HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-11-28, Page 15• • i _.11..11... TOWN AND COUNTRY .i RON EVOCATOR. NOWA41101111. 19W0-15 Phone CLASSIFIED 527-0240 Deaaline: Monday, 4:30 p.m. 1. COMING EVENTS •mso Goderich Knights of Columb... Thursdays. 7 30 p m Saitord Yeasty Hall, 53200 in prizes. 11000 sac Neat must go. 1-46-11 BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO.... Every Tuesday at 7 30 p.m. !Myth a District Community Centre. 1300 jackpot must go Over 11000 in prizes. -1-46-11 DABBER BINGO • Yosemite Rec. Centre. Tuesdays at 7 30 p.m. 81,000.00 .n prizes. -1-46-d CHRISTMAS DINNER, ST. THOMAS CHURCH PARISH HALL, Sunday. December 9, 630 to 7, Turkey, Pte, Pudding and all the trimmings Adults $9.00; students, students 12 and under 84.00. Pre-school free For tickets, call Peg Coombs. 627.1166 ADVANCE TICK ETS ONLY - 1-48-4 NEW YEARS EVE PARTY. December 31, Crystal Palace, Mitchell. Music 'The Blenders'. Snnorgasbord hutch. $ 12.60 pa person. Tickets from Dance Committee, or phone secretary 348-8446. Sponsored by Mitchel and District Agricultural Society. - 1- 47-4 EUCHRE - 1.O.0.F. Hall, Wednesday, November 28, 8 p.m. Lunch served. - 1-48x1 THE SEAFORTH HARMONY HI-LITES pre- sent a musical ceiebration of Christmas 'The Santa Claus Express' Sat , December 1, Seaforth and District Community Centres Matinee 2 p.m. *6.00; Evening 8 p m. *7 00 For tickets phone 627-0373 and 627-0076 - 1 - 48-1 'EVENING OF REMEMBRANCE' to com- memorate The Montreal Massacre - Candlelight ceremony at the Goderich Courthouse Square - December 6, 7 - 7 30 p All Welcome. - 1-48-2 'CHRISTMAS IN CANADA', a concert lot the whole family with Ted Roberts at the Seak(th Library on Saturday, December 1, 1990 at 2:30 p m. Admission S1 00 Sponsored by the Huron County Library, Outreach Ontario and the Ontario Arts Council. 1-48-1 EUCHRE, Tues., December 4, 8:16 p.m. at Brodhagen Community Centre. Prizes. Lunch provided. $3.00 at the door. 1-48-1 DABBER BINGO - Thursday, Dec 6th, 7:30 p.m. at St. Vincent De Paul Church Hall, Nelson St, Mitchel, Ontario. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus. 10 Regular games, 2 Specials, and 1 Growing Jackpot. - 1-48-2 HURON STRING SCHOOL presents a Christmas Concert at the Livery, Godench, Dec. 9, 2 p.m. Everyone welcome. Silver donation. 1-48-2 CHRISTMAS MUSIC - Blyth Festival Singers present 'Christmas in The Village", a musical evening of fun and Christmas Carols. Special guests. Exeter Public School Junior Choir. Tickets S5 in advance or 56.00 at the door. Students *3.50 and free for children under 12. Cap Blyth Festival Box Office - 523-9300. - 1-48-2 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the BRUSSELS ADULT HEALTH CLINIC held at the Health Unit Office Medical Building, Brussels on WEDNESDAY, DEC. 5 from 1.30 to 3:30 p m. for 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Urine Testing 4. Blood Pressure 3. LOST, STRAYED i 5. HELP WANTED 5. HELP WANTED Hensall Cattle Co. 263-2619 - Or • Buyers for fats, feeders and stockers - Stockers and Western Cattle arriving daily Sorting cattle for Hensail Livestock Sales Ltd On Wednesday Contact: Office 263-2619 Greg Hargreaves Victor Hargreaves 263-2619 233-7511 TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. ..Got your Class 'AZ' license at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. Courses start every Monday. Tax deductibie, weekend courses, job assis- tance, no experience required. MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT. 1.800-266-3669 Cambridge and London. -6-46-d