HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-11-21, Page 44- THE HURON EXPt06ITOH. NOVEMBER 21. 1990
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CLINTON; 8 Albert St., 482-3901 EXETER; 284 Main St , 235-2468
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ST. MARYS; 135 Queen St. E. 284-1036
Private Diamond Consultations Available
Economic downs itrn farces close , re ...
All activity has teased at the SeafortAspin.
to A..1 Waitbaak, President of PJ. W litttufac-
writg Co. , the present poor economic aibiatioo has forced the
cowpony to consolidate its opaatiom at Us mother company in Plat -
All empicryoes of the Seaforth pint have been dared job oppor-
tunities 1a PlatWllie anal they neiocate at find alternativea mau-
The Canada Employment Cause has beat Warned of theshut down,
as well as Huron's Federal Member of
"I omit aetwmd the Seaford, • ► and usp� �for that
wow:ration and work ethic," - A.J. We lg
"I've never been un "
The Seaforth Pnagtl Forney had barn m operaaonatelone
y c.w, tad occupied the forma- Grnca o Shoe Factory. T buildmg is
again for We.
The Town of Scafocth passed a resolution last week, giving
authorization to the local Lions Club to hold the annual Santa Claus
Parade on the evening of December 7, 1990.
The parade will begin at 7 pin. and will carry on down Seaforth's
Main Street. Viewing stands will also be set up to accommodate the
A request from the Mid -Huron Landfill Site Board that Seaforth
reduce the amount of refuse going to the Mid -Huron Landfill site, has
been referred to the Transportation and Environment Committee for
further discussion.
Tho board is considering a number of options, including; the
feasibility of limiting the number of garbage bags for residential users;
coposting; and burning. All users of the site have been approached re.
the reduction of waste.
Seaforth's Administrator -Clerk -Treasurer has been given authorization
from council to advise the Ministry of the Environment to invoice
Seaforth $7,962.92 monthly in 1991 for the sewage service rate.
The current annual operating costs of the sewage pumping and
treatment facility is $90,944, and the Ministry expects the operating
costs will increase by about 22 per cent to 5111,008 annually due to the
sewage expansion project. This estimate includes normal Inflationary
increases. Because the total sewer project will not be in operation for
all of 1991 Council has the option of paying a service charge based on
the normal inflationary increase. The normal inflationary increase would
be $95,555, or five per cent at $7,962.92 monthly.
Seaforth's Deputy -Clerk Treasurer has been made a "full member" of
the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario.
In order to qualify as a "full member", Michelle Huard had to have
been an "associate member" for at least three years, been employed in
a responsible position in the department of the Clerk, Treasurer or Chief
Administrative Officer for three years, and have successfully completed
the Municipal Administration Program sponsored by the Association of
Municipal Clerks of Ontario.
The Town of Seaforth has developed, and adopted, a budget schedule
in an effort to better organize and streamline its budget process.
According to the 1991 schedule: a budget spreadsheet will be
completed by the last Friday in October; budget working papers will be
circulated to department heads together with instructions for calculating
employee wages and benefits and a copy of the last year's departmental
budget, by the third Tuesday in November; draft budgets will be
requested returned to the Administrator by the last Friday in January;
budgets will be approved by the administrator for forwarding to
committees by the second Friday in February, or the budget is returned
to the department head and a meeting to review the budget arranged;
and the draft departmental budgets must be circulated to the committees
by the last Friday in February,t u 1. . 1. , , l •
Meetings to review the departmental budgets will be scheduled to
follow the regular committee nights in March; and on the second
Wednesday following the March council meeting, the Mayor, Commit-
tee Chairs, Administrator -Clerk -Treasurer and Deputy -Clerk will meet
to review the entire budget and its impact on the mill rate.
The IbrMetmc• Modal 155 5 wwa
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VARIETY & GIFTS Radiothaek
IrAFORTH 1317-1411O
Oa the The allay before the stand Tuesday mApril the tical drag
Who will be circulated to mambas of council. The final budget is
to Council GAc seA`�FOr TLoaday in April
$ea%r1r's Economic Development Cumauuce has decided to have
"•I� Game of Safarthsoph by a firm m Pennsylvania. The gran
wills b• to the w ley D Monopoly gwnc.
of this game will be funded duuugb the silt of adva-
usen eolt to arts bnainamak and all r s • - - • front the pre-aaclling of the
gilmc will ip to the B�nolali�e Dev - • f Cummioce. The commiuc
will be eto use ems to furtha prcniutC the Town.
The firm of Drip* ad Touche has boon authanzed by the town to
carry asst mitiammitation of the Goods and Services Tu (GST)
program for alis as outlined in a paevious proposal.
Debuts and Touche will impianeit 10 tasks to be complesod, and
municipal staff will be asked to devote as wjuch time as possible to the
prow, in order to reduce the costs. With staff involvement costs may
be saluted to approximately $5,000 to $6,000.
Despite adding its name to a list of municipsliues opposing the GST,
Scaforth Council felt it was necessary to prepare for its implementation,
in cane opposition to the GST falls on deaf e.ars.
A plastic runner for the second floor stairs and landing ot the Town
Hall will be purchased and installed at a cost of 5238.13
Seaforth Town Council has authorized the purchase ot a Disaster Plan
Emergency Radio System. The base station will be purchased by the
town and kept in the municipal building. Other components of the
system will be purchased b ; the Police Depsrtme n, Public Warks
Department, Public Utilities • Seaforth Community Hospital,
Seaforth Ambulance Service and the Seaforth Area Fire Department.
The decision came after last year's mock disaster identified a serious
lack of communication between various departments that would be
involved in a local emergency. Department heads have been coor-
dinating a review of Seaforth's communication requirements during a
local disaster.
