HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-03-08, Page 6B 1 THE WING1tAM TIMES MARCH tt 'lit Kernels from the Sanctum Mill EXHAUSTION ALL cove Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Mr. Fred. Walter, license inspector, of Henlilton, died suddenly on the street ob his way home. Guy Grant stuck a knife in his leg while killing calf near Port Hope, and 1 dted a few hours later. ' The general store of Mr. .Aaron Wt n• i ger at Aytcu was wrecked by the explo• , sem of a keg of powder. A. Wenger was eeverely iejured. Samuel Schmidt who sold his place George , lest week to g Ta Schwalm, has pnr- chased William Hacker's 150 acre farm on rl'e 12th ooncessiou of Carrick for something over $10,000. Messrs. Lindsay Brcs, have sold out their livery business at the well-known sand at the Wallace street bridge, at Listowel to:Mr. A. McTavish, V. 5 , of \ u Mt. Forest, who took possession last i>4 t•• , • 1, tit itet Kiat, *4 tot n little Me-. th1l,Iert eputt to the watt ith wlltr.b th' r B n as 1. tneett,•u, (1, Y •n a 111 Ifit., th+• •eel (•OI,►t, . n.tl� . tilt 1.„k tn; ih t'rut ,,, thou tt th• ,, n,kiagtl 18 2.1X••'1 1151 To -day She is Buoyant With Health and Vital Energy Given by a Medicine Suited to the Female Sex. You can't keep riown expense when There is no inedicine for health and you have got to keep up appearances— strey,g'h that accomplishes so nlnoh as that is, the appearance of being; some- thing Dr. liumiltuu's Pills. Fur womanly that you ain't. You're in the fix troubles they have na sinal. MISB Katie E Emerson oue of Brock of a dog chasing his tail—you can t make tons popular young ladies, in h ends meet; and if you do, it will give lowing letter voices the conviction of you such a crici: in your neck that you hosts of her frieuds: won't get any real satisfaction out of two titutlthe ago I was complete- ly used up. I was weak and miser - your gymnastics. able. My strength was gone, and I The death occurred on Wednesday, had rte appetite or energy lett. Feby 21st, of Mrs, George Clark, at her What I needed was a blond purifier and sy stematio tonic which I found home in Hallett. Death, which was due iu Dr. Hamilton's Pills, To -day 1 to heart trouble, Dame very suddenly, am brimming over with spirits and claiming Its victim before medical aid virile Rood health that eawe from could be procured. The deceased, who rising )r. Hamilton's Pills. p No one eau over•estirnate the true was a native of Yorkshire, England, was worth of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Their 73 years of age and was one of the oldest enormous curative power ruakes one residents of the township coining to this marvel. You soon have liober blood, country when nineyears old and settling better appetite, clearer complexion, free. g dem from weakness and ill•bealth. Dr. a the for in Hallett. Hamilton's Pille are sold everywhere, 25e per box. or five boxes for $t By mail from N 0 Polson et Co., Hartford, Qr 000REWAII`�D will week. A Safe Cough Medicine for Children. Uonn., L).S.A•, and Kingston, Out. c pau to an p::r.on who proves tha `.iunhght Soap contains any injurious chemicals or any furor of adulteration. perfect cleaner and will injure anything. 3est for all household put,- ' i ': es, Sunlight Soap's super - i way is most conspicuous in t. tc washing of clothes. Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate cruors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow direc- t -,ns). 'seer money refunded by the dealer 'rum whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint. Buy it and e follow directions G • Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto 161 Colin Campbell of Goderich has a second incubator -hatched brood of chicks out, getting 150 chicks out of 175 eggs. A third brood is due this week and we understand Mr. Campbell intends raising about a thousand altogether this season. On Thursday last, Feb. 22nd, there died at her home in Kinloss, Miss Francis Gillies, youngest daughter of Mr. David Gillies. Miss Gillies had Women. (London Punch; Women are born, not made. There is only one kind of namely, women. Against the eternal feminie the daily male bas no chance at all. Sohopenhaner did not approve of wo- men. Women did not approve of Sohop• enhaner. The chief topics of couversation in fe- male society are husbands and servants. ' The