HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-10-24, Page 1212- TME ritifiON E.XPO6ITOR, OCTOBER 24, t99O
St. Peter's Celestine Roman
Catholic Church, Slave Lake, Al-
berta, was the scene of a summer
wedding on August 25, 1990, when
Darcy Leigh Cavanagh became the
bride of Douglas Raymond Murray.
The bride is the only daughter of
Bill and Marilyn Cavanagh of Slave
Lake, and the groom is the son of
Raymond and Vera Murray of
Seaforth. The bade was attended by
her sister-in-law, Mary Cavanagh,
and best man was Joseph Murray of
Whitby, Ontario, brother of the
groom. Ushers were Bill Murray of
Seaforth, brother of the groom and
Bill Cavanagh, Jr., brother of the
bride. A dinner and dance was held
at the Elk's Hall.Following the
wedding, the couple enjoyed a three
week honeymoon in Eastern
Canada. They now reside in Slave
Lake, Alberta.
Fncnds and relatives gathered in
a Victorian sating at St. James
Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth
on Saturday, August 25, 1990, to
celebrate the marriage of Catherine
Elizabeth Ansteu to Shawn Edward
The wedding was officiated
by Father J. Henry Casano. The
bride is the daughter of John and
Laura Antall and the late Irene
Anstalt of Clinton, and Shawn is
the son of Ed and Doreen Wnght of
Etobicoke. Maid of honor was
Patricia Anstett of Stratford, sister
of the bride, and bridesmaids were
Claire Lauzon of Toronto, Mary
Lou McPherson of Londesboro and
Doreen Kelly of Embro, all friends
of the couple. Best man was Marty
Greenberg of Toronto, friend of the
groom, and guests were ushered by
Rob Wright of Toronto, brother of
the groom, and Dan Bannon of
Brantford and Sean Kelly of
Embro, both friends of the couple.
Junior usher was Leigh Wright of
Calgary, nephew of the groom, and
The Village of Hensall and the Township of Tuckersmith have
made an agreement to adjust their mutual boundary by annexing
certain lands from the Township to the Village and to deal with
other boundary -related issues.
This agreement has been reached under the Municipal
Boundary Negotiations Act, which was passed by the Legislature
of Ontario in 1981.
The purpose of this advertisement is to give notice to the
public that, subject to the consideration of any objections, the
Executive Council (i.e. Cabinet) intends to implement this
agreement by Order -in -Council as soon after the 21st day of
November, 1990 as possible.
The proposed boundary change is indicated on the map below
Lot 23
Lot 22
Hwy 841 King Street
Lot 19
Lot 18
O .124 260 .375
O .1 2 .3 .4 .6 .6
Details of the agreement may be obtained from the Clerk of the
Village of Hensall at 1519) 262 2812 or from the Clerk of the
Township of Tuckersmith at (519) 482 9523
Any person may object to the proposed boundary change by
writing to the Clerk of the Executive Council, outlining the
reasons for objecting, within twenty eight days of the publication
of this advertisement. This means that any objections must be
Bled with the Clerk of the Executive Council on or before
November 21, 1990
The address is as follows.
Clerk of the Executive Council
Province of Ontario
Room 359. legislative Building
Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1A1
Any objections will be dealt with according to the procedures
set out in Section 18 of the Municipal Boundary Negotiations
Act Objections may be referred to the Municipal Councils for the
advice of the Councils
(Original Signed by)
Peter Barnes
Clerk of the Executive Council
tlowergtrb weft Daoaelk AMMO
Clinton, awe of the bride, Volatile
Horst of Wawa, friend of the
couple. moor Amish of Emilltr,
niece of the bride sod Jap>me
Kelly of Enka). bead of 6e
couple. Soloists Lucille Dahaty
and Richard Horst were =Om
panted by Jayne Delaney on the
organ. Added ac companiament were
violinists Madams and Carol Ann
McQuaid and harpist
May Hearn.
