HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-03-15, Page 1• VOL XXXY.—NO. 1779. Tailor -Made Clothes $I 5. We will make your shit to your exact measures, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and faultless- ly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fab- ric, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill and can guarantee you entire satisfaction. Trousers made to order at $3.50, 335. $4, $5, $6. S>sie . selection of Gents' Fur- nishings always in stock. LS1L1 }Iofflutft Tailor and Gents' Furnisher 2 doors from post office. MARRIAGE LICENSES issued by Warm PAreasox, No. 29 Victoria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnessesregnired. DOMINION BANK WINCHIIM GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Wingham Wo A small crowd wit game in the Wingha evening, when the Lii a friendly game wit! The score was decided ham. The Listowel 1, lot of boys and enjoy! to Wingham. Capital paid up, $3,000,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3, 750,000 WINGHAM the Game. essed the hockey rink last Friday towel boys played the local team. y in favor of Wing - layers are a nice d their short visit H. Davis has several good hones and a farm for sale. See him for particu- lars. Accident to While coming of Tnesday evening, principal of the and fell on the pa vere bruise to his accident will kee doors for a few daj no school in his roti Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 80th June and 81st Deoember eaoh year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. U. Vanden', Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Oapital paid up, $2,445,000.00. Reserve Fund, $2,445,000.00. Total Assets, $29,000,000.00. President- - RON.'W3i. GIBSON. Vide -President and General Manager —I. TV/don:m . Assistant Gen. Manager—H. M. WATSON DIRECTORS John Prootor, Ohas.L.Daiton, Hon J. S.13endrie, Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. Birge. inat+eotor--B. Willson. . Musgrove. of the town hall on r. A. H. Musgrove, ublio school, slipped ement, causing a se- ight knee -cap. The Mr. Musgrove in s, and there will be lm until Monday. WANTED -50 cases eggs and a ton of butter weekly—also raw fors and 10,000 Rat skins. GEo. E. KING. BAVIIV GS BANK, Interest allowed on deposits of $i:00 and up. wards, aarr , a d added d toh principal rn olpal on Blat May and 110tteat p ofofl Deposits M its -Cabo received at almond 0, P. tit11MXTR, Agent 2)101311111 02( m HOY,1111$, Sollottors.. Ladies Loo Younger Which is the desi of one and all. Take the trouble of 'siting Prof. Doren• wend's private show rooms at Bruns- wick hotel, Wingham on Friday, March 16th, and see the bean ,ifnl inventions in styles of Human Hair overings, Wigs, Bangs, Switches, eto., and inspect his new patent structure. Mutual Life of anada. On another page in thi issue we give in full the report of th 36th annual meeting of the Mutual -life Assurance Co. of Canada. This is sae of the most popular insurance companies in Canada and it will pay the poll3yholders and those intending to take cat insurance to read it. Mr. Abner loosens, of this town is the district agenit. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church, Glasses supplied. St. Patrick' Concert. A grand St. Patric 's concert will be given in the St. Augu tine R. C. hall, on Monday evening, Ma ch 19th, by the St. Joseph's Y.M.A. ( lee Club of Strat- ford, (20 voices) assisi ad by the Imperial Quartette and W. P. ±innegan, of To- ronto. There will be r lecture on Ire- land by Win. J. Han sy, B.A., L.L.B. Also Irish songs, recitations and chorus- es. The admission is 2 i cents. FARM FOR SALE.