The Wingham Times, 1906-03-08, Page 1THS
VOL XXXY.--NO. 1778.
Tailor -Made.
We will make your su;t to
your exact measures, to your
order for fifteen dollars cor-
rectly shaped and faultless-
ly fitted, superbly tailored
from some pure, all -wool fab-
ric, • staunchly guaranteed.
For seventeen, eighteen
or twenty dollars we would
�• use a fabric of still higher
We make them with care
and skill and can guarantee
you entire satisfaction.
Trousers made to order at
$3.50, 3.15. $4, $5, $6.
A fine seleotion of Gents' Fur-
nishings always in stook.
1YI.S1L. }Iomuth
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher
2 doors from post office.
II 111011•11.1
Half Tine Gone
10 days' sale 1 k ova quick for bar -
[mine in men's, yor bs' and boys' Over.
coats, Snits, Rain: oats, all sizes yet.
Leaving town, Fol.= to Clinton.
A. R. Seam,
Gents' Furnisher, I$/ rth End, Wingham
Death of 's. Mann
The death goour'ed on Friday last of
Mrs. R. O. Mann, at her home, Bristol
Terrace, after a t illness of several
months. Mrs Mtlau bad been suffering
from oonsnmptic 1, and last summer
spent several wee s at Gravenhnrst iu
the hope of gettin benefit, but it was of
no avail. The de eased is survived by
her husband and ve children, who will
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers ' WINGHAM DE=EATS HARRISTON
The following fro
forth Expositor will
readers:—"We are in
are canvassing amen
this vicinity for stook
operative Mercantile
mising stook holders oe
cies of merchandise at
prices than they can be
the regular dealers. Tl
aro that those who permit
be beguiled bythei
will get the experience a
fellow will get the money At any rate
itis worth while being careful. Cceopera•
tion is not more powerful than oompeti-
ti n and anypersonwhoa that it is,
oeeo as
have the sympathb of the community in py
their affliction. Che funeral took plane is either deoeiviag himef or trying to
on Saturday afteoon to Wingham cem•
deceive others."
etery, service bei ig held in ,Si Paul's
Church at 2 o'clre:k.
last week's Sea -
1 of interest to our
ormed that parties
the farmers in
n a so called Co-
ssooiation, pro-
tain staple arti-
ry much lower
rooured from
themselves to
the charmer
d the other
(paned by 'BANE P.aTaasoN, No. 29 Victoria
street, Windham, Ont. No witnesses required.
To RENT—Rooms v Griffin's store,
by the month or ye
H Davis has several good houses and
a farm for sale. See him for particu-
Capital paid up, $3,000,000
;Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $3,750,00 0
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to prinoipa130th Jane and 81.t
December eaoh year.
New Furnture Store.
Mr. S. Graoey
former well know
has been in town
and has made al
take his store p
again engage in
dertaking busine
with a new stoc
L. A. Ball & C ,
these premises f u the past five years
have secured the first store south of the
Brunswick hotel and with the large
rooms over the sabre will have nearly as
much floor space es formerly. They are
now busy having the new stere fitted up
and will move it�o their new store at
stable and 12 acres of
town of Wingham.
Real Estate Agent.
ones and
djoining the
. CHIsnfoLaf,
The Local Seve'a Successfully Defend
Northern League Trophy,
The final of the home and home games
to decide the ohat�
ern League was p
Wednesday evenii
was won by the
score being 5 to 4,
and furious at tan
their best. .d. man
Toronto, refereed t
his actions one wot
pionship of the North-
ayed at Harriston on
g of last week, and
'Ingham even, the
The game was fast
s, eaoh team doing Rev. R. Millyard,
named Morrow, of conduct the service:
e game, and from Church on Sunday v
d conclude that he of the educational
March! Q
1 Canadian Coon
1 Persian Lamb Co:
Ooat, 2 Persian La
It will pay you to b
Leaving town goin
Gents' Furnisher,
ick Marchi
oat. 1 Biship Coat,
t, 1 Bulgarian Lamb
b Caps left, size 7.
y for next winter.
to Clinton.
