HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-03-15, Page 88
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-WE ARE NOW •— r
Ready for Business
Come into our store and have a look through the
new goods whether you buy or not. No trouble to
show goods.
We might mention here that this store, as well as
keeping a first-class stock of Staple and Fancy Dry
Goods, carries aline of House Furnishings, Gents'
Furnishings, and a lull and complete line of
Groceries—at prices as close as the closest.
Carey Dry Goods Co.
—Regular meeting of Campealedonia,
Sons of Scotland next Monday evening.
—The next tournament of the Huron
rifle league will be held at the Goderich
range on May 24th.
—Mr. L. S. Palmer, late of the Wrox•
eter Star has taken a position in the
Gazette office at Parkhill. .
Sore Throat and Coughs
A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat
irritations is found in
Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets
They combine the germicidal value of Cresolenewith
the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice.
1Oo. All Druggists 400
—Mr. Peter Talbot, the new Senator
from Saskatchewan is an uncle of Mrs.
A. McCullough of this town.
—One rink of Wingham curlers went
to Wroxeter on Friday last and won
from a Wroxeter rink by a snore of 17
to 4.
—Mr. H. Bishop has moved his house-
hold effects to town and will occupy
part of the Dawson house on Diagonal
—The two Wingham.rinks of curlers
who went to Gorrie on Tuesday after-
noon, won from the Gorrie curlers by
40 shots.
—Ex -Mayor Campbell of London has
been appointed Poet -office Inspector for
the London district, vine Hopkirk, sup-
—Mr. Michael Verson, w ho is holding
an auction sale on the 27th of March,
has sold his fine 200•acre farm in Kinloss
to Messrs. Conn Bros.
roughs, colds, bonraeness, and other throe%
ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene
tablets. ten touts per box. All drugeists
—Mr. and Mrs. Richard James have
moved to . town from East Wawanosh
and are now nicely settled in their cot-
tage on Frances street.
—Mr. Francis N. Messner, a well -
'known pioneer settler in Carrick, Brace
county, died on Saturday. He was a
prominent German Liberal.
—Mr. A. M. Robinson, an old Wing -
ham young man has been transferred
from Port Rowan to be manager of the
Bank of Hamilton at Teeswater.
—The commitments for drunkenness
in Ontario in U)05 were 4,157 compared
with 3,590 in 1904. The largest number
prior to last year was 4,897 ire 1883.
—Mrs. Buckley, mother of Mr. Jesse
Buckley, a former resident of Wingham,
died at the home of her daughter, in
vWiarton on Wednesday of last week.
Willdow Shades
On best spring rollers.
-Colors, cream, green and
red. Reversible shades,
cut to suit your windows.
For sale at lowest prices.
Miss KMN Fisher
SrteoeeeOr to t"ooper t Gid.
Every mother who has used
Own Tablets will tell you that ti :y are
the best medicine in the worl for the
cure of constipation, colic, so, stomach,
indigestion, diarrh+ea, eeplossueee,
teething troubles, a • at :r ailments of
children. You can • iv: these Tablets to
a newborn baby w • • absolute safety—
they always do good ; they cannot poss-
ibly do harm. Their use means health
for the child and comfort for the mother.
Mrs, C. F. Kerr, Elgin Ont., says:—
"Baby's Own Tablets are the best medi•
cine I ever used for stomach and bowel
troubles, and destroying worms. No
mother should be without a box of Tablets
in the house." Get them at yonr drug-
gists or by mail from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., at 25
cents a box.
—Many of our townspeople are now
afflicted with severe colds.
—Mr John Halpenny is confined to
his house with an attack of In grippe.
—Mr, Fred A. Lewis, piano tuner, of
Berlin expects to be in Wingham in
--The TIMES and Weekly Globe to
new subscribers to January let, 1907 for
—At the Owen Sound Assizes Mr'
Ludlow, the Portland Cement Com-
pany's chemist, was given a verdict for
$500 against The Durham Chronicle for
—The largest shipment of newspaper
ever received in Wingham was delivered
at the TIMES office last Friday. There
was upwards of 5,200 pounds in the
—Mr. Ezra Merkley has purchased Mr.
D. )e'raser's farm in Turnberry and will
get possession at once. Mr. Fraser and
family intend leaving for the West on
Tuesday next,
—Subscribe for the TI3IES and Week-
ly Globe. New subscribers can secure
both papers to January lst, 1907 for $1.
—Mr. F. H. Walley, the druggist, has
purchased Mr. V, Wenzel's house and lot
on Centre street and will get possession
on the let of May. We understand that
Mr. Wenzel intends moving to the
—Mr. John Hardie, of Culross has
purchased the Bainton farm of 60 acres
in Turnberry. Mr. Hardie intends hav-
ing the buildings put in good repair and
may move to this property daring the
—In our death notices last week an
error was made when we said that Miss
Katharine Zerkee was the wife of Mr.
