HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-03-01, Page 88 THE WINGHAM TIMES MARCH. 1160106,11161111111114/11/0",46444.11,* Wk. 44,1111.1111N►"N PERSONAL. ____ Business We aha11 he glad to have contributions to lOpen for this column from any of oure. If you have visitors or prtrpose going away yourself. a drop in and tall us, or send us a note to that effect. THURSDAY NOON, MARGU lst, OR FRIDAY MORNING $ Miss Cook, of Clinton, spent a few days vieitiug with friends in town. ,i Mr. Geo, H. Mooney, of the Ripley 0 Now, don't be afraid to come in and see us (whether you want to buy or not), new customers as well as old odes. Our aim will be to try and make everyone feel at home in this store. We have had a busy ten days since we closed down. Our new goods are about all in. excepting site of the shipments of our Fancy Dress Goods. This shipment we expect will be here in the course of a week or so. It will be of interest to you to keep posted in the news of this store from time to time. ALL KINDS OF TRADE TAKEN ♦ Express, waa iu Wingham on Monday. Miss Hill, of Loudon, was visiting $with old friends in Wiugham last week. Mr. Wm. Batton, of Toronto was 0 calling on old friends in Wingham this week. Miss Jennie Stewart, is visiting for a few days with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Harris at Wroxeter. p Mrs. M, Howell, of Preston is visiting for two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gannett. Mr. A. E. Eradwiu, Standard was calling friends on Tuesday. Miss Rose Fisher, of Lncknow visiting for a few days with her cousin, Miss Maud Robertson. Carey Dry Goods Co. $ PHONE 70. WINGHAM. MINOR LOCALS. —Thursday, March fst. —This is the first day of Spring. —The Sterling Bank of Canada, is opening a branch office in Harriston. —Regular meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland next Monday evening. roughs, colds, hoa'seneae, and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets. ten cents per box. All druggists —Assessor Dulmage is now busy at his work of preparing the assessment roll for 190G. —Regular monthly meeting of the Town Council will be held next Monday evening. Miss Haynes, elooutioniet,assisted at a concert in Wroxeter on Wednesday evening. —Mr. J. H. Rogers, of Fordwich, has been appointed Treasurer of the Town- ship of Howick. —The TnIEs office is the place to get the very latest in wedding invitations and visiting cards. —Mr. Alfred E. Elliott, has sold his farm in Turnberry, near Wingham to a Mr. Jas.SneU' from near Blyth. —The Huron Old Boys of Toronto have decided to run their annual excur- sion to this County, on Saturday, July 7th. —The past week has given another variety of weather; Fridayand Saturdayurda Y was balmy and spring-like and since then we have had nearly zero weather. Sore Throat and Coughs A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat irritations is found in Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice. 1Oc. All Druggists 400 —Mr. Conrad Biehl, for many years foreman in the foundry at Teeswater has taken a position as foreman moulder with the Western Foundry Co., of this town. —The TIMES is sorry to report that our good friend,Mr. John Quirk is again confined to his bed suffering with rheu- matism. His numerous friends hope to see him soon able to be around again. —The opening chapter of our new story, "The Adventures" will be found on another page of this issue. The story is a very interesting one. New sub- scribers can secure the Tnnns from now until January 1st for 75 cents. A Big Drop Wall Paper No need of sending to Departmental stores, or buying from pedlars when yon can bay better and cheaper paper at K. M. Fisher's Book Store. About 15th March we expect a large cargo of up-to- date Wall Paper. Beautiful new designs, in good, fast colors. To make room we want to clear out all our last year's stock at cost price. A whole grist of Remn- ants will be ready on sale. JUST OPENED —Mr. John Oliver, has been appoited Postmaster at Palmerston. —Mr, Geo. C. Manners, Wingham's leading harness dealer, has a new advt. in this issue. Farmers and others in need of anything in Mr. Manners' line will do well to give him a call. —Simpson Bros. general merchants at Fordyce have made an assignment to Mr. Geo. C. Hanna, of this town. A meeting of the creditors will be held in R. Vanatone's office, on Thursday after- noon, Marsh 8th. An entire new stock of Fancy Goods, Stamped Linen, Shirt Waist Lengths with white and colored pearl lustre for embroidering. A new line of Silk and Linen Cnehion Tops regular beauties, Onehion Girdles, Cords, and Art Silks in great variety and Down Cushion Forms, nave Combs, "Neeerluze," Bone Hair Pins. A fine line of China and other fancy and usefnl articles suitable for Wedding Presents and Soavenite. —Mr. James Taylor, lot 17, con. 11, Turnberry will hold an auction sale of have arrived home from New Liskeard. Mra. Cleghorn and child will remain here, but Mr. Cleghorn