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'Star Wars' brings the world together in unity, like it or not.
Iif you don't get why Star Wars
s so big, just know that it
eally is made for everyone.
Star Wars VII: The Force
Awakens shattered almost
every theatre film record
over its first weekend, con-
tinuing the story that has
been on pause since 1983.
Well, 'pause' in the sense that
there hasn't been a motion pic-
ture sequel in 32 years. Dozens
of books, comics, and video
games have told stories ofthe
George Lucas' Star Wars uni-
verse throughout that time,
making it both apop culture
phenomenon as well as a cash
cow for merchandise and any-
thing Star Wars related.
The new movie is excellent,
the actors are great and the
storywas moving for those of us
who have followed the journey,
like myself through our child-
hood - watching the original
trilogy on VHS tapes, their '90s
'special edition' re-release and
late '90s to early -mid 2000s pre-
quel trilogy. It's been a long road
for many of us, and The Force
Awakens brought tears to my
eyes at the opening credits
because I was so excited to con-
tinue the sci-fi fantasy I love so
It also means so much to the
lot of us because of how the
world grips our imagination,
but keeps us planted in human-
ity's philosophies and cultures it
borrows so widely from.
"It's just not my thing," so
many people I've seen have
written on social media, or have
said afterhearingmyexcite-
ment for the now -Disney -
owned property.
What have to say to that is
that IT IS 'everyone's thing'
whether they have an imagina-
tion for this kind of
Troy Patterson
My thoughts on things
science fiction fantasy or not. It
is because the basic concepts of
the film ring true throughout all
people, from our collective
search for belonging, finding
oneself, good triumphing over
evil, opposition to tyrannical
rulers, as well as philosophies as
simple and as impossible to
argue with as MasterYoda's
statement "Fear leads to anger,
anger leads to hate... hate, leads
to suffering: Who in the world
do you know needs to have this
stamped on their foreheads?
While we struggle in the real
world with that concept itself,
especially in the face of tyrants
like the Islamic State, or bigots
like US Republican presidential
nominee Donald Trump.
How is it that millions of peo-
ple canviewafilm such as this
but not bring that simple con-
cept back from the film to inject
into their own realities?
Far too many people easily
roll their eyes when they hear
'Star Wars' and dismiss it as
nonsense, or corporate manip-
ulation for merchandising pur-
poses, which admitted Star
Wars has become a product of
over -saturation. But it's a prod-
uct that makes money, which
also makes the world go round.
And the thing is, it's a simple,
exiting action adventure that far
more people can relate to than
those who can't So who
wouldn't want to attachitselfto
the Star Wars 'brand' wagon?
Merry Christmas from Lucknow News
Ruth Dobrensky I found it very heartwarming to
Lucknow News see how many different groups of
students, municipal offices, organi-
Happy 92nd birthday to Joan zations, churches, businesses, and
Robinsonwho celebrates her birth- individuals have taken time from
day onChrislluasDay. Manyhappy their busy schedules by raising
returns Joan. money or collecting gifts and dona-
Last Thursday evening found tions of food, clothing, etc., to help
manylocals at the Town Hall theatre others celebrate a happier Christ -
enjoying an evening of Christmas mas. To all those wonderful groups
music to benefit the work that Erin and people out there, on behalf of all
Gilchrist will be taking part in at who are on the receiving end ofyour
Kisumu, Kenya in the new year. gifts, thank you for your loving
I too am floored by every
unrelated company's attempt to
attach Star Wars to their foods,
products, endorsements, but I
know it's part ofwhatkeeps the
stories financed, and therefore
I do have to laugh when I see
Star Wars' things that are Christ-
mas -oriented and or other holi-
day, simply because people will
buy the brand. In my (often)
abstract view, I find it quite Anti -
Christmas if you hang Christ-
masballswiththe evilDarth
Vader, or the newKylo Ren
image on it, as both are, by
nature, killers of innocents in
the films and stories. What a
thing to decorate for Christmas
ifyoulookat it literally? I get that
most take it the light-hearted
way, I can't help but look at
those kinds of absurdities
attached to Star Wars market-
ing. But I also accept it as busi-
ness because everymajorbrand
splashes its name on everything
when it's popular - look at'Fro-
zen' as another example.
We all know, films of this
magnitude require funds to
thrive... so what's a few Darth
Christmas balls sold ifwe disre-
gard the context of the villain?
But out of all the funds
eamed, if only REAL scientific
and intemational space pro-
grams could benefit from the
half -billion Star Wars was able
to accumulate this past week-
eekend alone, we'd be traveling to
galaxies far far away in no time.
If only these stories used their
funds to get us there faster. That
is something I wish could
The other major dash Star
Wars has, notably this time of
year, is with the various faiths of
the world that almost instantly
disregard the film's opening line
It is often at this time of year
that a lot of people who would
never think of donating anything
to anyone, seem to be affected by
the "spirit" of Christmas and
open their hearts and wallets to
help cheer someone with less
than they. Sometimes it's a sim-
ple little donation, sometimes it's
huge and the people or person
being helped are overwhelmed
with the kindness of others. For
Along time ago, in a galaxy far,
far away.' The idea that humans
could exist in a more highly
advanced technological state
eons ago, far away from an
Earth yet to be bom, with thou-
sands of alien species, leads
many individuals to repulse at
the concept It would have been
considered blasphemy not long
ago. But in this day and age, we
knowthere's just as much
chance of something out there
as us being alone in the uni-
verse. I also knowmanyreli-
gious folk, of which I'm not,
who enjoy the fiction but disre-
gard Star Wars as anything but
I have to think as though any
use of imagination, can lead to
new ideas that could become
reality down the road.
Star Trek has proved that time
and again, so Star Wars may fol-
low suit as the years pass.
And it's all because of
I feel for those who don't
share the love for Star Wars that
so many of us do. They're miss-
ing out
I was so excited about the
new film, that I wrote an email
letter a fellow Star Wars fan by
the name of Prime Minister Jus-
tin Trudeau. No joke, he's a big
fan. I asked him what he
thought ofthe film andreiter-
ated its virtues, in the vein of
recognizing diversity, over-
throwing tyranny and unity
amongst our fellow citizens.
Do I expect an answer? No.
The guy is kind of busy.
But I'm of the mind that
anything that can help unite
people around the globe like
Star Wars can, is something
the leader of Canada, the
growing poster child of unity,
can relate to.
May the Force be with you.
those of you who do this anony-
mously, though you may not be
thanked personally, the thanks of
those helped, is probably with-
out end. Even if you don't have a
lot of money, a donation of
change to the Salvation Army, for
example, no matter how small,
will be put to good use.
Don't forget to take in a Christ-
mas Eve service at one of our
local churches tomorrow