HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-04-01, Page 5Valerie Gillies/Lucknow Sentine AMEC, Black and MacDonald made a donation to the Lucknow and District Lions Club towards their youth programs. From left: Jeannette McNeil, Event Organizer, ABM Staff Appreciation; Amanda Stieva, Construction Manger, ABMD-K2 Wind Project; Wayne Todd, past president Lucknow Lions; Kathy Todd, treasurer Lucknow Lions. Black and MacDonald construction employees support Youth Programs Corrections to previous announcement Valerie Gillies Lucknow Sentinel AMEC, Black and Mac- Donald construction com- pany employees raised $1,602 to be put towards youth projects. The check was presented to the Luc - know and District Lions ■policebriefs Club on March 9, 2015 at the Black & MacDonald office on Dungannon Road. Current youth projects through the Lucknow Lions are: Youth Exchange Camp which is with inter- national students, Peace Poster Contest, Effective Speaking which is in both Lucknow Central Public School and Brookside Pub- lic School, free skating which is mainly for kids and the skateboard park. POLICE INVESTIGATING BREAK AND ENTER (LUCKNOW, ON) - On March 23, 2015 at 3:18 am, the South Bruce Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) received a report of a break in at the Armstrong's Bakery located in the 600 block of Campbell Street in Lucknow. Sometime between 7 pm on March 21 and 3 am on March 23, the business was forc- ibly entered. A quantity of cash was taken, nothing else reported missing. There is no estimate available on the cost of repairs at this time. Suspicious vehicles and suspicious peo- ple should be reported as soon as possible so officers can investigate. The South Bruce OPP is requesting any- one with information that can assist police to call 1-888-310-1122. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or send a web -tip to crimestop-gb.org, where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000. CALL FROM WITNESS HELPS TAKE IMPAIRED DRIVER OFF THE ROAD (ASHFI ELD-COLBORNE-WAWANOSH, ON) - A 25 year old driver from Goderich is facing several charges after he was stopped by police on March 21, 2015. At ap- proximately 1:38 pm. Huron County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers received a call from a concerned witness that reported seeing a pickup truck weaving all over the Wednesday, April 1, 2015 • Lucknow Sentinel 5 Changes to Ontario Retirement Pension Plan initiative MPP Lisa Thompson raises Air awareness of business owners Valerie Gillies Lucknow Sentinel Huron Bruce MPP Lisa Thompson has been cir- culating e-mails with an attached letter to bring the initiative of the Pro- vincial government regarding the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP) to the attention of business owners. The Lib- eral government intends to implement their initia- tive by January, 2017. The e-mail trail that has reached the Lucknow Sen- tinel began with the municipal office for Huron -Kinloss, with Thompson requesting that it be passed on to all members of the Chamber, business partners, road. Officers were able to locate the sus- pect vehicle, a Dodge Ram pickup on Blyth Road near Loyal Line. Officers followed the pickup as it travelled in an erratic manner northbound on Loyal Line. A traffic stop was completed and upon speaking with the male driver it was noted the driver had been consuming alcohol and was displaying physical signs that he was impaired by alcohol. He was placed under arrest for Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle and was transported to the Huron Detachment for breath tests. He later provided two samples of his breath and both registered over the legal limit. Further investigation revealed the driver was bound by a driver's licence condition to have an ignition interlock device installed in his vehicle. The pickup truck was not equipped with an ignition interlock device. A search of the pickup truck also revealed two open containers of alcohol in the vehicle. As a result, 25 year old Johnathan CALDWELL from Goderich has been charged with Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Drive Motor Vehicle - Over 80 Milligrams of Alcohol, Owner Operate Motor Vehicle - No Insurance, Drive Mo- tor Vehicle - Not Equipped with Ignition Interlock Device, Drive Motor Vehicle - No Validation on Plate and Drive Motor Vehicle - Open Container of Liquor. He has a court appearance scheduled for the Ontario Court of Justice - Goderich on April 13, 2015. He also received an automatic 90 day driver's licence sus - lucknowsentinel.com affiliates and anyone else who may be directly or indirectly impacted by the mandatory ORPP. Feed- back is requested by Thompson from those who receive this letter. A copy of the original, signed letter from Thompson has been submitted to the Lucknow Sentinel to share with readers. MPP Lisa Thompson's Let- ter to Business Owners regarding pension Dear Huron -Bruce Busi- ness Owner: I wanted to make you aware of a plan the Liberal government has announced which would implement a mandatory Ontario Retirement Pen- sion Plan (ORPP) by Janu- ary 2017 in workplaces that pension and his motor vehicle was im- pounded for seven days. MALE FACING 7 DAY SUSPENSION & DRIVE UNDER SUSPENSION CHARGE (GODERICH, ON) - Huron County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has charged a 74 year old from Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh after he was refused service at the LCBO in Goderich. Just before 5:45 p.m. on March 19, 2015 Huron OPP officers received a call about a male that had just been refused alcohol sales service at the LCBO located on Huron Road. The male was offered a taxi however he declined and left the store driv- ing away in his Mazda. Officers were able to locate and stop the suspect vehicle on Airport Road just north of Goderich. Upon speaking with the male driver it was determined that he had been drinking alcohol. A roadside breath demand was issued and the driver registered a warn range reading. Upon checking the driver's licence status the officer determined the driver was currently suspended. The driver's licence check also revealed the driver had a previous warn range suspension on file. As a result, a 74 year old male from Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh has been charged with Drive Motor Vehicle While Under Suspension and he was also served with a seven day driver's licence suspen- sion. He will have to attend Provincial Of- fences Act Court in Goderich on April 21, 2015 to answer to his charge. do not have an existing pension plan If this proceeds, both employers and employees would be obligated to con- tribute 1.9% on earnings to a government -managed savings plan. The Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC), Canadian Federa- tion of Independent Busi- ness (CFIB), and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) have all raised concerns about the additional burden this would place on their busi- ness and employees. A consultation paper was released by the government in December and feedback is being sought online at ORPPQontario.ca I would encourage you to review the consultation paper and share your feedback with the Minister. I would also be interested in getting your comments as I will continue to participate in the Legislative debate on the ORPP in the coming months, and would appreci- ate hearing the perspective of Huron -Bruce job creators. Please contact me if you have any questions to Lisa. thompsonco@pc.ola.orq or call my office at 519-523-4251 Sincerely. Lisa Thompson, MP Huron -Bruce SUDOKU THISWEEK'S PUZZLE SPONSORED BY i'ld ,;;Jr 519-52B.2522 : i I fa liolown pa 619 Cmobt34I Wee!, Lucknow, ON NOG - www. 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