HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-03-08, Page 8The Gentral Hardware. Those• intending to build a House or Barn should get our prices for Hardware. All No. 9 Steel Wire Fencing—come and see it. Better than spring coil. Get our prices for Spring Coil, Plain, Galyaaized and all other kinds of Wire. Iron Gates and Ornamental Lawn Fencing in stock or procured on short notice. Island City Paints — A new line just put in. All fresh, guaranteed to be the best. Stoves at Cost Price. Bishop & Brewer. 8 THE `WINGHAM TIMES MARCIL ,,,tet,4011,41.1V1i ile,lisfa,p ",%,,y, y1• W1111'N Mr and Mrs. as. MoSelvie, of Sarnia are visiting fora few days with old friends in Wingham. Mr. frank Cody ie attending the Com- inercinl Department at night in the Wingham Business College. Miss Ruby Forbes of Belgrave is tak- ing a cause in Stenography in the Wing - ham Business College. Mr. T. J, McLean is away to the Soo and other points in New Ontario in the interests of the Wingham Oil Co. Miss M, MacPherson was in Toronto for a few days attending the annual spring millinery openings at the whole- sale houses. Dr. T. Chisholm, M. P., left this week for Ottawa to attend to bis Parliament- ary duties. The session of tho House of Commons opens to -day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Spotton have moved to Wingham and have taken rooms at the Brunswick Hotel until such time as they are able to secure a dwell- ing. Mies Louie Ferguson, who has been visiting with relatives in California for some time past has returned home. Her many friends are pleased to welcome her home. Mrs. D. McCormick and Mies McCor- mick, who have been visiting with the former's sister, Mre. L W. Hanson, re- turned to their home in Hamilton on Monday. Mr. J. R. Robertson. foreman of the mounting shop of the Western Foundry Co. is leaving this week to become Chief Inspector of stoves for the Moffat Stove Co. of Weston, Ont. Mr. Leonard Anderson left on Tues- day for Winnipeg after spending the past two months with hie parents, Mr. and Mre. Rich. Anderson. He has se- cured a good position in the Western \ --- WE ARE NOW Ready for For the past week or so we have been receiving f). new goods daily. Among the new arrivals is another shipment of Dress Goods. Business [ We might mention here that this store, as well as a keeping a first-class stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, carries a line of House Furnishings, Gents' Furnishings, and a lull and complete line of Groceries—at prices as close as the closest. 0 TRADE TAKEN AS CASH Carey Dry Goods Co. p PHONE 70. WINGHAM MINOR LOCALS. —Trans and Weekly Globe till Janu- ary 1st, 1907 for $1.00. —The local option by-law in the vil- lage of Bolton carried by a majority of 11. —A new jewellry store is to be opened next week in the vacant store in the Chisholm block. —The regular monthly meeting of the Wingham School Board will be held next Tuesday evening. —Here is a good bargain for new sub- scribers. TIRES and Weekly Globe till January lst, 1907 for $1.00. —The Huron county assizes for the hearing of jury oases will commence at Goderich on Tuesday, March 13th. Fon Sant —A very desirable brick residence on Frances street, near school house. This is a beautiful home with all modern conveniences. Call or write to T. H. Ross, Wingham. —$1.00 will pay for the TI3tES and Weekly Globe till January lst, 1907. Papers sent to any address. —Five hundred settlers, men, women and children left Toronto on Tuesday on the firet excureion to the West. 8, 1906 HOUSE AND 2 ACRES OF - LAND IN LOWER WINO - HAM FOR SALE AT ONCE $100,000 to loan on farm lands at lowest rates. —Mr. McCullough, who has been junior in the Dominion Bank for some months is being promoted to another branch and his place here is being taken by Mr. Brewer, son of our townsman, Mr. A. W. Brewer. —Mr. J. K. W. Vannorman, who has been making Wingham his headquarters for some weeks, as divisional agent for Home Comfort Steel Range is leaving t his week for Hanover, where he will be for the next few weeks. Sore Throat it.nd Coughs A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat irritations is f ound in Crosolone Antiseptic Tablets They combine the germicidal value of Cresolcnewith the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice. lOo. All Druggists 400 in —At the regular meeting of W - R ham L 0. L. No. 794, on Friday even- ing last, Mr. Wm. Guest was