distinction seems arbitrary, and doubtless is seldom drawn. Those whom the gods love (i. e., ladies of the chorus) dye young, The popular idea that women have no sense of humor is quite mistaken. They marry us. In buying a cough medicine for chil- dien never be afraid to buy Chamber. lain's Cough Remedy. There is no A pastor may have labored in his danger from it and relief is always sure church for twenty years as a minister. to follow. It is especially valuable for comforter to the sick and sorrowing, and colds, croup and whooping cough. For sale by F. H. Walley. Friends in Teeswater received word a few days ago of the death of Mr. Wm. Wern, who a few years ago was em - been ailing some three years and suffer- ployed as clerk in Messrs Mann and ed greatly, but she bore withoutmnrmer Ewing's store. Mr. Wern has been liv- and her greaterinaturo endeared her to ing at Sault Ste Marie since leaving all. Teeswater and his death took place there The sccurgelknown as the seveu years on Friday, Feby. 23rd. While here he itch is raging in the city of Hamilton. was married to Miss Lindsay, a niece of Public school teachers there have been Mr. Samuel Lindsay of Culross. He notified that the itch is on the go, and leaves a widow and two little daughters. every youngster who has any kind of shin disease is sent home. In spite of A Chicago Alderman OwesIlle Election to these precautions the disease is spread- Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. ing. "I can heartily and conscientiously The marriage of Miss Jean Barry, recommend Ohamberflain'she coughthroat Rem• d f r afieotions oand women— helping along every good work iu his oomninuity and yet have very little said of it. But let there he a single mistake, or the rumor of a scandal, and tongues begin to wag, and sensational papers deal it out in columns of choice morsels It is the way the devil has of getting even. Doan's Kidney Pills not on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. k rheum - edam, weak back. They cure backaches, T ey diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong aotion of the kidneys and bladder. Wt"1.11h n•aN'11. e1,1' • ales t„ 1 1 F i , 'te tab. 1tli. 11 , pa, . 1 , e'i••k with r POO t ;44, It i u „i•II ,n t,•1],w soap line irtekt•s P. ruum• h su'ti'tt;t. 1' 'he dtawtr at1 quit. "'Nth t• -To teeth nt,er Opt 1)r 11 and ..hn1 a t,.• ItnirR Ar 11.• /Itn,,innr1 t7t,i1.5• 01 The Vi4ei el s of 1t'a$ Asrnta.•tiun „ reel"I ti tion wfs Pet std "tanpprnving 11r the '1",- eret, 11 g !•1)911 t' of aaatihg ,b, U'einn Joel: the mi dime nt calling etr,mem t11 anetirm Wes sed eth.i aiBr n1•i' g it for advetti-ing purposes deneeentng the flee are takii.tt ir' m if the res rot with whteb it , eight to be viewed ' A very pieasant trees took nlaneat the home r•t Mr. and M's William Hether- ington, eo,i esriort 8, Kinlr.se, on Wed. nesdne February 21st it being the mar- riage of Miss Maud P•semore, who for- •qup-ry h, „ n11.114 it 4, 3. I1' en^ merry resided i41t1 Mr. Hetherington, to MI. Hugh bit Burn, y, a prospt•rons young farmer of Underhill, Manitoba. The certnooy in as performed ht tat, Rev, 8 Ednineds of Whits church The groom was assisted by Mr, Archie Piss. more of Teeswater, brother of the bride, while Miss May Belle Hetherington, cousin of the groom, noted as brides• maid. little May Passmore of Toronto and Rnthie Passmore, of Teeswater, both nieces of the bride, as flower girl and ring bearer respectfully Many people say they are "all nerves," easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are jest the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the -nerve centres and give I . new uerve turns to shattered nervous i systems Wagers have enmetimes take n a grim 1 form It is credibly recorded that in the I eighteenth century, a wager was laid for • At the time of the death of Mrs. Geo. Campbell some six weeks ago we little 1 one of a party of gay revelers to enter expected so exon to be called upon to Westminieter Abbey at the hour of mid - chronicle the death of her aged partner.: night, He was to enter one of the vaults beneath the abbey, and in proof of his daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Barry, ]nuge says Hon. John Sheniek, 220 So. Mr.Campbell took cold a short time ago , having been there he was to stick a fork Con. 20, Greenock Tp., to Mr. Wm. Mo- Peoria