The Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-02-04, Page 3Wiarton Echo Leigh Grigg of the Wiarton Willie Festival and the Wiarton Willie mascot give a thumbs up in this 2013 file photo. It's Official id)Wiarton Willie's 2015 Prediction It was a very stormy night leading up to the Prediction Time for Wiarton Willie on Monday, February 2, 2015. After a gorgeous Friday and through Sunday to celebrate the Wiarton Willie Festival in the shoreline community, things got messy when a storm blew up from Colorada begin- ning Saturday and reaching Midwestern Ontario over night on Sunday. On Prognostication Morn- ing there was an extreme cold warning for Grey and Bruce with many road closures and cancellations in the area, espe- cially south of Bruce County. Not surprisingly, Willie did not see his shadow, therefore Wil- lie's official prediction for 2015 is for an early Spring. Wednesday, February 4, 2015 • Lucknow Sentinel 3 Bruce County is Restructuring Planning and Economic Development Flood Response Valerie Gillies Editor, Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) Mike Fair is responsi- ble to deliver Emergency Pre- paredness Training to mem- bers of municipal council as mandated by the Province of Ontario as needing reviewed following an election to bring all members up to date. Train- ing took place at the H -K Plan- ning Advisory Committee Meeting on January 26, 2015. The topic of the training was Flood Response. There are 4 stages of prepar- edness in the Flood Response plan for the Township of Huron -Kinloss. Council mem- bers were shown maps from the Maitland Valley Conserva- tion Authority (MVCA) which have been colour coded to show the areas in the township that are most likely to be involved in each stage. Fair assured council that although there are 4 stages, the first 2, with are the lowest levels, are more likely to occur. Stages 3 and 4 are unlikely, but must be planned for. It was stated that to reach a stage 4 flood it would take the equivalent of 3 torna- does in 3 consecutive days. However stage 1 has almost been reached in the last 30 years of collecting and record- ing the data. The village of Lucknow is the most susceptible area in Huron -Kinloss for flooding to occur. Flooding is mostlikely to take place when all of the con- verging water courses in Luc - know are in flood condition. Monitoring of these water courses has been greatly helped by the installation of rain gauges. MVCA is responsible for issuing alerts to the municipal- ity stating the levels of the alerts as they are issued. Fair advised those in the most susceptible areas to subscribe to the County website to get warn- ings and updates quickly. Fair emphasized that the systems and training in place is in line with the motto of "Be prepared, not scared" should an emergency happen. The steps that are being taken to prepare include education of all levels involved from the MVCA who are monitoring to the Emergency Services Work- ers orkers to the residents and busi- ness owners in the susceptible areas. Another avenue is to take preventative measures to try to understand and reduce the risk factors. There are 2 H -K Council Receives Emergency Preparedness Training Flood Response Bruce County Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) Mike Fair is responsible to deliver EmergencyPrepared- ness Training to members of municipal council as mandated by the Province of Ontario as needing reviewed following an election to bring all members up to date. Training took place at the H -K Planning Advisory Committee Meeting on January 26, 2015. The topic of the training was Flood Response. There are 4 stages of prepar- edness in the Flood Response plan for the Township of Huron- Kmloss. Council members were shown maps from the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) which have been col- our coded to show the areas in the township that are most likely to be involved in each stage. Fair assured council that although there are 4 stages, the fast 2, with are the lowest levels, are more likelyto occur. Stages 3 and4 are unlikely, but must be planned for. It was stated that to reach a stage 4 flood it would take the equivalent of 3 tornadoes in 3 consecutive days. However stage 1 has almost been reached in the last 30 years of collecting and recording the data. The village of Luclmow is the most susceptible area in Huron - Kinloss for flooding to occur. Flooding is most likely to take place when all of the converg- ing water courses in Lucknow are in flood condition. Monitor- ing of these water courses has been greatly helped by the installation of rain gauges. MVCA is responsible for issu- ing alerts to the municipality stating the levels of the alerts as they are issued. Fair advised