HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-12-09, Page 5TD Bank commits $40,000 to Wingham hospital TD Bank Financial Group has pledged $40,000 to the Wingham & District Hospi- tal Foundation's Our Hospi- tal, Our Future Campaign. This four year pledge makes TD the first financial institution to commit a donation towards the hospi- tal's fundraising goal of $4 million The TD contribu- tion will go towards the redevelopment of the for- mer Wingham Public School building into a one- stop -shop community healthcare campus. Miranda DeBoer, the pre- vious TD Wingham branch manager, said TD has cho- sen to support the Hospital redevelopment because TD recognizes "demand for health services continues to grow, stretching the capacity of many front-line agencies to meet the need on their own". De Boer along with District Vice President, Anne Vickers and new Wingham Branch Manager, Kam Javed, chose to meet and present their donation to Campaign Chair Mark Foxton at the site of the new community healthcare campus. De Boer said they were particularly interested in the vision of a comprehen- sive healthcare campus that houses many primary care services because TD has a long history of sup- porting projects that "strengthen the communi- ties where we operate and contribute to their social and economic develop- ment in long-lasting ways': The Wingham & District Hospital Foundation's Our Hospital, Our Future cam- paign is a $4 million com- munity fundraising initia- tive to support the expansive renovation of the True Christmas Joy — A Christmas Poem By Gordon Morrison `Twas the day before Christmas, a long time ago And our beautiful Earth was all covered with snow; Down the street with their sleighs came two manly boys Who paused at the win- dow to look at the toys. Already two others were there looking in; But their faces were sad, and their clothes old and thin. And the little one said, "Is it because we're so poor That Santa doesn't come to our house any more?" The older one patted his wee brother's head, And hugged him up closely, as softly he said: "Oh maybe he will come tonight, little Tim, If we ask in our prayers for the Lord to send him!" The little face smiled, but boys saw a tear In the eye of the one who quelled little Tim's fear. ( c• Then slowly and sadly the waifs went their way To the place they called home, where that night they would pray. The boys, with their sleighs, followed closely behind, And neither one spoke, but in each childish mind A beautiful thought said as plain as could be: "I'11 share with those poor boys what Santa brings me." When the two reached their home, to their father they ran, And eagerly told him their unselfish plan. He was proud of his boys, who now felt the same love That sent our dear Sav- iour from His Home above. Next morning, still filled with their beautiful thought, They scampered down- stairs to see what Santa'd brought And they, with the help of their father and mother, 4 • The Lucknow Sentinel Birthday Club Mya Sproul December 15, 2004 11 years old Your child can be a member of the Sentinel's birthday club call 519-528-2822 to register Lucknow 619 Campbell Street 519-528-2822 41 Selected the presents for Tim and his brother. And crept very quietly up to the door Where they'd seen the boys enter the evening before. As they hurried back home toward their own Christmas joys, They could not even dream how the other two boys, On finding that Santa had really been there, Sent their joy to the One who had answered their prayer. That night, when the "Santas" were ready for bed, With the hand of their father on each curly head, They knew, as they thought of the two poor, happy boys, What's the truest and choicest of all Christmas joys. Hospital and create the unique vision of a commu- nity healthcare campus. The campaign team antici- pates reaching the $1 mil- lion milestone early in the new year. More information about Our Hospital, Our Future can be found at www.wdhfoundation. ca OUR OSPITAL, c� Wednesday, December 9, 2015 • Lucknow Sentinel 5 Submitted TD Bank Wingham has committed $40,000 to the Our Hospital, Our Future Campaign. L -R: Campaign chair Mark Foxton, coordinator Nicole Jutzi,TD District branch manager Anne Vickers, previous Wingham Branch Manager Miranda De Boer and new Wingham Branch Manager Kam Javed took part in the announcement recently. Purple Grove WI welcomes guest speaker at November meeting Mary Anne Kukoly Purple Grove WI The November meeting of the Purple Grove Wom- en's Institute was held at the Community Centre. President Janet Rhody welcomed all members and guests. Our hostess Janet Nixon had the centre look- ing welcoming. The Scrip- ture was read by Shirley MacDonald. Congratula- tions were given to Mary Boyle of Lucknow who was honoured as the oldest 4-H member/leader at the 100th Anniversary celebra- tion of the 4-H organiza- tion. Some of our members commented about their thankfulness for Mary's commitment while they were attending 4-H. Janet R said she would be pleased to lay the wreath at the Remembrance Day Service in Ripley. We are invited to the Reid's Corners W I for their Nov. 18 meeting. Reports were given about the Convention and Rally in October. Mary Anne read a letter from the WI historian of Ryder Lake BC. Her letter was posted on line with the Kincardine Record. Mary Anne invited everyone to attend the Christmas Con- cert at the Community Cen- tre on Dec. 19. Our Convener Fran Far- rell introduced the Guest Speaker Nancy Ackert a Life Insurance and Finan- cial Advisor from Kincar- dine. Nancy spoke about some of the new Provin- cial regulations in estate planning. One of her star- tling comments was that an executor has only 90 days to do all the paper- work involved in an estate. Her very informative pres- entation had most of us rethinking our estate plan- ning. At the end of the presentation Nancy gave out three door prizes. She was thanked by Fran and was available for many questions during the lunch time. Lots of good discussions ensued while we enjoyed the lunch pro- vided by Marilyn Reid, Janet Rhody and Wilma Sutton. The next meeting will be Dec. 2 in the afternoon at Fran's. We are all looking for- ward the craft demonstration by Joanne VanDam:' Iucknowsentinel.com Reserve Now for your Traditional Family Christmas Smorgasbord Roast Beef & Turkey with all the trimmings including Christmas Pudding & Mincemeat pies. Sunday, December 13 & 20 5pm - 7:30pm $20.99 + tax - Seniors - $19 99 + tax Kids 6-12 yrs - $6 99 + tax - Under 5 - free 324 77.11 rs�lr�g ihY r Ymmur fty 4nec P%. Book for New Years Eve Gourmet Smorgasbord JOYCE JOHNSTONE x ACP Happy 90th 3rthday December 9th, 2015 • Love From, Family & Friends• • H.A.W.K. THEATRE SEEKING OLDER ACTORS! .................. 1 Open Auditions for HAWK Theatre's Spring Production "Sex Please, We're Sixty" by Michael and Susan Parker. Seeking 4 women and 2 men (ages 40 to 70-ish). Auditions: Sunday December 13 and Monday December 14 at the Lucknow Town Hall Theatre. To book an audition time, or for more information, contact Maureen at 519-357-8989 or email hawktheatrelucknow@gmail.com 91