HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-11-21, Page 5THE -suHON EXP061TOR. NOvEIA ER 21 t 5 ... of spring manulacluring company Mi aicspal Managers' Aitwc:iattoo as previously approved m the town budget Membership is the see cart at $95. MILEAGE RATE The Town of Sea torth has increased its out of town mileage rate bun 27 cants per kilometre to 29 cants per kilometre effective Jansiary 1, 1991. The increase was made in view of the rise in fuel prices o[ 20 An s pa titre. REQUEST INPUT The Town of Seaforth will forward a foliar to the Township of Tuckersrnith, informing u of the town's intention to resurface George Street South m 1993, and requesting input as to the level of servicing desired by the township. Owe the road restutaced, the town does not intend to ding it up. COMPOSTING AGREEMENT The Town of Seaforth has given authorization to its clerk to execute a letter of undersuinding with Paul Vandarmokn and Don hoard concerning thou proposal w compost leaves collected by the awn staff. The leaves are deposited on municipal property known locally as W eatbra nch. The leua addresses concerns the town Inas concerning the proposal, and requires: that the leaves being composted be kept in the area In which the town deposits them; that the leaves not be windrowed higher than four feet (because there is no buffering around the site); that the compostcrs ensure that weeds grass are kept under control inside the compost area on a regular basis; that the compostars ensure that all composted material is completely removed and the area cleaned and ready for new leaves on or before September 30 each year. SUPPORT RESOLUTION Seaforth Town Council added its support to a resolution passed by the Town of Exeter concerning the minimum age requirement for lifeguards. According to Ontario regulations, lifeguards must be at least 17, years of age, and hold the required lifeguarding certificates. Sixteen -year-olds can only be considered assistant lifeguards. The resolution states that since 16 is recognized by the province as ar age of responsibility with regard to the operation of a motor vehicle, and since the Red Cross Society and Royal Life Saving Society of Canada recognize 16 as an age of responsibility with regard to certification of Red Cross and Royal Life Saving Society Instructors and National Lifeguard Service, that the age limit for "full" lifeguard status, be lowered to 16. ENDORSE LETTER The Town of Seaforth also gave its support to another letter circulated by the Town of Exeter. This letter outlines a proposal for changes in funding to the conservation authorities in the province. The letter states that the province has unreasonable control on transfer payments to authorities, because it dictates which studies and which capital projects will be funded on the basis of provincial priorities and not local needs. Yet conservation authorities are charged with the responsibility of managing watersheds and addressing local resource- based problems not provincial concerns. It recommends the Ministry of Natural Resources allocate a block of funding based on whatever criteria it deems fit, to each authority to manage local watershed problems. If the Ministry wished to play an active part in the process, it could then retain responsibility for approval of local budgets. This procedure, it explains, would allow for reasonable long-range planning, a degree of local autonomy and the elimination of the annual conflict between authorities and their respective councils. OPPOSE GST Seaforth added its name to the growing list of municipalities opposed to implementation of the Goods and Services Tax. Council endorsed a resolution from the City of North York Last week, which pointed .out that public opinion has swelled to 80 per cent of Canadians opposed to the GST. The resolution noted the federal government will be spending over $260 million in 1990-91 for salaries and promotions to implement the GST, a figure considered an outrageous waste of tax dollars. North York felt implementation of the GST would only aggravate the country's serious and deepening financial recession. The resolution has been forwarded to all 4,400 municipalities in Canada, and all are been encouraged to endorse it. In addition to endorsing North York's resolution against the GST. Seaforth Council also endorsed a similar message from Toronto Mayor Art Eggleton, Elstow Mayor Brad Cabana and Dartmouth Mayor John Savage. APPROVES TRANSFER The Town of Seaforth has given its approval for the Seaforth and District Community Centres to transfer monies from its capital reserve fund to the current Operating Fund, for the replacement of the conces- sion booth pop cooler. The compressor on the old cooler has stopped working. A new, 50 -foot Habco pop cooler, will cost $2,117.15 plus provincial sales tax. The replacemnt of the pop cooler, however, was not included in the community centres' 1990 capital budget, so financing is being sought from the capital reserve fund. All transfers, either to or from the reserve fund, must be authorized by all five member municipalities. H*AIING BAR DOG Seaforth Town Comma parsed a reaulutwn hist week the we of Ear Doss in the municipality.71te was developed on the request of ILD. Ryas of R /ads, whore ted Toni received a special hills dog on Monday. Hosier Elan clop are oqutpped with special hansesaes, mod operate somewhat like Seeing Eye dogs. They are well behaved and well uauicd. PAYMENT FOR MEETINGS Members of Scafurth Town Couoctl received a total of $3,070 for meetings attended in the month of October. Deputy-rcevc Peg Campbell nicuved $645 for attendance at a four day seminar, one council meeting and six committee meetings: Councillor Bill hada received $555 for one council, one all day, and none corral-4qm corral-4seeliap; Mayor Haul Hildebrand received $325 for one council tad five committee meetings; Councillors Gary Osborn, Bill Teall received $300 for one council and five oomnuttee meetings; Councillors Pat Malone and Marjorie Claus received $285 for one council, one all day, and three committee meetings; Reeve Bin Bennett received $255 for one council and four coaunittee mee inp; and Councillor Irwin Johnston received 5120 for one council