authorized to speak in its name,
but those who are acquainted with the
progress achieved during recent years
in putting It on its proper 'footing, and
under the sante Conditions as those
which the British army enjoys at the
present moment, will render justice to
,Canada, and acknowledge that it has
Marlessly done its duty towards the
Canadian militia. (Cheers.)
and anyone having lite stook or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in the Thus. Oilr large
°insulation tells and it will be strange indeed -if
you do not got a onstonter. We can' t guarantee
that you Will sell bemuse yott may ask more
for the artiole or stook than 18 18 worth. Send
your advertisement to the Tittle mid try Ode
plan of disposing of yotir stook and other
TRADE Mettele
ColeYfliettera &O.
Anyone sending sketch and desolpilnit may
eltleldr telterttle Mit opinion free whether ee
inventinir is Probably patentable. Ceretteiblee
Met etrietteconaliantist miudotlek n rettent
sem free. Oldest agency for aecnring_Paton4.
at86 talteat though * remit
iptotainattae, without clone. In the
$43tifitite MOW.
Az -150411 weelv.301,51. kyal21
Quebec's Historic Battleground Is Soon
to Be Restored.
Quebec's historic Mitts • of Abraham
are to be restored to the condition they
were in before being purchased by the
Government and handed over ta the
city for a park, and are to be again
used as a military review ground, etc.,
• and likely a race course for the Quebee
Turf Chlb.
A deputation consisting of Messrs.
W. Molson Macpherson, 11. 51. Price,
Lt, -Col. Turnbull and IA. -Col /3 . A.
Scott, waited upon the Mayor of Que-
bec recently and presented a petition
signed by influential citizens re:meet-
ing that the historic battle grOund be
so fixed up as to be utilized as in days
gone by. Mr. MaephersOn read the
petition and presented it to Itis Wor-
ship, the Members of the eilegation
, each speaking in favor of it, It was
pointed out that Quebec had no suit-
/ able review -ground for a. large military
or naval review and the proposed re-
view of the members et the fleet lately
la port had to be abandoned for a
march -out owlet to the lack of euitalole
ground, The groundes were dear to every
loyee eititen of Quebec and Canada and
the people of Quebec did not hilly als-
predate the valve Of the Plains as a
review ground, recreation park, race
eourse, ete., mita it was lost to them.
Ills Wership informed the delegation.
that he was hi hearty accord with the
Views expressed iti the petition ate by
the delegation, and would. be happy to
have the Plains put in each it condi,
ton as the stitleetis 'would &tire.,
It vita finally agreed that the Stsyor
*At& Metribere et the etiolation shoulg
it the attune* and the latter paled
_.1"fhiMA tlige i*till to has amtik