Following the wedding, a reception
was held at Hessenland Country
Inn, RR 2 Zurich. Steve Killer of
Stratford was Master of
Ceremonies. The couple
honeymooned in New York and
Pennsylvania and now reside in
Seaforth. Douglas Spillane
Northside United Church was the
setting on August 25, 1990 for the
exchange of wedding vows between
Susan Elizabeth Hulley, daughter of
Marion Hulley of Seaforth, and
Anthony Gerald Arts, son of Harry
and Nellie Arts of Seaforth. The
Reverend Carolyn McAvoy
presided. Matron of honor was
Sandra Melady of London, sister of
the bride, and bridesmaids were
Nancy O'Reilly of Dublin, Judy
McLeod of Exeter and Penny Lan -
sink of Seaforth, all sisters of the
bride, Marg Flanagan of Seaforth,
sister of the groom, and Wendy
Wilson of Welland, cousin of the
bride. Junior bridesmaid was
Samantha Lansink, niece of the
bride, and flower girl was Ashley
Flanagan, niece of the groom. Best
man was Bev Coleman of Seaforth,
friend of the groom, and guests
were ushered by Harry Arts Jr., of
Seaforth, and Danny Arts of Toron-
to, brothers of the groom, John
Lansink of Seaforth, brother in-law
of the bride, and Dave Hulley of
Seaforth and Doug Hulley of Hen-
sall, brothers of the bride. Junior
usher was Kevin Sans of Granton,
nephew of the groom, and
ringbearer was Gerard O'Reilly,
nephew of the bride. Organ music
was provided by Marg Whitmore of
Seaforth and Susan Graham of
Exeter was the soloist. Following a
reception at the Seaforth and
District Community Centres, the
couple left for a honeymoon in
Banff, Alberta. They are now
residing in Seaforth.
Hospital Auxiliary nets $2U0 at pie sale
The October Roll Call of the
Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary mem-
bers donating an article for the
White Elephant Table and a Hal-
loween o ,;rd for the patients.
Minutes were read and reports
given. Correspondence was read
from: Group Delia, the Seaforth
Manua inviting participation m their
prugnun for the year, the Agricul-
tural Society wvnting the Auxiliary
to a Giant Yard Sale on October
13, and from Northside Unaged
Church regarding its Fall Bazaar.
Lloyd Hoggarth was the winner
of the 50/50 Draw and kindly
donated a sum of 525 to the
Auxiliary. Total amount taken ui
was $614.
Amanda Phillips and Maryanne
Moyland were the recipients of the
Auxiliary Bursary and received
5 150 each.
Over 5200 was netted the
Thanksgiving Pie Sale which was
held at the Hospital for the staff.
Joyce Lee, Membership Chairper-
son, informed the membership that
presently it has 36 active and 33
associate members. Liaison Officer
Frances Teatero has asked the
auxilians to pay for the pumpkins
which she is going to have the
Junior Volunteers decorate for the
The Auxiliary has been invited to
attend the Sisterhood Night which
is to be held at the Seaforth Public
School on Wednesday, November 7
at 7:30. All women in the com-
munity are invited and the theme is
son of Mark and Mary Anne Smith,
brother of Julie Smith, and
grandchild of Mary Smith and Ina
McGrath, all of Seaforth, graduated
from the Humber College Funeral
Service program, Toronto, on
Friday, June 22, 1990. He also
successfully passed the Provincial
Licensing Examination. During the
two year program Chris apprenticed
with Turner and Porter Funeral
Directors Ltd. of Toronto, before
returning home to accept a funeral
directors position with Beattie -Fal-
coner Funeral Homes Ltd., Clinton
and also to act as Managing Direc-
tor of Box Funeral Home, Seaforth.
Roo Tippel 471-1891 Lee Anne Wright e72-6999 Bill Chmu a 881-94
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Invites you to attend a
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"Crafts and a Night of Fun". Susan
Dick has the work Chleadars for the
Gift Shop for the months of Oc-
tober and November. if you would
like to volunteer to help in tie Gift
Shop please contact Susan Dick.
The Hospital Auxiliary Conven-
ts is to be held November 24 to
November 29, 1990 at the Royal
York Hotel, and Menu Toronto
Convention Centre. This is the SOth
Annual Convention.
It is was announced last evening
that Frances R. Teatero is to be a
recipient of a Provincial Lift Mem-
bership which will be presented at
the HAAO Annual Banquet.