and one commiuec meeting. BY-LAWS PASSED The Town of Seafotthpassed seven by-laws at its November meeting. The First by-law was a by-law to authorize the borrowing of 5539,000 to meet the expenditures of the town, until which time as the taxes are collected. The Second, authorizes the execution of an agreement between landowners Ewart and John Wilson and the Town of Seaforth regarding obtaining an easement for town land. The Third, is a by-law to consolidate the separate reserve lurid accounts of the Town of Seaforth (capital operations, street lights, industrial and short term disability) into one. Instead of separate accounts being kept for each reserve fund, a consolidated account will be kept, and a record kept of amounts deposited. The Fourth, is a by-law to levy and collect a portion of the reality and business taxes for the year 1991, and thereafter, before the adoption of the estimates for the year 1991. The Fifth, is a by-law to regulate the retention and destruction of records in the Seaforth Police Force. The Sixth, is a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Town of Seaforth and the Seaforth Public Utilities Commission, to convey an easement for certain lands that abut the lands owned by the town, to the PUC. And the Seventh, is a by-law to execute an _agreement between the Town of Seaforth and the Township of Tucifersmith, to permit Tuckersmith to join into Seaforth's existing sanitary sewage system, by way of connecting into the main truck of the system running East/West along George Street, in order to service property owned by B ilt Gallagher. LACAC RECOMMENDATIONS Seaforth Town Council has adopted a number of recommendations presented by the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee. Those recommendations include: approval of payment of a designated property grant in the amount of $2,614.19, as submitted by Ira and Stella Weaver, on the completion of the replacement and repair of woodwork and shutters on the front facade, and the replacement of the wood door to the apartment entrance at 83-87 Main Street South; approval of a request for consent to replace, the existing asphalt shingles with new 25 -year asphalt singles, at 87 Main Street North, as submitted by Michael and Lesley Ash; approval of a sign permit application, as submitted by Jean Wolfe, owner of Flower Magic By Jean, 28 Main Street South; and approval of a sign permit application, as submitted by Gary Betties, owner of Box Furniture, 22 Main Street South. STREETSCAPE NEWS A sign tender for the internal signs to be placed on the east/west sign fixtures currently under construction, was awarded to Huron Graphics Ltd. in the amount of $2,242.50. With the purchase of the parking lot property from the Kling estate, a balance of approximately $29,240 is left in the streetscape budget for parking lot improvements and finishing the east/west signs. Arran- gements have been made with the engineer for invoicing and payment of the Parking Lot Project which will satisfy the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, and the PRIDE agreement which must be concluded by December 31, 1990. RECYCLING WEEK The Town of Seaforth has of- ficially declared the week of November 19 to 25, 1990 as Recycling Week in Seaforth. The theme of this year's recycling week is "The future is R's", o. ADRSEAFORTH E 7TH ANNUAL Early Bird STOCK REDUCTION OPEN AT SaIe7 :00 a.m. RISE & SHINE, FOR SAVINGSI One Day Only -FRIDAY, NOV. 23 7:00 A.M. TILL 9:00 A.M. 0/,‘, OFF ENTIRE STOCK 9:00 A.M. TILL 12 NOON 12 NOON TILL 9:00 P.M. 25' ENTIREOFF 2010/0 OFF ENTIRE STOCK STOCK Many Other Savings Throughout The Store OPEN 7 A.M. TO 9 P.M. FOR THIS SPECIAL SALE! • BE WEARLISE..IER . ANNA'S DRESS THE YOU ARS SHOPPE THE RE YT SAMOV MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH HEALTH ON THE HILL A Review of activities at SEAFORTH COM1VIUNITY HOSPITAL Welcome tk. wilds& L. Mart Woilait was introduced to hospital sad elide staff and welcomed to the Seaiarth Heapitol team at a Pot Luck, November 5. We all look forward to working with Dr. Wuldnik as he begtua tux medial l prate ba our New (,"harm System : Nursing Staff have been very busy this past muse doe to the tion of a new charting system called Nurs- ing lnfoesoaliao System (NIS) . Currently tmplmented in a large number of hospitals in *catchewan, Manitoba, Alberta, Newfoundland and Ontario, It is expending to many areas across Canada. Based on the nursing j ! , place, and evaluating ). NIS starts at tl rmill of the 's admission andto the tine of separation. T t ki of NIS includes colt comps 'bility, Improved staff roar and a greater awareness of the patient's needs. Janice Leonhard$, R.N. has been the internal project coordinator assigned to introduce NIS to all staff. Radiology News: Seaforth Hospital is pleased to now own their own ultra -sound equipment. Previously we used the services of the Ultra Sound Associates Qinic In Stratford. Irene Nicholson, X -Ray Technologist will perform this new service. A new x-ray machine is expected to arrive early in the new year as well. Christmas News: Crafts and Decorating coaning soon! Christmas singing with volunteers and on November 23, Gladys Van Egmond and Elgin Nott have offered to entertain with music. Anyone wishing to donate gifts for patients on Christmas morning may do so by leaving them in the Physio Dept. Films: The Seaforth Library has been supplying us with films on Fridays Our patients are enjoying them. SHOP SEAFORTH WIN *TRIPS 2 TRIPS FOR 2 TO LAS VEGAS Approximate Value *1500.00 each. Includes *200.00 cash Spending Money Certain Limitations apply. TRIPS COURTESY OF LYONS FOODMARKET, SEAFORTH KNECHTEL ASSOCIATE STORE. *$100 Gift Certificates Drawn Weekly Till Christmas DO YOU KNOW THIS BUSINESS WOMAN Identity her on your ballots at your BIA Businesses for a chance to WIN 50 BIA BUCKS You Are A Winner... Shopping Downtown SeYorth SEAFORTH BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION '100 WINNER - Paulene Bennett, Seatorth Fill out an entry ballot everytime you shop Seaforth BIA Businesses CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS Open 6 Days A Week 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM Saturdays tin 5:00 PM