HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-11-28, Page 131
1 rtl ►+uRO►. EXPObi T OR, NovEp4118Eii �. 1tIN(3 I.2
St Columban Knit of Columbus bold annual twkey bnigo Sunday
M*& CMC11L1A R Y AAt
Ilse Falba Siepheo Edwin Coun-
cil of is Knights of Columbus held
is sang turkey butgo in the Si
Cciumbia Church hall as Sunday
evening with a large crowd anew
1 weave games for t mays rad
four share -the -wealth gam wore
played. The tiny winders ware:
Duch Maloney, [Doris Wilma .
Shirley Ryas, Bill Murray, Jan
Maloney, Darcy Wood, Doug
Tompkins, Nell Doyle, Jim Kelly,
Dasisne Tompkins, Margaret Shea
and Marie Palin, Consolation prizes
went to Doug Tomptrns, Matt
W gson, Louis Maloney, Ann
Cronin, Grant Ward and Louise
Krauners. The fist share -the- wealth
of $44 was shared by Marg Van
Dublin CWL
345-2842 or 345-2140
St. Patrick's CWL, Dublin, held
us regular meeting on November 21
at Goetticr's Furniture Stone with
20 members present.
Julie Van Bakel, president,
the meeting and welcomed
present Secretary Dorothy Dil-
lon read the minutes of the last
meeting and the correspondence.
Treasurer Kim Nyland gave the
treasurer's report.
Various events were discussed,
such as the Mission Society Pan-
cake Breakfast on December 2. The
Christmas Dinner on December 4
will be catered by Valeta Miller
and will be held in the parish hall.
The quest speaker of the evening
was Pauline Hardie!, who gave an
Drums, Denoaaohe and
Danes T (2)Second for
S42 by Mame Palls; Third for $44
by Shun Mahoney and d Fourth
for 02 by Shun Maloney and
W tlfied AWLS.
Two dour izucs want won by
Rua Moylan and Mary Vanden
surprise birthday party for
Frank Murray was held on Saturday
evening at Dim and Sharon Mur -
Those present for the celebration
were Dominic and Grace Murray,
Ray and Vera Murray, Mary Ryan,
Vincent Murray, Tum and Maddie
Murray, Pat and Lou O'Reilly, Tom
and Bea Kale all of Seaford,, Tom
and Brenda Murray of Landon,
Brian, Wendy, Jaron, Kars and
Katie Murray, Laurie and Colkai
St. Columbafl.
Fischer, Jared, Kyle, Shame aai0
Courtney Murray, Loom, Jane alai
Danny O'Connor and Coriolis Emil
of Scarbcxu, Sieve and Agnes Mur-
ray, Lai and Anne Murray and Al
and Pat Koehler.
Everyone ahoyed a few gimes of
cards and visaing followed by
Frank opening his lifts. Happy
Birthday Frank from the cam-
About 40 neighbors akag a8
Highway, Si Columban, of Roy
and Angeline Swart, forma
residents of the arca, surprised them
at their new home in Seaforth, for a
farewell to Oar urtghtxu a
Parr nuc tut w a, played
with Noir1 wutnutg the prize
for the lady with the must
how print west to Nancy
Plume Cronin won the high prise
for the mat and Karan Van Bakal,
playing fib n 11111, won the kw
An address was read by Ted
Mciady and on behalf of all their
former naighliors a framed painting
was pry imMed to Roy and Aap wk
expressed their thanks and willed
us to drop in again to see than.
Sister Jean Moylan of Windsor
spent the weekend with her mother,
Mary Moylan.
Joanne Regret of Kitchener
visited with her parents, Ab and
plans for pancake breakfast Sunday
excellent demonstration of furniture
selection. A tour of Goetxlers was
provided and lunch was served.
