HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-03-15, Page 6WINWIAM FINNS MARCH
15 !'Stip
.5Q0 0
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%'MIS SOAP C011TA4115ANY corm 01
A01,1.7C14A,10N VeltifsT5OEVZR Otl
1 Money
by the dealer
foam wham
you buy ,un.
light Snap if
you find any
cause for
4 .
Sunlight Sap is better
than other soaps, but is
best when used in the
Sunlight way.
Buy it artd follow directions.
reward will
be paid to any
person w ho
proves that
contains any
chemicals or
any form of
Levels rotors Limited. Toronto
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Hon. Mr. Belcourt, M. P., proposes to
invite the King and Queen to visit Can-
ada at the opening of the Quebec bridge.
Mr. A. M. Robertson, M. A., of Sim-
coe, gold medalist in mathematics and
modern languages, is the now principal
at Harriston High School.
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired, •
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. '
Another of Minto's old time settlers
passed away Wednesday, March 7th, in
the person of Ex -Warden Samuel Peb-
bles, after a lingering illness. He was
in his sixtieth year. A widow and sev-
eral young daughters are left to mourn.
G E3 "X'CDMS. Z .
Bears the The Kind You /lave Always
' of a�-`il<e$ignatnre
This week we have to record the death
of Mary Linderman, beloved wife of the
late Peter Leslie of Gorrie in her 72nd
year. Deceased was stricken with para-
lysis on Sunday, March 4th, from which
she never rallied.
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
.and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are jest the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
The Ontario Agricultural and Experi-
mental Union is presenting to the Ontar-
io Agricultural College a portrait of the
Hon. John Dryden, who was for fifteen
years Minister of Agriculture. Thepor-
trait, which will be hung in the Massey
library of the College, will, it is expect-
ed, be ready for unveiling in December.
Dr. Chase's Oint
mentis a. certain
and guaranteed
curator each and
every form of
itching, bleeding
a n d protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and ask
your neighbors about it. You can use it and
rot your money back if not satisfied. 60e, at all
dealers or LDJrANSON. BATES & Co., Toronto.
A quite marriage ceremony took place
at the Methodist Parsonage, Seaforth,
an Thursday, March let, when Mrs A.
Scott, of the Huron Road, Alma, was
:harried to Mrs. S. A. Penfound, daugh-
ter of the late Lancelot Tasker, of Har-
; nrhey, the ceremony being performed
by Rev. Mr, Birks.
For 33 Years
Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung
Tonic, has been before the public, and
this, together with the fact that its sales
have steadily increased year by year, is the
best proof of the merit of
as a cue for Coughs, Colds, and all
diseases of the lungs and air passages.
Those who have used Shiloh would not
be without it. Those who have never
used it should know that every bottle h
sold with a positive guarantee that, if it
doesn't cure you, the dealer will refund
what you paid for it. Shiloh
flan Cured
thousands of the most obstinate rases of
Coughs, Colds and Lung troubles. Let it
cure you.
'Lae siAtet 1 cous:sea fel three months and
ttou5ht 1 tval going into Consumption. I took all
accts ored.!oet but nothing did me any good
until I used Shiloh's Consumption Cure. Four
kettles gored me. This winter 1 hada very bad
raid was not able to Openk, my lents were rate
on the ride and back.Si.: bottles of Shiloh made
given to several !e
a sin. 1 have , n at
xll G p
and vevent one of them bare been cured. D.
JoIei!1, St. Hyacinthe. Quer' bot
,25e, with guirm me at all druggists,
There died in the hospital in New
York on Feb. 26th, Alfred Mathie• son
of the late Thomas Mathie, formerly of
Luoknow, aged 88 years and 8 months.
Deceased was born in Lncknow and
served his time on the Sentinel staff. He
was quiet and faithful to his employer.
For some years his health had been poor
and finally he fell by the dread disease
C °TvC9RS-A..
Bears the The Kind Yon Ilave Always Bought
Signature Q�-y�
On Tuesday of last week Mr. Wm.
Stinson received word that his father
Mr. John Stinson, had died in Arden,
Man., from the effects of a paralytic
stroke, on March 1st, in his 77th year.
The old gentleman was a resident of
Gorrie, for many years, moving to the
West about four years ago to reside with
his sons.
Children are often attacked suddenly
by painful and dangerous Colin, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure cure which should always be
kept in the house.
A very interesting event took place in
St. Helens on Tuesday evening, Feby.
27th, when the friends and neighbors of
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Anderson, showed
their appreciation of them on the sixtieth
anniversary of their marriage by extend-
ing their congratulations and presenting
them with a beautiful Morris chair,
framed portrait and photos.
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
Mrs. McCartney, relict of the late Geo.