appointed a delegate to the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of Ontarie West, which meets in Goderich next week. —We understand that Mr. Wm. Bone intends opening a grocery store in the store soon to be vacated by Mr. A. R. Smith. —The large trees at the south of the Chisholm block have been trimmed and the change makes a great improvement to that corner. —Mrs. Sanderson and family of Gorrie have this week moved to their newly purchased property on the corner of Victoria and Frances streets. .t'oughs,'cotds, hoarseness, and other prod ilmente are quickly relieved by Cresolcne Tablets. ten cents Der box. All druggists —The Literary Society of the Wing - ham Business College will hold their next programme on Tuesday evening, March 13th. Everybody welcome. —Mrs. Duckett, sr., of the 1st lisle of Morris, was stricken with paralysis on Friday last, and owing to her advanced age is in a very dangerous condition. —Hockey match, Listowel vs. Wing - ham, in the Wingham rink on h'riday evening of this week, to commence at 8 o'clock. Band in attendance. Skating after the game. —The hotel property at Whitechurch is being offered for sale by public auction, rale to be held at the Brunswick hotel, Wingham, on Saturday, March 24th. Sae advt. in another column for particu- lars, JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF —The old friends of Mrs. S. B. Mories. who resided in Wingham for many years will be sorry to hear that she died on Saturday Feby 24th at Zion City, I11- inois, aged 7S years. Mr. Modes and a daughter are buried in Wingham ceme- tery. Window Shades On best spring rollers. Colors, cream, green and red. Reversible shades, cut to suit your windows. For sale at lowest prices. ABNER COSENS Insurance, Loan and Estate agent. WINGHAM FARM FOR SALE. The east half of lot 28, eon. 10, Township of Turnberry, 1 mile trom the town of Wingham, containing 67 acres of land. On the premises are a new brick house and kitchen with wood- shed and firat•olass cistern, good frame barn, lately re -singled, with cement foundation and cement floor all over stable. 7 ho farm is well fenced and well watered with spring creek running across it There are 30 acres seeded down and fall ploughing all done. This farm will be sold on easy terms to suit the purchaser. For furthur particulars apply on premises, mile west of Wingham cemetery; nr address AUGUST HOIi1UTH, Winghain, Ont, FARM FOR SALE One of the best farms in the Township of Turnberry, being lot 3 and part of lot 4 in the 7th. con., containing 107 acres, all cleared ex- cept 4 acres of hardwood bush. Thi, farm is well fenced and drained and the land in a hieh state of cultivation. There is about 70 acres under grass and 8;4 acres or good fall wheat and a large orchara. Running water, rouven- ient to the buildings, and open the whole year round, supplies the stock with water. Tho barn is n large frnme barn with stone founda- tion and cement floors for cattle and hogs. The house is large and comfortable with an excellent cellar and cistern. Two lime kilns and n limestone quarry are on the premises. The farm is 0 miles from Wingham and 4 miles from Wroxeter, 1}4 miles from church and 1 Mile from n post office. This farm will be sold City. on reasonable terms es the proprietor is going Mr. Alfred A. McLean, formerly of Weat.seFor further particulars Apply on the the Banir of Hamilton here and who has P D. ERASER, been manager of the branch in Teeswater for some months, has been appointed I1 Creditors. manager in a branch in one of the West- Assignee's Notice to Creditopr ale ern provinces. Mr. McLean's old friends here will be pleased to hear of his pro- motion. BABY'S SMILE P,aby's Own Tablets has a smile in eyery dose for the tender babe a growing child. These Tablets digestion, wind colic,consti hoes, and feverishness, b :aka up colds, and brings nature heby sleep. And the mother has t e a • arantee of a gov- ernment analyst :: t this medicine con- tains no opiate, narcotic or poisonous "soothing" stuff—it always doee good and cannot do harm. Mrs. Joseph Ross, Hawthorne, Ont., says:—"I have used Baby's Own Tablets and find them just the thing to keep ohildren well." Yon can get the Tablets from any medioine dealer or by mail at 250 a box from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. the urs in- ion, diarr- Dr. Bailer, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Ohnroh. Glasses