Mrs. Katie Murray was in Water-
loo on Saturday at the home of
Cyril and Rose Marie Murray's and
they all attended a bridal shower for
her granddaughter Lisa Murray in
The Murray brothers held their
annual "wingdinger" of a card party
at the home of Cyril Murray in
Waterloo last weekend. The winners
were "Mayor" Jerry and Jerome and
Arthur, the dairy farmers. The
losers, by just an eyelash, were
Cyril, Ronald and Joseph. A great
time of 16 rounds was enjoyed by
Bill and Marge Evans from
Niagara Falls were home with
mother Millie Evans during the past
week, and Jack and Marie Cleary,
London, were also with Millie.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mason from
Oxbridge were with Mrs. Katie
Murray on Sunday.
Master Chad Wolfe, Mitchell, and
Joey MacRae, Dublin, spent the
weekend with their grandparents
Don and Eileen MacRae.
Jerry Murray and Elmer Feeney
from Dublin and Elmer's niece
Mrs. Mary Kelly from Stratford
went to Port Huron, Michigan on
the weekend to celebrate the United
States Thanksgiving with Jack and
Anne Kelly and another birthday
for Elmer also celebrated (78 now).
Also joining them on the weekend
after a shopping spree in the U.S.A
were Mary Kelly's daughter Col-
leen and daughter -in-laws Sandy
and Cathy Kelly, all from Stratford,
and Jack's sister, Florence Kelly
from Windsor, who joined in the
Home with Joe Eckert during the
weekend were Ken and Ann Hur-
ley, Stratford, Reiny and Shirley
Van Loon, Newmarket; Barb Can-
ning, Mississauga; sister Margaret,
Strathroy; Joe and friend Cathy
from Kitchener, Rose Marie
Borysuick and Judy Emm, Strat-
WiNDOW PAINTER - Andrew Kennedy from Seaforth and District
High School painted a Christmas scene on a window at Seaforth
Community Hospital November 23. Oxford photo.
fT'S A DOG'S WORLD AT H • --- AL - John Higgs, right, and
Tina the dog that visits Seaforth Community Hospital on Fridays,
are serenaded by Gladys Van Egmond and Elgin Nott during
Activation Day November 23. Oxford photo.
The Huron Expositor
Effective Wednesday, September 19, our machine will
no longer connect to our old number (527.0242) after
Tuesday, Sept. 18. For further information about using
Edam oiaalim woendy. Her SDior
Likes ,Marred a Kikheoar with
her for a few days v telt *rib ie
Rosier ly.
Lanae Ryas of Kistioorr went
the weeeiesd wi b Cecilia Ryan and
on Sunday, Laura. Lit and Shama.
Ward of Kitchener visaed with the
k y acus.
Adnan Leonard, Want touo of
Larry Murray and Lina Cupido of
Hamilton, was baptized on St ty,
November 25 by Father
Hardy at Si.. Columbwn C
Church. Adrian's sponsors are Pat
Shaughnessy and Mary Ellen Kot of
Ottawa wind Tina Falbo of Hamilton.
Following the ceremony , guests of
Larry and Lina at the home of
Steve and Agnes Murray were tie
grandparents, Racco and Emma
Cupido of Hamilton and Steve and
Agnes Murray of R.R. 4, Walton;
Rose Cupido, Pat Cupido of Toron-
to; Sister Marietta Delaney of
Strathroy; Bob and Shirley Murray
of Stroked; Paul and Linda Mur-
ray; Kai and Ann Murray, Christa,
Jell Kamen, Lem and Means of
Walt*: Claire and Lir Murray,
Shins Rita Coyne and Kevin and
Nancy Kaiak Patrick and Michael of
St. Columba.
i am pleased to
nnounce 1 will be re-
opening on Tuesday,
Dec. 4190. I would like to
thank everyone for their
kindness and support. I
look forward to seeing
you soon.
Anne Dayman
Hour* until the end of 1990
Tuan & Wad: 9:00 - 1 :00
Thum -9:00-7:00
Friday: - 9:00 - 6:00
Saturday 8:00 - 12:00.
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