McCartney, died at her home on the
16th concession on Friday, March 2nd
at the advanced age of 94 years. De-
ceased was formerly a Miss Cristie, and
had been a resident of Goderich town-
ship for at least 60 years. She had no
family. A woman held in very high
esteem, her funeral on Sunday was very
largely attended.
Bears the Ae Kind Yon have Always Baagi
A girl nano tl Tremblay and a boy
named Curvey were choked to death at
14outreal, The girl swallowed te whtetle
and the boy a button.
A youth who turned n switch and
saysti a Grand Trunk traiu was offered
41100 by grateful passengers, but he de-
clined to ecet13t the money.
Lara -Lis er Pills arcs the ladies' favorite
medicine. 'l. hey cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiouster•e, and Dyspepsia
,without griping, punting or sickening.
Lord Strathaoona advised postal mes-
eeugrre aha want to mune to Caltada, to
get work on tnrrne, and predicts that by
hard work and industry they will get
About twenty lives were lost and over
a million dollars' worth of property de•
stroyed by the tornado which struck
Meridian, Miss.
The people of Hensall learned with re-
gret on Wednesday night, March 7th,
of the death of J. Hummeston at his sons
place in Manitoba. Mr. Hummeston
after spending over 20 years in Manitoba
returned home over four years ago and
spent some months in Kippon after
which he and his wife lived for about
a year in Hensel!. He moved West
again but as his farm was rented, re-
sided on a house on the farm of one of
hie sons. Deceased was a member of
the Methodist Church and was aged
about 70 years.
The following statistics relating to the
County of Huron, are taken from the
Report of the Bureau of Industries for
1904 just issued. This may seem like
stale information, but as the facto are
gathered frons official returns, it is not
possible for it to be secured earlier: -
1904 1903
Population.... , . 56,779 57,507
Real Property....$31,553,183 $31,323,002
Personal Property 481,885 462,170
Taxable income.. 70,025 84,550
Total property... 32,105,093 31,860,722
Total taxes imposed
for all pnrposee 330,315 357,002
Taxer per Head.. 5,98 5.34
A ohm,go Al,deranan, Owen Din Election to
Chamberlain's Conga Remedy.
"•I can heartily and conseientinnely
recommend Chamberlain's Cough Rem-
edy for afientious of the throat and
lames," says Hon. John Sheniolr, 220 Su
Peoria St., Chicago 'Two years ago
during a political campaign, I •caught
cold after being overheated, which irrit-
ated my throat and I was finally coin.
pellsd to stop, asI could not speak aloud.
In my extremeity a friend advised me to
use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I
took two doses that afteruoou and could
not, believe my seises when I found the
next morons e theiu@Hmmatiou had large.
ly subsided. I took several doses that
day, kept right on taking through the
compaigu, and I thunk this medicine
that I won my seat in the Conned."
This remedy is for sale by F. H. Walley.
Oontributione to the schemes of the
Presbyterian Church this year were 6,48,•
000 greater than last.
Hon Wm. Templeman was elected to
the Commons in Victoria, B 0., by 696
A Safe Cough Medicine for Children.
In buying a cough medicine for chil.
dren never be afraid to buy Chamber-
lain's Cough Remedy. There is no
danger from it and relief'is always sure
to follow. It is especially valuable for
colds, croup and whooping cough. For
sale by F. H. Walley.
At Stayner, while Dr. Jakeway was
feeding his horse his lantern exploded,
igniting the hay and straw and smother-
ing him in the loft.
Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
but is best when used in the Sunlight way.
Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
A very pretty wedding took place at
high noon• Wednesday, at tbe home of
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Filsinger, Elizabeth St.
Teeswater, when their eldest daughter,
Mies Sara A. was nnited in marriage to
Mr. Levi G. Wildfang, of Elmwood.
The Rev. M. J. Wilsou conducted the
ceremony iu the presence of a large num-
ber of friends and relatives of the con-
tractiug parties.
The essential lung•healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 26
The death occurred on Friday, March
2nd, of Mrs. Johnston, relict of the 1e'e
Alexander Johnston in her 63rd year.
The subject of this notice was born in
the township of Kitley, County of Leeds,
in December, 1843, her maiden name be-
ing Mary Ann Connartly. In 1864 she
married Alexander Johnston, who pre-
deceased her six months ago, they short-
ly afterwards moving to the township of
Elms where they resided on lot 18, con.
12, until April, 1903, il•lren they moved
into the village of .Atwood.
