HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-04-22, Page 66 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, April 22, 2015
School News
Dree Park
Principle, Brookside Public
There have been many
interesting events happen-
ing at Brookside Public
School lately. Our annual
Peace Tree Week took place
between April 7 and 10. Stu-
dents worked on activities
around equality and inclu-
sion at school, at home and
in the community.
We also held an assembly
where we watched a video
about the Peace Tree and
heard a story about how
families from varying cul-
tures came together to share
in multicultural activities
that led to meaningful
On Wednesday, April 8,
Brookside's students and
staff recognized and cele-
brated International Day of
Pink. Most of our students
and staff wore something
pink and shared ideas on
how to support bullying pre-
vention. Though Pink Day is
a one -day recognition of bul-
lying prevention, Brookside's
students recognize that this
is an important topic each
and every day. Students and
staff discussed a variety of
ways to support bullying
prevention and how to help
people that have been bul-
lied. It is also important to
mention that many ideas
were shared around sup-
porting people that bully
others. Brookside's students
and staff certainly have dem-
onstrated that they are a
supportive and positive
group of caring individuals.
Ryan Laird performed at
Brookside on Wednesday,
April 15. Ryan is a Canadian
country music singer who
enlightened us with his "Big-
ger Than That" tour message
A large number of students and staff at Brookside Public School demonstrated their support for anti -bullying by wearing pink on
International Day of Pink, April 8, 2015.
of bullying prevention and
intervention. After his per-
formance, Ryan took the
time to talk to our students
and sign autographs!
On April 30, Ladies' Night
Out will take place at the
school from 6 to 9 pm. Come
out and bring your friends
for an evening of fun, food
and great shopping!
Admission is free. Door
Prizes available. Leave the
kids at home and enjoy a
night out!
Bluewater District School Board receives School Consolidation Capital Funding
approved to receive just
over $19.5 million from the
Bluewater District Ministry of Education
School Board has been to address the
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Take notice that pursuant to the Ontario Municipal Act,
S.O. 2001, Chapter c.25, and the Township of Ashfield-
Colborne-Wawanosh By -Law 03-2003, the Township of
Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh shall give notice of its intent
to consider the 2015 Budget and its intent to consider the
amendment of various fees and charges.
The Council of the Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh
at its meeting to be held on May 5, 2015 at 7:30 pm in the
Council Chambers at the Township of Ashfield-Colborne-
Wawanosh Municipal Building, propose to consider the
2015 Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Budget and
consider the amendment of various fees and charges.
Anyone may attend the meeting outlined above.
Further information can be obtained by contacting the
Municipal Office at 519-524-4669 or visiting our website at
Mark Becker,
April 7, 2015
accommodation issues
associated with John Die-
fenbaker Senior School in
The funding is being
received as part of the 2014-
15 Grants for Student Needs
(GSN) and follows the min-
istry's recent announce-
ment to provide $750 mil-
lion over four years in
support of the School Board
Efficiencies and Moderniza-
tion (SBEM) initiative,
which encourages school
boards to make more effi-
cient use of their school
The funding application
was resubmitted in the fall
of 2014 by Bluewater Dis-
trict School Board under
the School Consolidation
Capital program. The orig-
inal request was for
approximately $28 million;
however, Bluewater Dis-
trict School Board was eli-
gible to receive $19.5 mil-
lion due to revised student
enrolment data which
predicts a decline in
the number of students.
Funding is based on
enrolment benchmarks.
Since the projected num-
ber of students does not
generate enough money to
build a full service
secondary school on
an unserviced site, Blue -
water is considering all
options to best meet the
needs of our students
within the available
Wishing you a Happy
0 D.A. Hackett to a
t wonderful Husband,
Dad, Grand and
Great Grandpa
April 23rd.
Love all your family.