HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-02-11, Page 5Valerie Gillies/Lucknow Sentinel Linda Emerson and Tom Eskrick shared a dance at the Lucknow Legion Branch 309 during Wing Night on February 7, 2015. letter to the editor Dear Readers: Who do farmers call for a bio -security breach by trespassers? I have always wanted to believe that our police enforce the law in an unbi- ased manner and with respect for all citizens of our province. Based on recent experiences, I am left wondering. Trespassing problems with the K2 Wmd project continue to occur despite repeated complaints from residents to police. On November 11, a contractor truck for the K2 Wind project trespassed on my property in ACW. This property is clearly signed with Bio -security and No Trespass- ing warnings. The heavily loaded vehicle ignored the Bio -security signs and tres- passed onto a loading scale on my farm. (This is the second incident of trespass and disre- gard for Bio -security signs from the K2 Wmd workers that I have had to deal with.) I contacted the police about the trespassing and the breach in my bio -security and asked that they attend. Their response was "we're busy, and bio -security issues are out of our jurisdiction - you deal with it as you see fit': As per their s instructions, I proceeded to do exactly that. The vehicle was detained while I dealt with another pressing farm matter at another location. By the time I returned, two police cars had arrived. Their arrival was not in response to my bio -security and trespass- ing call. The police were dis- patched in response to a call from K2 Wind about the detained truck. Amazing ser- vice considering that the police were too busy to respond to my prior request and had stated that bio -security issues were out of their jurisdiction. This incident was a clear example of trespass and breach of bio -security measures. In an age of PED, BSE, avian flu and other diseases, on-farm bio - security is a huge issue for the security and safety of our food supply and the protection of farm businesses. When residents call for a police response, they should be ensured that action will be taken to address their con- cerns. Or do the police get to choose for whom they enforce the law and which calls will get a response? Does this mean that the police are acting as agents for the wind company? Does it mean that K2 Wmd has the right to trespass at will? George Alton Wednesday, February 11, 2015 • Lucknow Sentinel 5 South Kinloss Presbyterian Church WMS Ruth Buchmeier The South Kinloss Presby- terian Church WMS ladies met on February 4, 2015, at Sepoy Manor to have their meeting at 2 p.m. The direc- tors were Kathy Howald and Sharon MacDougall. President Kathy Howald opened the meeting with a reading and the WMS pur- pose was said in unison. Kathy read a reading "The Ladies Aid". Marilyn Maclntyre read the minutes of the December meeting. Treasurer report was read by Margaret Hamilton. The Ladies Aid report was read by Donna Sutton. Kathy gave a report of the WMS annual meeting held at Wmgham St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church on January 19th. The Mission Awareness Sunday will be held on March 15th. Kathy did the Study Book Library Movie Night Grant Robertson Lucknow Branch Bruce County Library Our next free movie at the Lucknow Library will be the family -friendly "Dolphin Tale 2". We will be showing the movie on February 11th starting at 6:30 pm. Our movies are always free and all are welcome. "Dolphin Tale 2" is the fol- low up to the heart-warming and true tale of Winter, a dol- phin who lost her tail and the impact she has had on those facing disabilities. According to the synopsis in "Dolphin Tale 2": The team of people who saved Win- ter's life reassemble in the wake of her surrogate moth- er's passing in order to find her a companion so she can remain at the Clearwater Marine Hospital. Here's a link to the trailer- "http://youtu.be/gMDymk_ gx3A" \t "_blank" http:// youtu.be/gMDymk_gx3A Please Note- our other movie in February will be the amazing movie "Boyhood" on the 25th. See you at the movies, Lucknow UCW Nancy Walden Lucknow UCW Afternoon Group met on February 3, 2015 at River Valley Apart- ments for our first meeting of 2015. Elaine Errington wel- comed everyone showing us a mini survival kit of a tooth- pick, rubber band, band-aid, eraser, candy kiss, mint, bub- ble gum, and pencil and the meaning of each in living a good life. Mary Boyle gave a prayer for bountiful blessings. We sang the hymn "Come, let us sing of a wonderful love': Elaine read about a farmer's wife who "earned" a different kind of golden heart than she had first imagined. Scripture was from John 1:7-11. We sang "Jesus Loves Even Me Mary read an instructive story about a lady with two water pots, amusingly dedi- cated to all one's "cracked - pot friends': Elaine read "The Jelly Bean Prayer" which gave symbolism to each col- our of jelly bean. Mary shared "Seven Ups for the New Year": wake up, dress up, button up, stand up, look up, reach up, and lift up. Grant Robertson In our new potluck seg- ment, Joyce Adamson read about love and God's love in Ephesians 3:3. Several read quotes about love. Karen Latour tested us with a Val- entine Day quiz and facts about St Valentine. Karen opened business with the prayer Good Morn- ing, God. Twelve members answered roll call paying the $2.00 annual membership. Shirley Bolt gave a positive Treasurer review of our 2014 totals. Birthdays acknowl- edged were Edna Alton in January and Shirley Bolt in February. Helen Cleland read the Least Coin newsletter hon- ouring Black History month, officially tabled in Canada in1993 by Jean Augustyn, Canada's first black female MP. We read the Prayer of the Least Coin. Karen closed reading "The Funnybone': We repeated The UCW Closing Prayer. We continued fellowship enjoying scrumptious straw- berry and cherry cheese- cakes made by Shirley Bolt and Karen. on "A Journey towards Heal- ing Reconciliation of Aborig- inal Schools". It is hard to believe that children had no training, didn't know their families, small children were taken from the arms of par- ents, physical and mental abuse were punishment for these children. The Roll Call was answered by 9 members being "A verse about love or an act of love shown to you." The worship service was done by Sharon on love and special verses from the Bible were read. Hymns "Jesus Loves Me" and "Jesus Loves the Little Children" were sung with Margaret being our pianist. The offertory prayer as said by Kathy and then she repeated the Closing Prayer. Then we sat around the tables for lunch for fellowship. Keep your funny -bone in shape! Laughing has proven stress -release and health benefits. Funny how that works, eh? Sharing a Healthier Future .tn of 111nanrianacnvn SUDOKU THIS WEEK'S PUZZLE SPONSORED BY Mitchell Twolan, Broker of Record Lake Range Realty Ltd. Brokerage 3430 Concession 2, Point Clark R.R.1 Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 2X3 Office: 519-395-3959 Toll Free: 1-866-495-3959 Direct Line: 519-955-0664 www.lakerangerealty.ca ANSWER 9 8 8 2 6 7 l£ t £ 5 l 9 tr 9 7 8 Z 1 3 2 3 l 9 9 9 8 9 8 b L 6 Z 9 b 9£ 8 2 8 9 G 4 L 9 3 5 l ti 9 8 5 8 1 2 9 Z 2 L l 8 t' 9 9 6 4 I- 6 L 9 Z 8 17 6 ANSWER 9 8 9 3 6 L l£ t £ L l 9 tr 9 6 8 Z 6 3 17 £ l 8L 9 9 I- 6 8 b L 9�£ Z 9 b 9£ 8 Z 6 9 G L L 9 Z 9£ l ti 6 8 8179692L I. Z 2 L l 8 t' 9 9 6 9 I- 6 L 9 Z 8 17 £ Level: Intermediate To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: • Each of the nine vertical columns • Each of the nine horizontal rows • Each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes • Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box