EXPERIENCED FULL TIME Farm Worker, for dairy and cash crop farm, accommodation availyible. Groled Farms 8874708. - 647-2 I7. SITUATIONS WANTED ***fir**fir***** * tg 1 BROWN LONG AND BLACK SHORT LEATHER GLOVE AT * NIAGARA, N.Y. 4t LOST!! IF FOUND CAL 522-0101 * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5. HELP WANTED PERSON TO LEARN MY BUSINESS of financial planning and management, who desire above average Income and who has management abilities, no experience required Confidential inter- views Phone days, 1-619-6426 or evenings 1-619-624-1069. -6-46-tf EXPERIENCED CARPENTER AVAILABLE for renovations. Also drywall, trimming, framing, roofing, etc Quality work at a reasonable price. Free estimates Call Rick 346-2906. - 7-45-8 WILL DO BABYSITTING IN MY HOME, reasonable rates Call anytime 527-0409. • 7-47-2 FEMALE UNIVERSITY STUDENT, seeking employment during Christmas break, Dec. 8 - Jan 4. WIN do babysitting, housecleaning or other. Phone 346-2166. - 7-47-2 FEMALE COLLEGE STUDENT - Wanting work over Christmas holidays, Dec. 13 through Jan 4, 1991. Housecleaning, deco- rating, babysitting, etc. Phone 627-1197. - 7- 48-1 ATTENTION FARMERS - We do relief chores, weekends, and weekdays Book now to avoid disappointment Farrowing to finishing a speciality. Sip Presczator 233-3220 - 7-48- 2 RNA willing to babysit children, 2 and up, in my new home Hot lunches, 2 snacks and toy room. stocked with Fisher Price provided. $16.00 per day., 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 627- 0614 - 7-48-2 8. CUSTOM WORK TREE CUTTING. Have your unwanted trees cut down, cut up and removed at very reasonable rates. Free estimate. Call Ted 522-1871, - 8-48-4 9. FARM STOCK HIGHEST PRICE PAID for dead or dis- abled cattle or horses. Call toll free Murray Grinsven 1-800-461-4501. 9-45- tf WEEKLY SUPPLY OF WEANER PIGS, from a newly repopulated herd. Phone 263-6060. -49-47-2 WEANER PIGS for sale. Phone 622-04.39. - 9- 48-2 f 12. UpED CARS 1983 CUTLASS CALAIS, 306 automatic, 2 door, black, air, cruise, tilt, p w., pet, buckets, console, Alpine Am -Fm- cassette. Excellent oondlbon. Phone 233.7467. - 12-48x1 1977 DODGE ROYALE MONACO, good con- dition, V8, loaded with options. Certlfled in October 1990. Excellent winter car, *1000. or best oder. 482-6646 after 6 p m. - 12-48*1 1984 PLYMOUTH HORIZON, 4 door, standard, *2,400 or best offer. Phone 624-6196 after 6:30 p.m weekdays. anytime on weekends..-12-6-tfnxe 1988 HYUNDAI EXCEL - very good gas mleege, AMIFM cassette. 6 speed, *2.600. FIRM, as Is. Phone 627-1816. - 12-46u3 1978 0106 DELTA, '88 ROYALE, good con- dition, air, newer tires, AM/FM cassette, $1200 , as Is 627-1080 days, 627 0134 evenings - 12-47-2 CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY of Huron County is inviting applications for SOCIAL WORKER - FAMILY SERVICES This agency requires a ful time Social Worker to provide prolective and proven dor $ervices to families and children The successful applicant will assume oom pieta case management responsibility for a protection caseload including the responsib8iy for assessing family and individual functioning and the provision of Iherapeutie intervenbon. Wit aru a small rural agency located in Goderich. on the shore of 1 eke Huron. This agency encourages creativity and innovation and provides opportunities for learning and growth within a supportive environment (ualifL,alpnMnnimum B S W (B A with directly related child welfare expert ince may he considered) Salary and benefits offered will be commensurate with the responsibilties and qua khcabon s Reply in writing by December 7, 1990 to chNd ren'e Aid Society of Huron County 45 Glouoestetr Tomos Godes ioh, Ontario N7A 1V17 12. USED CARS 1970 MUSTANG COUPE, 302 automatic. PS., P9., good rubber, good brakes. runs excellent. needs body work and paint. Phone 1-628-2284 (Lucknow) after 8:30 p.m.12- 36-tfnxe 1990 CHEV SPRINT CL, 6 speed, 2 door, silver in colour 30,000 KM, rust protection, 48 rno. or 200,000 km. war- ranty. 