—A good 100 -acre farm in the township of East Wawanosh is offered for sale at a bargain for a quick sale. Terms and full particulars at the Teems office. Fon SALE—A very desirable briok residence on Frances street, near school house. This is a beautiful home with all modern conveniences. Call or write to T. H. Ross, Wingham. PUBLIC SCH WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1906. OL BOARD. The regular meetiu of the Public Sohool Board was held n Tuesday even- ing. The six member of the Board were present with ohaf an Lloyd pre- siding. Minutes of p evious meeting were read and approve The Principal's repo for February showed the following a tendance:— Dept Boys Girls 1A&B 31 63 Money Divided. When the East ',Vawanosh Agricul- tural Society coastal holding fairs at Belgrave some few years ago, the re- tained membership -honey was paid back to the members, bu their still remained in the treasury som M. One evening last week the coin ttee met and de- cided to divide the oney equally to the three Sunday school at Belgrave, This was a very good mo a on the part of the committee as all par ies in the commun- ity will receive a be efit. Fon SALE—A good brick residence beautifully situated in the town of Wingham; eight rooms; bath; electric lighted; modern conveniences. This is , a very desirable property. Terms reason- able, and to suit purohaser. Address at TIMiEs office. 2 22 24 3 18 23 4 26 21 5 22 26 6 12 40 7 28 21 8 32 32► Total Avg 84 73 46 46 41 38 47 43 47 45 52 49 49 44 64 63 191 23` 430 391 Miss De La Mater -vas absent 83g days through illness. Respectful y submitted, A. H. Oteasgrove, Principal. On motion of Mess s Griffin and Kerr, the Principal's repor was adopted. Acoonnte were re as follows:—Eleo- trio Boiler Compos . Co., Guelph, fine cleaner, $3; Cana .• an Express Co., charges, 30c; Theo. Hall, advertising, 80c; H. Davis, inear oe premium, $17; John Ritchie, insur ce premium, $15; D. Fryfogle, mater al and work, $1; Peter McDougall, wo d $35. Moved by H. Kerr, seconded by Wm Moore, that accoun be paid, except that of H Davis, and hat it be referred to the Chairman and orotary to seeMr. Davis as account is :r higher than iu previous years. Carri. d. Communication wa read from Town Clerk Ferguson saying that he had been unable, through illness to hold elections to fill the two vacanci s on the School Board, but hoped to • . so in the near future. Communication w read from Mr. John Gray, late oaret • er, re balance of money claimed to be • e him 011 salary. Secretary was instruct.d to answer. Tenders were read for the slating of the school as follows:—John Whittaker, London, $10 per squire; Geo. Riddell, $10.50 per square; Ceeo W. Brown .'4- Bro., Brantford, $39( for 40 squares. On motion of Messr t Griffin and Kerr, it was decided to haeme the roof of the school elated at mide- comer and tender of Geo. W. Brown d Bro. was ac- cepted, provided the do the work at $9.75 per rgnare, be here more or less than 40 squares. On motionof Mess s Griffin and Long, g, teachers and officer salaries and ront were ordered to be aid. Death o ' Mrs. McEwen. There passed wayat her home, corner of Leopold and Patrick streets on Sun- day morning las ° .lane Robb, relict of the late William • cEwen, aged 64 years, 9 months and 11 . ys, Deceased, with her late husband, lived for many years in Downie Town hip and Stratford and after the death f her hneband, moved with her family o Cleveland, where she resided for Some ears. While living in Cleveland her tw• sons and twodanghters passed away whi, h was a sore bereave- ment to their too her, and she bas not enjoyed good heal h since that time. De- ceaded, with he sister, Mies Robb, moved to Wingha .. last fall. A private service Was held t the home on Mon- day evening by ' ev. D, Perrie, and the remains were ken to Stratford on Tuesday morni• g to be interred in the featly plot in ondaie cemetery. Merchants' Assc The Wingham Branch Merchants' Association 1� committeee rooms in conn I.O.O.F. hall for a place the nights of meeting hay for the second and last Tu of each month. The con expeoted from the head off and all members are expec ent at the next meeting —h receive a copy. dation. of the Retail the secured the etion with the Meetings held Du THE FOUND TIMES. Y QUESTION meeting and been seleoted sday evenings titrations are e this week d to bo pros- rch 27th—to Men who have looked, say shoe beats them all. W. J1 Farewel l The young people o Presbyterian Church he missal farewell social on Mr. and Mrs. H. H. have been connected wit some time are leaving sI don, and Mr. A. R. Smit member is leaving sed ig i a Clinton. Rev. D. Per short address in which h gret at seeing the Wingham. A good pr dered and refreshment Those present spent a evening. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butcher shop. Card of I wish to thank for the prompt pa held by my late hue son, a cheque for handed to me som wish to thank the Camp for the kin shown myself and bereavement. thanks. re Sons of Scotland a,ent of insurance nd, Gavin David - 1000 having been days ago. I also embers of Caledonia ness and sympathy family in our sad You s sincerely, , ANET DAVIDSON. t rir $3.00 REE1. cial. St. Andrew's d a very suo- Friday evening. 'ightman, who the churgh for rtly for Bran- , another val- a few days for e delivered a expressed re• ymbers leaving gram was ren - were served. very enjoyabl$ To RENT—A good ho and soft water and others Apply to J. A. MoLEAN. se ' ith Bard d onvenienoes. Following the Council on Monde a number of the we ern Foundry were li day. On Wednesdi of the ratepayers w fellows' Hall, who - fully disoussed. r- agreed that the tweeze the Conuok and the Western Foundry Co. should be settled as prompt- ly as possible,but it was felt that it would not be wise to have she corporation enter iuto a law snit. 1; was shown that. as the Company bad u it kept the number of men required by the terms of the agreement made ith the council of 1903, and there was a penalty collectable from thein in this rfjgard, the difference in the amount of the anneal payments dae the town uncle the original and ing the Past Week, ction of the Town evening of last week rkmeu at the West - id off work on Tnes- y evening a meeting s held in the Odd - the question was 11 the speakers were atter in dispute be- subsequent arrange $150, or $460 for the the other hand, t is not in a positio terms of the seoou• first submitting th ' payers. The meet H. Mn4groves, A. J. Irwin and the • elected Messrs W. fin and H. E. Isar. interview the Cou Mayor Bell calle Auction Sales Mr. J. H. Robertson wi sell 51 head of cattle by public auctio at the (Albert Hughes farm) lot 11, con. 1, Morris, on Friday, March 16th. Th cattle include 10 cows in calf, 12 steers, 3 years old, 15 steers, 2 years old, 10 h 'fere, 2 years old and 4 yearling sal es. Well-bred stook. R. H. Garniss, a otioneer. Mr. Michael Verson of lots 32 and 33, con. 4, Kinloss, has sold his two hundred acre farm and will hold an unreserved auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, seed grain, etc., on Tuesday, March 27th. See posters for particulars. J. Purvis, auctioneer. HORSE FOR SALE: A bea ster or third horse for horse has breeding, su' and is a hitcher. Rates The editor of printed the foll "puffs." For t man is a success body knows he i went mule, $2.8 citizen as one wl entire commnnit; will only be mil $1.13; referring tc male as an estims pleasure to meet in town would ra coming, $8; callit expounder au emi sending a sinner �trCul road- rmer. This stance, quality G. E. KING. or Puffs. Western paper has ving list of rates for ing the public that a nl citizen, when every as lazy as a govern- ; referring to a deceased o is mourned by the , when we know he sed by a poker circle, some gallivanting fe- le lady whom it is a hen any business man her see the evil one g an ordinary pulpit ent divine, 60 cents; o heaven, $5. see Fon SALE—A pure bred urham bull calf, 12 months old; fr mported; color FARM To RENT.—On Laoknow road, and quality first•cla . Apply to W. J. about 4 miles from Wingham. Apply HENDERSON, Wingham Junction. to R. VANSTONE. Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc- Kibbon's drug store,Tuesday, March Gth. Hours 2 p. in. to 9 p. in. Glasses pro- perly fitted. Deficits W ed Out. The different fnnds f the Presbyter- ian Church in Canada ave been fully mot at the end of the ancial year just closed. Not only has he deficit of $19,- 000, or $20,000, with witch the year was begun, been wiped out- but there is a- bout $1,000 to the good The entire giv- ings of the western se ;on of the Church during the year were more than $170,- 000, and if those of t e eastern section are added the total a ount is over $200,- 000. The expondi tires in both the Foreign Mission Fn d and the Home Mission Fund have eon fully met, for the first time in se ral years. • If you want to raise chickens, you should have a Chatham Incnbator and Brooder. For sale by Wm. GANNETT. Remember Johnston's shoe store, next post office, when in need of the beet in boots shoes and rubbers. Produce taken at Hanna & Co's store as usual in ex- change for goods. Archite t Appointed. The regular m nthly meeting of the - High School Bo tel was held on Monday evening with al the members present except Dr. lien edy. Mr. Henry Simp- son, architect f Toronto, was present and addressed he Board re plans for the new school In !ding and after some dis- oussion it wa agreed, on motion of Dr. Macdonald awl W. F. VanStone to en- specifications n- i bb011 gage Mr. Sim Icon to prepare plans and a ecifications or the High School band-WaiiO11 MCK p fug. Mr. Sire oson is a member of the 'Mau R. INDIGESTION ? Why suffer from it ? FOTEIIRGILL'S Dyspepsia Tablets RELIEVE AND CURE EVERY TIME. FOR SALE BY Toronto Boar! of Education and is Chairman of lie Property Committee and has had 'any years experience in euperintendi the erecting of school buildings and ill be fully competent to ' 1111 the poeiti . DRUGGIST. Next door to postoftice. This store closes at 8 p. m., every evening except Saturday. • ants was only about three years; but, on e present Council to carry out the agreement, without question to the rate - ng elected Messrs. A. Ie nimage and Dr. A. erohants Association J. Greer, 0. N. Grif- , as a committee to cit. a special meeting of the Council for F ides,evening, when all the members were present. The Waterworks Com • ittee laid before the council the propos:d schedule of rates for use of water, a don motion of Coun- cillors Bell and H: nna, the report of committee was reo•ived and Clerk m- struoted to prepare the necessary by- law. Mr. A. H. Musgro'e, on behalf of the deputation, said the were present toCommitask the Commit to re- ousider the matter of dealing with the settlement between the Counci and Fouudry Co. The speaker said th ratepayers were not dictating to th Coulsonin the 'mitten matter, but only wish d to have closed up without res ting to the law. Every rate -payer was agreed that the matter should be settle . Mr. A. Dnlmage sp ke along similar linos and said if extra a measures were resorted to it woul result in a loss to both the town and t company. Councillors Bell, Nicholson, McDon- ald and Hanna exproseed themselves as willing to meet the committee, but were auxions to have the c,uestion settled. A motion was paced appointiug the whole council as a committee to meet with the deputation and at close of Council meeting a sthrt conference was held, bnt no definite Action was taken. Dr. Allen, of Tor into, the President of the Western Fon idry 0o. will be in Wingham on Wedne day evening of next week, when a meetit g will be held and the question will teen likely be finally settled, The TIMES would like to see $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE CHURCH NOTES. Rev. D. Petrie, gastorof St, Andrew's Presbyterian Chore. intends preaching a series of Sunday evening sermons on the "Bible." The �tabject for next Sun- day evening will ie "The Bible and other Bibles." Mr. John Kerr, who is the popular President of the W ngham District Ep- worth League was n Brussels on Sunday holding special aovices in connection with the Epworth Jsegne of that place. LEAVING