John Zerkee. It should have read,
daughter of Mr. John Zerkee. We are
very sorry the thistake was made.
—Mr. Geo. McKenzie intends erecting
an addition to his block on Josephine
street, north of the promises occupied
by Mr. M. E. Zurbrigg, photographer,
and will arrange the second story suit-
able for a hall for societies, if desired.
—The many friends of Mr. Hugh Ross
will be sorry to learn that he has been
confined to bed through illness for some
days. We hope he may soon be able to
be around agaiu. Mr. Ross has been
arranging to move to Manitoba about the
lath of April.
—The Seaforth News has entered its
third year and a change in proprietor.
ship is announced. Mr. J. W. Duncan
is retiring from the business and Apple-
ford Bros. will now have full charge,
The News is a good newspaper and is
worthy of the splendid support it is re-
oeiving from the people of Seaforth. Con -
tinned emcees is our best wish.
—Mr. Waugh has had a houseful of
sickness since Now Year's, being three
weeks in bed himself, and hie wife being
also laid up by a serious attack of
typhoid, followed by hemorhaged. We
aro glad to state that she and the others
are on a fair way to recoverjr.—IClinton
New Era. Mr. and Mrs. Waugh are
former well known residents of Wing -
ham and their Mende here 'will be sorry
VS hear of their illness.
LESLIE—Iu Gerrie, on lith fast., Mary
Linderman, beloved wife of the Rite Peter
Leslie, aged 72 years.
SeiNsoteIn Arden, Man.. oa March lst, John
Stinson, formerly of Gorrie, aged 77 years.
McEwne—In Wingham, ou March Ilth, Jane
Robb, relict of the late William eleEwen, of
Stratford, aged 04 Sears, 9 months .and 11 days,
LAIDLAW.—•Iu Morris, on March 4th, Mr.
James Laidlaw, aged 84 years.
YOUNG..—In Hunett, on Murch 2ud, Mr. John
Youug, in his tekte year.
Nieuwe—In Morris, on March 4th, John
Allister, infant son of .Tames and 4#lice jViehol,
aged 7 months and 14 duytl,
W ATso>v.—In Morris, on March 5th, Lottie
A , eldest daughter of Jno. tied Susan Watson,
aged ::3 years and 3 months.
Brame—In Wroxeter, on March 3rd, the wife
of Mr. Scott Bleck; a sou.
Pi iiOusoN—In How'iok, on March 4th, the
wife of Ir. 1r. Wm Ferguson; a eon.
Mnren—In Wreaker, on March 0th, the
wife of Mr. et, Muteh; a son.
LOGAN.—In Morris, on March 5th, the wife of
Mr. Wen, Logan; a daughter.
Estate of Simpson Bros., Gen-
eral Merchants, Fordyce.
Groceries .16.40
Drugs and Potent Medicines. 27.40
Crockery and Glassware.. , 7 1)
Gents' Furnishings 107.24
Hats and Caps 20.01
Smallwares 8511
Staples 013 00
Hosiery 20,114
Sundries 96.03
Shop Fixtures 7.25
The above stock will be offered for sale by
Public Auction at Tones' Auction Rooms,
Dundas St, in the City of London. on Wednes-
day,the 21st day of arch instant, nt 2 30 p m,
stork is mostly new and re11 assorted.
Teams—One half cash and balance on com-
pletion of stock checking. Stock and inven-
tory can be seen on application to the Assignee,
and Inventory at the office of Messrs. Gibbons
& Harper, London. The sale will be subject to
n reserve price. The premises are available
for the purchaser and the post ofleee is in con-
Dated at Wingham this 8th March. 1100.
GEO. 0 HANNA Wingham,
Assignee of Estate oil Simpson Bros.
Tho Town of Wingham offers for sale 15
Debentures of $100.00 each, making altogether
$1,500.00. These debentures bear interest, pay-
able annually, at ee per cent. The principal
is payable twelve years from 15th March, 1900.
Offers for these debentures mny be made to
the Mayor, Thos. Bell, Esq., or to the
Treasurer at his office in the said Town.
Wingliam, Feb. 7th, 1000.
The east half of lot 28, con. 10, Township of
Turnberry, 1 mile from the town of Wingham,
containing 67 acres of land. On the premises
are anew brick house and kitchen with wood-
shed and ftrst•class cistern, good frame barn
lately re -singled, with cement foundation and
cement floor all over stable. The farm is well
fenced and well watered with spring creek
running across it There are 80 acres seeded
down and fall ploughiug all done. This farm
will be sold on 'easy terms to suit the purchaser.