St., Chicago. "Two years ago which developed into pneumonia, death into a coffin which had recently been de - Kenzie, eon 2, Bruce, was solemnized on during a political campaign, I caught claiming him on Friday, Feby 23rd Wednesday, Feby 28th, by Rev. P. M. cold after being overheated, which init.Like his wife lie was a native of Ireland, posited there. He accomplished his ob- ated my throat and I was finally coin- jest and was returning in triumph McEachern of Glenne. The bride was pelled to stop, as I could not speak aloud. but came to this country some io years when he felt himself suddenly caught attended by Miss Maggie Kerr, with Dan Iu my extremeity a friend advised me to or so ago, being married here in 1854 and was so overoome with terror that ho McLean as best man. use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, I Mr. Campbell at one time was on a farm took two doses that afternoon and could fell iu a swoon. Fiis companions, not An interesting event took place on not believe my senses when I found the and later was proprietor of a hotel at being able to account for his long ab. Wednesday afternoon, Feby 28th, at next mornin; the inflammation had large. Rob Roy, and was among theeldestresi•senoel, found him in this condition The the home of the bride on the 5th coaxes- ]y subsided. I took severalking doses that dents of Goderich. fork whioh he had fastened in the coffin •dap, kept right on taking through the sion of ,McKillop, when Mr. William compaign, and I thank this medicine ci A Si'T ®R. x A . Smith, of Seaforth,and Miss Mary Magill that I won my seat in the Council." Bears the The Kind you Have Always Bought entered into matrimonial partnership. This remedy is for sale by F. H. Walley. Signature The marriage ceremony was performed ' of THE LADIES' FATOIUITE. Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite :medicine. They euro Constipation, Sick Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia eeithout griping, purging or sickening. Wasteful Way of Saving. Do not try to save money by: Doing without your luncheon, even if only for once. This will injure your health. Sewing in the twilight. Artificial light is cheaper than ooulists' bilis. Wearing thin clothing. Flannel is by Rev. F. H. Larkin. Mr. D. J. Aitcheson has sold hie farm On Friday, Feby 23rd, death removed e near Harpurhey, in McKillop, to Mr, Robert Mnrdie, for the sum of $2,700. an old and highly esteemed resident of The farm contains about 28 acres, but it Kincar cKe in the person re Mrs. Ken - is every choice lot with good buildings meth McKenzie, Victoria street, Eimer - and in it Mr. Mnrdie has secured a nice, dine, Deceased was in !ler 89th year, having been born in Rosshire, Scotland. SPRING 1MIEDICINE. As a spring medicince Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, comfortable home. Mr. Aitcheson in• - weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. The five youths who were sent up for trial a few weeks ago by a magistrate at Seaforth for disturbing public worship at a Kinburn church decided not to wait for the assizes and have their case go be- fore a jury. They were brought to Goderich last week, and had their case disposed of by the county judge, paying a fine of $5 each and being bound over for a year to keep the peace. For Over Sixty roars. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs of the Dominion House of Commons as keeper here recommended this remedy Winelow's SoothingSyrup has been used it was during the last session. He finds and it completely cured me. There is for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers that its composition was as follows:— no use of anyone suffering from that for their children while teething, with Agents and dealers 0, bankers 3,brokers painful ailment when this liniment can perfect success. It soothes the child- gbe obtained for a small sum. One ap- softens the gums, allays all pain, tuxes 2, contractors 1, druggists 2, editors and plication gives prompt relief and its eon - wind colic, and is the best remedy for journalists 12, engineers 1, farmers 23, tinned use for a short time will produce For sale by F. H. tends going to Alberta, and will probab- ly locate inthe Edmonton district, where he intends taking up a large tract of She settled with her late husband Ken- neth McKenzie on a farm in Huron township near Ripley, where they passed land. through the trials endured by the early settlers. After giving up farming about twenty years ago she removed to Kin - L+ cardine, where she has resided ever ' since. se _— -- - parts by the Improved Blower. throat and permanently cures Heals the ulcers, clears the air Jpassages. stops droppings in the ampionampionLiniment for x2lreumatleni. Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower Chas. Drake, a mail carrier at Chapin- Ch free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase ville, Conn,, says: "Chamberlain's Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo.Pain Balm is the champion of all lini• A writer fond of statistics has an menta. The past year I was troubled a ' al zed the occn ations of the members great deal with rheumatism in my shoul- y P der. After trying several cures the store - DR. A. �N, CH'ASE'S 25 CATARRH CURE is sent direct to the diseased diarnccea. It is pleasant to the taste. fruit growers 1, gentlemen 11, lawyers Sold by druggists in every part of the Walleye 71 lumbermen 3 manufacture mer- valne is incalculable. Besure you ask chants 2r, doctors 19, millers 1, nota. - for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and ies 4, ranchers 1, surveyors 1, veterinary In the death of Goderioh s well known take no other kind. , ear eons 1. Total, 21.4. townsman, James Craigie, which occur- s red on Saturday, Feby 24th, a figure The essential lung -healing principal of made by his many years' con- A charming home wedding was cele- the pine tree has finally been successfully made familiar with the fish and ice business is brated on February 25th, at 5.30 p.m„ separated and refined into a perfect when Mr. Stewart Finlay, of Mafoking cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway removed. Some four years ago Mr. Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a Craigie gave up 1 is business and for the was united in marriage to Miss Ella ' guarantee of satisfaction. Price 20 past few years L •d not been in good cheaper than druggists' prices. Whitley, only daughter of Mrs. E. J. Dents. health. The der used was native of Using cheap soap. It will cost you Whitley, of 4th con, of Ashfield. The The egg merchants of Chicago, who the Orkney Islands but when a young something in cold creams and sufferings ceremony was performed by Rev. T. The month sustained losses of '1.000,000, man came to this country. The follow- 'to remedy the harm it does. Hicks, of Dungannon in the presence of and who have on hand large stocks of ing year he returned to his native place Going about in thin shoal, Leather is {•{ about 150 guests. cold storage product, are facing at 10 and was married, his bride's maiden cheaper than quinine and porous plasters, i d A S etc CfX A , cent market. Eggs that dealers put in also being Craigie, though there were no also than a case of pneumonia. ! •tlhe Kind You Have Always Bed storage last Bummer at 10c to 20o a ties of consanguinity between the fami- Bsarethe Trying to do the work of the upholtor- 1• Signature) er and carpet layers. You may never ( of world. Twenty-five cents abottle. Its ""' r had caught and pinned his long cloak and so occasioned a fit of terror which nearly proved fatal. dozen, sold recently at 11 cents. The lies. Returning to Canada Mr. and Mrs, New York Fruit and Produce News Craigio made Goderich their home. feel like doing any work again. I estimates that there are at least 750,CG0 Overworking. Nobody will thank Tis our sad duty this week to record cases of storage eggs in the coolers of Professor Blackie frequently stayed at you. You will be so cross that the very I the death of Elizabeth Pearl, second CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Another of Huron's oldest and most respected pioneers passed away on Tues. day, Feb 20th, at the old home, made sacred by the life experiences, toils, joys and sorrows of over half a century. Jane Thompson, relict of the late Thomas 4. Thompson, was born in Kildare, Quebec .1 in January, 1827. Her girlhood was ,'�1, spent, and her marriage took plane in * the province of her birth. Shortly after their marriage Mr. and Mrs, Thompson moved westward to the county of Grey, Ont., where three years were spent. In - 1854 they came to the Township of Hur. on and settled on lot 29 on the 8th con- cession. psoplifor whom you are saving will I hate you, and your husband will wish i.