HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-10-24, Page 17THE HURON EXPOSiTc* . OCTOBER 24. 1000-17 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY EXPERIENCED TRADESMAN lot Oft of YOU! nestle - carpentry Warms, drywall, 1urrature, rishnrahing. ptaininp. You nose e. For Quality work cats 38-30 -d Kea 3440120 • Fuel Oil Furnace Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 • • PAINTING and WALLPAPERING Done At Reasonable Rates —Call Julie 11117-6872— • Vkfr\1' Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83 - 3yz miles east of Exeter II!I Try us tor CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you Tike it STUMP REMOVAL Reasonable Rates Call CUT -RITE TREE SERVICES 229-8802 STRYKER'S - SIDINO INSTALLATION •SIDING 'SOFFIT' •FASCIA •ALUMINUM & VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS •STORM WINDOWS & DOORS •EAVESTROUGHING OVAL/Ty RENOVATIONS! FREE ESTIMATES! OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE %C41✓iCAN• 482.7428 A41I 1# I#M R.N. 2 CLINTON 39. CARDS OF THANKS GOOVAERTS The family of the late Maria Goovaerts would like to express their appreciation for kindness shown to her by Dr. Rodney, also by the staff of Seaforth Manor, and nurses of Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. Thank you for flowers, memorial gifts, and food brought to our homes. A thank you to T Harry Hoff- man Funeral Home of Dashwood, also to Father J. Roche of Parkhill and Father J. Henry Cassano of Seaforth. Keith and Elza Ruston, Alphonse and Louis Goovaerts and families. 39-43 x1 HYLAND-TAYLOR We would like to thank everyone who made our Buck & Doe successful. Also thanks to those who attended. Chuck and Allyson 39-43 x 1 LAWSON I would like to thank relatives, friends, neighbours for their many acts of kind- ness, floral tributes, memorial dona- tions, sympathy cards and food brought to the house and served by neighbours during my loss of a dear husband A special thanks to Rev. Sloan for his many visits, and comfor- ting words at the service, and Micheal, Rob, Christopher of the Box Funeral Home To residents and staff of Seaforth Manor, ambulance attendents, Dr's Harrott and Newland, staff of the Clinton Public Hospital for all their kindness to Lorne, also to the Seaforth Hospital Emergency staff Thanks to pallbearers and flowerbearers Special thanks to the Presbyterian Church Ladies Aid, Seaforth Women's Institute for the lovely lunch. Viola. 39-43 x1 40. IN MEMORIAM RYAN In loving memory of Joseph Ryan, who passed away, five years ago, October 27. 1985 Remembering you is easy. We do it every day, Missing you i4 a heartache That never goes away. You had a smile for everyone, You had a heart of gold, You left the sweetest memories, This world could ever hold Forever remembered by wife Rose and family 40-43 x 1 HORNER In loving memory of a dear Mother and Grandmother, Violet Horner, who passed away ten years ago. October 30. 1980 The fairest lilies are the first to fall The sweetest first to fade. The fondest, dearest of all, at peaceful rest is laid. But in Gods garden free from pain Where grows his fairest flowers. We know that we shall meet again The fairest bloom of ours Lovingly remembered by Marion and family. Gordon Mary and family 40-43 -1 REGELE In memory of Edward Regele who passed away October 18, 1982 As time unfolds another year Memories keep you every near, Silent thoughts of times together Hold memories that will last forever Always remembered by Idella and Nor man & family 40 43 x1 40. IN MEMORIAM a1111111 in loving memory of a deer son and brother, Robert, who peened essay sud- denly wo-decry out years ago. October 25. 1964 1t we wrote a Indian verses 11 wouldn't be • tart, To tell the world about you And what is in our Moan They say in ume you do forget Sometimes that may be true. But how on earth could we forget someone as dear as you How lovely are the memories That we all share of you. To us you were very specula God must have thought so too Lovingly remembered and sadly miss- ed Dy Mom and Ded, brothers and sisters and families. 