HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-02-11, Page 3Wednesday, February 11, 2015 • Lucknow Sentinel 3
Increased Participation Rate Good for Business
Four County Labour Market Planning
ff Board
Stratford -Bruce Peninsula
(Bruce, Grey, Huron and
Perth counties) employment
decreased by 1,000 in Janu-
ary, resulting in an increased
unemployment rate of 0.8
percentage points to 5.1%.
There was a decrease in full-
time employment of 200 jobs
while there were 600 less
part-time jobs.
Between January 2014 and
January 2015 employment
increased by 4,000 (+2.7%),
representing a higher
increase than the country
(+0.7%), with most of the
growth in the second half of
the period.
Over the 12 months to Jan-
uary, Stratford -Bruce Penin-
sula mirrored the labour
market behaviour of the
province with a declining
unemployment rate. How-
ever, the local unemploy-
ment rate has continued to
be lower than that of Ontario.
Participation rates are key
to understanding the activity
in the local labour market.
Over the 12 months to January
the local participation rate
continues to increase from
64.4% in 2014 to 65.5% in
2015. This is different than
that of the province which has
seen a decrease from 65.4% in
2014 to 64.7% in 2015.
"As people participate in
the labour market our unem-
ployment rate has increased.
In recent surveys and local
conversation with Employ-
ment Ontario service provid-
ers employers have indicated
their need for workers."
advised Gemma Mendez -
Smith of the Four County
Labour Market Planning
Board. "With an increased
participation rate employers
have more potential candi-
dates to fill positions." The
Draft Bruce Grey Food Charter Now
Available for Community Review
Bruce Grey Poverty Task Force and
Grey Bruce Health Unit
The draft Bruce Grey Food
Charter is now available for
public comment. Developed
by the Bruce Grey Poverty
Task Force with input from a
variety of community stake-
holders, the charter outlines
the goals and objectives of
the community and becomes
a tool to affect change in pro-
moting a healthy food system
in Grey and Bruce Counties.
The draft Charter, and a sur-
vey offering an opportunity for
comment, are available on the
Grey Bruce Health Unit web-
site at HYPERLINK "http://
Well/Food-Charter" \t "_
blank" http://www.publiche-
Food -Charter. Responses will
be collected throughout Feb-
ruary. Once feedback is
received, the final version of
the charter will be launched.
A food charter is a vision. It
outlines the goals and objec-
tives of the community and
can be the basis to affect and
inform policy. Local food
charters build on community
knowledge and strengths to
develop a robust food system
reflecting local values.
The draft Charter addresses
how food is produced, distrib-
uted, sold, and enjoyed. Six
key values are identified with
related statements of support
addressing: health, social jus-
tice, culture, education, sus-
tainable economic develop-
ment, and environment.
"We encourage comment
from the public," says Laura
Needham, Registered Dieti-
tian with the Grey Bruce
Health Unit and Bruce Grey
Poverty Task Force. "Develop-
ing the draft Charter allows us
to reflect on the strengths of
Grey and Bruce. There are
many successes for our com-
munity to build on in our food
system. The Charter will sup-
port future action by giving us
clear direction towards the
community's interests."
In addition to the Grey
Bruce Health Unit website,
the draft Charter and the
food charter survey are also
available on the on the Bruce
Grey Poverty Task Force
Facebook page.
For more information or to
obtain a copy of the draft
Charter, please contact Jill
Umbach, Poverty Task Force
Coordinator, at HYPERLINK
com" \t "_blank" jill.
umbach@gmail.com or Laura
Needham, Public Health Die-
titian, at HYPERLINK
chealthgreybruce.on.ca" \t "_
blank" l.needham@publiche-
Public Health Aligns Resources with Provincial
"Patient First: Action Plan for Health Care"
Grey Bruce
Health Unit
The Grey Bruce Health
Unit is bringing program and
service delivery into line
with the strategic directions
for Public Health and as
identified by the provincial
Patient First: Action Plan for
Health Care. This focus
aligns resources with priority
populations and in support
of community-based pro-
grams that promote healthy
choices and help to prevent
disease and illness.
