The Huron Expositor, 1990-11-28, Page 1735. TENDERS WANTED 39. CARDS OF THANKS A HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY S.F.T. (H.C.) 91-01 For the ereverntive Maintenance of Portable Figs Extinguishers n Ontario Houain9 Corporation buildings in Huron Cowry at locations detailed an Appendix 'A' of this tender Tenders will be received for the above until 1100 a.m local time. F* December 5, 1980 by theHousing Authority. 44 East St.. ron �Ontario 1N3 (519) 524-2837 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY PO. (H.C) 91-01 Move Out Cleaning PO. (H.C) 91-02 Standby Custodian - Service S. and Move Out. O. (H.C.) 91-03 Electrical Maintenance P.O. (H.C.)91-04 Plumbing, Heating Drainage MairVenance PMO. (RC.) 91-05 Appliance Repair P Maintenance 91-06 General Building Maintenance The above tenders are on 'as and when required' basis following a rotational systems established by Huron County Housing Authority. Tenders will be received for the above until 11 00 a.m local time, Wednesday, December 5, 1990 b the Huron County Housing Author 44 East St., Goderich, Ontario N7A 1N3. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be asctam_ quoting reference number THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY 11011PIIAl AUAt On behalf of the Sealer Mi Coasaw.0 ty 042,0111 *weft I aim 10 hank the Filo___ OW and Ods general for sera gener- ous aspen Se lea's our Annul Ctwisalles C.1.0. 0. kw naideoeseat soue wme eapon died Ike aselsl mem of Iles Convenors Fran Timely and Lyres Huard Also all who worked at the booths. thanks, you kind donations and assistance were al great, Sapp 1■sed Margret M (tamale, President.- 0111111111 We would like lo thank our (hands, relawcee and neighbours for Mese Cards. Memorial QOifr5 times and for toad sant to he house. and for the many acts or lunches* shown our family blowing the loss of our dau ghier. Donna. Special thanks to Father Rey�e�ng with the AnLawsonon and Veenstra for coming to the house and preparing dnner for us, and to he C. W. L. ladies kw swing kinin after the funeral. Your ',indite** *111 akways and edam 'Bn 39-46c1�1err'Di"d Mary I would like to thank family, friends and neighbours for all he kindness and ooncerns you have shown to me and my tarn* shoe mg surgery Your thoughtfulness has helped us very much and will always be remem- bered. Special thanks to Jan Moore. - Judy Nuhn. - 39-48-1 PACKER A sincere thank you thtors Salsbury and Sad, and the nurses In 08 at the Clinton Public Hoepftei to their excellent cans during our slay. Lynne and Baby Daniel. - 39-48-1 sT JAMEll C.W.L A sino•re hank you to everyone tor hair sup- port and help at the St Jaynes C.W.L annual bazaar. Marg Srnals, President - 39-48-1 BEUTTENNILLER Ruh and I would like to express our appreci- ation kir all he Covey cards, Rowers, baskets of fruit, phone calls we received duringmy recent Illness. A big thank you to D. Rodney, �. Haines and Dr J. H. Dun and Dr. D. R. Smith of University Hospital A very special thank you to our family who were very supportive at all times. Gordon Beuttenmiller. - 39-48x1 McOONIOLE I would lice to thank my family and friends for he flowers, gins, cards, telephone calls, vis- its, and food I have received since my fall on Sept. 21st Special thanks to Dr. Churnoff, the emergency staff at Seaforth Hospital, Dr. Regan, orthopedist, St. Joseph Hospital, Dr. Haines and my physio -therapist for their excellent care Everything was appreciated. - Hazel. - 39-48x 1 EXPERIENCED TRADESMAN for any of your needs - carpentry, ceramics, drywall, furniture, refinishing, Painting. You name It. For quality work call Keith 345-2629.-38-45-tf 40. IN MEMORIAM Fuel Oil Furnace Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 ' 12 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. YIWIPS siomo isittrALLA TON •SIOING 'SOFFIT 'FASCIA •ALUMINUM 8 VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS "STORM WINDOWS 8 DOORS •EAVESTROuGHING QUALITY RENOVAnoAt!<f FfIEE ESTIMATES& OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE 10411 , * 482*7428 AAA. S CUMIN STUMP REMOVAL Reasonable Rates Call CUT -RITE TREE SERVICES 229-8802 25% OFF • L US OM yENE71gNS 'ROLLER SHADES 'PLEATED SHADES Iiieressge OuvAtuace Aee 1.4041hites.1 �AM�p@EL 5Z7.14Z0 39. CARDS OF THANKS CARTER In loving memory of James Carter, who passed away one yew ago, November 25. The time went by so quickly, Seven yews have come and gone. The pain goes on forever, Since that dark day in November. It was one short year ago, Since the news touched our hearts, The Good Lord felt the need To cal you home to Him. The thoughts of you are near and dear, The love we still endure, To see your smile and hear your laugh, Aro lust a precious memory With courage and determination, We face the world today, Taking one day ata time, For we know not what tomorrow brings. Always loved and sadly missed. Elsie, Glenda and Susan. 