HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-12-23, Page 1010 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Darryl Coote/Kincardine News
South Bruce OPP took part in the `Fill -A -Cruiser campaign on
Dec. 12, 2015. L -R: South Bruce Grey Constables Chad Churchill,
Kevin Martin, Shauni Voisin and Jeff Osborne.
South Bruce OPP 'Fill -A -Cruiser'
Darryl Coote
Kincardine News
Kincardine was in the spirit
of giving Saturday, Dec. 12.
South Bruce OPP Consta-
ble Kevin Martin was out with
his fellow officers collecting
food for the food banks in the
From 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. the
officers were outside Soebys
and then from 12 p.m. to 2
p.m. they were by No Frills
accepting donations through
their Fill -a -Cruiser campaign.
Which, according to Con-
stable Martine, Kincardine did
at least a couple times.
"This is a great community"
he said from the parking lot of
No Frills. "Everyyear when we
do these food drives, when we
have our students come out
for the Christmas nights, we
want to stuff a cruiser, or any
social group or business in
town that wants to collect
[donations], this town is unbe-
lievable. Every chance they
get, they fill the cruiser, they
fill the van, they fill whatever it
is people are collecting for,
and they give till it hurts for
the one's who need. It's
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The Ashfield Landfill Site will be closed
Boxing Day, December 26, 2015
and in it's place will be open on
Monday December 28, 2015.
Please join us
Christmas Eve for
A Journey to Christmas
8:30pm at the Kingsbridge Centre
Former St. Joseph's Church
84675 Bluewater Hwy.
Choir begins at 8:00
ABC Spring tree order program busiest of the year
Landowners plant tens of
thousands of trees locally
through spring, autumn tree
order programs but spring
program is the largest of two
programs; Ausable Bayfield
tree order form is now
The Christmas season is
here and it is the early days of
winter but spring is not far
Ausable Bayfield Conser-
vation has announced the
spring tree order form is now
online at abca.on.ca.
The conservation authority
receives mail -in orders until
Jan. 31, 2016. Orders are
taken accompanied by pay-
ment until Monday, Feb. 29,
Landowners plant tens of
thousands of trees through
the spring and autumn tree
order programs but the
spring program is the largest
of the two, said Ian
Jean, Forestry and Land
Stewardship Specialist with
Ausable Bayfield Conserva-
tion Authority (ABCA). Peo-
ple in the watershed buy
trees for conservation pro-
jects such as windbreaks,
watercourse buffers, refor-
estation of erosion -prone
slopes, or tree planting on
marginal agricultural lands.
"We have spring and fall tree
order programs but spring is
the bigger season by far,"
according to Jean. Copies of
the tree order form can be
found and printed from
abca.on.ca or they are avail-
able at the office at 71108
Morrison Line, just east of
Exeter and south of Highway
Grant programs are availa-
ble for projects such as wind-
breaks, watercourse buffers
and larger scale reforestation
projects that cover between 50
per cent and 100 per cent of
the project costs, depending
on the type of project and
availability of local funding
programs. Staff at Ausable
Bayfield Conservation work
on behalf of landowners to
access applicable funding
programs where they exist.
Landowners pay the costs of
the trees but in many cases
there are cost -share programs
to help local people with
some or all of the cost of
planting projects.
For more information on
grant programs or ordering
trees phone 519-235-2610 or
toll-free 1-888-286-2610. You
may find the tree order form
by visiting the website at
abca.on.ca. Type in 'trees' in
the search box at the top of
the home page. Then press
'Search' and the Enter key to
find the page. The page is also
found by clicking the 'For-
estry and Stewardship' tab.
Ausable Bayfield
Kinloss Kairshea WI celebrates the season
Ruth Dobrensky
Lucknow News
The Kinloss Kairshea WI
held its Christmas Dinner at
the Lucknow Town Hall on
Dec. 17, 2015.
We were welcomed to
tables beautifully decorated
by Joan Murray and Eleanor
Kraemore with help by Marg
and Elaine.
Joan Murray welcomed all
members and visitors with the
Opening Ode and Mary Stew-
art Collect. After singing the
W. I. Grace a fabulous turkey
dinner with all the trimmings
that was catered to by Agnes
Murray and daughter Jackie.