Some few weeks ago Rev. C. 0. Par-
ton of Mitchell preached a sermon which
caused some newspaper comment. "The
theatre," he said, "has come to stay, and
will ultimately prove a great boom to
mankind." He is not alone, however,
iu his opinion. At Bond Street Church,
Toronto, Rev. J. B. Silcox is reperted
in the Globe as follows: "The theatre
is regarded by some as the twin sister of
the church. I hope for the day when
the theatre Shall be the strong and stead,
fast ally of the church and the univer-
sity in the education of mankind. The
theatre ought to be a great intellectual
and moral force in every community to
inspire and educate humanity to all that
is pure and noble, By its use of the
dramatic faculty, by its appeal to the
imagination in the employment of the
highest art in painting, by the use of the
noblest in literature, the richest of music
it ought to be, next to the church, the
divinest institution in our land. The
combination of the genius of music and
art of elocution appealing to the emo-
tions of the audience ought to awaken
in the spectator the purest emotions and
the highest possible purposes."
!fret, your friends or relatives suffer with
Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling
Sickness, Write for a trial bottle and valuable
treatise on such diseases to Tun Lerma Co.,
r79 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. Ml
druggists senor can obtain for you
You Use Itis Mandrake and Butter-
nut P111s-He Guarantees a Lasting
Rheumatism begins and ends in, the
blood which at no time is ever free from
poison. But if the kidneys are healthy
they will filter out the wastes and poi
In case of rheumatism, the kidneys aro
not doing their work. As a result, poi.
sons crystalize around the joints and
cause pain almost akin to torture.
There can be no oure, no permanent
relief until the kidneys are stimulated
First get them into good working order.
For this purpose Dr. Hamilton's Pills
excel all other remedies; they heal and
strengthen the kidneys as no other med
keine can do Once the kidneys are re
vowed by Dr Hamilton's Pills the trace
of rheumatism disappears.
No Case fa too Chronic to I told to tbe Mar.
venous Influence of Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
"I spent nearly three years experimenting
with rlteuniatio remedies," writes Gro. E Sun-
bury. of Portland. "I Ined almost given up
hope when 1 tried Dr. Hamilton's Pills; hay
completely cured me. No remedy could be
You will never regret using Dr. Ham-
ilton's Pills Got a supply to -day from
Your druggist, 25o per box, or five boxes
for $l. By mail to any address if price
is forwarded to N. 0 Polson & Co„
Kinvston, Ont , and Hartford, Conn.,
U S.A.
Household Hints.
To make busouite light -drench with
gasoline and ignite before serving.
How to keep servants -chloroform
them and look them in the cellar.
Quickest way to get rid of peddlers -
buy all they have.
How to remove fruit stains from linen
-use scissors.
To keep rats out of the pantry -place
all food in the cellar.
To entertain women visitors -let them
inspect all your private papers.
To entertain men visitors -feed the
To keep the children at home -look up
all their clothes.
To keep hubby at home -hide his
In order to prevent accidents in the
kitchen -fill the kerosene oan with
To stop leaks in pipes -send
nearest 'slumber.
To economize on coal -get
To test the freshness of eggs -drop
them ou some hard surface.
T., p Veil, tie
spr••a„ int 'hn•n
nap IC Mb,
Ol the 8" ee
Galvaniz d e, •
rope 'or hanging
The olethe,r *11 ;
often do t+, t,+oe
To relater s'reek l., .,e.+r hnt"t• o,mking
sprint. . lit tit' • • I, etc. et ea ,n ltg„rjy
ut• elth,•r tide nos ell, i lRl' thF'
toughest N,e,ik jo• .. id tend.•
e'o twits• • s ant a 1- mon 10
halt a ri rub th, . with it Allow
then, to dry ; tt• wreck 11• t '• usual
we.... A tertian, , t,) teb will lee the re
Whet, ••,ick b ' - t, • r on th' stove at
ohne epret,kle wan . nicR let t of Salt.
All, v. r to rent. t few tweeter and
then brush off t he- will pr. vett the
object' ',able sm. , humble tntlk
A!tet t..» ling• u, ••• • stab the knife isp
and d!,t.n fu a S werpot filer' with
meuin.w•e.h in war111 .oda•and•water and
dry end Wish thor uglily. All trao a of
toe ceptt•esitot smelt will then have dis•
1'w ke,•t• fish fte.Th w ling a clean cloth
oa+• of cola water to which a little salt
has been aided. Wrap each fish separ•
ately in this, lay on a dish ann keep iu a
cool place. Fish should never be laid on
top of one another
Ann ,1 n' conking
1' re we, illi a tin
•►ie back
i , rs ,,, Fr, r than
ere un i' winter
eeze t• r• es tasty
$1.00 Deward S100
The readers of this paper will bepleas•
ed to learn that there is at least oue
dreaded disease that soiencehasbeenable
to cure in all he stages, and that is
catarrh Flell', Catarrh Cure is the only
positive cure now known to the medical
frtett,rnity. Catarrh being a constitu-
tional disease. reclaims a constitutional
treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internells, acting directly upon the
bluod and mucous eurfaces of the sys-
tem, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution
and aseieting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so ranch faith in its
curative powers that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
tails to cure. Send for het of testimon•
Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo.