40-48x1 MONAD In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, John A. who passed away on Doc. 1, 1989. Thoughts lode) memories forever Lovingly rem•rtb•red by wife Cecilia and filly - 40=48-1 OSBORN In loving memory of Howard A. Osborn who passed away December 7, 1989. Memories keep you ever near, Silent thoughts of times together, Hold memories that will last forever. Lovingly remembered by his wife Edna, and all families. - 40-48-1 GRAPPLE in loving memory of our dear father, Fred Chapple, who passed away December 2, 1972. A thousand mayors won't bring you back, I know because I prayed And neither *11 a thousand tears, I know because 1 cried, The hardest thing In life to bear, Is to want you Dad, and you're not there With a broken heart 1 whisper low, Ood bless you Dad, I lore you so. Aslong as I Ila I will always be glad, Thai Dad. your daughter and you were my Look after Nm Lord, dont leave him alone, For It has been many years since he was at hone. Sadly missed and loving you ahvays your WY*, Julie and Wayne and families - 40-48- RILEY ------_ Nin memory of Frank Riley, who reseed away December 2. 1986 When Noughts go beck, As hey always do, We Peasure the loving msmorlos We shared wlh you. � his remembered and Wetly Imo No needed, We shall aver larget iU remembered nambered by wins and family 441 OLANVtLI.i 'I., I would Ills to thank the 9e lorh AgrbullurN ..--. . Society kw my share in the '801130 thaw a Car Draw' The model nl a Vector pelf all Thank you W r le Norma, 39-46E1 Oh whet a CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE t_\_, �' •Sunday 2 1:00. , m e4:00A p.m. You're invited to come see all our unique ideas for Christmas and for all seasons. At COOKE'S FLORISTS come and enjoy our displays of Christmas decorations. As an extra attraction the holding their second Cash Calendar Early Bird Dr w, fob '500.Clinwill ber store at 3:00 p.m.cash. in our Come and browse through the beautiful showrooms of B & M FINE FURNITURE - see the newest concepts in home furnishings for your holi- day home. Find the perfect gift for the lady on your list at CAMMIE'S FASH- IONS. Beautiful fashions for your holiday season entertaining. Christmas gift ideas for the whole family are at CROSSROADS. Specializing in gourmet foods, bath baskets, books, cards ware, pewter, liners, Christmasan.gift wrap, glass- stockin your Christmas list early with a visit to CROSSROAD g stuffers. Wrap lip The Christmas Toyland at CLINTON HOME HARDWARE features a huge collection of brand name toys. Lots more gift items await you - includ- ing our best selection ever of small appliances. See you this Sunday afternoon! CROSSROADS 28 Albert SL Clinton TIME HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 2e, moo 17 SDHS basketball BY HEATHEN R0*1NKT The Seaforth D1tftrl{;t School Junior Gels beim team 'Prised taelf by r Htuon-Pend Tier Ue1t adweek. The tide came with a 44-35 win over Clifton in Chnton, last Tues- day. "It was a big or us, because we ended up is fourth place in a five-teamleague,"com- mented �h Linda Dong. "We had the SCUM, and only had thrcwi g, and five losses." �y to fourth placeova tom, Inspire the Seals* team. Pitied Marys in the firstndd of fifplace St. playoffs, SSaf brccarded a win, and went on team. A win first place L>Istowel against Listowel ad - team wins title Atom Is win This weekend the Atom I hockey team travelled to Lucan for its second tournament of the season. The first game was scheduled for Friday night at 7 p.m. Goalies Charles Robertson and Sean Lud- wig shared the shut out as the boys beat Parkhill 3 - 0. Two goals were scored in the fust penod and one in the second. Rob- bie Craig flipped the puck over the goalie on a rebound from Jered B Munro's shot from the point. Then Brandon Nash took a pass from Pat beThe Coyne and found the Open corner. In the second period Mark Van S Dooren, assisted by Scott Hender- v ad Seatorui 10 the tuna y;,4JI ( Amnion. Clinton had derca ied Linc >Od-phicc F.E. M�dtj Sc tuvi .11 W to (make u to the fund. 1 90 SUNS andrats crav w Cion for the big The win entitled Seaforth to PIr_ tictpale m the We* OtU I0 (WOSSA) � �Asakociation weekend, in