those in the most susceptible areas to subscribe to the County website to get warnings and updates quickly. Fair emphasized that the systems and training in place is in line with the motto of "Be prepared, not scared" should an emergency happen. The steps that are being taken to prepare include education of all levels involved from the MVCA who are monitoring to the Emergency Services Workers to the residents and business owners in the susceptible areas. Another avenue is to take pre- ventative measures to try to understand and reduce the risk factors. There are 2 small bridges that are possible prob- lem spots, but being aware of them is going to help with mon- itoring the situation. In the summer of 2015, Bruce County will be looking at tree obstruc- tions and applying good man- agement practices such as tak- ing out damaged trees along the edges of the water courses that will cause a problembybecom- ing debris in flood conditions. In the discussion following the training, Fair commented that good by-laws have helped to keep water courses and sur- rounding areas in better condi- tion for preventing problems in the case of a flood. The technol- ogy that is now being used to monitor conditions is phenom- enal. The maps that were pre- pared by the MVCA are really good maps that are very useful and well done. In the case of an emergency, the command centre would be set up at a distance from the emergency site. If the emer- gency was in Lucknow the command centre would be the Ripley Fire Station, whereas the Lucknow Fire Station would become the command centre for a Ripley emergency. At the conclusion of the dis- cussion, Mayor Twolan asked if, at some point, the MVCA maps would be made available to the public. Fair responded that there is still some work being done, but that the intent is to post the maps in the future and make them available to the public in various formats. small bridges that are possible problem spots, but being aware of them is going to help with monitoring the situation. In the summer of 2015, Bruce County will be looking at tree obstructions and applying good management practices such as taking out damaged trees along the edges of the water courses that will cause a problem by becoming debris in flood conditions. In the discussion following the training, Fair commented that good by-laws have helped to keep water courses and sur- rounding areas in better condi- tion for preventing problems in the case of a flood. The tech- nology that is now being used to monitor conditions is phe- nomenal. The maps that were prepared by the MVCA are really good maps that are very useful and well done. In the case of an emergency, the command centre would be set up at a distance from the emergency site. If the emer- gency was in Lucknow the command centre would be the Ripley Fire Station, whereas the Lucknow Fire Station would become the command centre for a Ripley emergency. At the conclusion of the dis- cussion, Mayor Twolan asked if, at some point, the MVCA maps would be made available to the public. Fair responded that there is still some work being done, but that the intent is to post the maps in the future and make them available to the public in various formats. LUCKNOW ARENA SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 4 - FEBRUARY 10 Wed Feb 4, 2015 10am 5pm 6pm 7pm 8:30pm 9:30pm Adults & Tots Public Skating Initiation #1 & #2 Practice Bantam Development Practice PeeWee Rep Legends Practice Rec League - Kintail vs Saratoga Fri Feb 6, 2015 10am 4:45pm 5:45pm 6:45pm 8pm Adults & Tots Public Skating Tyke Practice PeeWee Girls Practice Atom Rep Playoff Game vs Ripley Midget Development Game vs Wingham Sun Feb 8, 2015 10am 11:30am 1pm 2pm 3:30pm 5pm 6:15pm 7:30pm 8:30pm OPEN ICE Old Devils vs Mildmay Public Skating Bantam Rep Playoff Game vs Elma Logan Legends Game vs Belmont Midget Development Practice Midget Rep Practice Cliff's Shinny Bad Apples Tue Feb 10, 2015 10am 5pm 6pm 7pm 8:30pm Adults & Tots Public Skating Atom Rep Practice PeeWee Development Practice Bantam Girls Lancer Practice Thu Feb 5, 2015 10am 5pm 6pm 7pm 8:30pm 9:30pm Adults & Tots Public Skating Atom Development Practice PeeWee Rep Practice Midget Development Game vs Minto Bantam Girls Practice Rec League - Lagers vs Holyrood Sat Fri 7, 2015 9:45am 10:45am 11:45am 12:45pm 2pm 3pm 4:30pm 6pm 8pm Initiation #1 Game vs Goderich Initiation #2 Atom Rep Playoff Game vs Shallow Lake Atom Development Game vs Elma Logan Novice Development PeeWee Development Game vs Ripley OPEN ICE OPEN ICE Lancers Mon Feb 9, 2015 10am 5pm 6pm 7pm 8:30pm Adults & Tots Public Skating Novice Development Practice Bantam Rep Practice Bantam Development Midget Rep HURON TELECOMMUNICATIONS CO-OPERATIVE LTD. 519-395-3800 www.hurontel.on.ca