HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-11-28, Page 181 A- THE MORON EXPCbI T OA, NOVELISES 2e /NO WALTON INN '01 BED -N -BREAKFAST FAMILY RESTAUKAN1 Country Dinner discontinued until MAY NOW CLOSED SAT. 6 SUNDAYS and all Holidays OPEN MON. to FRI. 7 AM to 4 PM Always a Breakfast 6 2 Lunch Specials FA 6 Tract Hircus MON. w MI. 7.01)Anw4:00PM Closed Sat. 6 Sea. &til 9517 As tbc .yam coma Waft,,, i litse.,014‘. tecP\'`"pck.. THURSDAY-SATURDAY PAUL SHA ES WILD 2nd flnd= ISTMAS DROP OFF Please bring in a new unwd toy for a needy child this Holiday Belmont Details at the bar! Next Week One of the Regulars THE STRIPES Dec. 13 - 15 THE SHIVERS Great music from the 60's, 70's & 60's Dec 21 - 22 TA -SHE "Ray Lyells"' Band without "Ray" Can't wait for Dec. 26 RAY LYELL & THE STORM Tickets on Sale Nov. 30th Dec. 27 - 29 Terrific Cover Band GLIDER CLIP 527-0980 & SAVE SEAFORTH TONLGT1 RICK &JUDY AVERY iN CONCERT *CHRISTMAS IsCOMIC' IVO SHOWS -5:30 & 7:30 PM iEAFOKTH COMMUNTY aitint2 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE 0008 '6.00 Grua Eaterraitunenr for the Whole Faintly/ GOTCHA! KATHLEEN JEAN BLACKWOOD (KATHY NIGH) HAPPY 40'" BIRTHDAY 1 1 LOVE THE FAMILY HAPPY 2571 MOM & DAD (LINDA & ED SPARKS) MARRIED NOV. 26 1 vens J$ 4 �tx.nt AftvICt few POW* eft.4111. OM Oat OM. IMMO. ohne Summia. — .a .■wi■ wry► a,..wr.tr .,c 0 pos. — vt..rmr imp • 111*7 -4 1SIP tad., VISIT US AT THE SEAFORTH CRAFT SHOW SUN., DECEMBER 2 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM Seaforth High School •Specializing in children's clothing am Infant iv 12 ' ' WASH'N WEAR CA AL W . R" •�I' 1lr Seaforth Lion's Club 'PRESENTS THE SEAFORTH SANTA CLAUS PARADE FRI. DECEMBER 7 7:00 PM PARADE BEGINS AT THE SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Love Tessa, Denise, Gloria, John, Don, Gord & Karry, Kristin & Baby? Ohwhata Av feeling! v.,PORTI`, CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR Love Gerd, Kerry, Kristen, Don, Gloria, John, Denise, and Mom & Dad WEDDING ANNIVERSARY GORDON & IRMA PRYCE DEC. 4 Brussels & Walton TRAILBLAZERS SNOWMOBILE ASSOC. Inc. TRAIL PERMITS AVAILABLE AT Mitchell Co-op, Vincent Farm Equipment, McGavin Farm Equipment, B&K Tire & Battery UAP Seaforth, Todd's Bakery (Brussels), Winthrop General Store, All Trail Wardens or phone 345-2899 or 347-2530 $53.50 before December 15, 1990 after December 15, 1990 :64.20 (includes G S ) Over 170 Kms of groomed marked trail for your enjoyment. THE ULTI COLLECTORS EDITION This newline of 1/16 scale Precision Classics repre- sents the ultimate in precision detailing and fine craftsmanship. Manufactured with the highest quali- ty materials available these precision replicas fea- ture working parts that capture the essence of the original tractor. OTHER COLLECTOR MODELS AVAILABLE Model 720,2640, Over -time Tractor, Model D,9600 Combine. Doig is winner of Legion Grey Cup Wawa of the Grey Clip draw which tie Legion sponsored t� Jamas Drag. The final score beugg S0 - 11, 10 porno had to be subtracial bow both team as the scores only go ID 40. This made the wining score 40 -1 is favor of the cast. Quarter soor+e finals were art follows 10 - 0 for the east, won by Ron ' - . , .. Half time, which was 10 - 4 , the east, was won by Kent Nicholson, Egrnonville. Tturd quarter 38 - 4 far the east wort by Merton Kayos. The wuutiug ticket was suld by Seaforth Insurance. Many thanks to Gwen Harburn who ran the draw and the members who helped sell and distribute the tickets. To the various :coos and outlets that helped ecU the tickets the Legion can only say thank -you, and to all those who bought tickets, -Legion by Gerd Scutt raw without your inter c st the draw would not succeed. The beef Barbecue and dance held last Saturday evening was auaxied by a fair crowd. Ron Williamson, chatrnian of the entrr- uuu most commltux , would Wee to thank all those who helped with the meal preparing it and serving u. Evans for December me. Zone Dans at Brussels December 8; Executive committee mooting, December 13 at 8 p.m.; Fee Wee Hockey at Blyth, December 15; Regular Meeun , Dec;ember 20 at 7 p.m. Note the tune change; Christmas party for the children, NMI December 23 at 2 p.m.; District Pee Woe hockey a Elora. December 29, and the New Years Eve Dimmer and Dance, December r 31. When you read this there are only two days left to be an early bund. If you haven't paid your dukes yet, let's do it now and help the Mem- bership committee win anutha plaque for the Bnunc;h. Bar Rosea: November 29, Don Ketch; December 1, Jane Habkirk; December 3, Doug Smale; Decem- ber 4, Dennis Medd. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will Remember them. Lioness Club entertains district president The Novenba meeting of the Seaforth Lioness was held at Giineuc's with guests from Tees - water, Formosa, and A yton present. The district president, Chak Hauch was present as well as Lisa Hender- son, Scaforth representative for the Fall Fair Queen contest. The minutes and treasurer's report were read and approved. A S53 total was brought in at Sisterhood night". Since the Lioness have sponsored the event for the last three years, it has been decided to CUNTON & asr SNOWMOBILE CLUB DRJVER TRAINING OURSE (12 YRS. OLD & UP) SAT. DEC. 8, 920 AM -4:00 PM BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH FEE $15.50 CONTACT: Lyle Haney 522-1300 QUEEN'S 527-0820 PARADE NIGHT SPECIALS RC OM 7 DINNER BUFFET - 5.95 "KIDDIE" FAVORITES - 2.50 nee. FA. LUNCH SUFFET ONLY sass r, • • • • • • i • • • .^ ST. THOMAS ANGLICAN CHURCH s Service Times Dec. 2 -11:15 AM Pot Luck Lunch to Follow Dec. 9 - 9:45 AM % Dec. 16 - 9:45 AM % Dec. 23 - 7:00 PM CAROLS & LESSONS % Dec. 24 - 7:00 PM % CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE -••411,IP111,•A4IP•• *WINNERS! AT THE ST. JAMES * C.W.L. BAZAAR * $100 - Peggy Rowcliffe, Seaforth * $75- G. TenHag, Auburn * $50- Mary Storey, Seaforth 4( Baby Afghan - Martha Murray * * Baby Quilt - Mary Connolly Chocolate House - Debbie VandenHengel * fit; Money Tree - Marya Tumer �c * Pillows - Chris Duchene -Lioness Club continue to do so in the future as well. The Lioness received an invitation from the St. James Catholic Women's League inviting them to their annual Chrisunas bazaar. The Seaforth Club will be hosting the February 10 cabinet meeting with Lioness Colleen Lindeman in charge of arrangements. On Decem- ber 2 they will be selling tickets at the Toy Show on a basket of groceries and a bushel of apples. They will also be helping out the Lions club on December 7, concer- ning the Santa Claus parade. The Walkerton Lioness Club has sent out a challenge to all clubs as w which club sends the most towels to the school for the seeing eye dogs. The house for battered women are asking for stuffed animals this year. Lioness Pat Bennett received 20 roses at the Dorcheswr brunch for being the oldest Lioness present. Way to go Pat!! Tickets from Participation Lodge should be back to Colleen by December 1, so that they may be picked up. The Christmas meeting will be held on December 18 at the Anglican Church. Members will once again be enjoying wonderful cooking. Please contact Lioness Dorothy for tickets. St. Thomas -Anglican Church ACW makes 104 puddings The November meeting of the Si Thomas Anglican Church Women was held at the home of Viviene Newnham. Sharon Millard was the chairperson and Roll Call was answered by 12 members. Maryanne Snowdon, who was in charge of devotions, gave an ad- dress on "Put Religion Into Everyday Living", and the group repeated in unison a Women's Creed. Shirley Dinsmore reported that 104 puddings have been prepared by the ladies for the Bazaar. It was reported that the Board of Management will be holding a Turkey Dinner on December 9 and tickets are now available from D. Hays, P. Coombs and Paul Spinal. The A.C.W. ladies have also been asked to cater to the Lioness Christmas Supper on December 18. A letter was read from the Huron County Christmas Bureau. Decem- ber 2 will be White Gift Sunday at the church and all gifts received during the service will go to the Christmas Bureau. The Roll Call for the next month's meeting will be a gift for St. Monica's House in Kitchener. The Mystery Prize win- ner was Sharon Millard. The next meeting is on December 4 and is to held at the home of Dorothy Hays. A potluck supper will precede the meeting. Supper is at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is to bring a article or reading to participate in the devotions for the evening. The Bazaar planning followed the regular meeting. During the serving of lunch a Birthday cake was presented to Elsie Dinsmore. "80" years young. The Christmas Bazaar was held on November 17 and as usual it was a great success. To all those who helped in anyway "Thanks". A Christmas Pageant is to be held at 11:15 on December 2 as part of the regular Church ser- vice. A pot luck lunch will follow. This is also White Gift Sunday. Please note change of time. Condolences are extended to Marion Mac Lean on the death of Angus Mac Lean after a long .= illness. A speedy recovery is wished to Gord Buettenmiller and 011ie Smith after their surgery. Don't forget to get your ticket tor the Turkey Dinner next month. The Microwave has been purchased for the Kitchen along with a set of dishes. All that funny money sure adds up. See you next month. TICKETS ON CHOCOLATE HOUSE - St. James Catholic Women's League had their Christmas Bazaar November 24. The chocolate house was created by Mary Longstaff . Oxford photo. Call Heather or Susan with your news tips 527-0`L40