HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-10-10, Page 1640. IN MEMORIAM I
The tot* would rite b attprNs ow
sincere thanks to all our relatives.
Mende and neiighboure to their
thoughtfulness, Newer arrangements,
mentor. dungeons, owns calls. cards
and loud in memory d Wally Spector
thanks to our brothers Donald Newlune
of London, Aubrey McCallum ut
Strategy, ow mete/ .www aind her
husband oonaw Cook d Collingwood
for beiirng at our sills all through true
path we walked To each ot Wally's
oo-siirortcers in the Canadian Merchant
Service Guild, his friends and
associates, we suncerety thank you lir
your solid comfort at this tune of our
to To his "girls" you were wonder-
ful. thank you To rws -boys.' one and
all, thank you. You were the sons he
Mel halve. You were always there br
hip stilton he lived, you wet* there
titrtrt hon on that Int "trip.. Wally had
the dearest Mende in you Jan and
Mike and your family He shared you
With us and we love you too as he
did Thank you Our appreciation to
the Whitney Ribey Funeral Horns
Ross you Trade everything so rice. We
were comforted. Rev C A
Stedelbauer-Sampo, you delivered the
most beautiful and fitting euology to
our "fisher of men", you touched
every heart and you gave us
something that we will always
remember We truly thank you. John,
you shared your talent with us when
you sang tor your "Uncle Wally'. The
comforting songs of The Lord's Prayer
and Beyond The Sunset. Yes, we do
have a friend in Jesus. Thank you We
especially thank the pallbearers and
flower bearers You loved him and
believe us he loved you. We thank all
the men who wanted to do this last
deed for Wally and were not asked
We didn't leave you out, you sup-
ported us, just as you had supported
Wally Mr. John Jewett we were so
pleased you piped us from the church
"Our Scottish Blood Runs Strong"
The pipes are special Thank you. To
the entire staff at the Benmiller Inn
who made their home our home and
took care of our needs Thank you
"Wally, you did your very best,
You were good to everyone
We love you, we miss you.
Make all the arrangements,
We'll be together' again and longer,
Carl us"
"I am standing on the seashore. A
ship at my side spreads her white sails
to the morning breeze and starts for
the blue ocean. She is an object of
beauty and strength, and I stand and
watch until at last she hangs like a
speck of cloud just where the sea and
sky came down to mingle with each
other Then some one at my side
says, "There she goes!"
"Gone where? Gone from my sight -
that is all She is just as large in mast
and hull and spar as she was when
she lett my side and just as able to
bear her load of living freight to the
place of her destination Her diminish-
ed size is in me, not in her. And just
at the moment when someone at my
side says, "There she goes!", there
are other eyes watching her coming
and other voices ready to take up the
glad shout, "Here she comes!" (-Henry
Van Dyke).
Betty, Amy, Barbara, Leila and his
other very dear children, Coleen and
Earle. 38-41 -1
In loving memory of a dear daughter
and sister, Mary Alice Ryan, who pass-
ed away six years ago, October 15,
Loving and kind in all her ways,
Cheerful and giving to the end of her
Sincere and true in her heart and
Beautiful memories she left behind.
Always remembered and sadly missed
by Mom and Dad, Paul, Cheryl, and
boys, Chins; and Mike and Kathy
40-41 -1
In loving memory of a dear sister-in-
law. Evelyn Henderson, who passed
away five years ago. October 7, 1985
Her smiling way and pleasant face
Are a pleasure to recall:
She had a kindly word for each
And died beloved by all
Some day we hope to meet her.