40-43 x 1 IDEUERAIAN In loving memory of a dear husband Onrtlle Beuerman who passed away 14 years ago, October 22, 1976 Like tailing leaves the years slip by But loving memories never die. With tender love and deep regret We who loved you will never forge. Lovingly remembered by wife Margaret and family 40-43 x1 41. PERSONAL ENZENSBERGER Special birthday wishes to Mona Sills Enzensberger on her 80th birthday. October 25, 1990, from her husband Henry, children Dorothy, Susan, Dan, Mona and spouses, grandchildren Patricia, Michael and Steven 41-43-1 FIRST PURCHASE - Jaime VanWynsberghe of John Street in Seaforth, was one of many to attend the annual fall bazaar of Northside United Church on Saturday. Jaime found at least one bargain at the bazaar - a pair of mittens. Robinet photo. ADMIRING GLANCES - Ruth Clutf, left, points out some interes- ting collectibles to Helen Wilbert of Northside United Church, during that organization's annual Fall Bazaar. The bazaar was held on Saturday. Robinet photo. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BiG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS INVITING ALL 48th HIGHLANDERS to our 100th Anniversary Dileas Celebration May 16-19, 1991. For information write. Reunion Committee, 496 Mortimer Ave., Toronto. M4J 2G7 (416) 466-0072. Spouses welcome. THE TWELFTH ANNUAL London Arts and Crafts Christmas Show and Sale, Centennial Hall, London. October 26, noon- 10pm 27, l l am-10pm 28, Ilam 6pm. Admission $2 50 Olga Traher (519) 679-1810. WESTERN HEREFORD ZONE SALE, Sat. October 27, cpm at Wat-Cha Salesplex Mount Forest. 50 lots of cows, bulls, bred heifers and calves Contact Beth McKay (519) 396-7682. LIVESTOCK/PETS FOR SALE MINIATURE HORSES. A gift for all ages Lovable. gentle, inexpensive to keep. All types available at Foundation Farms Annual Charity Sale. (519) 334 3121 days. (519) 334-3665 evenings. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EARN EXTRA MONEY' Learn Income Tax Preparation. Free brochures. No obligation U&R Tax Services, 205-1345 Pembina Highway. Winnipeg, MB, R3T 296 1-800665 5144 Exclusive franchise territories available. START YOUR OWN 10K JEWELRY BUSINESS for as little as $50. Fabulous designs, superb quality, excellent profits. The Gold Discovery, 14335 - 47 Ave , Edmonton. T6H 0139. (403) 434-2550. SALES HELP WANTED BE INDEPENDENT' If you enjoy fashion, want to earn extra money the fun way call us collect (416) 632-9090 (8 35am Spm) MA CHERIE HOME FASHION SHOWS HELP WANTED RIBO LICENSED REPRESENTATIVE required Please send your resume to Human Resource Manager, Ontano Teachers Insurance Plan, 29 King St F . Kitchener, Ontario. N2G 2K4 SERVICES F REE LIST of 50 money making home businesses that you can start for under $S00 Write Canadian Institute of Home Business, Box 334, Sorrento, 8 C . VOE 2W0 WANTED99 people to lose 10-29 lbs/month wrei revolutionary weight control program Seen on TV. Fun. simple, 100% natural Guaranteed results Doctor recommended 1 800 665 2405 INSTRUCTION HOW TO PLAY POPUI AR PIANO New home study course Fast, easy method. Guaranteed' FREE information Writo Popular Music. Studio 68, 3284 Boucherie Road. Kelowna, R C.. V 1 Z 2H2. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERIING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneenng. Next class February 9-18, 1991 For information, contact' Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R R RS, Woodstock. Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) S37-2115 TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for rewarding careers in trucking Class A -Z and D-2 licences Days and weekend courses Job placement assistanos Market Transport Training Guelph 1 600 263 7173 FREE career guide to home study correspondence Diploma courses Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West. Toronto, 1-800-950 1972 YOUR FUTURE STARTS WITH Tri -County Truck Driver Training- Established in 1978, lob search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses Financial assistance on approved credit 1-800 265 0400 Cambridge. MORTGAGES ARE YOU A HOMEOWNER, We have mortgage money for any purpose Pay off credit cards No qualifying hassels Excel Financial Corporation. (tollfree) 1 800-265 6984 OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LAND availability and Ontario properties to be sold for unpaid taxes. For information write Properties. Dept CN. Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING BUYS - 1/2 Price Sale Buy one building at regular price and get double length for 50% more Limited steel Paragon 24 Hours - 1-800 263-8499 ACT NOWI BUY Factory Direct all steel building with endwalls S -25x30 - $2,979 Quonsets and straightwalls to 100' wide Immediate delivery. Savings' PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800 668-5422 (24 hours) FUTURE BUILDINGS Ploughing Match Specials to continue till allocated supply lasts Many sizes Hurry for best selection Call 1-800 668-8653 STEEL BUILDINGS Positively lowest price. 