expects to return next week. of the Blyth on Wingham was Mr. Alex. Campbell is spending two weeks with relatives in Berlin, Cross. - hill and other places in Waterloo county. Mr. John Hamilton, who has spent the winter months at the parental home in town, left last Thursday for his home in Gilbert Plains, Mau. Mrs. D. C. McKenzie, of Winnipeg, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. McLean, and also visiting her many old friends in Wingham and vicinity. Mr. Thos. Netterfield was in Arthur on Saturday last attending a divisional meeting of the maintenance•of-way em- ployees of the C. P. R. Mr. Ernie Button was in town a few days this week, visiting with old friends before leaving for Moosejaw, Sask., where he intends to locate permanetly. Mr and Mrs G. S. Cleghorn, and ohild farm stock and implements, on Friday, March 9th. Everything is to be sold as Mr. Taylor has sold his farm. W. A. Currie will be the auctioneer. Miss K. MI Fisher Sncaeredr to Cooper ac 0o. —Messrs. Currie & Reintoul, shipped : —W. J. Chapman, of Acton is suing another car load of horses to the West W. H. Storey and Son, of the same on Tuesday. They were a choice lot of town, to compel them to observe the horses and Mr. Carrie, who is now in terms of a contract made in 1903, where - the West should have no trouble in find- by he transferred the assets of his busi- ing ready sale for them. nese to the defendants, and they agreed —From last Saturday's Sarnia Post to pay his debts. Chapman alleges that we learn that Mr. Jas. MoKelvie, has they did not pay off his liabilities. sold his tobacco and billiard room busi- ness in that town and intends taking a trip to California. Jimmy's many old' friends here will wish him a pleasant trip. —While in Toronto on Friday last Dr. P. Macdonald, Wm Nicholson, W. F. VanStone and Dudley Holmes took a - run up to Newmarket and had a look through the High School in that place, getting pointers and information for Wingham's now school. —The TIMES is pleased to report this week that Town Clerk Ferguson is now improving and is able to be about the house. He expects to soon be at his office. The numerous friends our Town ROSY-CHEEKED BABIES Nothing in the world is such acomfort eek - baby's vigilenoe ittle ills of and the wise and joy as a healthy, hearty,rosy- ed, happy baby. But the price health and happiness is const on the mother's part. Th babyhood come suddenly mother will alwa s be 'n a position to treat them at ono . n promptly releiv- ing and curing th • s of bah childhood no ther medicine cd and babyhood equal Baby's Own Tablets, and they aro guar- anteed absolutely free from opiates and harmful drugs. Mrs. Wm. Sinclair, Hebron, N.B., says:—"Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine I know of for curing the ills of young children. I Clerk will be pleased to hear of him re- - always keep the Tabets in the house, and do not know how I could get along with- out them." Sold by all medicine deal- ers, or by mail at 25c a box, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. HOUSE AND 2 ACRES OF LAND IN LOWER WING - NAM FOR SALE AT _ONCE $100,000 to loan on farm lands at lowest rates. ABNER COSENS Insurance, Loan and Estate agent. WINGHAM. . MEN NTED. Good reliable men represent us and farmers; splendid se spare time or per openiug for a hustle milers to the Caned' Ltd , Wookstook, ij covering. —Mr James Taylor, has sold his 100 acre farm on the llth concession of Turnberry, to Mr. John Baird, who gets possession this month. Mr. Taylor in- tends going West to live with his daugh- ter and will hold a sale of farm stock and implements on Friday, March 9th. —Wednesday of last week, Dr. J. P. Kennedy was in Ripley, where he per- formed a critical operation on Miss Gertie Shane, in removing a large tumor. Miss Shane had been ailing for about a y ear, and since the operation is improv- ing as rapidly as could be expected. in this district to ell wire fence to ler. Work daring anently. Splendid . Write for parti- n Fence Mfg. Co., ut. DEBENTURES FOR SALE. The Town of Winghnrn offers for sale 15 Debentures of $100.00 eaeli, making altogether $1,500.00. These debentures bear interest. pay- able annually, at 4i per cent. The principel is payable twelve years from 15th March, 1000. Offers for these debentures may be made to tite Mayor, Theis. Bell, Esq. or to the Treasurer at his office in the said Town, Wingham, Feb. 7th, 1900 BBUR 51. FARM FOR SALE. The east half of lot 28, eon. 10, Township of Turnberry, 1 toile from the town of Wingham, containing 57 acres of land. On the premises are a new brick house and kitchen with wood- shed and firstclass cistern, good frame barn. lately re -singled, with cement foundation and cement floor all over stable. 