HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-11-14, Page 18t4- lfHt HURON EXPOSITOR. NOVEMBER 14, WOO 'curia DISC JOCKEY SERYIC'E .o,,,.., MI.0411111.41111 — MIK W- - Muria.. emit 4101014 WWI ftermi.a. 041111111 •K 141 m morrow 1111, wimp Moup ••NW.1 - 447-411441 glary • •.•.."w.. 11 HAPPY 1st AND 21st TO CODY & SANDI POLAND NOV. 15 Love Grandma & Grampa Poland, Nanny & Bill Poppy, Uncle Chris, Uncle Mike. Special Birthday Wishes from Tammy, Danny, Bird, Greg, Chico, Sharon, Mary, Russel, Alex, Trina & Jamie, Lori, Jenn & Mark, Sherry, Wendy, Charolette. 4hristmas, Special Occasion, Any Occasion... So&nsted House Cafe and Bed & Breakfast RESERVATIONS -522-2040 Enjoy a REAL. old fashion- ed homecooked dinner at OUR HOUSE this year. Dine on your favourites with all the trimmings. AMPt U NNEIlet " Fresh Roast Turkey, Herb Stuffing, Roast Chestnuts, Cranberry Sauce Sweet Potatoes, Golden Potatoes, Garden Fresh Carrots, Hot Home Baked Bread and Rolls. Pumpkin Cream Pie, Fresh Apple Pie, Spiced Apple Cider, Hot Chocolate, Coffee, Tea. This year, leave all the fuss and worry to us! >r, 522-2040 1.7)% Discount For Seniors Call now and request your holiday favourites. Telephone •mo pap1 and ow Empire' The N.rth Taus - kerning Indians cwninbute SLOW. !ii all, the Indians have sig ibed $12350 and several regiments of warriors of wiesc cling prowess, and more can be ttireiabed d u is coa- sidered necessary NOVEMBER 15, 1940 To aasut in promoting the me of war savings sups and cerufic:ates, the local cam millee has arranged a Stamp -Out His Party to be held on Cardno's Hall hat on Pnday evening, November 22. The program will include vaudeville nu n ens by Kitchener talent which have been well received in other centres. Following the concert there will be a dance with music by Jerry Heiman's 11 - piece orchestra of Kitchener. The program is in charge of die district war -savings committee, of which P. V. Wilson, of Kitchener, is chairman. Other arrangements are OPEN HOUSE FOR RICHARD & PEARL TAYLOR or WEDDING ANNIVERSARY NOV. 17 2:00-4:00 Pali. HENSALL UNiTED CHURCH BEST WISHES ONLY PLEASE !rlirlirf{rll�l;r{lr{lr{{rli.�{{r{{�jl{r{{r Irflr{� Our Family extends wel- come to friends and acquaintances of JIM KELLY in celebration of his 80th Birthday SAT URDAZ NOV: 17 2:00 to 4;00 p.m. Orange Hall Seaforth No Gds Please HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY DAVE VANTYGHEM (NOV. 19) being bated afta by the Stator* cummumc. MUUMUU is 25 MO plus one war savings may which is pa - chased a the door. Gas's ad- mission is s sump atter. Co- operaliag with the kxal caromitiec art die Seaforth Boy Scouts who will mac a house-to-house sale of L Ckella in the uuereats of this patriotic cause. NOVEMBER 12, 1164 Seaforth wdl enter a new era of telephone communications on Sun- day. At about 2 ass. the telephone systettn in the conatailty will be chsatood from ssoull to dial opmration in a chaise that will take less than two minutes to carry out. At the same time, the dial tone will replace the 'dumber, please" of the local telephone operators. The old manual switchboards will cease operation, being replaced by dial switching equipment. All telephone numbers will change. Each telephone user will have a unique seven -figure number made up of a three -digit prefix and CORRECTION WINNER OF THE SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S TRACTOR ELIMINAT1ON EARLY BIRD DRAW Wayne D. Mins from Mulrklrk The Prow 10 Units of FUNK SEED CORN QUEEN'S S•atorth f' 527-0820 1:. �INTRODUCING , "IIIE BROWN BAG j, ,,.• SANDWICHw LUNCH SPECIAL" f ITH SOUP OR ,,1 %t. SALAD OR FRIES , C� f,. n i ONLY S3.5O TAKE OUT ONLY I, 'L ' : FRI. LUNCH BUFFET 'ft, ,I. ONLY 35.00 li : „'+ ' LNCLUDES COFFEE, DESSERT A TAX '. WED.'S SENIORS DISCOUNT 15% I: IHURRY? r' BOOK YOUR CHRISTMAS 1 ' BANQUET BEFORE DEC. 1 , I' AND SAVE! Love Ken, Jeannie, Melisa & Derrick Clic) Air Canada Canada ' News "A long letter from home.... cverY week! CANADA NEWS... It's the paper...to keep in touch with what's going on back home in Canada. It's one of the things you'll look forward to finding in your Florida mail box every week. It's like getting a long letter from home. Why don't you join thousands of other Canadians by subscribing to this informative weekly newspaper while spending your winter in the south. It s jam packed with news from across Canada including sports, stock quotations, columnists and much, much more. Air Canada 1f you're not heading south this year, we're the perfect gift for those friends or relatives who are. What a wayto say "Merry Christmas" or "we miss youwhile they're a wa y. Here's a chance for you to win an Air Canada Round Trip Fare for two anywhere that they fly in North America. To qualify all you must do is renew or return the completed renewal card no later than Feb. 15, 1991. The entrant drawn must answer a skill testing question to win. 0 YES. Send me Canada News as indicated below. 