20x30 $2,330 25x30 $2.935 30x34 $3,710 40x46 $5,142. Endwatls included Stock Items. Other sizes available Save -save save 1-800 668 4338 (416) 792-2704. CHINA NORITAKE SA1 E 1 Terrific discounts on current patterns' Delivered well packed, insured For price list on your Noritake pattern, call Alexander's, "The Noritake Experts', Toronto tollfree 1 800 263 5896 MISCELLANEOUS "STOP FLOODED BASEMENTS' New battery powered sump pump, free brochure Chalk. 1554 Gregory. St Catharines. L2R 6P9 (416) 685 6037 Direct sellers also required for this hot new product. VACATION NEW ZEALAND Uncle Rob's Caravan of a lifetime March 9 to April 7, 1991 A few caravans still available For additional information call TI'S Travel 1 800-265-9365 PERSONAL TIRED OF LOOKING FOR I OW in all the wrong places, lit us help you rind that speoal someone Write to Cupid's Corner, Box 1124, Allona, Manitoba ROG 090 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES BONAIR R V's, Camping Trailers, hardtop tint, fold dawn tihh WNW, travel. park models, acoessceies New llsed r fimbria 4 Leer, Fiberglass A Aluminum truck Caps Royal Trailer A it v Centre in Teviotdale, Ont. (519) 343-2122 FOR SALE NINTENDO - 72 gams* All your favorites 5193 • delivery Can (416) 33S 6596 or write Action Games, SN 372, 3017 St Clair Ave . Rintington. 1 7N 305 Your ad could appear In community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today! Thanksgiving is theme for Walton Unit II meeting Wakes (:carrssg ±st SIRS - BETTY McCALL INV 4177 Devotions ware on the Theme Thanksgiving to the Walton U unit aiecung held at die home 01 Marilyn McDonald on Wednesday afternoon. The meeting was led by Karen Hoegy and Helen Craig on the Theme on Thanksgiving utkcn from the United Church Observer fol- lowed with a qua. Maxine Houston presided for the business opening with a poem, "Autumn" Margaret Craig read the minutes. These were 10 ladies present Margaret Bennett gave the treasurer's report. It was given out the Heritage Books and Church Calendars are now available. Unit members were also reminded to save store tapes and soup labels. In the announcements dates to remember are: Dedication Sunday - November 4, also Baptism and board meeting that evening at Viola Kirkby's. A discussion was held on the Turley Supper coming kip on Wed- tbcsday, November 7. Communion Sunday is December 12 acid the Christmas Eve Service is to held this year at Bluevak Unfitted Church at 7:30 p.m. PteAaic notify Leona if any changed in subacnptions to the Observer. A commute was ctweei to help clean the church kitchen on November 1 at 9 a.m. Save craft supplies for Camp Menestung. A social time followed the bu.siness with lunch served by the hostess, Marilyn McDonald and Vera McDonald The next meeting in November will be help at the horse of Helen Craig. W1. LUNCHEON The Walton Women's institute has started its monthly noon luncheons with a very successful hot beef meal last Wednesday. Berver Watson and Helen Craig were in charge. The hall basement was decorated for the occasion in the Halloween Theme. The next noon luncheon will be held on the third Wednesday of November and posters of the menu will be posted prior to that week. Foresters hold first euchre Cranbrook Correspondent MRS. MAC ENGEL 887-6645 The October meeting of Court Woodbine M100 was held on Oc- tober 9 in the Cranbrook Com- munity Centre with 10 members present. Vice-president Brother John Vanass and Sister Brenda Perrie opened the court. The Ethel Women's Institute will cater to the November family night. The delegates to the Western On- tario Provincial Assembly on November 16 to 18 in Brantford will be Bill and Isabelle Craig and Jack and Jean Conley. The court will send $100 to the special project and $100 to the Cancer Fund. Card parties were planned for October 19 and November 2, 16, and 30 in the Community Centre. A social time followed and Jack Conley won the 50 - 50 draw. FORESTER'S EUCHRE The Foresters had the first euchre of the season on Friday October 19 with 11 tables playing. High score was won by June Jacklin and Richard Elliou and Adrian Verstoep tied. Low counts Dorothy Hamilton and Shirley Versteop (playing as a man). Most lone hands, ladies Dorothy Cox and Lou Raynard, men Cecil Raynard. The winners of 21 draws were as follows: Mary Huether, Keith Turnbull, Brenda Perrie, Agnes H. Harrow, Myrle Bowes, Thelma Keffer, Helen