7 he farm is well fenced and well watered with spring creek running across it There are 80 acres seeded clown and fall ploughing all done. This farm will be sold on easy terms to suit the purchaser. For furthur particulars apply on premises, mile west of Wingham cemeterv, or address AUGUST IfOMUTH, Wingham, Ont, FARM FOR SALE One of the best farms in the Township of Turnberry, beim; lot 8 and part of lot 4 in the 7111 con., containing 107 acres, all cleared ex- cept 4 acres of hardwood bush. This farm is well fenced and drained and the land in a high stats of cultivation. There is about 70 acres under grass and 83.5 acres of good fall wheat and a largo orchard. Running water, conven- ient to the buildings, and open the whole year round, supplies the stock with water. The barn is a large frame barn with stone founda- tion and ceinent floors for cattle and hogs. The house is large and comfortable with an excellent cellar end cistern. Two lime kilns and a limestone quarry are on the premises. The farm is 0 nines from Wingham and 4 miles from Wroxeter, 1;:: miles from church and 1 toile from a post office. This farm will be sold on reasonable terms as the proprietor is going West. For further particulars apply on the premises or address Glenfarrow P. O. D. FRASER, Assignee's Notice to Creditors. N OTICE is hereby given that Simpson Bros., of the Township of Wnwanosh in the County of Huron, Merchants, have ado an assignment under R.S.O. 1507, chap 47, of all their estate, credits and effects, George C. Hanna, of the Town of Winghe n the County of Huron, Merchant, for the eral benefit of their creditors. A meeting of the cre ' ors will be held in the office of R. Van tone in the Town of Wing- ham, in - ham, on Thursday t ..Eighth day of March, A.D. 1900, at the h of Two o'clock in the afternoon, to recei o a statement of affairs, to appoint inspectors and fix their remuneration, and for the ordering of the affairs of the estate generally. Creditors are requested to file their claims with the Assignee, with proofs and particulars thereof required by the said Act, on or before the day of such meeting. And notice is further given, that after the First day of April, A.D. 1004, the Assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the debtors amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given, and that ho will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof. so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. R VANSTONE, GEORGE C. HANNA, Solicitor for Assignee. Wingham, Assignee, Dated at Wingham this 27th day of February, A.D. 1000. SHARPiN.—In Howick, on February lsth, tate wife of Mr. John Sharpin: a son. MARRIED Anntrcic7.E—HAMILTON.—At the residence of the bride's parents, on February 21st, by Rev. D. Perrie, Mr. Robt. Arbuckle, of East 'Wawa - nosh to Miss Jessie Hamilton, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. Hugh Hamilton, of Wingham. KEMP—Bunae—At the residence Of the - bride's mother, Mrs. Robert Burns, Howick, on February 14th, by Rev. John Radford, Mr, John Kemp, of North Dakota to Miss Eliza E. Burns. —Several of the C. P. R. officials spent last Thursday in Wingham, viewing dif- ferent parts of the town. Everything points to the belief that a new station and other improvementsare in the wind, but we are unable to learn what the proposed changes are or when they will be carried into effect. —Mr. Edward Haines, of the gravel road, south of Wingham, has returned home from Clinton, where he spent five weeks in the hospital, having undergone a serious operation. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Haines is now nicely im- proving and hopes to be soon enjoying good health. His friends will be pleased to hear of his recovery. —Mr. John Mitchell, publisher of the Hanover Post, died Friday afternoon of pneumonia after an illness of about ten days. Deceased was born in the village of Arthur 53 years ago and about 35 years ago became a resident of Hanover. He had been editor of the Post since 1889. Deceased was a brother of Mr. W. J. Mitchell, of the Clinton Nevi's - Record. —Last week the C. P. R. section men took up about 75 feet of track add put in new ties. This is certainly unnettal for the month of February, and Foreman Neil informs us, that it is the second time in his long experience on the road that the weather has been so mild ad to permit work of that kind being done in that month, "While working on the 992nd ult., the men killed a garter snake about 18 inches long, which was sunning itself near the track. DIED Dovr,i•:—In Hullett, on February 20th, Mr. Patrick Doyle, aged 90 years. harness - s TO FARMERS AN TOWNSME Those wanting Harness, single or double, will find it to their advantage to deal with me, as I have a Iarge stook to choose from. Also, Fnr Coats, Robes, Horse Blankets, Bells, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Club Bags, Telescopes ; Carry Combs, Brushes, Harness Oil, etc. • Repairing done neatly 1, 1906 . CENTRAL :.TRATFORD. ai4T. This school has beoeme the leading Commercial School in the West. No similar institution is doing more to thoroughly equip young people for responsible positions. Our courses are thorough and practical while the teaching is done by experienced in- structors. All graduates get good positions. You may enter at any time. Write for catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. ••A••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW-> • ••Butdlior • • • S • • ' HAVE opened a Butcher Shop • iu premises two doors north • • of the Chisholm Block, and • am fully prepared to supply the best of all kinds of • e Fresh and Cured Meats. • Special attention paid to orders • from farmers and others for meat • in large quantities. • • A share of your patronage is • respectfully solicited. • Lam.. SYNOPSIS OF • • • • • WM. DIAMOND. • •••••••••.