Sold by all druggists, 75o,
Take Hall's Fancily Pills for constipa-
Health and Beauty.
for the
a gas
To propitiate the cook -it can't be done.
-Smart set.
For OoarSlsty rears.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child.
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty five cents abottle. Its
value is incaloulable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Down the pike -fish hooks.
Last but not least -wisdom teeth.
It tells on the best of people -gossip.
High-handed proceedings -the expen-
sive palm reading.
In ages gone by there was trouble
knight after knight,
Parental forgiveness to elopers might
be called recognition of the union.
Sleeplessness is often produced by
heavy bedclothes.
A cold in the head can often be speedi•
ly reduced by inhaling burnt camphor.
If tails are brittle soak them daily for
five minutes in sweet oil, warmed to
blood beat.
Alcohol baths will do away with goose
flesh, and rubbing with the oil of sweet
almonds is also very affective.
The use of a fine comb should be se-
verely frowned upon. It irritates the
scalp and causes dandruff to form.
Had a Bad leg
"For 12 years I was a great sufferer .
from eczema on the inside of the leg.
There was a rase patch of flesh about
three inches square, and the itching was
something feurtul Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment completely cured me, took away
the itching and healed up the sore. -
Mr Alex. McDougall, Postmaster,Broad
Cove, Marsh, N.S.
Lemon juice is a harmless and excel•
lent nail polish.
Try this lotion for wrinkles about the
eyes:Thirty grains of alum, three quar-
ters of an ounce of think almond milk
and three ounces of rosewater. Dissolve
the alum in the rosewater, and add the
almond milk drop by drop, beating all
the time. Apply night and morning,
letting it dry in.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought HUMORS
PIMPLES Many an otherwise
Bears the
Signature of 440
The photographer would be disheart-
ened if things did not sometimes look
A building opt •<ition is the making of
stories, and pros,ress on the plot.
Why can't a female, as an heir, come
to man's estate?
Excess charges -attacking with bayo-
nets when the enemy is vanquished.
Tho one -legged man gaine the support
of a good friend when he gets a wooden
When a woman has no one else to talk
to, she addressees a letter.
Don't you think a pugilist is asserting
his right when he lands a good left.
Do not steal a snit of armor. You'll
be robbing the mails.
There is one thing that cannot drift on
the sea, and that's snow.
The man who invented the ocean cable
devised a new -laid scheme.
Getting a slight shock from an elec.
trio battery gives small oause on which
to bane a oharge.
It's sort of introducing a measure
when the legislator brings in a pint of
When Gladys to a party went,
Her mamma said
aid "Now
dear ar be
Say 'Yes, sir,''Yes. ma'am.r'Thank
you,' too,
And be polite as children should."
So Gladys at the party tried
To do it all for mamma's sake
And said, almost as soon as there
"I'd thank yeti for a piece of cpke,'1
beautiful a n d attrac-
tive face is sadly
marred by unseemly
ERUPTIONS Blotches, Pimples,
FLESHWORMS nd.0 nors1andvari-
HUMORSova other blood dis-
Their presence is a source of embarrass-
ment to those afflicted, as well as pain and
regret to their friends.
Many a cheek and brow -cast in the
mould of grace and beauty -have been sadly
defaced, their attraotiveness lost, and their
possessor rendered unhappy for years.
Why, then, consent to rest under this
aloud of embarrassment?
There is an effectual remedy for all these
defects, it is,
This remedy will drive out all the impuri-
ties from the blood and leave the com-
plexion healthy and clear.
Miss Annie Tobin, Madoo, Ont., writes :
"I take great pleasure in recommending
your Burdock Blood Bitters to any one who
may be troubled with pimples on the face.
I paid out money to doctors, but could not
get cured, and was almost discouraged, and
despaired of evor.getting rid of them. 1
thought I would give B,B.B. a trill, 6o got
two bottles, and before I had taken them
I was completely cured and have had no
sign of pimples since."
Burdock Bloat Bitters has been mann•
hawed byThe cT C. Milburn Co., n C . Limited,
for over 30 years, and has cured thousands
in that time. Do nob accept a substitute
which unscrupulous dealers say is "just ilea
go•d,a 41 It can't bro."
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than.
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people -but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard lam. r remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est r�m`5.dy 'vith a long and successful record, to
c• -r4; 'n ugestic,n, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
...o' .Jtlpation, ;fensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
- *pit ation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
i' iatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver corn-
'- .,.its. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
i " •i-wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe••
sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
tant' benefit from a regular use of Ripans
`J'.tbules. Your drl ggist sells them. The five-
c,:nt packet is en ;h for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottle, 5o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
•4 'i .
• •
• ir
_. RATES i
• •
• on
• •FOR 1905 - 06. 1
Is �11A'
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