HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-11-14, Page 8eI i !►a ►1t►J11t11� c �IM'l�t t k )It, MUI101:1111111EM 14, ten
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WO. Napper
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BERG •••-'•a.
f.'s* louses les
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- ar.r.► firellers
Doniiid tie . 1 vee
M.N. t My&
gasman.* 1011-estio.
1)To taciteate SNOW HEMOVAL residents ars reminded that By -
Law No. 31 tor 1988 as amended prohibits panting on all town
streets between the hours of 2:00 A.M. and 6.00 A.M. Moloy
vehicles left on streets are steed to parking tickets and may
be towed.
Notice s hereby given that the Municipetity wilt not be respon-
sible for any damage caused to parked vehicles as the result
01 snow removal operation.
2) As per By -Law No. 19 for 1987 residents are reminded it'tsel is
is an offence to deposit snow, ice or debris from Ovale prop-
erty onto Town Streets or Sidewalks.
•includes up to 5 Litres of Oil
•New Filter
Ms Reeler duke g8 ?Urflibtfr
800K AN
Sports News
Centena ir CS pe ril o usty k 10 e to h ase rn c nt
Ms mil res nett hos as as
iith Cooriesits reaaia■t
Thug art 1 x cam 3- 3 ft i
Lias w utsiaai leer aa�t
✓ s - 3 . the Boala *-
i, as Y paaalessir dans r
tits hotioutet i Osavie
Afwasistis es Taos a itaatri%
Geos s ht.* ilii whili
u swift ea ahaor, ad hairs pied
sur ally ow eaf a pa its 110 pair
is as hast bps pea Thaj are i
a ihowirer is he Iamb i aped
enols 10asomOiwisiactk peaty
roes pits And al is M.
Hord s >I • as Eelam
wise Meese ism pass is heart
Magi irate" t Ret am maw albs
wa smell aim whoa i Cor
tcasties hot j los
w a Fridley sight goasat &43, alters
euro w i aid Dialect
C:aatarilr Coon for a Statin f
airttlsu goes with alis *advice
Poole 3te■isy Laura at 1:30.
Ile Lamers pati . , one out
of dolt with as t■ einn.,: goal utsu
empty net wadi 19 seccieds left
Sudsy night at Lambeth,. It was
the hot time snore them a grist had
squirmed the two tarns m the
past. Jason Schoonderwoerd sod
Kamm hoes. amid gals sur
Sada to a 2 - 1 load ski' is
as* do am ram isms
int 2 -2 air i aseoad 20
sitaatse. lime d a
up seas aha a gad it ahs Ca.
lt111eetas • as ilii at as leer.
No 31611011 ondas't hold ohs lams.
s iwr a• jot maw furseatrals
remade jtiesa st
aliu •
d kae+ sand pelt:
Scheomiowarod ails got as malt
e gm silt his gook aid iiia wart,
Doers Den lmssra aid
Doom Millet wow also arzood
rail/ trim Each alae sem tagged
with 1d aim proalliew lir name
Larry Caaas, aid Seabeds rtes acro
pm' a—I.: iact
Pair eight's pars at Ender
became esotesetaair hosed. bore on
the tae and is i Mods. The
Homes came lasso dos pits trod for
fiat bet the C.rrrain . with oaty
16 players creased, dearly
otooka �ed odea us the reiattivcly
dem fins period and emerged with
a 1 - 0 lead os a sped by Paul
Mclhsur. The Hawks tried it
another way for the reminder of
'he grime - they got ugly, and the
---- y warted. Seafard,'s bench
wh nal to Just four players
by as sail d i gm% haas■rse et
amain goo sminstillift
shearer o se psi awe
Casensiss as!gem sra esegle
ui art pats and gam 1st i
taw ptaitl & Ilan was 218m a les
is ort rj seam
AIN us i gams. .spilt jot
shoot ewer remade ales
Waa mai Indians souses
3eaketh's usher gale. aid Was
added two anises as i Kay
Diens. Serve Seas aiii aims papa an
MM. Enelar far 3 - 2 airy Or
secant. Boa Carry Whose cosi
John Raueirtit weed tweed for
Exeter. Sender* loot Paul
McLlwam, Blair 8
Shone Cooper, Jed( Giatrrail ass
Dos Brown to s iessadees icisig
dire glee.