•••••••••••••••• Canadian Northwest Homestead Reguiatioos, • • • • • • • •• • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • JUST ARRIVED! A COMPLETE STOCK OF Overcoatings, 1 1 1 Suitings III TROUSERIn(1S AND VESTIToS. These are all of the latest designs and materials, and at prices that are reasonable. We have a special line of Black and Blue Serges you ought to see. Call and have a look through our - stock and see the Fashions for Fall - and Winter. All you have to do is tell ns how - yon want your garment made, and we snake it that way. • Our Trimmings are of the best. Robt. Maxwell TAILOR. Home Comfort Slee Range Manufactured by Wrought Iron Rnge�Company, Ltd, TORON 0, ONTARIO. FOUNDED 1864. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. The above is a cu: of our improved nickle plate Range, with handsome enamelle i reservoir attached to water front in fire box. ' 1 The Wrought Iron Range Co. have located one of their divisions in Wingham aad will canvas the surrounding country from this place. Boissevain, Man., Jan. Gth, 190G. Towhom itmay concern:— e and years ago I pur )haled a Home Comfort Range a d haw e found it splendidly adopted to on: • western wants. I know of dozens of my neigh- bors who are more than p] ased with the same Range, and this season the company are se ming twice as many as they did on their last canvas four years ago. If you want t 'e best buy the "Home Comfort." (signed) JAS. A. PATTERSON. Box 17, Boissevain, Mau. Teeswater, Jan. 12th, 100G I have used a Home Comfurt Range for four years. It's the best yet ; don't boy any other. I wouldn't take $100.00 for mine if I oonld&BERT MARSHALL t another just the same. (signed) J. W. K. VANNORMAN, DIVISIONAL SUPT. STEEL RANGES AT $45.00 EACH SEE THE Any even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba or the Northwest Provinces, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may be home• eteaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any mal • over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-qu..rter section of 100 acres, more or less. Entry, may be ne. 'e personally at the local land office for the ti riot in which the land is situate. or if the he n'steader desires, he may. on application to tI 0 Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, the Com' ,iesioner of Immigration, Winnipeg, or the keel agent, receive authority for some one to make entry for him. The homesteader is required to perform the conditions connected therewith under one of the following plans : (1) At least six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three years. (2) if the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon it fare' in the vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to residence may be satiafted by such person residing with the father or mother. (3) If the settler has his permanent residence upon farming land owned by him in the vicin- ity of his homestead the requirements as to residence may be satisfied by residence upon the said land. Six months'notice in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, B.—Unauthorized publication of tits ad- vertisement will not be paid for, and promptly. Having bought Mr. 0. Knechtel's stock, and engaged him to work for me, I am in a position to mako any ' kind of Harness to order, on the - shortest possible notice, Give me a call. . � C• Manners. nrrrstw srtrri�..Ysr THE TIMES from now until Jan. 1, 1907 ror 75o. "HURON" before buying any other. It is the best value in Steel Range construction on the Canadian market. Every Range guaran- teed absolutely. Will burn wood or coal. Extra large reservoir means abun- dance of hot water. Made right in your own County. Read what pleased users say : Blyth, PO., Jan. 10, 1000 Western Foundry Co., Ltd., Wingham, Ont. ---x MADE 13Y Gentlemen:— It affords me much pleasure to be able to recommend to any intending purchaser your Huron Steel range. I have had one of them in use for the past two years and during that time have found it to give me the most perfect satisfaction on a minimum amount of feel. My wife states that eke would not ex- change it for any make of range that she has seen yet, in fact it she could not get another' one would not sell it at any price. Very truly yours, Christopher Johnson The WESTERN FOUNDRY CO,Lidi - Wingham, Ont,