.rth end, Wingham.
must have gotten lis experience from Mr. Jno. Kerr, w
the back towships,
ignorance of the rul
ardent desire to fav
made no end of m
mong these being h
goal No, 5 for Wing
allowed the goal
drain off from can
Muir, of Toronto,
feree, but as Harri ton was very hard •preaches the final ser
to please in this ma; ter, Morrow worked to young meu. sTh
himself in for the j ab. He did not, how-
Health of the Province. "The Boy, What of
The returns to the 1-rovincial Board of ever, offend any of the Harriston play. 1 .
ing subject will he
Health of 760 divisionregietrare for the ere by his rank de(isions • against their Salvation."
opponents. If fact he must have been
s either from dense Churches in'Teeswat:
s of the game, or an on Sunday last, w
r Harrison team, he services in connectio
stakes, principal a- Leagues,
s neglect to tally The regular meeti•.
am after he had tory of Maitland was
ad had the puck row's Presbyterian c
e. Through some of this week. An off
eel, of London, and meeting will be give•
ere on hand to re• Nezt Sabbath e
month of January are among the most short-sighted as f
complete in the histor of the depart• of some of the
as the dirty playing Remember the ol.
of Leamington, a went. The decrease is scarlet fever and Hjarriston players was looking for your spr
resident of Wingham diphtheria is most g atifying, but the concerned. It wt s after half past eight ture. We have a 1
raring thepast week p typhoidwhen play was st irted. Tho ice was in prima are low. Yo
increase in smallpox (mid Is the interest to do our t
rangements to again g good condition, and some end -to end y
most regrettable feature of the returns. WALKER
sporty here and will The total deaths from• all causes were rushes were in order, only to be spoiled
he furniture and nn• 2,477, representing a reporting popnla• by the opposing goal men. Wingham Elocuti.
s, and expects to open tion of 2,072,321, rea ing the death rate scored the first al on a pretty shot by
➢.cLean only t be tied shortly after by Miss Clara V. H ynes i ends giving
of Lucknow, will
in the Methodist
xt, in the interests
rk of the Church.
s at the Methodist
r,Salem and Bethel
ere he conducted
with the Epworth
of the Presby -
held iu St. And-
nrch on Tuesday
oial report of the
in our next issue,
ning Mr. Fitch
on of he series
subject will be
im?" The morn.
The Assurance of
reliabl; .tore when
g su• .ly of furni-
took and our
ill find it to your
cling of our store.
n Class.
in a few days. Messrs, as compared with lessons in elocution fora .heat term of
•. who have been in the puck gettin past Moore. Fleming
nuary a year ago afx weeks. This ill e an excellent
2,019,550, the death succeeded iu la ding another for Wing -
2,019,590, of obt : i . ng first class in•
am, and the store at half time was 2 to struotion at a m . erate price. Any
0 class will kindly
sidence of Mr. H. B.
n March 12th.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
Vanetone, Solloitor. it is expected, w'll again be returned.
• ' They are: E. T. ssery, London, deputy
grand master; Jo n Hewitt, of Toronto,
I grand treaenrer, rad William Lee, Tor-
onto, grand asci ary.
WANTED -50 cases eggs and a ton of
batter weekly—also raw furs and 10,000
Rat skins. GEo. E. KING.
The Ne'
The new G. T.
for the first time o
station was used
Friday last. The
building is now ent rely completed and
the new heating ap stns is giving good
satisfaction. The n w building is a very
great improvement ver the old build-
ing. The interior fit ings are of the very
best quality. The in erior is finished in
Georgia pine and thee ate are of the latest
design. Wingham is an important place
on the G. T. R. and t e authorities have
provided good statical accommodation.
Work on the fixing n ) of the yard is
being carried on as w lather permits and
when the work is completed in the
spring, Wingham car boast of having
having the beat G. P. R. station and
grounds in Western Ontario. Mr. W.
F. VanStone, who as purchased the
old station building will commence at
once the work of mo—ing it.
LADIES:—If you wish to know where
you get the very late
in charming new Sp
will, as usual, pay
M. GORDON'S stock.
st, up-to-date ideas
ing Dress Goods, it
on well to see D.
per 1,000, 13 per nen
2,216 reported for
from a population o
Orangem n to Meet.
The Provinoial nd Orange Lodge,
Ontario West, mets at Goderich on
March 14. The Provincial Grand Black
Chapter meets a day previous. Wm.