HOT STOV■ L &Gus: Gead-
n:mder Dana Daskt cy's brink= head
ts sull no medal and his stay
this weekend is doubtful. The Cea-
tenanes have owed gain Jame
Cooper, who played win the teams
last year and is now taking a
forestry course at a school in Peter-
borough, as backup. Cowper played
Sunday at Lambeth. Bid Tre near
played Friday.... Jeff Wetter, who
the Canonises had been using as a
bad wits sold i asset at i
high ached hob, mem bola
liar was is a louse arias.
as as waahsai._ users •
as aincinse aper *Cat Bir ram
fats ia Sissies pas and le a
ihtrei avow fist aim Tito
kilo mi -sad 6.r .stated pm.
arid � ria
t•___—soccer ed a
two-pae comp s i■s Pa=
Exalts, fur be a died ar
coag a He missed 8rtttiys paw
will ones Priday's bee voi he
eligible for Sunday's pas al=
the Port...Drtrate/MS
Scum Rams tams -Motile
wean.. lac Cemaisies lore aims
swat his brasher. r. is s, las
Schroeder, far a ria -purrs adiriL.
Dost forget - WE'vi oaf TIM
BEEF following Sam* atis -
noon's game the Ccasorsirs ars
hosting a bead Bar-1Que at the
Anna. Mea your favorite Ow up
clone, without a malt. Ask theca
guff. Tickets adz $8 for adults and
S4 for children, and arc ayeiiriit
from any player ur executive saw
Wm Help support prises hockey i
Seaforth and fill your fate at the
SIM umc.
Bantam hockey team off to ijnpressive start
TMs Sciorth Balm have hoer
an i.preasive start Crit year, having
was all five of their aspic season
Thar Moats neat with Goirich
twice ad wrest 8 - 4 and 6 - 5, they
also beat Mitchel 4 - 2, Zurich 4 -
1 and Wingless' 5 - 1.
The Batts mom heti an even
mixture of second year bantams and
a number of last year's
PeeWe cs team members. Tending
aos1 is John Moylan and Adam
'Beet the G.S.T.
•AN Wcxk Guaranteed
•Piet Up, Delivery & Winter Storage
can lin arranged
Agar - doaore trouble for the op-
=Ptolocnon comes from Pa
• Jon Hugon, Brad Mage,
Jeff Ryan, Jinn Crowley and Jeff
Flaisgan oda defence. The team's
fie pourer comes from Joe Murray,
Stege Hicknell, Wayne Schocixier-
wocrd, Mike Devereaux, Boyd
Devereaux, Mike Weber, Justin
Rodney, Mike Moylan and Dave
Mt lay. Bill Weber and Jim Moore,
This past weekend the Bantam
team wait to the Fleshezton tour-
nament. The king ride to the first
tournaament of the season, caused
the Seaforth Bantams to coupe out
flat when they faced East Gwilhm-
oury on Friday night. Wayne
Schoondcrwocrd- tipped in
Se'tforth's only goals from grant
setups by Joe Murray and Steve
Hicknell. Seaforth had their chances
but dust couldn't click and get
anymore in the net, especially in the
first period. The final score was 4 -
2 for East Gwilhmbury.
The irony of tournaments is that a
teats can travel two hours and then
meet up with their next door neigh-
bor, as Seaforth did on Saturday
when they faced off against
Mitchell, in the "B" category of the
Seaforth played excellent hockey
in this game, passing the puck
around and using their ()pen point
Your business and the GST
Free Business Information Session for people in all types of business.
Help and information on how to register, and apply the proposed GST in
your business. A registration officer will be available for assistance.
Your questions will be answered by representatives from Revenue Canada. Don't
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the proposed GST You'll learn about:
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• What is taxable and tax-exempt ,
• How to recover the GST paid on business
• Available options for filing GSI' returns
• Where and how to get additional assistance
Sur demande, cette seance est disponible en fr ncais Communiquez avec
1e bureau de Revenu Canada, Accu le plus psis de chez vnus
Town: Seaforth
Date: November 15, 1990
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Royal Cdn. Legion Hall
156 Main St. S.
Canada's GS'L It's good business to prepe ow
,., never% Canaria
&boas and Encase
Royer., Canada
Oe erle+s et Aon
men to door advettl nem 3aeve Hick-
nell yet up delanceoem Jon Hugill's
low shot dist scatted 3esiartb's fist
goal in the first period. Delencanan
Jim Crowley blasted the pock to
Mike Devcrdaux and Salford' was
on top 2-0.
A full period leers Michell kept
working but the Sado,* Bantams
sent them home early and advanced
to the acct game.
Seaforth had their momentum
going when they played their thud
game against Newmarket and were
able to score five unanswered goats.
Mike Moylan scored the first goal,
with the help of Wayne Schoonder-
woed and Justin Rodney. Boyd
Devereaux notched up Seaforth's
second goal from a nice set up by
Joe Murray. Steve Hicknell got the
next two goals with help from Jim
Crowley, Jon Hugill, Jeff Ryan and
Joe Murray. Wayne Schoonder-
woerd finished off the scoring after
being set up by Brats Moore and
Mike Devereux.
The final game of the consolation
was against the home town Flesher -
teat Boma Its was ware die Ai
Ontario Bateau Crtssain *sits
division in 1. It was a classic
game, going hale triple onetime
and having caiy two peaiite
called the whole game. Escalate
ptayuts by both teams.