For further particulars apply on premises,
ee mile west of Wingham cemetery; or address
winghatn, Ont,
$ 1.00
2 Days in Detroit
Write E. H. AYER, Agent, DETROIT
Those wanting Harness, single or
double, will find it to their advantage -
to deal with me, as I have a Large •
stock to choose from. -
Also, Fur Coats, Robes, Horse -
Blankets, Bells, Whips, Trunks, -
Valises, Club Bags, Telescopes ; _
Curry Combs, Brushes, Harness
Oil, etc.
In order to have more time to
devote to Insurance, I have die.
posed of my Real Estate business
to Mit. J. 11. CIilemax, and
would request my patrons to call
on him at his office in order thee
be may give their properties his
immediate attention..
Insurance and Loan Agent
Assignee's Notice to Creditors.
NOTICE is hereby given that Simpson Bros.,
of the Township of Wawanosh in the
County of Huron, Merchants, have made an
assignment ander R.S.O. 1897, chap. 147, of all
their estate, credits and effects, to George 0.
Hanna, of the Town oe Winghsat in the County
of Huron, Merchant, for the general benefit of
their creditors.
A meeting of their creditors will be held in
the office of 14. Vanstone, in the Town of Wing -
ham, on Thursday,the Eighth day of March,
A.D. 1000, at the hur of Two o'clock in the
of ernoon, to receive a statement of affairs, to
ppoint inspectors and fix their remuneration,
and for the ordering of.the affairs of the estate
Creditors are requested to file their claims
with the Assignee, with proofs and particulars
thereof required by the said Act, on or before
the day of such meeting.
And notice is further given, that after the
First day of April, A.D. 1906, the .Assignee will
proceed to distribute the assets of the debtors
amongst the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which notice shall
then have been given, and that he will not he
liable for the assets or any. part thereof, so
distributed, to any person or persons of whose
claim lie shall not then have had notice.
Solicitor for Assignee Wingham, Assignee,
Dated at Wingham this 27th day of February,
A.D. 1000.
Valuable Hotel Property in the
Village of Whitechurch.
Pursuant to the power of sale contained in a
certain registered mortgage which will be pro-
duced at the time of sale, there will be offered
for sale by Public Auction, by W. A. Currie,
auctioneer, at the Brunswick Hotel itt the
Town of Wingham. in the County of Huron, on
Saturday, the 24th day of March Instant,
at cue o'clock in the aftern000n, the following
valuable Hotel property, namely:—That part
of lot z0 in the 14th Concession of the Township
of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron,
described as follows:—Commeucing 22 rods in
a westerly direction along the boundary line
from the north east corner of said lot, thence
westerly along said boundary line five rods,
thence southerly at right tingles to said bound-
ary line eight rods, thence easterly parallel. to
Bald boundary line five rods, thence northerly
at right angles to said boundary line 8 rods to
the plane of beginning.
On this property is situate a well equipped
frame hotel 30 feet x 40 feet with kitchen at-
tached 10 s 10 feet and a good frame barn
80 feet x 50feet with shed attached. The build-
ings are in a good state of repair.
The property is situate in the Village of
Whitechurch on the gravel road about mid-
way between the Town Wingham and the
Village of Luoknow..
TERMS OF' SALE .—Ten per cent. of the pur-
chase money on day of sale and the
balance in 20 days thereafter. The property
will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Further
terms and conditions will be made known on
the day of sale or may be had on application to
e Vendor's Solicitor.
Dated at Wingham this 7th day of March
A. D., 1000.
Vendor's Solicitor.
Canadao Norlhwest
Homestead Regulations.
Any even numbered section of Dominion
Lands in Manitoba or the Northwest Provinces, •
excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be home.
steaded by any person who is the sole head of
a family,or any male over 18 years of age, to :
the extent of one-quarter section of 100 acres,
more or less.
Entry may be made personally at the local
land office for the district in which the land is
situate, or if the homesteader desires, Ile may,
on application to the Minister of the Interior,
Ottawa, the Commissioner of Immigration,
Winnipeg, or the local agent, receive authority
for some one to make entry for him.
The homesteader is required to perform the
conditions connected therewith under one of
the following plans :
(1) At least six months' residence upon and
cultivation of the land in each year for three
(2) If the father (or mother, if the father is
deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a
farm in the vicinity of the land entered for the
requirements as to residence maybe satisfied'
by such person residing with the father or
(31 If the settler has his permanent residence
upon farming land owned by him in the vicin-
ity of his homestead, the requirements as to
residence may be satisfied by residence upon
the said land.