Graham, of Harilton, will likely be
chosen grand mas• er of the latter lodge,
in succession of oho Scarlett, of Lead -
bury. It is unli sly there will be any
change in the pq sonnel of the Orange
being customary to al-
ater three terms. The
ester, Col. J. H. Scott,
11 probably be re-eleot-
k The other officers,
Lodge officers, it
low the grand ml
present grand m
of Walkerton, w
ed to a third tet
rate being 13.1 per dint. The mortality 1, in favor of ' �Vingham. In the first wishing to join t
in the cities is mncb.higher than in towns t F the second halt leave word at the r
and rural districts. The returns of the
fifteen mien e a o Elliott, not later t
Ell15 cities give 755 deaths from a reporting Calloway,• a goal to thheireir tt and Fleming had eaoh
credit. The Harriston
• Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shop.
•Oapltal paid up, $2,415,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $2,445,000.00.
Total Assets, $29,000,000.130.
President-- Hon. WIC. GTBS0N.
Vice -President and
General Manager —3. Tr1KNnnLL.
Assistant Gen. Manager—H. M. WATsoN
John Proctor, Chas.L.Dalton, Hen J.S.Hendrie,
Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. Barge.
fnrpeotor—B. Willson.
Interest snowed on deposits et 11.00 and up.
ward,, and dded to pMnoipal ort Slet May and
501ih November eaoh year.
lipeotal Deposits (also resolved at ed1'rent
fates of interest,
0. P. BMZTla, Asset
iSIORINSONA ROL,lkNtl, Solicitors.
New G.
Brer W. H, Ke
has the followin
in reference to
R. station:—"
station agent 1
writer was rec
new G. T. R.
in its appoints
finish, and co
be a delightfu
that did duty .
ham deserved
T. R. has give
pains is now t
the heat propel
should be loge
get a move on
more 0onvenit t point than their pre-
sent location.'
population of 555,6;7, which makes the then became desperate and took
death rate 16.3 per :ant. in 81,000 ; while part iplayersn the gave only by spells, the re -
the towns and r iral districts report mainder of the r time being assideconaly
1,492 deaths from ►11 causes form a popu- devoted to bel iboring their opponents
lation of 1,616,64
rate 11.8 per cent.
. R. Station.
r, of the Brussels Post
in his paper last week
lingham's new G. T.
rough the courtesy of
rola, of Wingham, the
tly shown through the
epot there. It is modern
ents; neat in the interior
and convenient and will
kchange to the old barracks
Or many years. Wing -
good depot and the G.
n it to them. If a little
ken to keep it tidy and
ly regulated everything
P R. should
The C.
and build a station at a
venience. Appl
Real Estate Agent , hand, and the igoal counted. Shortly
FARM FOR SAL .—A good 100 -acre , afterwards McDowell and Ward both
farm in the township of East Wawanosh charged Moore iu goal, the latter holding
9j, making the
with their stio
midget player,
nea'r—Every con- 1 stopped the poo,
o J. H. CIIISuoLif, goal. The ramp
. Bennett, Harristou's
nada a shot, but Moore
ten inches from the
se, hoe ever held up hiss
is offered for sale ata bargain for a qnick the goalkeeper round the neck, while
d up the puck and:threw
and. Ward afterwards
sfun shot on goal, and
called the score stood 5
m's favor.
lodged by Harriston has
ttled, but the Wingham
Worrying in the least about
ers of interest were which way it will be decided.
Wiens, one asking
relieve merchants in Let the Hartiston Review now speak.
ing scales tested and Wmgham ha.i won 5 out of 7 games
pay these charges, from Harriston in two years.
to the Government ` The Wingham boys did not run any
ent in the Act, re- chance of getting the drnm-head cut.
sale. Terms and full particulars at the - McDowell pick
Tines office.
it in with his 1
made a snccesj
Merchants Association. when tame wa
The meeting of 9 Wingham branch to 4 in Winghi
of the Retail M chants Association, . The protest
held on Thursday vening of last week not yet been ei
in the Council Ch her was very well _ boys are not
attended, and ma
discussed. Two pi
the Government to
the payment for ha'
the Government t
and another petite .
asking for amen
epecting peddlers, were signed by the ' Bates, Lambe, and poor "Chat" Mc•
members present. It was decided to ' Queen were am
meet two evenin_a each month, and a A small crow
committee was appointed to secure a ; McQueen had
hall, and at the next meeting the ninths ' down the snore
for regular meetings will be selected. The Moore stopped many shots which look -
Association now las a good membership ed like sure seer as, while his supporters,
and this will be ncreased when a regi- Johnston and McGillivray, put up
lar place of meet ng is secured and the - magnificent heel Bey.