10600.00 firm, certified. Call 624-9211 9 • 6, or 482-6849 after 6 12 -26 -thine 13. USED TRUCKS 80TRUCKS - CARS - VANS &4x4's-- 1960 - 88 pickups, cab and chassis and dumps. 1 - 1988 Lincoln Town Car; 4 - 1986 vans; 6 - 1987 & 1988 Ford Crown Victoria police cars; 3 - 1983 to 1986 Chevette economy cars; 7 - 1985 - 1988 statlonwagons and cars. 13 utility and van bodies. Mighton's Truck and Car Sales, 4 miles west of Durham or 6 miles east of Hanover on e4 Highway. Phone 1-369-3136. - 13-48-nc 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE i NEWER WASHING MACHINE, girls cap- tain's bed, wringer washer, table and four chairs. Phone after 5 p.m. 527- 2661. 14-43xtf • i 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE McKEE 0' SINGLE AUGER SnowCWw`r 8600.00. Phone 233 380. - 14-464 ALADDIN KEROSENE HEATER in good oon- dleon. Phone 627-0892. • 14-46.2 OPE 24' SNOWBLOWER. Phone 627-1610. - 14-4:-1 15. RV'S FOR SALE 1909 PROWLER LYNX, 36' TRAILER, with two bedrooms and attached 10 x 18 Florida room. Includes 7 x 10 soot shed, front deck, clothes cine and new patio. Trailer used one season. Can be seen at Port Elgin Municipal Tourist Park, *28,000 or best offer Call 1- 832-8006 after 8 p.m.-16-46-3nxe 18. COMPUTER CORNER WELL SEASONED HARDWOOD, reason- . h ably priced. Phone 233-7694. 14-42-12.7' BUS CONVERTED INTO A CHIP WAGON, complete with 2 propane fry- ers, grill fan, exhaust system, refriger- ator, one deep freeze, cash register, sink and cupboards, curtains. As is 55000. Call 624-9211, 9 - 6, after 524- 4240. 14-20-tfnxe PASSPORT PHOTOS, and identification pictures while -u -wait, can take at your own home. 2 for $8. Color. Gregor Campbell photographer, 527-0273. - 14- 45-tf APPLES, Small quantity left of Cortland b Mutsu. Homemade apple butter. Fresh cider, cider pressing by appointment. Marione Orchard. Phone 622-1607 after 1 p.m. - 14-46-tf NEW AND USED IBM COMPATIBLE COM- PUTERS, complete with printers and periph- erals. All units reconditioned - includes one year warranty. Mid Western Business Services Weekdays 9 - 5 Phone 1-396-7664 - 14-46-3 MOVING SALE - Major appliances; chester- field set; sewing machine; rug; child's bed- room suite; 2 beds; dresser, stereo, Christmas tree, TV., computer; dehumidifier, plants, compressor; welder; trailer, grinder; motors; camping equip; ladder and more 622-1641. - 14-48-1 r al Put That Fat Cat on a DIET! The first in a series of stones by one of Canada's newest authors of Children's Books NANCY SCOTT (formerly of 3atlorth) Books available at BOB 8 BETTY'S VARIETY, PRIMROSE 8 PANACHE GST STOCK REDUCTION on LAWN MOWERS 1-8H.P. New Unit $ 1275 1-5H.P. New Unit $900 2-12H.P. 40 in deck $2500. (New Units) TERMS CASES plus tax PHONE 262-3002 COMMODORE 64C Computer, 1641 disc drive, joysticks, 30 discs. full library and al the programa you roved - Geos, printrnaslsr, TKO, Blades of Steel. Top Gun, Bad Dudes and more. *360 00. 627-0681 - after 4:30. - 18-48x 1 COMPUTER FOR SALE - Samsung - S - 300, IBM XT compatable. Call Rick or Lynn Packer, 627-0173. - 18-48-3 19. PETS FREE TO G000 HOME. Three half - Siamese kittens. Two black and one black and white. Phone 629-7382 or 629-3278. 