St. T ht .p The cham- pionship P� the form of a �k elimination fit, and unfor- tunately Seaforth met an early dis- missal. Seaforth was beaten by Si. Joseph's High School of St. Thomas in the first round. St. Josephs went on to win the tour- nament with a 45-34 score over Stratford's Si Michael's Catholic High School in the final. gold at Lucan tally let the puck slip out of his �anditfellintothenet. Orth scored a couple of in- surance goals in the third Prod and the game ended with the score Seaforth 4 and Si Mary's 1. Goals were scored by Ben Mur- ray, Josh Dietz, Mark Van Din, and Brandon Nash. Earning assists were Mark Van Dooren, Pat Coyne, Derek Smith, randon Nash, and Bruce Griffin. championship game was to played against Hanover at 7 p.m. unday. the Seaforth boys were tired because they had already red two hard games that day and Hanover was fresh because they had the whole day to rest. The SeafortJ coaches did an tent job of psyching up the even though they had tired s and tired es. The boys carted well duringy nods with a lot of the duto endtwo ting and checking which made em even more tired. They kept up Hanover stride for stride but dn't get the puck into the net. in the third period, Mark oren, assisted by Robbie g and Jered Munro, put eaforth on the scoreboard. Midway gh the period, Hanover tired it "d at the end of regulation , the score was still tied at one � Psudd game into oto a five overtime . Although the boys were sted, they kept skating their st as the gold medal hung in balance. At the end of the over - added to the clock. This time Van Dooren picked up the nd, from a shot by Jered Mun- the point, and flipped in a back -hand shot to end a very and day. gratulations to the Seaforth I team on a well deserved Thursday, November 22 the team travelled to Mitchell. previous game had been an in but this time they kept up ur boys all the way. The first nods were back and forth but no goals were scored. ay through the third period an Dooren took an easy t the goalie went down on and the puck slid between . Assists went to Brandon d Scott Van Dooren. Three later Scou Van Dooren short-handed goal when he goalie and then slid the behind him. 2 seconds left in the game, got the puck in the net. The final score was 2 and Mitchell 1. son, scored a short handed goal Pla This was Seaforrth's first win of the tournament. The boys had Saturday off and were to return to Lucan on Sunday morning. exce The second game was against team New Hamburg. At the end of the leg first period Seaforth was in the lead s 2 - 0. New Hamburg scored early Pe in the second and then again early ska in the third to tie the gameat2-2. Eh At the end of regulation time it the was still tied so there was a five cowl minute sudden death overtime. With Earl only 24 seconds left in the over- Van time, Seaforth finished the game Crai with a3-2score. S Scoring the three goals for throu Seaforth were: Mark Van Dooren u Play apiece Th minu period sande harde the time Scott reboil ro on high long h Con Atom win! On Atom I The easy w with o two pe hockey Halfw Mark V shot bu one knee his legs Nash an minutes scored a deked the puck in With 4 Mitchell Seaforth Seaforth Dats , and Scou Van Dooren. Assists were earned by Derek Smith and Brandon Nash. To make it into the chamionship game, the Seaforth boys had to win one more game. The competition this time was St. Mary's. Seaforth took the lead by scoring two goals in the first period. St. Mary's got on the scoreboard early in the second period when goalie Charles Robertson acciden- CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. L 11TH ANNUALCHRISTMASCOMNG VENC RAFT Festival BEST BUILDING PRICESTS - S EDEL ST AI Thursday, December 6th, 1-10pm; Friday 7th and not quonset style - 32x48 $4 98 . TINALL Saturday 8th, 11-1 3, 40x64 type - s Opm, Sunday 9th, 11-6pm Over 150 $14,908 - non -expandable ends, other sizes available people/ Progress Building. Western Fairgrounds, limited steel. Paragon - 24 Hours - 1 800-263 London. Admission $3 e 8499 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUILDINGS - Year-end Factory Clearance - Beat the CHINCHILLA: Canada's largest chinchilla ranch offenng Straightwall 30x40 $6,199 Free storage till Spring January price increase Quonset 19x26 $1,829, high-quality herd starter or improvement animals. Discounts on various sizes PION Lowest prices anywhere. Profitable, small/large scale 800-668.5422 (24 hours EER/ECONOSPAN 1 Contact: Rdedstra a Sons Chinchilla, RR2 Norval, Ont ) LOP 1K0. (416) 457-4660 STEEL BUILDINGS Many sizes to choose from for EXTRA INCOME! Grow baitworms inValue, Ouality and Integrity one phone call 1-800-668- garage. Odorless operation Low your basement or 8653. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS investment Market guaranteed! Free information. Early Bird Ecology, RRir 1 Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4252 Do -It -Yourself SATELLITEISALE TVstarting at $1495. deli rs LEARN INCOME TAX by correspondence2W5, (519) 843-34 74 (local) Earn extra EARTH, Fergus, Dor. NIM ase all American networks plus TSN and more! STATION income. Local Franchises Available. Contact Tax Time or 1 Services Limited, 1304 Spoors Rd , Oakville, Ontario, 800-461-0122 (tollfree). L6L 2X4, (416) 827-1455 HELP WANTED WANTED - Advertising Representative for award winning weekly newspaper Start Feb 6, 1991 A pplyto Chns Brodeur, The Hub, Box 1250, Hay River. N.W T XOE ORO (403) 874-6577 , N.WT, T FREE career guideto CAREER TRAINING err Diploma coursed' Accounting, YAircondiot oaenCe Bookkeeping, Buainesa, Cosmetology, 9• CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Cassidy School of Billiards Bookkeeping, Secretary Cosm gy, Electronics, Beginners Six Course Instruction Book designed by (5A) 263 Adelaide West. Toronto, 1-800-950-1972 Legalranton world professionals More included on deliver628y ry (416) 4606 LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario BRASS RAILINGS, bar, School of Auctioneering Next class February 9-16, furnishings, beds, giftware 1991 For information, contact Southwestern Ontario •stair Also fixtures, lighting, School of nfor atio ng R R MS Woodstock, Ontario, Specials Slashed press International (Brry direct ass Railings N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115 Ltd , Brampton (416) 794-0515 Fax (416) 79(}0520 g TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for rewarding careers PREGNANT, Happy, in trucking. Class A -I and D I licence: Days and provide s h weekend trucking. Job placement assistance ppy' OV1ng couple wishes to adopt Trans P home and best of care for your unborn child Oa't Training. Guelph. 1-800-265..7173. Markel With approved agency 9 cy Cal Pat coped (416) 482 273 t HALFORD HIDE a LEATHER, your mail order loather supply warehouse Write/phone free catalogue 8629 126 Ave., Edmonton, AB, T5B 1G8 (403) 474-4989, fax (403) 477-3489. JOIN THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED Customers Buy wigs at wholesale prices From $39 95 Shop by catalogue and save For FREE catalogue call tollfree 1 800-265- 7775 L WILD RICE - Case PRODUCE WOULD YOU LIKE oPERoON on WILD Ib (Recipes) E premium grade, producer direct, Christian people, ages 18 80, th•d itobjecth tbeingd 12xgifts CIiR Milko Wild $4.75 Ib postage 4 COO paid Xmas Rice, 555 Gilmore Ave • W om205ionship or marriage Write ASHGROVE, PO R2G ?M6 (204) 669-4888•Pg. M8, Box 205, Chase, 8 C , VOE 1 MO OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES PAY OFF BILLS, NEED CHRISTMAS MONEY, Do you CROWN LAND availability and Ontario own your home? Borrow $10,000 Repay for unpaid taxes For land Ontario Propedts to P Y S 195 monthly Dept CN, Box write Properties 0 4 qu550 9455 fying ssalad Intransicon Finrhncial, mat called 5380, Shin F Ottawa, K2C 3J1 FARM EQUIPMENT BARN CLEANER REPLACEMENT CHAIN for all males 51�46r Quantity on hand at good price Call Husky RENT NOW $1 79/DAY SERVICESTelephones or For machines NO credit check or long term obligation FREE membership "Be in much' campaign Rentcom 416 13 8740. nts wan Your ad could a or any indiv duel p province. Space newspapers In Ontario, or right across Canada, Pie Is limited, so Call This Newspaper Today! uns record high score in senior bowling The Datsuns had the high score for Seniors on Friday afternoon with a team total of 2,596. Bill Harris led the way for the men with a 233 single and 567 triple. Campbell Wey also had a 211. Isabel Gardiner another Datsun team member bowled one of her highest ever triples of 521 and with a 211 and 173 game helped the DaLsun's take 7 points on the Lineolns. Anne wood of the Chevys high for the ladies with a 232 single and 614 triple. Beryl Reid also bowled a 196 game and Olive: Papple a 196. The Fords came through and picked up 7 points on the Buicks while the Hondas won 5 to the Chevys 2. Team standings now arc: Hondas - 34, Datsun - 32, Fords - 26, Chevy's - 23, Buicks - 18, and Lincoln - 14. With just three more weeks in the league schedule everyone is trying to howl their best, sometimes to no avail. Oh what a 44*