Association is in good working order. The forwards were all stars, Fleming
ng the fallen.
witnessed the game.
his hands full in keeping
i low as he did.
If yon want to raise chickens, you
should have a Chatham Incubator and
Brooder. For sale by WM. GANNETT.
Horse Rac
The Globe has t
The practically
the Ontario Asso
hibitiona for a r
prohibiting hors
the concrete ex•
the law, instea.
sentiment, was
prohibition has
though the dire
eluding the Tor
poor pretence b
of the condition
and abandoned
The State Asso
of Ohio have jt
cord with a de
est attraction
meat. Winni
ence to relate,
State Fair, pr•
ant and extersive annual fair in the
whole Unitel States. The horse in.
du try in Onnnrio has never been dealt
with by the agricultural Department of
the Governor int from a national, not to
say equitable, standpoint. The race
course is the Clow ring of the breeder of
light harness end thoroughbred horses,
and all that h is ever been done for him
has been to ecouraga and restrict or
abolish his fid of operations, •-'"
ng at Fairs.
e following :
nanimous decision of
iation of Fairs and Ex -
.eat of the Ontario act
racing at the Fairs is
ession of the fact that
of representing public
uite contrary to it. The
never been regarded,
tors of some Fairs, in-
nto Industrial, made a
altering the wording
of the harness races,
hose for the runners. _
iation of Fair Managers
st put themselves on re-
aration that their strong.
as in the racing depart-
eg has the same experi-
and so also the Minnesota
bably the most import.
and McLean on eft, and Galloway and
Elliott on right, et times going the whole
length of the ri
Manager Orr, Secretary Wilson and
the champions ore a pleasant smile.
FAIIM To RET.—On Lucknow road,
about 4 miles .,rom Wingham. Apply
Remember Johnston' shoo store, next
post office, when n ed of the best in
boots shoes and r rs. Produce taken
at Hanna & Co's store as usual in ex-
change for goods.
suffer from it ?
i'iilltn. $.
Next door to postoifice.
This store closes at S p. m„
every evening esoept Saturday.
Happy Sial Evening
A large number se the old friends and
neighbors of Mr. Douglas Fraser, of
Turnberry, gather d at his home on
Tuesday evening d spent a very ple-
sand evening, prio to the departure of
this eftimable famil for their new home
in Manitoba. Mr J mes Elliot was vot-
ed to the chair an called on Mr Alex.
MacEwen who p esented Mr. Fraser
with a purse of m ney, and read a nice-
ly worded address 'n which was express-
ed the deep regr is on the leaving of
this section of Mr. Fraser and his fami-
ly. Mr. Fraser m de a reply, thanking
his friends for the gift and their kind
words in wishing th 3m well in their new
home. Short speecles were made by
Messrs John Mosgrare, Rev W. J. West
Wm Carr, Wm Ma ell, Wm. Nichol-
son and Wm Bolt, 1 joining in wishing
the family every pr sperity in the 'Peet
and expressing re ret at seeing them
leaving Turnberry. The TIMES can
heartily join with he many friends of
the Fraser family i wishing them every
success in the West
The Mayor a• id Waterworks Com-
mittee will trrange a Schedule.
So Say the Tow Fathers by Resonation—
Officials Appoi ,ted and Accounts Famed
The connoill a were all in their places
when Mayor B 11 took his place at the
head of the g sen table, on Monday
evening. Tow Clerk Ferguson is still
unable to leave his home, and his duties
were perfcsme by Mr. T. Hall.
There was a large representation of
the ratepayers of the town present to
witnees the de iberatione of the mania.
pal legislators
The minute of previous meetsshay
ing been read and confirmed, a petition
was presented from Mr. H. B. Elliott,
and a number of other property owners
residing on F'auoes street south, and
Diagonal toad, asking that the water
main be extedad south on Frances
street from thecoruer of Victoria street
to Diagonal ro . The matter was re
(erred to the uterworks Committee.
A communis tion was read from R.
Vanst0n0, con ying a deed of the pro.
perty purchase from Chas. Elliott to
the town, and sking that the money be
paid over; Mr. anstone alao wrote re-
garding the res onsibility for the dam-
age to the dam nd flume in January
last. After rev awing the matter very
carefully he c nsiclered that Messrs
Howson & Co, ere responsible under
their agreement :ith the town for the
care of the dam.