0 Check here if renewal 1990/91 Season - Nov. 2 -April 26 0 Check here for gift Check here for Contest only CanadaNews 'The Weekly Newspaper Keeping Canadians In The Sunbelt Informed" MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY TO THE HURON EXPOSITOR, BOX es, SEAFORTH ONTARIO, NOK t Wb FOR YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO CANADA NEWS. ADDRESS IN UNITED STATES Please have Canada News delivered to me by mail for: .16 months J 5 months only $21.95 only 120.95 J3months only $13 95 .� 2 months only $11.95 J 4 months only 11895 O 1 month only $7.95 J Canadian Funds - Deduct 12.00 if paid in U.S. Funds :tart Date Stop Date _ J VISA J MASTERCARD CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER ENCLOSED ACCT NO EXP. DATE SIG NAME STREET CITY ZIP NAME STRFFT PROV PHONE STATE PHONE ADDRESS IN CANADA so op can 1.1 roti Junes show Uwe moony taw Wks figuccs. Ln Seatoith itis pre-ftz will be 527. The chm ver will be made with virtually no interruption in telephone service. Early Sunday morn* was chosen as the aN- peopriae ume because ucxmatly those are few telephone conver- sations in progrca, at that cunt. Furthermore, c very lung distance telephone came in North America has been altered that Sealant) will be changed to dial operation at that dote, so calls destined for persons bare will be routed properly. The actual 'cutover' will be made according to a closely co-ordinated procedure, requiring split-second timing, to make sure the period when the telephones in the com- munity are 'dead' is kept to a minimum. At a signal given when calling has reached a low ebb, a team of mai wearing goggles will go into action at each old manual exchange to disconnect all the lines to the old switchboards. The goggles arc necessary because of the method of ]O AP JIR IMF fpr Ng Sr St: ilk YOU'RE INVITED kt To T'HE SEAFORTH HOSPITAL vi 67 AUXILIARY'S CHRISTMAS BAZAAR MON., NOV. 19 11:00 AM: 2:00 P.M. 5.4 MAIN FLOOR OF HOSPITAL 3.4 'WHITE ELEPHANT' TABLE IA .CHRISTMAS CRAFTS 'BALE TABLE 1i PLUS ALL GIFT SHOP •14 ITEMS TEATABIE • . 2$r:tx 2or A&�u(C' ROClL THURSDAY & FRIDAY K.G. BEAT SATURDAY ONLY! Dotroh Style KATMANDU Thor Ono and Only BOB SEGER CLONE cover WILDCATS Seaforth 527-0980 Admission Sat. MOIL 17 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Preschoolers,° ` ' 00 Sett. Nov. 18 12 noon -6 p.m. are straw behind the hest coils - hale first that prosCtt subscriber's lint fail tugth vt agC - so that the fuses cel be rq ped out by die thouuaands. This operation will regwzcs about 30 setxioda. As moue as the old ecxchaose is 'dead'.nals will be even over a special sig line to each new wt1a•i0 C ratt crew wdl be in madams to remove the Mocking tools' tram the dial On land use • Iran page 2 recover the funds necessary to support a new life in the silver lanes. Who will buy our farms when we get old and grey? To whose hands can we throw thegh when we falter and fail, andfiy succumb to the easy living of retirement homes? Who will terry the chal- lenge of producing food for the consumers of Ontario when we hang up the work boots for the last time? And where will we be able w cash in our chips (read "sell ow farmland") to get the lump sum we'll need to afford the rewards of our labors in our old age? Are there any "self-made" fanners in the 1990s who can start from scratch, without parents or backers for support and only the willingness to work hard? Only a lottery winner or a very exceptional individual could organize the financing of land Seaforth Lions Club ANNUAL FISH (PERCH) FRY FRI., NOV. 30 6.-00 P.M. -7:30 P.M. SEAFORTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE $10./PERSON FOR TICKETS CONTACT Larry Parker • 527-1460 Marlen Vincent - 527-0120 Wilf Drager - 527-0437 ST. THOMAS A.C.W. ANNUAL, CHRISTMAS BAZAAR IS TO BE HELD ON Ft is SAT., NOVEMBER 17 2:00-4:00 P.M. -FEATURING- •Cxrisemas Pulifings • Wvia nssat •Cowdry Ston *Deli dr Bal; Tails *Craft Tags • xis NO ADMISSION fiAvAvAltmx ANNUAL CHRISTMAS ARTs s CROFTS SHOW S SALE LOOM conmwnmr cEnntE Frl. Nov. 16 4 p.m. -9 p.m. RED CROSS 111- BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Date: Wednesday, November 21 Time: 1:30 - 4:30 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Place: Central Huron Secondary School Clinton, Ont. Sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, Zeta Omega Chapter AR" • PARK THEATRE • - - GOOMCCM 574 - Ass 1gES trf GHO UM 0i$TANCE', CIL I •800 - IT'S BACK FOR 1 MORE WEEK Fri. - Thurs. Nov. 16 -22 Fri.