The Fall Conference was held in
Guelph on September 24 and spon-
sored by the Guelph General
Hospital Auxiliary. Six members
from the auxiliary were in atten-
dance: Susan Dick, Linda Huard,
Pat Enneu, Janet Cluff, Manon
Margaret Mennell, and Marg Smale.
The business meeting as chaired by
Linda Murawski Region Two
Chairperson. The workshops were:
(1) Presidents and Vice Presidents;
(2) How to speak out a meetings;
and (3) Communication - Media
Co,' ciao and Newslowst,
Appruxutwtely 515,000 hat bats
realized by Nevada Draws it
District Two. The money is used is
hospital work. The Spring Coo-
feranc a for 1991 is to be held in
Stratford and the Fall Cunferance is
to be held to Clinton, tcntauvely.
Susan Dick gave an outline of the
session "How to speak out at
mac ungs", identifying personal
rights and how to handle aggression
and the theory of assertion. Marion
Marg Menne!' attended the session
conducted by L. Ken S honk ,
Family Physician, Kitchener. His
theme was "Laughter and Healing"
and also Communication - Newslet-
ters are the linksor ambassador
between the hospital and the com-
munity and should be distributed to
public places for people to read. It
is also important to invite local
news media to meetings and use
cable T.V. and radio to inform the
public of projects. Remember
"Good news must be Spread".
Roll Call for November meeting
will be an article of food for the
Food Basket for the Toy Show
Draw. Anyone unable to attend the
meeting should take the article to
the home of Dorothy Hays. Mystery
Prize winner was Linda Huard.
The Auxiliary has been informed
that Dr. Patricia Kresan will be
Ordelia Lyon died Monday, Oc-
tober 22, 1990 at Spruce Grove,
Alberta. She was 62.
A daughter of the late John Leoh-
nardt and Mary Hoppemoth, she
is survived by one daughter, Dr.
Catharine Copeland and husband
Bob of Spruce Grove; one son,
Gregory Lyon and wife Deborah of
North Bay, Ontario; four
grandchildren; and three sisters,
Edna Osborne of Mitchell, Florence
Rock of Seaforth and Pearl James
of Staffa.
Mrs. Lyon was predeceased by
her husband Gordon Lyon in 1966,
and by two sisters.
A memorial service will be held
Saturday at Spruce Grove, followed
by cremation. Burial will be in
London, Ontario.
Ruby Eleanor Eedy of McKillop
Township, died Monday, October
22, 1990 at the Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital. She was 53.
Born in Kincardine a daughter of
the late James Stanley and former
Fanny turner, she is survived by her
husband, Clifford Eedy and
children, Robert and Sandra of
McKillop Township, Russell and
Noel of Kitchener, and Sharon and
James Watson of Seaforth.
Also surviving are two sisters,
eight brothers and five granchildren.
Mrs. Eedy was predeceased by
one son Wayne.
Friends will be received at the
Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home in
Seaforth today from 2 to 4 p.m. and
7 to 9 p.m. and until Thursday at
1:30 p.m. when a funeral service
will be held at the funeral home.
The Reverend Cheryl -Ann Stadel-
bauer-Sampa will officiate. Inter-
ment Medway Cemetery, London
As expressions of sympathy
donations may be made to the
Canadian Cancer Society.
Ruby Carolina Magdeline Dol -
mage of Seaforth, died Friday,
October 19, 1990 at the Seaforth
Community Hospital. She was 73.
Born in McKillop Township on
July 6, 1917, she was a daughter of
the late Henry A. Bennewies of
Mitchell, and the late Louisa Dietz.
She was married in Brodhagen on
December 21, 1940 to Harvey
Dolmage, who survives. She was a
member of Northside United
Church, Seaforth, and had been a
volunteer knitter for the Seaforth
Hospital Auxiliary.
Surviving besides her husband
are: daughters, Shirley (Mrs. Stan
Waldie) of Rostock, Betty (Mrs.
