HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-12-16, Page 3Huron County road
supervisors donate
$50,000 to local charities
Municipal road supervi-
sors from across Huron
County have donated
$50,000 to local organiza-
tions that help the
The Huron County Roads
Supervisors Association
donated its profits from the
30th Annual Association of
Road Supervisors (AORS)
Public Works Trade Show
held this past June in South
Huron, with more than 3,000
attendees and 200
"Since we are a county-
wide professional organiza-
tion, our executive commit-
tee made it our mandate to
give to organizations that
benefit the entire county,"
said Sean Thomas, chair of
the trade show organizing
In the past month, they
handed out the following
cheques: $28,000 to the
Ontario Student Nutrition
Program, which will fund 28
programs that provide
healthy food to children and
youth across the two local
school boards; $10,000 to
Canadian Tire's JumpStart
Charity that helps kids get
into sports, in memory of
Roger Cunningham, former
road foreman in Central
Huron, who was involved in
the trade show organiza-
tion; $10,000 to the Huron
County Christmas Bureau,
which provides clothing,
toys and recreational gifts
and food certificates to fam-
ilies in need at Christmas
time; and $2,000 to the
Ontario SPCA Huron
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Hannah Moore
Huron County Roads Supervisors Association donated $10,000
of its profits to Canadian Tire's JumpStart Charity that helps kids
get into sports. The donation was made in memory of Roger
Cunningham, former road foreman in Central Huron, who was
involved in the trade show organization but passed away before
the event.
Huron County Roads Supervisors Association donated $10,000 of
its profits to the Huron County Christmas Bureau.
Lucknow students fundraise for orphaned black bears
Darryl Coote
Lucknow Sentinel
Students at Lucknow Cen-
tral Public School are currently
receiving an education in
responsibility -- the responsi-
bility they have not only to one
another but to the larger world.
Having started Dec. 9, the
school is running a fundraising
campaign to help cover the
rehabilitation costs of an
orphaned bear cub.
"We thought it would be fun
to do, that it would be some-
thing interesting for the chil-
dren to learn about," said Prin-
cipal Anne Roppel from in
front of a foldout table dedi-
cated to fundraising for the
cause in the school's lobby.
All money generated
through this campaign will
go towards the Bear With Us
Sanctuary and Rehabilitation
Centre in Sprucedale,
Ontario, which, according to
its website, has the mission
"to promote the understand-
ing and respect for the bear
family, a species near the top
of the evolutionary scale, a
species in direct niche com-
petition with the human
The bear sanctuary attempts
to fulfill this goal by rehabilitat-
ing orphaned and injured
black bears, offering bears a
safe and permanent habitat,
giving off -location education
sessions and assisting people
to co -exist with bears through
conflict resolution.
Principal Roppel said they
found out about the sanctu-
ary through their kindergar-
ten early childhood educa-
tion teacher whose brother is
Mike McIntosh, its founder.
In fact, McIntosh will be
visiting the school on Dec. 17
to give a presentation about
bears and his sanctuary to
the students.
"Any time we can have a
visit from somebody like this
that can bring the outside
world into here, we want to
take advantage of it," she said.
It was the entire staff's
decision to run the
fundraising raffle campaign,
where the prize is a rather fit-
ting "pic-a-nic basket" full of
items they all donated.
When asked what the stu-
dents will gain through par-
ticipating and running this
event, Principal Roppel said
it is a sense of responsibility.
"[The students] get a sense
of responsibility, because we
are responsible for ourselves,
but we are responsible for
each other. We are responsi-
ble for the world around us,
and so here are some
orphaned bear cubs that
need feeding that need care
and monitoring and they are
going to be a part of that, she
Huron -Bruce MP
Savings Account
Huron -Bruce Conservative
MP Ben Lobb called upon the
Liberal Government to leave
the Tax Free Savings Account
(TFSA) limit at $10,000 annu-
ally, to ensure fairness for sen-
iors and working Canadians.
"In 2009, our Conservative
Government introduced the
TFSA as an effective way to save
money - tax free," said Lobb in a
media release. "Research
shows that almost half of TFSA
maximizers are seniors, so why
is the Liberal Government so
eager to decrease the contribu-
tion limit?"
On Dec. 7, federal finance
Minister Bill Morneau con-
firmed the contribution limit
wants Tax Free
limit at $10,000
on the TFSA will drop back to
$5,500 from $10,000 effective
Jan. 1, 2016.
Lobb is sponsoring a petition
both online and in his constitu-
ency offices in an effort to stop
the change in contribution limit.
According to the release, the
Department of Finance's
research shows people of all
ages and income levels max out
their TFSA contribution limits -
in fact the vast majority are low
to middle income earners, with
a large proportion being sen-
iors. Currently, 71 per cent of
TFSA maximizers are over the
age of 55 and 59.4 per cent of
max contributors make less
than $60,000.
Shopping Pass
Beginning Sunday, November 1, each time you
make a purchase at one of the participating
businesses prior to December 25th, the amount
will be punched on your card in $10 increments.
Spend a total of $150 and receive a chance to
win one of THREE $150 Huron -Kinloss Shopping
Sprees. Passes are available at downtown
sinesses and can be downloaded online
from www.huronkinl•ss.co
Wednesday, December 16, 2015 • Lucknow Sentinel 3
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Huron County Roads Supervisors Association donated $2,000 of
its profits to the Ontario SPCA Huron County. At left, Sean Thomas,
Public Works Manager for the Town of Goderich, and Chair of the
event, along with Chip Wilson, Director of Operations for the Town
of Goderich, and co-chair of the event, present the cheque to
Tamara Minns, Branch Co -Ordinator, Ontario SPCA Huron County.
Huron County Roads Supervisors Association donated $28,000 of its
profits from the recent 30th Annual Association of Road Supervisors
(AORS) Public Works Trade Show to the Ontario Student Nutrition
Program, which will fund 28 programs that provide healthy food to
children and youth across the two local school boards.
Darryl Coote/Lucknow Sentinel
Lucknow Central Public School student Nick Anson, 13, is seen
working the 'Bear with Us' fundraising table to work towards
adopting an orphaned bear cub.
Please join us
Christmas Eve for
A Journey to Christmas
8:30pm at the Kingsbridge Centre
Former St. Joseph's Church
84675 Bluewater Hwy.
Choir begins at 8:00