19- 44- t f n x e PUREBRED SAMOYED PUPPIES, for sale, have shots, very fluffy and cuddly. Ready just in time for the special Christmas girt, *300. Phone 345-2663, after 6:30 p.m. - 19-47-3 PUPPIES FOR SALE Mother registered Retriever, father Black Lab Ready for new home Dec. 1, $25.00 each, 3 females, 2 males. Call 3462766. - 19-47-2 21. WANTED TO BUY WASHING MACHINE, vacuum cleaner, filing cabinet. Phone after 5 p m. 527-2661, 21-43xtf OLD BARNS or brick houses. Phone 233-7594. 21-42-12 B.B.O. pigs and veal calves. Top price Call 233-7424..21-46-11 GLASS PAPERWEIGHTS, old or new. Will consider any condition or trade Top price paid. Call Steve 627-0211 weekends - 21- 47x62 WANTED TO BUY - Old brown hens. Phone Murray Hutton, 345-2289. - 21-48-2 22. WANTED TOWNSMAN, WESTERN ONTARIO'S Goodlife Magazine seeks stories on success- ful home renovation projects for our upcom- ing Homes issue Send to: Renovations, Townsman Magazine, Box 429, Blyth, Ontario, NOM 1H0. - 22-48-2 23. REAL ESTATE FIFTEEN YEAR OLD, two bedroom (room for 3rd) bungalow for sale. Aluminum siding, now eavestroughs, soffits, fascia, roof. Attached garage, workshop with paved driveway Finished roc room with woodstove Electric heat. Large lot, low taxes - located In Dungannon Call 629- 7421 after 8 p.m. 23-40-tfnxe 19e8 TAHOE PARK model with enclosed Florida room, on your own lot located In Bonita Springs, Florida Completely furnished, Including ceiling fans, washer 8 dryer, dishwasher, central air and heat with many extras Asking 148.000 U.S. NEGOTIABLE. Phone 482-6849 after 8 p.m. 23-7-tfnxe FOR SALE OR LEASE. Former Zurich Wood Products Buildings. Over 14,000 sq 11, 2 1/ 2 acres Lease 12.76 per sq. ft. or pur- chase V.T.B possible Call 1.786-2371 or 1- 332-0130 evenings - 23-47-1 SEAFORTH - 100 acre, 80 sow farrow to fin- ish operation, *276,000 Remand Strlcker, sales rep. Realty World- andsx, Broker 673- E0941 - 23-461 • OEAOLIm FOR CLARIMPIOD ADS 4 4:36 POI MONDAY DISPLAY AOS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAMIRS IS MONDAY 11 AM 22 wands - one snook. '4.91*: tun ws11a, 4-90; throe weeks, h-110. Addi- tional woods 1S cents. MIRTNS - No Charge ENGAGEMENTS - FW rags of 07 , with picture 012 prepaid MARRIAGES - Free tor 8 walks after dale of wedding After this time, phot& and outline only 015 Complete wrrtte-up 025 IN MEMORIAM - 04 50 plus 36 cents per line of were* CAA08 Of THANKS - 30 words. 04.50. Each addnonai ,our u ub . wits 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR alleFOfiL W EDNESOA Y NOON Of THE WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 00.00, each additional *reek • 1 00 CLASSIFICATIONS L. -wrung Everts 12 used cars t3 Reet Esters 1 Yard. 04041ge Sols 13. used trucks 24 Property lot Mb 3 Low Strayed 14 Areolas for Mrs 26 Property nor rent 4 Found 16 R Y's til sols 26 Apartments for reel 5 mew Warted 11I Mobile harries 27 For sale a rent a Business 0ppportwwty 17 vats Dir sate 2s warmed to rent r Situations Wanted 1$. Computer corner 2s or rant 8 Custom wok 19 Pal. 30 Room and Sero 4 Farm 9Ioe4 20 Deep or trade 31 Nolo, 10 Farm n acrw1sry 21 Waned w troy 32. Vacations 11 Kay and straw 22 Wanted 33 Educational 34 Auciaan Sans. 35. T.nd11,1 MIAOW 36. Leger meso. x . Nesoo to creditors Si Sarna dw.cw.y Ceras of manse 40 In m smunam 41 PerK4144 42 enee ern.rts 43 Marriages PHONE 527-0240 MORAY TO FRtOAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. $3. THURSDAYS • Come into our office any Thursday with your word classified maximum of 22 wards, and pay only $3.00. That's a $1.50 savings off of regular rates. (Ads must be paid in advance.) 