Alexander, Jean Rolof, Bill Dobson, Ross Stephen- son, Ruth Martin, Mac Smith, Isabelle Bremner, Donald Clark, Lloyd Smith, Dorothy Dilworth, Margery Ritchie, Marg Mac Donald, Beryl Smith, Jack Cox and Mel Jacklin. Another euchre will be held Friday, November 2. McKillop native is presented with bicycle at farewell party St. Columban Correspondent MRS. CECILIA RYAN 345-2028 Former neighbors of Vincent Murray in McKillop Township held a farewell party at his home in Seaforth on Saturday evening, Oc- tober 20. After a few games of cards and visiting, Vincent was presented with a new bicycle after which everyone enjoyed lunch. Larry and Lina Murray and baby son of Brampton visited on the weekend with Steve and Agnes Murray. Jim and Pat Subject, Carrie, Ryan, Jeff and Nathan of Kitchener and Don and Brenda Ryan, Matthew, Stephen, David and Angela of London visited on the weekend with Cecilia Ryan. Attending the baptism of Kyle Joseph Cronin, infant son of Wayne and Melita Cronin of Egmondville on Sunday, at St. James Catholic Church, Seaforth from St. Colum - ban were Frank Cronin, Gary and Ann Cronin, Brent, Jamie and Melanie; Gerry and Karen Ryan, Jason, Amanda and Jeremy; Angela Klinkhammer and Dale and Susan Cronin of Dublin and Melita's parents Mr. and Mrs. Harmsworth and family from London. Kyle's god -parents are Karen Ryan and Tom Harmsworth. Following the baptismal ceremony all were quests with Wayne and Melita at their home. Heritage club elects officers October 6, was the first meeting day for the 4-H club members wanting to do project on Heritage. First members voted for president - Erin Horbanuik, vice-president - Rachel Jenkins; secretary - Jane Dykstra; and press reporter - Bren- da Renkema. Leaders are Joanne Ramaker and Joyce Jenkins. The meeting was at the Jenkins house and 10 members attended this meeting. They were: Jane Dykstra, Lynda Dykstra, Erin Jamieson, Rachel Jenkins, Andrea Ramaker, Willena Ramaker, Carla Stacey and Brenda Renkema. One of the mothers had a butter churner, so everyone got a chance to make the butter. It tasted great. The group does not have a name quite yet but for now it is called Summerhill 4-H. By Brenda Renkema 4H club studies past cooking The fourth meeting of the McKil- example, there were no cooking lop #1, 4-H club was held October instructions. 17, 7:00 p.m. at the Becker's. Members made Jamaican Meat "Cooking Then and Now" was the Patties, Rice Pudding, and German topic for this meeting. Hot Potato Salad. Members discussed types of The next meeting will be held cooking utensils and different types October 30, at 6:30 p.m. at the of stoves. Their cookbooks were Benneu's. It is a Halloween party. composed for experienced cooks, Everyone is bringing a dish from with the recipes very unclear. For the recipe booklet. WMS holds its thankoffering The Marian Ritchie Women's Missionary Society met October 16 for its Thankoffering meeting. Lil- lian Douglas presided and opened with a poem, One Day Is Not Enough. Ruth Laing lid in the worship service as outlined in the Glad Tidings, with Jean Carey and Peggy Kerslake assisting with the Scriptures. Several hymns were read in unison or sung with Cathy Elliott at the piano. Mrs. Laing welcomed several guest and introduced Jean Evans, from Motherwell-Avonhank Pres- byterian Church. Mrs. Evans brought greetings and outlined her work as press reporter for the Strat- ford -Huron Pr shytcrial of the Women's Missionary Society. The study hook on the meaning of peace, or Shalome, was taken by Roberta Templeman with Doxil Miller, Peggy Kerslake, Alice Gar diner, and Hazel 1larhurn reeding related scriptures. The question was asked, "What in our day makes for peace and of un -peace in the world?" How can blocks to peace be removed? The roll call was answered with an item on the Philippines from a newspaper. Alice Gardiner read the minutes of the September meeting and during the business members were asked to make Peace Ribbons for Korea on white material 3 3/4 inches by 16 1f2 inches. it is hoped that enough ribbons can be gathered to make a ribbon that stretches from Mt. Halla in South Korea to Mt. Boekdu in North Korea, a distance of 9,500 km. The fall rally of the Presbyterial will be held in North Mornington Church on Tuesday, October 30, with registration at 9:30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. The meeting was closed with ithe hymn, Let us with Gladsome Mind and a benediction. by R. Laing Press Secretary.