HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-01-14, Page 3OPP Disappointed by the Festive Ride Campaingn Statistics Huron County and South Bruce OPP Report Submitted During the Ontario Pro- vincial Police (OPP) Festive RIDE campaign from November 24, 2014 to Janu- ary 2, 2015, OPP officers laid 593 impaired charges and issued 485 HYPERLINK "http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/ english/dandv/driver/hand- book/section4.8.7.shtml" \t "_blank" Warn Range sus- pensions. On December 20, 2014, one person died in an impaired -related collision. When comparing the numbers to last year, the OPP is disappointed to see little change between this season's campaign and the last one. During the 2013-2014 Festive RIDE campaign, the OPP laid 587 impaired charges and issued 504 Warn Range suspensions. Three people lost their lives in impaired - related road crashes over the 2013-2014 campaign. OPP officers worked around the clock during the campaign, conducting more than 8,000 RIDE check stops throughout the province. These enforcement efforts alone are not enough to eliminate impaired driving and the threat it poses to the lives of innocent people. The South Bruce OPP laid 7 impaired driving charges and 5 warn range suspensions. Offic- ers investigated 113 motorvehi- cle collisions between Novem- ber 24, 2014 and January2, 2015 with injuries reported at 11 of the scenes. Huron County OPP officers completed 260 R.I.D.E check- points heckpoints during the Festive R.I.D.E campaign. 17 drivers were charged with Impaired Driving and two more were charged with Refusal to Pro- vide a Breath Sample. Three HYPERLINK "http://www. mto.gov.on.ca/english/ dandv/driver/handbook/ section4.8.7.shtml" \t " blank" Warn Range suspen- sions were served on drivers during the campaign. Of note, three of the drivers charged with Impaired Driv- ing were involved in motor vehicle collisions. Besides calling on all motorists to refrain from driving while impaired, the OPP counts on all citizens to be valued road safety part- ners and intervene when they suspect that someone is driving or about to drive after consuming alcohol or drugs. "A driver who is impaired by alcohol or drugs is a driver who does not deserve to oper- ate a motor vehicle alongside drivers who are responsible. Public intervention and con- tinued education by both the police and valued community stakeholders is the only way that we as a society can con- tinue to reduce occurrences involving impaired operation. Road safety is a shared responsibility and byworking together we can continue to make a difference" said OPP Deputy Commissioner Brad Blair, Provincial Commander, Traffic Safety and Operational Support. Acting Inspector Wayne Thompson, Detachment Commander, South Bruce OPP states, "the Festive Ride campaign is an effective way to get the word out about the dangers of impaired driving. While the campaign may be over, an impaired driver rep- resents a preventable and completely unacceptable threat to public safety all year long. I appreciate those driv- ers that work to follow the rules and drive safely each time the leave the driveway. To those that continue to make illegal choices that put others at risk, I assure you the members of the South Bruce OPP are looking for you." The OPP would like to thank and recognize the many Ontario drivers who did not drive over the holi- days while impaired by drugs or alcohol. The OPP would also like to thank those who volunteered to be a desig- nated driver, offered to put a guest up for the night or called them a cab after they had been drinking, called 9-1-1 to report an impaired driver to police or took some other action that helped take an impaired driver off the road over the holidays. 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