Larry Schade) of Mitchell and
Dianne (Mrs. Tom Harris) of Huron
Park; sisters, Pearl Mueller of
Mitchell and Rose Eickmeyer of
Stratford; brothers, Carl Bennewies
of Waterloo and Harry Bennewies
of Galt; and grandchildren, William
Wettlaufer and Donna Anderson,
both of Stratford, Shelly Waldic of
Kirkton, Rick Waldie of Rostock,
Cheryl Pratt of Charleton, and
Susan Johnson of Grand Bend; and
great-grandchildren, Craig Ander-
son, Jonathan and Darren Pratt and
Jeffrey Johnson.
Mrs. Dolmage was predeceased
by her parents, one brother Manny
Bennewies, and two grandsons in
A private family graveside ser-
vicic was held with William Wet-
tiaufer and Rick Waldic as flower
bearers and Stan Waldie, Larry
Schade, Tom Harris, Ron Anderson,
Glenn Pratt and Brian Johnson as
active pallbearers. Interment was in
Maitlandhank Cemetery.
Jessie Thompson of Michigan and
formerly of Tuckersmith Township,
died Thursday, October 18, 1990 in
Battle Creek, Michigan. She was
The former Jessie Charters, Mrs.
Thompson was born in Tuckersmith
Township on the Mill Road. She
became an American citizen at the
age of 17 when she went to train
for a nurse in Niagara Falls, USA.
Mrs. Thompson was predeceased
by her husband Rex Thompson
(1984); her parents, William
Charters and Jean Jamieson; and a
brother Pearson (1982).
Friends were received at the Far-
ley -Estes Funeral Home on Friday,
and a funeral service was held at
the chapel on Saturday. Officiating
at the service was Reverend Wil-
liam W. Harvey. Interment
Memorial Park Cemetery, Battle
Lorne Edwin Lawson of Seaforth,
and formerly of Hullett Township,
died Thursday, October 18, 1990 at
the Seaforth Community Hospital.
He was 86.
Born in Colborne Township on
May 18, 1904, a son of the late
Robert Lawson and former Alvina
Mary Johns, Mr. Lawson was a
well known member of the Huron
Strings musical group, which often
played at hospitals, mursing homes
and other social functions. He was
also a farmer in Hullett Township
and a member of First Presbyterian
Church in Seaforth.
Mr. Lawson is survived by his
wife, the former Viola Alberta
Clarke; and by nieces and nephews.
He was predeceased by two
sisters, Myrtle (Mrs. Jack Busby)
and Jean (Mrs. Jack Davidson); and
by three brothers, Roy, Earl and
Leslie Lawson.
Friends called at the Ball and
Falconer "Box Funeral Chapel' and
a funeral service was held on Satur-
day, October 20, 1990 at First Pres-
byterian Church, Seaforth with the
Reverend James Sloan officiating.
Interment Clinton Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Allan Carter,
Andrew Davidson, Wayne Dol-
nlage, Warren Hannah, Robert
Lawson and Reg Lawson. Flower
bearer was Ted Warren.
Fern Hazel (Taylor) Baker of RR
1 Bayfield, died Tuesday, October
16, 1990 at the Clinton Public
Hospital. She was 85.
She is survived by her second
husband, Harry Baker; sons, Gor-
don and his wife Lois Coleman of
London, George and Liz Coleman
of Toronto and Jack and Eleanor
Coleman of RR 1 Zurich;
daughters, Donna Robinson of
Calgary, Connie Hislop of Port
Huron, Michigan, Sylvia Long of
Guelph and Gwen Baker of Lon-
Also surviving are 21
grandchildren and 11 great-
grandchildren; sisters, Ruby (Mrs.
Watson Webster) of Clinton,
Blanche (Mrs. Clarence Stephen-
son) of Hensall; and brothers, Louis
Taylor of Hur---view and Robert
Taylor of Clinic
She was predeceased by her first
husband, Anson Coleman; two sons,
Bert and Gerald Coleman; one
sister, Pearl (Mrs. Joe Wilton); and
by five brothers, Russell, Garnet,
Harold, Harvey and Lorne Taylor.
Friends were received at the Beat-
tie -Falconer Funeral Homes "Ball
Chapel" in Clinton on Thursday and
a funeral service was held at the
funeral home on Friday. Interment
Bayfield Cemetery.
As expressions of sympathy
memorial donations to the Clinton
Public Hospital would be ap-
A Memorial Service was held by
OES Clinton Chapter 1266 on Wed-