A communicative was received from
Mr. F. J. Taylor, of the Western Foun-
dry Co„ regarding the notion taken at
last meeting of cot,ncil. Reference was
Gentlemen who are Bald
Or have thin hair, should call on Prof.
Dorenwend at Brunswick Hotel, Wing-
han, on Friday, March 16th and see his
wonderful devices in Toupees and Wigs
1 worn on over 75,000 heads. Explana-
tion and demonstration free. Private
made to an agreem
made with the coui
the Foundry Co.
rat said to have been
oil of 1903. by which
were to be allowed
dollar for dollar o the purchase price
of the plant, to the amount they would
expend in additio s aad improvements
to the plant. The ompany acknowledg-
ed not having given employment to the
number of men required by the .agree-
ment, but stated that the past year had
been most unfavorable for the stove
trade, and they were also handicapped
in not being able to sicnre skilled labor
such as is required by them in carrying
on their business. Til
ey had also found
that Wingham was no a favorable point
for them owing to the igh freight rates.
On motion of Coons. Bennett and Mc-
Donald, Mayor Bell an Comas. Bell and
Hanna were appointed a committee to
interview Mr. Howson n regard to the
damages to the dam.
Moved by Conus. cDonald and
Nicholson, that the cog unication from
Mr. Taylor be filed, a d that Barrister
D. Holmes take action t once to collect
the amount due the to n.
In speaking to the m tion, Coen. Mc-
Donald, thought this
delayed long enong
settled one way or
better solution of the
vg's 4,,!
See This Mae A friend of hto
Cola him to
comofe to our
Drug Store and ask us for a boa
Blaud's Kidney Pills
the kidney pill that we claim is the best on
the market for alt kidney troubles.
50 cents !tsetpm ede,wor grueatrunnd -
the money, at
WaIIe's Drug Ston
Phone 100,
Successor to McCall & Co.
is a High-grade Commercial School
— Tnitzn cor:nsrs —
Commercial - Stenography • Telegraphy
Write OEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
Notice t6 the Public.
I take pleasure in atvising the public that I
have taken over the Neal Estate and Insurance
business of Mr. 0..T. Maguire, of the town of
Wingham. and that I am prepared to take en-
tire charge of rentati property, to negotiate
the sale, purchase of eschnnge of farm, town
or village property. i
Any person haver business in the above
lines will please cal at the old office in the
'anstone Block, nc the Bank of Hamilton,
Otliee open on Salt 'day evenings from 7 to 9
Real Estate Agent.
the town aocount9
nese of the clerk,
to complete the an
the electric light del
On motion of Con
the Waterworks
powered to purchase
mitts for the firemen.
Moved by Oouns.Nicb
that the first clause of
, but owing to the ill -
hey had been unable
it of the accounts in
s. Bell and Forbes,
C mittee was em -
rubber boots and
lama and Forbes,
y -Law No. 504,
1903, be repealed, and fin future all ac-
counts regarding the tileotric lighting
department be brought tefore the Fin-
ance committee.
The Mayor thought teats motion was
uot'in order, notice of motion should
have been given. Coups Nicholson ac-
cordingly gave notice tat he would
said clause.
airing the fol-
ndley Holmes,
nes, on Public
T. S. Boyle,
pired term on
in, bell-ringer,
paid. and caretaker of cemetery.
Mayor Bell, reported th
matter had been move for the repeal of th
Motion, were passed n
and should be lowing appointments: —1
nether. If any solicitor for 1906; D. Ho
lifficnity could be Library Board; and Re
made, he would be s thing to fall in to fill Mr. T. Hall's one
with it. If the town vasindebted to the the Board; Richard Rant
Foundry Co., the a nount should be t a sale17 of +75.00• V
apartments at hotel. Don't fail to see I paid, and if the Fonr�ry Co. owed the chief and Wm. town, the amount du 3 the town should Guest•, n
his new invention, patented all over the
A Formet
The Winnipeg Fr
t Walker &
Mr. Taylor, who was present, express -
Clegg had settled the first annual pay -
and Hanna,
orks com-
x prices and
d report at
he Mayor.
ported that
'There was a
d taxes, this
n two of the
;laimed they
Resident. led the opinion that t$e communication went on their loan from th
a Preva of February I dated January 16th, 4105 containing an On motion of Conus. Bel
17th has a lengthy illustrated article on
I offer of settlement from the Foundrythe Mayor and the Nate
Co., should be dealt; with before any
Saskatoon, and in sp eking of one of its •r mittee were appointed to
Coon was put. schedule for waterworks
dent of this section aiI(1 ll Bennett Suggested th
`Vm. Iebister, of M3rria, says. Mr,
citizens, Mr. M. Isbiser, a former resi• m
pointment of a committee t
a brother of Mr.