As a result, resources will
shift to a population health
approach for maternal and
child health. The Grey Bruce
Health Unit will provide a
consultation role and assign
resources aimed at commu-
nity capacity in areas such
as baby -friendly communi-
ties, stroller -walking clubs,
walkable and bikeable com-
munities for all ages and
abilities and improving
access to healthy and local
food choices.
Similarly, resources will
shift towards programming
that supports 18 month
screening within the primary
care setting. This will have
greater impact on school
readiness and address
infants and toddler issues in
a timelier manner.
The Gift of Motherhood
prenatal course is an exam-
ple of this model to support
healthy choices. Offered to
new parents, the online
course looks at the process
of labour, what to expect and
how to get ready.
To help create a culture of
health and wellness, Public
Health will improve support
for creating healthy schools
and providing consultation
for mental health promotion
and building youth resil-
iency. This will include
strengthening ties with pri-
mary care partners for indi-
vidual client needs, rather
than duplicating those
To support people making
the right decisions about their
health, we are striving for
greater transparency with the
disclosure of restaurant
inspection reports, outbreak
reports and healthcare worker
flu immunization rates.
Overall, the focus is to
move upstream in order to
align resources to support
the larger picture of com-
munity health. This will be
achieved by exploring
opportunities for develop-
ing capacity and working
with partners to embed
appropriate services within
the community.
Stratford -Bruce Peninsula
region has seen a net increase
of business by 476 between
June 2013 and June 2014.
Upgrading the skills of resi-
dents to meet the require-
ments of local employers
needs to continue. In the Skills
Gap Study released March
2014, approximately 50% of
employers stated they have to
go outside of the region to find
skilled workers. Locally and
timely offered certificate and
modular training may help to
alleviate this issue.
Mendez -Smith highlighted
the new Ministry of Training,
Colleges & Universities - Can-
ada -Ontario Job Grant will
play a key role in reducing the
above statistic. The grant pro-
vides funds for employers to
train existing staff and new
hires. This initiative should
help boost the skill level of
their workforce and lessen
some of their hiring chal-
lenges. Applications are being
accepted for the program,
which also requires a contri-
bution from employers.
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Lets You Live Life.
Wed Feb 11, 2015
10am Adults & Tots Public Skating
5pm Initiation #1 & #2 Practice
6pm Bantam Development
7pm PeeWee Rep Playoff Game
vs Goderich
8:30pm Legends Practice
9:30pm Rec League - Roosters vs
Fri Feb 13, 2015
10am Adults & Tots Public
4:45pm Tyke Practice
5:45pm Atom Girls Practice
6:45pm Atom Rep Practice
8pm Midget Development
Sun Feb 15, 2015
Port Albert vs Teeswater
Old Devils vs Lakeport
Public Skating
PeeWee Girls
Lancers Game Warmup
Lancers Playoff Game vs
Shallow Lake
Midget Rep Practice
Cliff's Shinny
Bad Apples
Tue Feb 17, 2015
Adults & Tots Public
Atom Rep Practice
PeeWee Development
Midget Girls Game vs
Saugeen Shores
Lancer Practice
Thu Feb 12, 2015
10am Adults & Tots Public
5pm Atom Development
6pm PeeWee Rep Practice
7pm Bantam Rep
8:30pm Midget Girls Practice
9:30pm Rec League - Eagles vs
Sat Feb 14, 2015
9:45am Initiation #1
10:45am Initiation #2
11:45am OPEN ICE
12:45pm Atom Development
2pm Novice Development
3pm PeeWee Development
4:30pm Bantam Rep
Mon Feb 16, 2015
All day Family Day
10am Adults & Tots Public
1 pm Public Skating -
Sponsored by Lucknow
5pm Novice Development
6pm Bantam Rep Practice
7pm Bantam Development
8:30pm Midget Rep
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