& Sat. 7& 9:15 PM Sun. - Thurs. 8 PM Ammailas FREE MATINEE Saturday, Nov. 17 2 PM Sponsored by GodorIch Rae . De . - 20-343I FIN tits Mt Mowll INFO switch erg eqmpasam, Thune touts, which we used to psleve i the dial crossbar switches trum working wick the annual Cuc:ttmy�cis still is operation, arc aisu ati*kd to the cords, so that they can be pulled out in a few seconds. Once the blocking tools art pull -W Out, the dial system wdl be in operauon. As the fifst callers dial. the dial switches will begin to dre:k. ccannec:ung telephone calls m Seaford" and equgxnent purchases; could get creditors to back his expense to buy or rent the fust land parcel v'ith enough machinery to till the land; orgtniae pre-existing farm buildings for the stock; could buy harm animals and production quota. This would be a true grass-roots, feet -on - the -ground, farm entrepreneur! Givah the present high interest rates, high input costs, high energy costs, low commodity prices, the dangers posed to our quota systems in the GATT negotiations or the failure thereof, I doubt such a creature exists in the Ontario of 1990. At very best, there would not be enough of them around to buy all the farms beaconing available in the next decade. What about farmers' sons and daughters? Our forefathers dreamed of building enduring homesteads; an independent way of life with a high standard of living in the open air, good food aplenty; and then to take all of this and hand it on through the ages to one's children and grandchildren. To own land and pass it down to descendants was the vision that brought our farming ancestors to clear this country, moving out of feudal systems where land was always owned by another, and the years of your life were spent working the master's crops and caring for his livestock. Our advice to our children is to get out and get the best education possible. We buy computers so they'll have marketable skills, and teach them to aim for a good secure job in the city without worries of weather or crop prices. May I make a suggestion. Where families are concerned, let's replace the term "family farm" with "fa- rming families". Sometimes the entire farm operation can be ex- panded to include grown-up children and their families who wish to farm. This changes the unit into a more diversified operation, usually with more investment, a larger land base and/or quota and more labor available. Farmers who definitely wish to quit and need to cash out the value of their land for retirement can sell to farming families and keep the land in production. But it must be at a fair, competitive market value, and what is fair market value if it's located beside an urban area? And our farmers are getting older and closer to retirement. Check the average age of the farmers in your surrounding community. Most of them are crowding their 50s from one direction or another, right? Where will these people be in the year 2000? Who will replace them? We always think of the Niagara area or the big cities in the "Golden Horseshoe" when we think of city growth swallowing up farmland. The 1991 census may surprise us by showing that an amazing amount of non-farm development is conver- ting prime farmland adjacent to our own towns and villages in Huron County. Elmer Buchanan, the new Provin- cial Minister of Agriculture and Food is to meet with farm represen- tatives at Clinton this month. We'll be listening very hard to him describe the direction of his government regarding farmland preservation. Agricultural land must be defended from conversion to non-farm use, but any program contemplated must also take into consideration the fair value of this asset to the retiring farmer. Forget • from page 2 Jeanne in closing. I would urge you to begin setting out a program for farmers and the working people to begin thinking with, for their benefit and the benefit of their children. This citizen is tired of reading "woe is me" as advocated by the OFA the NFU and the marketing boards. Those so called leaders have proven to have all the bite of a rubber duck. When it comes to farming policies and far- ming finance, those are the men and women that dug the hole for this country's descent to third world status. Give us what should be, we can read what has been and what they plane to do, to the agricultural in- dustry, in bankers publications written by those with jelly back- bones and brains to match Thank you for the valuable space Madam Editor. Respectfully yours, Toni E Ryan Pounders fuh, Credit Union National Aesoieiation