TOWN. our last week• in with your cash u bargains in Men's Snits and Boots, to Clinton. A, h nisher. this matter closed u as quietly and sat- isfactorily as it is t ossible. Wiugham can ill afford to los any of her indus- tries. Wo now h ve a g000 growing town and our tow speople should put their shoulders to t wheel and in every way possible make he town more pros• parous. We ho Friday evening's meeting will see t matter finally settl- ed in a manner the . will be satisfactory to the ratepayere at .d the company, and that 11 will not bt necessary to go to law. No ratepayer is anxious to pay law costs. To RENT—Rooms over Griffin's store, by the month or year. Our women's shoes ' t new spring styles are handsome. ' e our $2.50 and $3.00 grades. W. J. GREER, APPRENTICES WANTcn wo appren- tices wanted, to 1 ar the upholstering business. Apply Walker ,& Clegg, at the tipholsteri g factory. interestieg Debate. The Literary Soci'aty of the Wingham Business College hmld their second de- bate of the season t n Tuesday evening, esolvetl, that single loges than married ice was taken by J. lliott, while the nage- the snbjeot being " life has more adva life." The affirms L. Kelly and Bert Live side of the gt.tstion was upheld by Merton Hart and Will Woods. The speakers on both sides brought out many points, the ; udges awarding the decision in favor ow;the married state. Other interesting; contributions to the programme of the welling were, an ad - dross by Rev. Dr'. Gandy; songs by ine and M. MoKenzie Haines; a dialogue, i. eto. There gather- ery interesting as well o those who take part. to audience in atten- Next w: will be ingha •.. Don't part 11 .n see the big uths' and Boya' Paving town, going SMIITH, Gents' Fur - PEPSONAL• We shall be glad to have contributions u ions to this column from any of our readers. It you have vieitors or purpose going away yourself. drop in and tell us, o-• send us a note to that effect. Mr. Jas. H. Ker=, was visiting in Lon- don for a few day i this week. Miss Kertie Rallis spending a month visiting with friers in Elmira. Mrs. John Bell, of Olintonhas been visiting with her laughter, Mrs. H. O. Bell. Miss Sisterson, af Toronto has again ' - taken her position as head milliner with Miss Boyd. Miss Campbell, :sf Hamilton has taken a position as heat millioei with Miss Macpherson. Miss McColl ant! Miss A. Gundry, of Lucknow were vie;ting with Wingham friends last week. Mrs, Jas. Maxwal1 has returned home after spending a f w weeks with rela- tives near Brantfo d. Miss P. Raynol s, left last week to take her position as head milliner with Hodgens Bros at Cl nton. Mr. Wm. Guest a in Goderich thio week attending the eetiug of the Ont- ario West Orange and Lodge. Mr. James Taylor, one of the pioneer residents of Turnierry, lett this week for the West, whe o he will reside with his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. returned home af of weeks with re Waterloo county. Mrs. Emilie Du old and son Master Alfred left yesterda • morning for Berk- ley, California, wh:re they intend re- Qiding in the future. Messrs. Geo. M, C recitations by Mie . piano duet, choru) ings are proving as being helpful There was ala) dance on Tuesday evening. am e b ll have • lex. Campbell p er spending a couple . tives and friends in LOOK THROUGH_ our stook of Drug Toilet Articles. We may have something you have been unable to procure. We will be pleased to show you the geode and quote you prides on them. Yon will find the quality the best and prices the lowest. A call solicited, at 'Naffs 's Dru Store WI WUAM, Phone 100. Successor to McCall & Co, i wVHNGlli I SHTSINESS COLLEGE is a High•grado Commercial School — THREE COURSES — Commercial - Stenography - Telrgraphy Write CEO. SPOTTON. Principal..: WINGHAM 1 Real Estate OftIce Mr. Jas. H. Rubor on,of Whitewater, Man., is visiting wit relatives in this district and is perch ing a car load of horses to take out to he West. Mr. Jas. Raby is v siting