1-• It's Easy! To place your hard-hitting classified ad, VISIT our office MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 24. PROPERTY FOR SALE LOT FOR SALE - In EgnmondvlNe Phone 622-1364..24-46-d ONE STOFEY, 2 bedroom bungalow, shoed, with astachsd Angle oar wags and MAW roc room This Ideal home Is situated on large lot 83 ft. x 144 ft. boated on 63 Cha# 3t , Seeforth Priced at 8106.080 or best offer Phone 146-2049 anytime. 348 0494 OW 6 - 24-47-3 23. REAL ESTATE 23. REAL ESTATE C1131 Canada Thist Realty MLS REALTOR NEW LISTING Moving to a larger home? This three bedroom home has size and econo- my too. Airtight woodstove in family room will provide a cozy winter. Two baths and fenced yard '112,900.00 MLS 00-1595-H . Larry McGrath, Sales Representative, 527-2236 Res FIRST TIME BUYERS Three bedroom vinyl sided bunga- low Gas forced air heat (low bud- get) and 100 amp service. 10' x 10' shed in back. 867,900.00. MLS 00- 1538-R Larry McGrath, Sales Representative, 527-2236 Res. AUBURN AREA FARM 100 acres, buildings, tour bedroom brick home. This is located in a lovely scenic area and has rolling land. Puts the fun back into farming. •175,000.00. MLS 00-1343-R. Larry McGrath, Sales Representative, 527- 2236 Res. 52 Ontario Rd . Mitchell 348-4734 145 Ontario St.. Stratford 273-3350 Sharon Medd Associate Broker 527-0580 FAX (519) 527-2763 Peter pamsma - 4412-9849 8111 Steenstra - 402-3790 Aileen Craig - 452-3689 11 Victoria Street Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 482-5991 Mary Vanden Henget Sales Rep. 527-0968 5111 Shackleton - 4412-3220 Gordon NM - 233-3307 Peter Weeterhout - 2294491 NEW U$'T1NO: 3 bedroom, 1 .. r sq. foot ranch style home Featuring main floor laundry, formal dining, 2 bath- rooms, survey available, newly sided and some new windows All on beauti- ful deep lot, excellent for play area Listed at •128,500 00 -40 DUSLJN This 1 1/2 storey yellow brick home has many lovely features with main floor laundry. country kitchen, games room, living room with open staircase to 3 bedrooms, all on extra large lot Priced to sail at '69.900.00 EOMONDV1LLI: 1 floor brick home with futi finished basement, 1774 sq. ft approx , attached heated 2 car garage, home must be seen to be appreciated, survey available. Will consider rade Listed '129,000 00 2 OR 3 BEDROOM ranch home wfth formal dining, Rill basement. attached garage, economical to heat. featured on tread 126 76 x 72 sees lot Listed '60,000 00 TAKE A LOOK AT THIN 1 1f2 storey sided home with large beautiful kitchen, living room and den on main level 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, attractive front verandah All featured on treed country lot, very close to downtown L fisted •132,000 00 INCOME PROPERTY: Many rerova tons a upgrading make this triplex easy to cars for, just 2 blocks from downtown Seaforth Call for more •*ANTFOI1D STREET: 10 year old details til -lural brick 8 aluminum sided horns TOUCH OF COUNTRY in this 4 bed- with edwith 3 bedrooms, 2 batwoorns, lomat roam sidesplit with sunken living room dining room, large roc room with ire- beautiful new kitchen. 16 x 32 Indoor place b built -In bar 8 much more pool, 8 man hot tub and much niters Reduced, call lodSy Call for details NEW POUR BEDROOM RAISED 1111.116111011: WIN taste trade on smelter house a wM help finance to kwlror ' Cat now for an appointment We have a lance *election of u.« homes to choose from. Call today FREE EVALUATIONS