The Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-02-18, Page 11Wednesday, February 18, 2015 • Lucknow Sentinel 11
What is Personal Training?
Jackie Fischer
Certified Personal Trainer
My job as a personal
trainer is to help my clients
establish their goals and give
them the tools they need to
reach those goals. I design
custom workout plans that
are based on my client's
needs, abilities, interests,
and limitations. We work
together to overcome any
injuries or imbalances in the
body, then progress the
workouts as the body is
strengthened. I am available
to meet clients in a personal,
one-on-one setting or in
small group training ses-
sions (up to 4 people). Some
clients wish to meet to estab-
lish a program, then re-eval-
uate and modify the pro-
gram every 4-6 weeks as the
body progresses and needs a
new challenge. I see the best
progress in my clients who
commit to meeting once a
week - they're held account-
able. Each week, we discuss
their nutrition and look for
areas of improvement; we
develop a game plan that is
practical for their whole
If you've had trouble com-
mitting to a fitness routine in
the past, why not try invest-
ing in yourself by hiring a
personal trainer? With regu-
lar meetings, a trainer can
hold you accountable and
ensure that your workouts
are going to help you reach
your goals. We offer general
nutrition advice and help
you establish a practical,
long-term nutrition solution
for the whole family. A
trainer can monitor your
form while exercising and
provide feedback to ensure
that your workouts are safe
and effective.
If you're looking for a new
challenge or not sure where
to start, contact me! As a
trainer, I can help you
develop and stick to a new
routine; make small, pro-
gressive dietary changes;
and continue to work
towards building the best
version of you. I'd love to
help you get started on
developing your new healthy
habits. I am available at 519-
441-8499 or email. jmilten-
Taking Charge of
Your Fitness
Looking to get started, but
not sure where to start? Here
are a few tips to help you get
Commit. Realize that short
term plans = short term
results. If you don't change
anything, nothing will
change. Commit to a long
term change of habits. Real-
ize that the changes you
wish to see won't come over-
night, but I promise that it
will be worth it!
Buddy up. Having a pal
who is in a similar place
Jackie Fischer, Certified Personal Trainer, Lucknow, Ontario.
Share the Road
Farms are an important
part of Southern Bruce
County and a big compo-
nent of the overall econ-
omy. At times, farm vehicles
use the road as a farmer
moves from one property to
the next and this can present
unusual traffic challenges
for motorists such as over-
size vehicles or horse and
buggy traffic.
The South Bruce Ontario
Provincial Police (OPP)
continues to stress traffic
safety. Education is a part
of the ongoing commitment
to make our roadways as
safe as possible.
The following tips may to
reduce collisions involving
these unique road users:
Farming implements and
horse drawn carriages are
slow moving vehicles, and
should be marked with a
slow moving vehicle sign to
the rear.
Watch for silver reflective
tape outlining the back of a
horse drawn buggy. Buggy
operators have added the
tape to help make them
more visible during hours of
dusk, dawn and darkness.
These road users will be
operating as far to the right
as possible, but they have
the right to be on the road-
way. Motorists need to be
prepared for sudden move-
ment of the slower vehicle
Slow down and keep well
back when approaching
from behind. Watch for
upcoming turns into a farm
lane or roadway from the
vehicle ahead. Hand signals
from the buggy operator or
implement driver may be
difficult to see.
Leave plenty of room
when passing farm machin-
ery or a horse and buggy.
Share the road with farm
vehicles or horse and bug-
gies...they have the right to
use the road and they work
hard to share with you.
(similar starting point, simi-
lar goals) who is also com-
mitted can help keep you
both on track. Remember,
you're their cheerleader, not
their competition.
Set a goal. Whether it's
running your first 5K, or fit-
ting into your old jeans -
choose a deadline and stick
to it. This can change your
entire outlook; for example,
training for your first race can
help you realize that food is
fuel - how are you going to
fuel your body? This small
change in perspective can
modify your entire outlook.
Set your "workout dates':
Schedule your workouts,
put them on the calendar,
and stick to them as you
would any other appoint-
ment. This can be difficult,
especially for parents with
busy family schedules; real-
ize that investing this time
in yourself will improve
your energy, mood & stress
response as well as your
outlook on yourself and
your life. These changes will
allow you to enjoy that fam-
ily time - you need to help
yourself before you can help
your family!
Notice is hereby given that the Annual and Special General Meeting
of the Company will be held at the:
Thursday, March 19, 2015
AT 2:00 P.M.
1. To receive, consider and approve the Financial Statement and
Auditor's Report for the year ended December 31st, 2014.
2. To appoint auditors for 2015.
3. To elect two (2) Directors for a three-year term.
4. To consider the following By-law amendment: To amend Section
19(d) to provide that a director shall not be eligible for election
or re-election after having attained his/her 70th Birthday or after
having completed eight consecutive terms.
5. To transact any other business that may properly come before
the meeting.
The retiring Directors are Lloyd McGillivray of the GreylBruce
designated area and Brad Vanstone of the HuronlPerth designated
area. Both directors are eligible for re-election.
Any qualifying policyholder wishing to run as a Director for these
areas must file their intention to run, in writing, along with a
nomination form, with the Corporate Secretary or designate, no
later than close of business, March 5, 2015.
A copy of the annual financial statements will be posted on the
company website at least 21 days prior to the
meeting. A policyholder may request a hard copy of the statements
by contacting the head office in Dungannon.
By order of the Board of Directors,
West Wawanosh Mutual Insurance Company,
Dungannon, Ont.
Cathie Simpson
Corporate Secretary/
President/ CEO