with his son,' Mr. Geo. Raby, hay ng returned home on Saturday from sornwall, where he spent a month with • is daughter, Mrs. . D. Small. Rev. R. McLeau Ripley; Rev. Mr. Radford, Belmore, and Rev. Mr. Mc- Lennan, Lucknow, were guests at the home of Miss M. oLean on Tuesday of last week. Oar former townsman, Mr. B. Gerry, has recently retnreed to Brussels after making a trip as t it West as Calgary. The Brussels Post says he will likely again engage in tLe hardware business in some Ontario to wn. WANTED—A good smart boy, with good education, to learn the printing business. Apply at Titers office. Death o Miss Reid. There passed aw y at the home of her father, Mr. J. R. I eid, in East Wawa - nosh, on Tuesday f this week, Miss Ida A. 0. Reid. Miss eid had been in pcor health for some ti 0. She was a young lady who had a lar e circle of friends and was an active orker in the church. The bereaved will h ve the sympathy of the community in t eir affliction, The funeral takes plat this (Thursday) afternoon to the Eri k Church cemetery. Northern H ckey League. Since our last iss a there has been a change in North rn Hockey League matters. At Pal eraton on Thursday the Executive C mittee decided the protest against ngham, The local boys rather expect d this would be the outcome of the pr est. The party who sent the dispatch t the Toronto papers in reference to the lectric lights playing pranks, does not k w what he is talk- ing about. Might t well say that the wires were cut wh n the lights go out in any place iii Wingh m as to say they were ent at the tin on the night the last Harriaton•Wingham game was in The following are a few of the many Farm and Town Properties I have for sale at the present time. Call and get particulars if yon are interested in purchasing Real Es- . tate : — ' 100 Acres -3 miles from Wingh oa Luoknow road. Good loc. n ; for sale cheap 50 Aeres-2'. mil fro orrie. Will exchange for inn m property. IRI Acres - 21.; es from Wingham. Firit•cla£a bu !dings. Five minutes walk from school. endo!. 33 Acres—, mile from Wineliain. Good buildings. 11 Anres—Fine brick house:. good barn. Adjoining the Town of Wingham. TOWN PROPERTY ¶600—Frame cottage, 5 rooms,l'ran"es85 91050—Frame house, 7 rooms: hard and soft water. Alfred street. $1850—New two-story brick, nine rooms. Victoria street. $12.50—Frame house, eight rooms. Victoria street. N. W. T. Lands for sale or exchange. Money to loan en farm security. • J. 0. CI HSHOLM. Real Estate Agent. Vans tone block. Wingham. I progress. The t ing is so foolish that it should never ave been mentioned. However, the E ecutive ordered home and home game to be played to deoide the championsh p. The first gaine was played at aarriiiton on Monday evening and the local b Cs were accompanied to Harristou by a 1 rge number of supoort- ere. The game as a good one and at half time the sc o was 1 to 1. The Wingham playe$s had the lead by 3 to 1 up to within 11 tiiinutes of the end of the game, but in tha time Harriston scored 3 goals, making a score 4 to 3 in favor of Harristou. T e line-up was as fol- lows :— Wingham (3) : 7 Goal, Moore; point, Wilson; cover punt, Tohnston; rover, Galloway; center' McLean; right wing, Elliott; left wing Fleming: Harriston (4): 'oal,McQueen; point, Bates; cover, I gginbotham; centre, Ward; left wing, ' ennett; right wing, Hastie; rover Mc owell. Referee, Mclvo , of Goderich. At the time of gaiing to press the de- ciding game is in p ogress at the Wing - ham rink. Mr. L. Misson, c of of the Port Hope fire brigade, died s ddenly. George Tailing s strut*. by a rail- way engine at Lona on, Out., and killed. Rev. James McEwen, one of the oldest clergymen in the London Presbytery, is dead. Miss Jessie McE hren, teacher, of St. Catharines, dissap eared vrhile visiting in Hamilton. Hon. H. R. Em erson laid a most en- conraging repor of the Intercolonial Railway before a House, and intimat- e 1 that the fico trnment would retain fall control of t e road.