Councillor ennet Rise t e e apo try and ar• a special meeting called by
Collector Vannorman
Clinkskill's predecess it as Mayor was range an amicable settlement the Com-
Saskatoon, namely M r. M. Isbister. Mr.. After some furthei discnssien, the
Isbister also is a native of Scotland motion was carried On the following
coming originally
Islands. He came t
parents and settled
1857. Later the fan
county where Mr. I
of his education an
wards taught echo
professional teaches
Normal in Toronto. Giving up the I was adopted and the at :own ordered to
school teaching h went to Petrolia I be paid.
where he was enga ed in business for i The Finance Commi lee recommend-
five years after waif (h he went to Port ed payment of the fol owing.accounts,
Arthur and recei-ed the experience' and on motion of Counts. Bell and Beli-
of yet another semi decade in the sphere nett the report was ad¢pted:—
another of the successful merchants of pang*
from the Orkney vote: —Yeas—Couna. ;Bell, Nicholson,
Canada with his i Forbes, and McDonal . Nay—Comas.
near Galt, Ont, in 1 Bennett. Mayor Bell nd Coun. Hanna,
fly moved to Huron; being shareholders in t'. e Company, did
bister received most I not vote.
d where he after- , The Road and Brid.te committee re -
1, having taken a j commended the payment of $300 to Chas.
's training at the 1 Elliott for lots parches:ed. The report
of trade and comm tree. But Port Ar-
thur was not suflici Cody "west" for Mr.
Isbister and in 1889 he came to Manito-
ba, going into
s and doing
came from Saska-
hither. He showed
skatoon than many
until in 1903 the cal
toon and he resorte
more confidence in 1
of his fellow citizens did, and was one
of the first if not the first to build on
Second avenue which has since become
the principal bueinessletreet of the town.
His store is one of the very best both
from point of size (and equipment in
the place, Mr. Istkater was mayor of
Saskatoon in 1005 mil his term of office
was marked by faithful and efliolent
D. McDonald, roistering water
mama ......... .•
J. Nelson, work at ood
E. Lewis, work
V. Vannorman, sale
Wm Guest, salary,
John Davidson, labs
D. McDonald, work e
A. Posliff,
1 approaches . ..
.Bloomfield cle�znin •otlice 2
gravel.... 2'2 35
ravel 8 25
urges 66
, supplies6 70
y and post
46 37
2 00
6 00
y . 4200
18 75
�r 22 8.3
't old bridge 21 00
at bridge
2.2 i -
Mrs. g00
Wm Moore, work a
Jas Brock, work at
Bell Telephone Co.,
Can. Express Co., cb
Canada Foundry Co
J. E. Ferguson, sato;
age ...
Geo. Carrick, work
The auditors presentlld their report of
he had returned the roll.
balance of about I$560 nap
inolnding a business tax
factories, which it was
were not liable for.
On motion of Couns. Be
the Finance Committee v
to look into the matter o
nese tax.
The sum of $430 we
School Board. Council a
(nett and Bell,
as instructed
unpaid busi-
voted to the
Fon SALT:—A good brick residence
beautifully situated in the town of
Wingham; eight rooms; bath; electric
lighted; modern conveniences. This is
a very desirable property. Terms reason-
able, and to snit purchaser. Addreas
at TIMES office.
Fon SALT:—Seve
tage and 6'_ acre
Cats1roLM, Real
-roonled frame cot -
land. Apply J. H.
:ate Agent.
Winghar, s Fall Fair.
:1 meeting of the Directors of the
Turnberry Agri&attnral Society was held
in the Times offi :e on Tuesday evening,
when committee were appointed to re.
vise the prize lie : for the fall fair to be.
held on Thursda r and Friday, Septem-
ber 27th and 28t . The prize list this.
year will be lar ly increased and will.
be issued. earlier than in years past. The
rat the eke
re are w chin to air
of 1206 the best in the history of the