supplied. Arrangements are being completed for the opening of the new North Street Methodist church at Goderich, on the 18th inst., when Rev. Dr. Carman, gen- eral superintendent of the Canadian Methodist body, will dedicate the new edifice. —Another start was made this week with the post office building. This work has been carried on very slowly, And we would not be very much surprised to see Wingham's new High School opened before Postmaster Fisher is sorting mail matter in the new post office. Miss K. M. Fisher stieceeeor to Cooper da Co. —Mrs. Pope of Hensall saved her little girl's life recently. While looking for a drink, the child came across a prepara- tion of Gillett's lye and ammonia diluted with water, in a cup, and took a drink of it. Her mother promptly gave her milk and goose oil. Thelittle one escaped with a burned mouth and stomach. —Mr. James Taylor, lot 17, con. 11, Turnberry will hold an auction sale of - farm stock and implements, on Friday, March 9th. Eyerything is to be sold as Mr. Taylor has sold his farm. W. A. Currie will be the auctioneer. Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc- Kibbon's drug store,Tuesday, March 6th. Hours 2 p. m. to 9 p. m. Glasses pro- perly fitted. —The Toronto Globe, in speaking of Miss Haynes, who is now forming a class in elocution in Wingham, sayer—"The quality of her selections, the grace and ability with which she impersonated the comic or the pathetic; the grave or the gay, and her unostentatious demeanor captivated all listners. She will take a foremost place on tho platform." DORCN. FIELD—In Wingham, on March 5th, the wife of Mr. Will Field; a son. PATii—In Blyth, on February 22nd, the wife of Mr. Thomas Pate; a daughter. SenoTnERs—In Blyth, on February 21st, the wife of Dir. Joseph Strothers ; a daughter. MARRIED DENHOLIr—SPEIR--At the Borne of the bride's parents, Morris, on February 21st, by Rev. Dr. McLean, Mr. David Denholm to Aggie (laugh. / CENTRAL r. • This school has become the leading Commercial School in the West. No eimilar institution is doing more to thoroughly equip young people for responsible positions. Our courses are thorough and practical while the teaching is done by experienced in- structora. All graduates get good positions. You may enter at any time. Write for catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. i.. 'Butcher Shop • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • NOTICE is hereby given that Simpson Bros., of the Township of Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Merchants, have made an assignment under R.S.O. 1897, chap. 147, of all their estate, credits and effects, to George C. Hanna, of the Town of Winglient in the County of Huron, Merchant, for the general benefit of their creditors. A meeting of their creditors will be held in the office of R. Vanstone, in the Town of Win, a f larch Wing - ham, on Thursday,the Eighth day o March, A.D. 1906. at the our of Two o'clock in the afternoon, to receive a statement of affairs, to appoint inspectors and fix their remuneration, and for the ordering of the affairs of the estate generally. Creditors are requested to file their claims with the Assignee, with proofs and particulars thereof required by the said Act, on or before the day of such meeting. And notice is further given. that after the First day of April, A,D. 1906, the Assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the debtors amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given, and that he will not be liable fur the assets or any part thereof. so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. R. VANSTONE, GEORGE C. HANNA, Solicitor for Assignee Wingham, Assignee. Dated at Wingham this 27th day of February, A.D. 1900. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Speir, all of Morris. Mor.r:—Srewoox—At the residence of Mr. N. Snowdon, Egmondville, father of the bride, on February 20th, by Rev. Neil Shaw, B.A., Mr. Edward Mole, of Seaford', formerly of Auburn, to Mies Edith May Snowdon. MiTCHELL—MCNAtn—At the manse, Cran- brook, on Feb. 22nd, by Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. J. Robertson Mitchell, of Melita, Manitoba, to Mise Agnes, daughter of the late Alexander McNair, of Cranbrook. BIIRCHTLTrDi0FTG0. • MEnY—In London, on February 28th, by Rev. Wm. Lowe, formerly of Wingham, Mr. Sand. Burchill, of East Wawa - nosh to Miss Ann Montgomery, of Turnberry. DIED ZERREE—In Turnberry, on February ti8tli, Katharine Arnie, wife of Dlr. John Zerkee, of Howicic, aged 23 years. DMANN—In Wingham, on March 2nd, Emily Maria, wife of Mr. R. C. Mann. Moores—At Zion City, on February 24th, Helen Morris, formerly of Wingham, aged 78 ys enSAj.as Sam t Souris, Dian., on February 15th, Thomas Sample, formerly of Morris township, aged 70 years and 22 days. PERSONAL. DEBENTURES FOR SALE. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Hotel Property in the Village of Whitechurch. The Town of Wingham offers for sale 15 Debentures of 8100.00 each, making altogether 81,500.00. These debentures bear interest. pay- able annually, at 4;• per cent. The principal is payable twelve years from 15th March, 1900. Offers for these debentures may be made to the Mayor, Thos. Bell, Esq., or to the Treasurer at his office in the said Town, Wingham, Feb. 70.h, 1906. Mr. A. McCullough, of London spent Sunday with his family in town. Mr. Spedding, of Toronto was visiting - with Wingham friends this week. Miss Cora Newton, of Toronto isvisit- ing with old friends in Wingham. Mise A. Boyd was attending the annual spring millinery openings at Toronto. Mrs. K. Chadwick, of Teeswater was visiting with Wingham friends last' week. W. J. Proctor of Belgrave is taking a course in Telegraphy in Wingham Busi- ness College. Mr. Ecl, Bradwin, of Toronto is visit- ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bradwin. Mr. C. M. Walker leaves to -day for the. West to look out for orders for. Walker & Olegg's Jibe line of upholster• ell furniture, mattresses, Ste. �.+wri+sYYY a Ilarness TO FARMERS AND TOWNSMEN • • • • • • • • HAVE opened a Butcher Shop Aj in premises two doors north of the Chisholm Block, and ani fully prepared to supply the beet of all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats. Special attention paid to orders from farmers and others for meat in large quantities. A share of your patronage is respectfully solicited. WM. DIAMOND. IMML • • ••• r • • • • 2 • • • Z •• • • ••••••1••••••••••••••••••• JUST ARRIVED! Professor Dorenwend America's Greatest Hair Goods Artist is coming to The Brunswick Hotel, Wingham —0N— FRIDAY, CH 16 This visit gives you a chance to consult Pr • . Dorenwend about your Hair and to choose from the stock of Hair Goods—w)i.h he carries with him—just what you require. /:lei a Dorenwend can fit yon with a Wig or Toupee, which will hide all traces of Baldness' and take the place of your own hair ? Doctors recommend these Toupees as a preventative for colds in head, catarrh and neuralgia. Professor Dorenwend will fit you on the spot and show you just how you look afterwards. LADIES—READ TIILMS ! ! You will never have a better opportunity to see for yourself the / I beautiful assortment of Switches, Bangs, Pompadours, Waves, ( Wigs, etc., which Professor Dorenwend carries with him. t he hotel fail to call the the datedon't Remember �i5� Limited, as all men know, dis- figures and adds an aged expression to the face. Why remain bald when Professor /� A COMPLETE STOOK OF and see Professor Dorenwend early. Overcoalings, Suilings TROUSRnIsGS AND VESTINGS. These are all of the latest designs ' and materials, and at prices that are reasonable. Pursuant to the power of sale contained in a certain registered mortgage which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public, Auction, by W. A. Currie, auctioneer. at the Brunswick Hotel in the Town of Winghain, in the County of Huron, on n Saturday, the 24th day of March instant, at one o'clock in the aftern000n, the f owing valuable Hotel property, namely:— let part of lot FO in the 14th Concession of t Township of last Wawanosh in the Couu of Huron, described as follows:—Comnie •ing 22 rods in a westerly direction along o boundary line from the north east Borne of said lot, thenoe westerly along said bot dairy line five rods, thence southerly at i t angles to said bound- ary line eight rods, t nee easterly parallel, to said boundary lino five rods, thence northerly at right angles to said boundary line 8 rods to the place of beginning. On this property is situate a well equipped frame hotel 8S0 feet x 40 feet with kitchen at- tached 10 x 111 feet and a good frame barn 80 feet x 50 feet with shed attached. The build- ings aro in a good state of repair. The property is situate in the Village of Whitechurch on the gravel road about mid- way between the Town Wingham and the Village of Lucknow. TIMMS or SALE .—Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money on day of sale and the balance in 20 days thereafter. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Further terms and conditions will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on application to the Vendor's Solicitor. Dated at Wingham this 7th day of March A. D., 1900, R. VANSTONE. Vendor's Solicitor. Those wanting Harness, single or double, will find it to their advantage to deal with me, no I have a large stock to choose from, Also, Fur Coats, Robes, Horse Blankets, Bells, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Club Bags, Telescopes ; Curry Combs, Brushes, Harness Oil, etc. Repairing done neatly and promptly. Having bought Mr. C. Kneohtel's stock, and engaged him to work for me, I am in a position to make any kind of Harness to order, on the - shortest possible notice. (rive me a call. G, C. Manners. We have a special line of Black and Blue Serves • yon ought to see. Canadia Norlhwest Homestead Regulations. Any even numbered Lauds inManitolthoN tl ter Provinces, n section of Dominion or • or awes o inces excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be home- steaded by any person who is the sole head of n family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 100 acres, more or less, Entry may be made personally at the local land office for the district in which the land is situate, or if the homesteader desires, he may, en application to the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, the Commissioner of Immigration, Winnipeg, or the local agent, receive authority for some one to make entry for him. The homesteader is required to perform the conditions connected therewith under one of ' the following plans : (1) At least six months' residence upon and Cultivation of the land in each year for three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the vleinity of the land entered for the requirements as to reeidenee may be satisfied - by such person residing with the father or mother. (81 If the settler has his permanent residence upon fanning land owned by him in the vlcin- , ity of his homestead the requirements as to • residence may be satisfied by residence upon the said land. Six months' notice in writing should be given to the Cnmpis 'ones of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to aptly for patent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N. 13.- Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not to paid for. Call and have a look through our stock and see the Fashions for Fall and Winter. All you have to do is tell us how you want your garment made, and we make it that way. Our Trimmings are of the best. - Maxwell lZObt. �l aX'N( TAILOR. The Dorenwend Co. of Toronto 103 and 105 YONGE ST„ TORONTO. 5 •••••••••••••$•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• • • COAL COAL COAL. • • • • We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL,• •� • which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and i Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. N • • Wecarrya LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH • • full stock of • • (Dressed or Undressed) • • Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. • • - Highest Price paid for all kind s o • f Logs. • •••••� Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No.d4. •••••••••.•i•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• J. A. IVIcLeans L-' STEEL RANGES AT $45.00 EACH SEE THF "HURON" before buying any other. It is the best value in Steel Range construction on the Canadian market. Every Range guaran- teed absolutely. Will burn wood or coal. Extra large reservoir means abun- dance of hot water. Made right in your own County. Read what pleased users say : -�-�• MADE BY Blyth, PO., Jan. 19, 1906 Western Foundry Co., Ltd., Wingham, Ont. Gentlemen:— It affords me much pleasure to be able to recommend to any intending purchaser your Huron Steel range. I have had one of them in use for the past two years and during that time have found it to give me the most perfect satisfaction on a minimum amount of fuel. My wife states that she would not ex- change it for any make of range that she has seen yet, in fact 0 she could not get another one would not sell it at any price. Very truly yours, Ohristopher Johnson The WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., Ltd. • Wingham, Ont,