Et looked tough though kw
Seaforth after three minutes of play
in the first period wham the score
was already 3 - 0 for Flee kasha.
Seaforth finally came alive and
began to paly hockey. Mille Weber
really wound up, and with the dip-
ping power of Steve Hkk veil,
popped in three goals to tie the
game by the middle of the second
period. Each line had numerous
chances but both goebtende s held
off the goal that would end the
game. Fleshaum took the trophy
though, when they were able to
connect on a set-up early in the
third overtime. Both John Moylan
and Adam Agar chalked up a
shutout m this tournament The
Seaford) Bantams head to Alyma
this weekend for more Lounahment
Eagles hold first place in bowling
Murray Bennewies not only led - 621.
the Eagles to a five point win this George Love 300 _ 782, Kamm
week but he also captured both the Hoegy 215 - 535 and Carol
men's high single and double with Johnston 203 - 530 were top somas
a 310 - 868. Other top scorers fa for the Orioles.
the Eagles were Ken Moran 224 - Jack Ryan 268 - 655 and Cathy
554 and Pauline Weige 219 - 519. Broome 252 - 660 led the Buzzards
To scorers for the Loons were to a five point win over the
Don Nolan 201 - 576, Sandra Peacocks. Cathy also took boon the
Taylor 202 - 545, Pat Ryan 206 - ladies high single and triple this
519 and Don Kuntz 242 - 493. week.
The Vultures and Orioles played The Peacocks were lend by Harry
off with the Vultures and gained Den Haan 256 - 580 and Rob
five points placing them in a tie for Taylor 214 - 514.
second place with the orioles. Dave Teams standing are: Eagles 40;
Moody led the Vultures with 252 - Vultures 28; Orioles 28; Peacocks
689 followed by Gary Howard 276 24; Loons 20 and Buzzards 19.
Novice ringette team opens at home
The Seaforth Novice Ringe ate Seaforth 4, Goderich 2.
team played its 1990-91 home -
opener on Sunday, Novanber 11 at
noon. Regular fans saw an
improvement in skating and paving
skills and this lead to a victory over
Goderich II.
Goderich opened the scarring but
Kim Deveraux soon netted
Seaforth's first goal to tie it up.
Jenny Del Vecchio flipped one in
minutes later for the go-ahead goal.
Nichole Munro scored her first of
two in response to a tying goad by
Goderich. Then, on an assist from
Katie Holland, Nicole scored a
second goal to give Seaforth some
insurance on the lead. the sane at
the end of the first period was
Katie Holland scared Seafarth's
lone goal of the second per=iod on a
fine pass from Nicole Munro.
Goderich scored once mare in the
dying minutes but doe clock ran out.
The final score - Seaforth 5 ,
Goderich 3.
Ringette is a game requiring real
team work and the Novice Orb are
starting to be just that, a team.
Special mention goes to Claire
Eckert, Jeanette Crowley, Jessie
Finlayson and Missy Etat: fear *Mr
hard work on defame and also to
goalie Sara Agar for her fine per-
formance in net.
The next home game is Sunday.
December 2 at 11 a.m.
Junior ringette team defeats Exeter
The Junior ringette team travelled sig. Robyn Carnochan had cac goal
to Exeter on Saturday Novemtoer 10 and two esthete. Jodie HugiM lad
to come out strong and defeat the two maw and Car'riee mg:Li ain
opposition by a score of 15 - 4. had three assists. Alam showing her
With only eight players, lube talent was goalie Trish Smith.
Carter led the way with five goads
and one assist. Ceryl McLlwain Marg Dale commended the girls
scored four goals and had four on the sport-smanehip they
assists. Kris Gemmel collected three during thus game. The game
goals and had exit assist Kim Rau will be m Seliorth against Godesido
scored two goals and had one as- at 7:30 p.m. os No,rmlwr 18.
Seaforth Belles annihilate Clinton
S%hnsty, Navenither 11 the
Seafarth Belles continued their
witming streak with a win over
Clinton. The game was far from
exciting and it ended up tieing quite
a work-out for the (Ilium n goal -
Roth stents wew,ki age that it
was not a very gruel R in genie lois.
Every playa an the Seaforth sewn
accumulased a gaol with the excep-
tion of one. The defence players got
a Isle of being on framed end
ceases tried chat the Mews
Clinton treed realty herd, brat tense
to their two years experenace
couldn't compare to searrrdes
years of practice. Wpbs Saeleai
fns started out they aka wine
blown away. so Cheapen don't Oile
up1 SeafcYth's goalie pieys& • Isils
gars. but Clinetros's moss _it_
received the. mapw wrirkmet.
The final wive wins 71 1. Moat
ouSund y. November 18 it
*wenn St. li y's. Cama
oe no anti e; hexa Is as.