�o had married a spendthrift.--Waehing- tu Star. Cash or Cure If Shiloh's Consumption Cure fails to cure year Cold or Couch, you get back all you paid for h. You are sure of a Cure or the Cash. if it wasn't a sure cure, this oder would net be made. Can anything he fairer ) if you have a Cold, Cough, or any disease of the Throat, Lungs or Air Passages, try �.t�W IL0 343 eer bottle. All dealers irwrentee. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Craw- ford, of the 16 con. Howick, which sad event took place on Saturday evening, Feby 24th, after a very lengthy and try- ing sicknoss of over nine months from cancerous growth. Deceased was in her 18th year was highly respected by all her schoolmates and friends. There was a nice wedding at the resid- ence of Mr. Adam ltoidt, in Clifford, on the 14th February, when his daughter, Miss Emma Reidt, was married to Mr. William Wettlaufer, of Gadehill, Ont. Rev. H. Bruer, Lutheran pastor,per. • formed the ceremony, The happily wedded couple mored to the Oth cones• tion of Ilowick on the 27th February to the old Anderson farm, near Fordwioh, Which Mr. Wettlaufer recently pet - dated. the U S The decline makes an esti- 1)r. Donald Macleod house in Glasgow. mate of $2 loss on a case, which means One night, said the doctor, we were sitt- $1,500,000, and if receipts continue to ing1113 together. Blackie said in his come in freely the lcss will bo nearer $3 brusque way, "Whatever other faults I a case. have, I am free from vanity." An in- credulous smile on my face roused him. "You don't believe that. Give me an instance." Being thus challenged I said, "Why do you walk about flourish- ing a plaid continually:" "I'll give yon the history of that, sir. When I was a poor man and when my wife and I had oar 'difficulties, she one day drew my attentton to the threadbare obaraet- a k mo to order Of myasked o.surtoutand Ural,. oyout friends orre a ivrs suffer i th Iits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or falling a now oe,Itold her could notaffordSickness, write fora trial bottle and valuable one just then, when she went, like a puther o n laid '• . td THE 1.1;15113o.nd o treatir n liCli disCa.,Cs �CO.,�, ] woman,ae w e o snoble 1? 170 Xing Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All shawl onIntshoulders, and I had `worn a plaid ever since in memory of her lot. LEUNNGI'S F$TCURE inw4eed." A r FOA GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fam. 'remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est r em'dy 'with a long and successful record, to c• -r1 • 'n ti est'rin, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn o ,t,ipation, t 3ensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, • ni' ition of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular .atism, sour stomach, bowel and liver coin- ' its. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up r t i-swn systems, restore pure blood, good appe•' .. ^ .id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives ,:on tent benefit from a regular use of Ripans ,i'.,bules, Your dri ggist sells them. The five- c.;nt packet is en rh for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottlt ''�o cents, contains a supply for a year. t. 11 , , , II 14 ,h15 . � IJ d. h, I 1 1 II I;,,ii,li. .1 4' I 1 .,��•5 111 1 lh4l4i1 5i 4'.Rr,,ti h 4,1) 1 G ,t d; ••••••••A••001110alvpaw+ese seetiets • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• O • •1• r o ill 111•r0•••111••••••e!•••••••111 • CLUBBINGL' •• • • tai •• • 1, A RAT ES FOR 1905 - 06. EtallINIMINV 0 Times to, January 1st, 1907 $1,00 Times and Daily Globe 4.50 Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.60 ,'11,'•' Times and Daily World ..... 3.10 44 Times and Toronto Daily News.. 1.90 .iti Times and Toronto Daily Star 1,85 'i'1 Times and Daily Advertiser 2.35 41 Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.35 .�,� 4. Times and Weekly Globe . 1.65 4. Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.70 . 4. Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1,75 •t+ -e i� � Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and 4' book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide 1.90 + q. Times and Weekly Witness 1.65' Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1,50' •'1r• Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80 •r 4. Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1,60 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1.80 ,� Times and World Wide 1.85 •e•. '1' Times and Northern Messenger 1.30 •t Times and Farmers' Advocate `?•35 4. We specially recommend our readers tosubsoribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine Times and Farming World 1.35 4' Times and Presbyterian 2.25 . Times and Westminster 2.25 'i1' Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3,25 •�' Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... .. 1.90 . Times and Youths' Companion 2,75 'i' Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2.90 Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1.45 Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto). 1.85 Times and Michigan Farmer 1.65 Times and Woman's Home Companion 1.7 5 Times and Canadian Woman (monthly) London ... 1,15 Times and American Sheep Breeder 1.90 Times and Country Gentleman 2.10 •i• Times and Delineator 1.95 � Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine 1.75 Times and Green's Fruit Grower 1.35 4. Times and Good Housekeeping 1.80 +$Times and Modern Women 1,45 Times and McCall's Magazine 1.45 4• Times and Pearson's Magazine 1.70 4' Times and American Illustrated Magazine 1.90 + Times and American Boy Magazine 1,65 : Times and What to Eat 1.60 +Times and Bookkeeper 1.65 '' Times and Recreation 1.75 * Times and Cosmopolitan 1.65 Times and Ladies' Home Journal 2.15 H Times and Saturday Evening Post 2.45 Times and Success 1.80 4. Times and Housekeeper 1,50 '1' Times and Pilgrim 1.60 + Times and Poultry Keeper 1.40 e Times and Hoard's Dairyman 1,90 '1.1 Times and McClure's Magazine 1.90 •, Times and Munsey's Magazine 2,00 M Times and Rural New Yorker • . 2.001 ± Times and Vick's Magazine 1.4O 4 The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below for any or all of the following publications druggists self or can obtain for you A WOMAN'S BACK iS THE MAINSPRING OF HER PHYSICAL SYSTEM. The Slightest Back- ache, if Neglected, is Liable to Cause Years of Terrible Suffering. No women can be strong and healthy unless the Lidneys are well, and regular in their action. When the kidneys are ill, the whole body is i11, for the poisons which the kidneys ought to have filtered out of the blood are left in the system. The female constii,ution is naturally more subject to kidney disease than a man's; and what is more, a women's work is never done—her whole life is one con- tinuous strain. How many women have you heard say: " My, how my bank aches:" Do you know that backache is one of tlio first signs of kidney trouble? It is, and should be At- tended td immediately. Other symptoms are frequent thirst, scanty, thick, cloudy or highly colored urine, burning sensation when urinating, frequent urination, puff- ing under the eyes, swelling of the feet and ankles, floating specks before the.pyes, eto. These symptoms if not taken in time and mored at once, will cause years of terrible kidney suffering. A11 those symptoms, and in fact, theta diseases may be cured by the use of DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS They act directly on the kidneys, and make them strong anti Healthy. Mrs. Mary Galley, Auburn, N.S..writer: " 1'or over four montlist war troubled with ern in bed linable le tot b a w o back and lam a c induced eel ind without heli. I wasby a friend to try Doati'e Kidney Pills. After using two- thirds of a box my back was as well as ever.' Price 50 cents per box or three boxed for $1.23 at all dealers, or sent direct On 1re- eeipt 1af price. The Dow ifidaey x'ila Co., Cy _2n4►.1!...-. 4. t Times and American Gardening 2.25 . Times and Health Culture • Times and Ram's Horn 3 Times and Four Track News • Times and Breeders' Gazette , Times and Practical Farmer 1.85 2.45 1.90 •, 2.25 • 1.85, or A. When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers wily secure such premiums when ordering through no, same as if ordered direct: from publishers. These low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are* STRICTLY CASH 1N ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, poste office or express money order,er, addressing TIMES OFF'ICE, , WXNGRAM, ONTARIO, 1 $41.10111111114111111011.61$111104111041 + .1) w