Six months' notice in writing should beiven
to the Commesc'oner of Dominion Lands at
Ottawa of intention to apply for patent.
Deputy of tee Minister of the Interior,
N. B.—Unautho •..nd publication of this ad-
vertisement will r be paid for.
Repairing done neatly
and promptly. = .
Having 'bought Mr. C. Knecletel's
stock, and engaged him to work for = _-
me, I am in a position to make any :
kind of Harness to order, on the -
shortest possible notice.
Give me a call.
G. C. Manners.
from, now until
Jan. 1, 1907
For 75e.
I —I
To 1st January, 1307, for
Having made special arrangements
with the Toronto Globe we are able
to make the above liberal offer to
new subscriber's. Send in your
names tri the
Wingham, Ont.
j4:) CENTIt4.I.•
This school has become the leading
Commercial School in the West. No
similar institution is doing more to
thoroughly equip young people for
responeible positions, Our courses
are thorough and practical while the
teaching is done by experienced in-
structors. All graduates get good
positions, 'You may enter at any
time. Write for catalogue.
• • NEWS 2
• Butelior-Shop 1•
HAVE opened a Butcher Shop •
in premises two doors north :
• of the Chisholm Block, and •
• am fully prepared to supply the •
best of all kinds of •
• Special attention paid to orders :
• from farmers and others for meat •
• in large quantities, •
• A share of your patronage •is •
• respectfully solicited. •
Fresh and Cured Meats.
The Gentral Hardware.
Those intending to bnild a House or Barn should get oar
prices for Hardware.
All No. 9 Steel (Vire. Fencing—come and see it.
Better thau spring coil,
Get our prices for Spring Coil, Plain, Galvanized and all
other kinds of Wire.
Iron Gates and Ornamental Lawn Fencing
in stook or procured on short notice.
Island City Paints --- A. new line just put in, All
fresh, guaranteed to be the best.
Stoves at Cost Price.
Bishop et Brewer. 1
Professor -Dor,
n and'r
Ainerrca's Greatest
Hair Goods ,artist
is coming to
ick Hotel, Wingham
The Brun
This visit gives you a chance to consul Prof. Dorenwend about your Hair -
and to choose from the stock of Hair Goods hioh heoarriee with him—just what
you require. f
as all men know, dis-
figures and adds an
aged expression to the
face. Why remain
bald when Professor
Dorenwend can fit you with a Wig or Ttsupee, which will hide all
traces of Baldness and take the place of $ our own hair ? Doctors
recommend these Toupees as a preventative for colds in head, catarrh
and neuralgia. Professor Dorenwend will fit you on the spot and
show you just how you look afterwards.
You will never have a better opportu ity to see for yourself the
beautiful assortment of Switches, Ba gs, Pompadours, Waves,
Wigs, etc., which Professor Dorenwend carries with him.
Remember the date and don't f 1 to call at the hotel
and see Professor Dorenwend arly.
Overcoalrngs,The Dorenwend C
These are all of the latest designs
and materials, and at prices that are
We have a special line of
Black and Blue Serges
you ought to see.
Call and have a look through our
stock and see the Fashions for Fall
and Winter.
All yon have to do is tell us how
you want your garment made, and
we make it that way.
Oar Trimmings are of the best.
Rohl,. Maxwell
of Toronto, «miteua
103 and 105 YO ST., TORONTO.
••••••.•••••.•..•••...••O• o•••..•••••••.••••.••••••111
• •
• We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, 1
• which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and
• Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand.
• Welfall carrystockaof LUMBE
(Dressed or IIndressR, SHINGLES, LATH
Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.
Or Highest Price paid for all hinds of Logs. "t#® s
J. As McLean.t
•• Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. ;
•••••••e•:••••••••••••••••• ••••••••a*•N•••••••••••••Or
AT $45.00 EACH
before buying any other. It is the best
value in Steel Range construction on the
Canadian market. Every Range guaran-
teed absolutely. Will burn wood or coal.
Extra large reservoir means abun-
dance of hot water. Made right in
your own County.
Read what pleased users say :
Blyth, PO., Jan. 19, 1006
Western Foundry Co., Ltd.,
Wingham, Ont.
It affords me much pleasure to be
able to recommend to any intending purchaser
your Huron Steel range. I have had one of
them in use for the past two years and during
that time have found it to give me the most
perfect satisfaction ori a nliniinum amount of
feel. My wife states that she would not ex-
change it for any make of range that she has
seen yet, in fact if she could not get another
one would not sell it at any price,
Very truly yours,
Christopher J'ohnaon
The WESTERN OONDRY CO., Ltd. - Wingham, Ont