Lucknow Hockey Scores
Lucknow 11 @ Wingham
Ironman Orange 2
Graydon McNee (2G, 1A),
Colton Maki (4G, 2A), Brody
Gibson (3G, 2A), Ewan
Johnston (2G), Alexis Greig
(2A), Wyatt Frey (1A), Kolby
Donaldson (1A), Kaleb Don-
aldson (1A), Kayla Drennan
(2A), Dylan McNeil (2A), Kay -
Bruce Power donates over
$54,000 to area food banks
this holiday season
Bruce Power donated
$54,000 to 26 local food
banks and donated hun-
dreds of toys for toy drives
and Christmas Hamper
Programs across the
The annual site -wide
toy drive is organized and
supported by Bruce Power
"Helping others is what
the holiday season is all
about and we appreciate
the many volunteers
across Bruce, Grey and
Huron counties who do so
much for people who need
a helping hand at this time
of year and we are thrilled
to be a part of that," said
Duncan Hawthorne, presi-
dent and CEO.
Each year, Bruce Power
invests about $1.5 mil-
lion in events and organ-
izations through its
Sponsorship and Com-
munity Investment
The program focuses on
grassroots projects that
focus on health and well-
ness, community, youth
development, events,
Aboriginal programs, and
military, veterans and first
After the simply delicious
dinner, Anne Pritchard
played for three rousing
Christmas carols. Irene Hal-
denby had a reading and
Eleanor a Christmas contest.
The roll call answered by
25 members and guests was
the Sunshine Sister gifts
exchange after which
Conservation purchases
trees from private nurseries
to offer for sale to watershed
The purchase price includes
costs such transportation of
trees to the office east of Exeter,
cold storage, and handling.
Tree and shrub species that can
be purchased include Conifer
seedlings (White Cedar; White
Pine; Norway and White
Spruce; Tamarack); Deciduous
seedlings (Silver/Soft Maple;
Red and Bur Oak; Black Wal-
nut; Black Cherry; Sycamore);
Shrubs (Red Osier Dogwood;
Staghorn Sumac; Highbush
Cranberry; and Nannyberry);
Conifer Large Stock (White
Cedar; Norway, White, and
Blue Spruce; Austrian Pine)
and Deciduous Large Stock
(Silver/Soft Maple; Autumn
Blaze red and silver hybrid
maple; Sugar/Hard Maple; Syc-
amore; Red and Bur Oak; Tulip
Tree; and Serviceberry).
everyone showed what they
After draws for the Christ-
mas table decorations, with
lots taking home lovely orna-
ments. More sing -a -longs
with Anne were enjoyed.
Kathy Gibson gave the cour-
tesies and 0' Canada ended a
wonderful Christmas Party.
lan Donaldson (IA). Andrew Metski 1, Nelson Helm
On Saturday Dec. 19 the Luc- 2.
know Sepoy Novice hosted the Assists - Annan Moffat 2,
Ripley Wolves winning 4-2. Grace Taylor 1, Grayden McNee
Goals - Elle Schumacker 1, 1, Quinn Stanley 1, Helm 1.
Scone crokinole to resume in April 2016
The final crokinole twenties count Carol Cook
evening for the 2015 sea- had 24, Sarah had 19 and
son at the Scone School- Shirley Hebert had 16.
house was held on Dec. 16 Door prizes went to Len
with 30 eager players Zettler, Eugenia Zettler,
thoroughly enjoying a Doreen and Ross.
potluck meal before set- Crokinole will resume
tling into competition. at Scone on April 6, 2016
Finishing in first place at 7 p.m.
for the men was Al Carter For those who a r e
with 49 points, followed interested crokinole will
by Neil Cook with 44 and be offered at the Paisley
Murray Mizen finishing Legion on Saturday, Jan.
third with 43 points. 9 beginning at 1:30 p.m.
Al tied with Neil for top For information call
twenties with 32, Clare Neil Cook at 519-366-
Kuepfer was second with 2752 and on Saturday,
31 and Ross MacLeod had Jan. 23 at the Teeswater
24 for third. On the ladies Sacred
side one point separated Heart Church Hall
the three top scores with beginning at 1:30 p.m.
Doreen Sulkye with 41 for more information
points, Sarah Mason had please call
40 and Janet Diebel came Peter Carter at
third with 39. In the 519-392-8115.