The town's 1990 budget provided for the purchase of emergency
radios to be used in conjunction with a base station at the Town Hall,
which would become the Central Control Centre during an emergency.
All department heads have agreed that, considering price, quality, and
guarantees, Kenwood radios should be purchased from Forest City
Communications. They also agree the Town of Seaforth should place
the entire order, in order to qualify for a three per cent government
discount. The town would then invoice the various departments for their
share of the purchase.
The town can also submit the entire package for a JEPP grant,
although the funds for the grant would not be guaranteed. Forest City
communications will be requested to apply for a frequency on behalf of
the town.
Before the discount the total cost of the system would be $11,600.
The base station required by the town hall will cost $1,590. The
Seaforth Ambulance Service, and Police Department will each pay
$1,152 for a portable; the PUC will pay $1,152 for a portable and
$1,338 for two mobiles; the public works department will pay $1,152
for a portable and $669 for a mobile; the Seaforth Fire Department will
pay $669 for a mobile; and the Seaforth Community Hospital will pay
$1,284 for a base station without remote mike equipment, and $1,442
for two portables.
Seaforth Heating and Plumbing has been given authorization to install
18 feet of additional heating area in the Seaforth Branch Library, at a
cost of $700.
The additional heating will warm the southeast corner of the building.
Seaforth's Administrator -Clerk -Treasurer has been authorized to
purchase a used Okidata 391 printer at a cost of $750. The printer is
required because of the time the towns otner pnnter rs in use. it can
also be programmed for use from the other town computers. The printer
is valued at $1,400.
The Clerk has been authorized to apply for membership to the Ontario
Municipal Administrator's Association, as opposed to the Ontario
Turn to page 5
RR 3 Mitchell man electrocuted Tuesday
A 26 -year-old Mitchell -area man
was killed instantly when he
stepped from a truck after its bin
came in contact with overhead
power lines last Tuesday aftemoon.
Darryl Vorstenbosch, of RR 3
Mitchell, had been spreading gravel
on a Hibbert Township farm
laneway off County Road 16 just
each of Staffa, when the accident
Mr. Vorstenbosch was the son of
Fullarton Township Reeve Bert
Vorstenbosch who is currently
Area corn to help others
As farmers finish harvesting the corn, the churches are starting to plan
ways to share that harvest with others. For each of the past two years,
area congregations have worked together to purchase 140 metric tonnes
of Ontario corn for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB).
The Foodgrains Bank is an inter -denominational organization that
operates through the links already forged overseas by its nine partner
churches. That enables the CFGB to keep administration costs low when
providing food for emergency relief and for work in longterm
development projects.
Corn from our area has been used for both. The 1989 shipment to
Mozambique provided emergency relief in a land devasted by a violent
civil war; the 1990 shipment to Angola provided food for work to
construct a medical building.
The 1991 shipment will again go to Africa. The det'sils of its
destination and purposes will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.
Area organizers are starting now to plan for this next drive. The early
date gives congregations time to discuss the project at their board and
congregational meetings before the drive itself next February. Any
churches or individuals considering joining this community effort are
invited to Egmondville United Church on Sunday, November 25 at 8
PROJECT 152-91
Pursuant to the Nursing Homes Act, notice is hereby given of the
intent of the Director, Residential Services Branch. to renew the
licence of the following nursing home:
Seaforth Manor
Seaforth, Ontario
Submissions concerning the proposed licence renewal may
be gent to The Director. Residential Services Branch. Ontario Ministry
of Health. 15 Overlook Blvd . 5th Floor, Toronto. Ontario. M4H 1 A9.
(416) 963-1038 by December 24, 1990
Please mark the name of the nursing home and the project
number on Submissions
The Director will conslflef all 4ubrniss,ong preen to approving the
proposed renewal
Ministry of
Community and
Spill Servic as
involved in a race to become the
next warden of Perth County, and
the former Audrey Priestap. He was
born in Stratford on June 17, 1964
and was a partner with his father in
B and D Fullarton Farms Ltd.
He was a member of Knox Pres-
byterian Church in Mitchell, a
member of the Fullarton Optimist
Club and Mitchell Junior Farmers,
and an associate director of the
Mitchell Agricultural Society.
Surviving besides his parents, are
a brother, Bert Jr. and his wife
Elizabeth of Stratford; a sister,
Joanne and husband Keith Innes of
RR 2 St. Pauls; grandfather
Clarence Priestap and wife Lenora,
of Stratford; and a niece and
nephew, April and Justin Innes.
Mr. Vorstenbosch was
predeceased by grandparents, Pearl
Priestap, and Martin and Cora
Friends were received a the
Lockhart Funeral Home in Mitchell
and a serivce was held at Knox
Presbyterian Church on November
16. The Reverend William Milne
officiated. Burial was in the church
Usborne &
Hibbert Mutual
Fire Insurance
EroMr, Ontario NON 181
(Established in 1876)
Provides Full Insurance
Coverage tot
Fenn Properties
Naw Appllcsttons Are Welcomed
Jack H rrip t, R.R. 3 Lucy 2271306
Larry Ordityr, R.R. 2 Shea
Lloyd Morrison, A.R. 1St dory,
Lour Fuerst tAMcAsr
***Spit R.R. 1 Kinnon
Aug* Chas, R.R 5 WWI
Ross Halpin, Eisler
Jelin t, Mit
Jorp- Unhc, !Mel
Hire Mira, Ear
318 9706
235 3250
Fins erfbapuSahN. for Nola so our
policy holdNe at below coat.
Marna era fro* • shook WO your