HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-12-16, Page 66 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Purple Grove WI set for Dec. 19 concert Mary Anne Kukoly Purple Grove Women's Institute The December meeting of the Purple Grove Women's Institute was held at the home of Fran Farrell. The Scripture was read by Largaret McInnes. Our roll call was answered by gifts being donated to the Ripley Christmas Hampet A collection was taken with the proceeds to be given to the organization 'Sleeping Chil- dren Around the World: During our business discussion it was decided to send some funds to the Women's House of Kincar- dine and the P G Community Centre. Our December birthday lady Joyce had some humour for us. President Janet Rhody also had some humorous readings. Mary Anne Kukoly reported on the plans for the Purple Grove Concert, which will be held Saturday, Dec. 19 at the Community Centre. Our Convener Marilyn Reid continued with our theme of humour. She then presented the idea for the craft that we were going to do. She pre- sented all the items supplied by Joanne VanDam in order that everyone could make an adorable snowman. It was amazing to see all the different expressions on the snowmen. After the major work was done we gathered to sing Christmas carols. It was good to have our 92 year old helping out with the harmonies for the carols. Maureen Collins, Marilyn and Janet R. supplied a great lunch. Lots of laughter ensued around the table while we were making the snowman and enjoyinglunch. LUCKNOW ARENA SCHEDULE DECEMBER 16T" - DECEMBER 22ND Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:OOam 5:OOpm 6:OOpm 7:OOpm 8:30pm 9:30pm Open Skating - $2/Skater Jr. & Sr. Initiation Practice PeeWee Rep Practice Bantam LL Game vs BCH Legends Practice Rec League Roosters vs Lagers Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:OOam Open Skating - $2/Skater 5:OOpm Initiation/Tyke/Novice Practice 6:OOpm Atom Girls Practice 7:OOpm PeeWee Rep Game vs Goderich 8:30pm Midget LL Game vs Goderich Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:OOam 11:30am 1:OOpm 2:30pm 4:OOpm 5:30pm 6:30pm 7:30pm OPEN ICE OPEN ICE Public Skating - Sponsored by Lucknow Kinsmen PeeWee Girls PeeWee Rep Game vs BCH Midget LL Practice Midget Rep Practice OPEN ICE Tues Dec 22, 2015 10:OOam 1:OOpm 5:OOpm 6:OOpm 7:OOpm 8:30pm Open Skating - $2/Skater Public Skating - Sponsored by Thompsons Port Albert Atom LL Practice Bantam LL Practice Midget Girls Lancers Practice Thur Dec 17, 2015 10:OOam 5:OOpm 6:OOpm 7:OOpm 8:OOpm 9:30pm Open Skating - $2/Skater Tyke Practice Bantam Rep Practice Midget Girls Practice Rec League Kintail vs Lanes Rec League Holyrood vs Saratoga Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:OOam 10:OOam 11:OOam 12:OOpm 1:15pm 2:30pm 3:30pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 7:OOpm 7:30pm Jr. Initiation Practice OPEN ICE OPEN ICE Novice LL Game vs Ripley Atom LL Game vs Mitchell OPEN ICE MacPherson Rental Midget Girls Practice Legends Game vs Wilmot Lancers Game Warmup Lancers Game vs Durham Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:OOam 1:OOpm 5:OOpm 6:OOpm 7:OOpm 8:30pm Open Skating - $2/Skater Public Skating - Sponsored by Chamber of Commerce Novice LL Practice PeeWee LL Practice Bantam Rep Game vs Ripley Midget Rep Game vs Zurich HURON TELECOMMUNICATIONS CO-OPERATIVE LTD. 519-395-3800 www.hurontel.on.ca Abby Philipson plays with playdough at one of the many activity centres. Darryl Coote/Kincardine News Abigal cradles baby Jesus as she is Abby Franklin dressed as a wiseman from Chloe Speers is dressing as a shepherd from dressed as Mary for a melodrama of the nativity story. the nativity story. the birth of Jesus. 'Messy Church' fun in Ripley Community Centre Darryl Coote Kincardine News Whoever said church had to be a serious affair obvi- ously didn't attend Messy Church at the Ripley Huron Community Centre on Sun- day, Dec. 13. Hosted by the Chalmers Community Church, the event had all sorts of inter- active family activities from nwmo a spontaneous melodrama section to a playdough table. "We're trying to create a family friendly environment for families to learn the nativity story, about the birth of Jesus Christ," said Chalm- ers' pastor, Brian Martin as children played games around him. There was a good 50 peo- ple there for two-hour event NUCLEAR WASTE SOCIETE DE GESTION MANAGEMENT DES DECHETS ORGANIZATION NUCLEAIRES that along with the melo- drama and playdough also had games, crafts, coloring and pin the start on the manger, a nativity take on the classic game pin the tale on the donkey. Messy Church is a move- ment, Pastor Martin said, born in England to make church more interactive and creative. According to the Messy NWMO Learn More Centre The Township of Huron -Kinloss is one of nine communities involved in a process of learning about Adaptive Phased Management (APM), Canada's plan for the safe, long-term management of used nuclear fuel. The Nuclear Waste Management Organization is working collaboratively with the community to advance preliminary assessment studies. Learn about APM, meet NWMO staff, ask questions and offer your thoughts. Drop in to the NWMO community office and Learn More Centre in Ripley. Everyone is welcome. Church website, the move- ment is a way to make church family fun and to foster Christ -centered val- ues based on "creativity, hospitality and celebration." "I think for us, one of the big things is for families to see Jesus as the central part of Christmas, and be able to experience God's love in their family," he said. NWMO Learn More Centre (Huron -Kinloss) 80 Huron Street, Ripley ON 519.386.6711 Wednesday Thursday Friday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.