Some day, we know not when,
To clasp her hand it the better land,
Never to part again
Sadly missed and always remembered
by the Henderson family 40-41 -1
1990 LIONESS EXECUTIVE - Back row from left: Betty Hulley,
Director: Janet CIO, Director, Heather Bennewies, Treasurer;
and, Georgina Reynolds, Tail Twister. Front row from left. Colleen
Lindeman, last year's President and 1990
Die or; Marione
1990 President. and. Mary
4 1 results in From fall fair
This 4-H Chiba' musks thaw the
$eatorth FaU Fahr have KLhtrtl
A�sBurma. RR 1 Loaldsboro, as the
for comshowing on
animal tn*s each category ,yl,akdst
the respective CMtthpt1 mL
In the Dairy &ow the Champion
Showiest winner was Shannon
H„llahtm. RR 3, Blyth. Reserve
Showslas was shown Patic,-t
Whim. RR 3 Blyth;
Dairy Calf was shown by Lon
Arm , RR 2, Auburn; and,
Reserve Dairy Calf was
,nown by Jamie Hallahan, RR 3,
Blyth.In the Beef show the Chatnpson
Showman winger was Darlene
Black, Belgrave. Reserve Showman
was shown by Dianne Black
Belgrave; Champion Steer was
shown by Tim Coutes, RR 5, Brus-
sels; Reserve Steer was shown by
Dianne Black, Belgrave; Champion
Heifer was shown by David
Johnston, RR 2, Bluevale; and,
Reserve Heifer was shown by Erin
DATE: OCT. 19 & 20
TIME: FRI. 8 am -9 pm
New models! New features!
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dealers) Olga (519) 679-1810.
THE TWELFTH ANNUAL London Arts and Crafts Christmas
Show and Sale. Centennial -gall, London. October 26, noon-
10pm. 27, 11 am -1 Opm . 28, 11 am-6pm. Admission $2.50. Olga
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Immediate delivery Savingst PiONEE WECONOSPAN 1-800
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FUTURE BUILDINGS Ploughing Match Specials to rxinnnkie till
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1-800 646.8853
A -Z PRE ENG BUILDINGS INC New types, steeeerood.
gtronset, Badding For true value, action A snorers AIM" (418)
525-1794 after Gem, weekends. Free broichures. beau
Mi:Noughioo. RR 3, Kippea.
In the Horse show the Champion
Shamming wiener was Rhonda
Smith, Bzo bapea. Reserve Show -
t�san walls AIMS kW Chad Thomas,
RR 3, Teeswaler, Champion ion Opca
was shown by Jtsci.sc
, RR 3, Clinton; and,
Champion Open Equitation was
shown by Annette Lockhart, Clin-
In the Swsac show the Champion
Showman winner was Richard
Bergamot, RR 1, Londsbotro.
Reserve Showman was shown by
Sham Bergsma, RK 1, Loshdsbcaro;
Champion Breeding Gilt was awn
by Jaron Tespwra, RR 3, Bromic
and, Clawson Motet Bairruw/Oslt
was shown by Richard Bar=artha,
RR 1. Landsboro.
111 the Shoop show the Cbaaapios
Showman winner was Keith Todd.
RR 2, Luc knew . Reserve Showman
was shown by Jenean Todd, RR 2,
Lucknow; Champion Fleece was
shown by Jason Kinky, RR 3.
Lts know; and, Reserve Reece was
shown by Tyler Papple, RR 4,
• from jage 13
Seaforth travels to Belmont Satur-
day night, which could get intierea-
ung because a fair ntunbcr of
players have tickets to the Kiss
const that evening in Lon-
don..Jeff Gemmell has been chosen
by his fellow players as captain.
Jason Sch000derwoerd and Karsten
Carroll were appointed as assistant
captains by coach Bob Zim-
mer....Thc Centenaires have
launched an appeal to the OHA for
the release of Shawn Jacklin from
the Brussels minor hockey system
(not the Bulls). He has signed a
Seaforth card but the Brussels
minor system refuses to release him
to anybody but Junior B or above,
feeling it will ruin their midget
team. Jacklin, 17, has played for
that midget WADI three vears....The
Coo`oaiaires have also signed Danny
Wildfong, 14, of Chnton to a card
but Clinton minor hockey wants
$2,000 for his release. Negotiations
continue. Wiidfbng, Watt and Wil-
liams, all 15 or under, played as a
line in the season and were
dynamite.... ther Centenaires
signed to cards with necessary
relemes latest week were: Ron
Stevenson (Walton), Jason Carter
(Clinton), Williams ( Stratford),
Duskocy (Stratford) and Don
Brown (Seaftxth)....T'he Centenaires
have changed their regular practice
time from 10:30 p.m. to midnight
Wednesdays to 6:30 p.m. to 7:20
p.m. Wednesday....Congratulatioraa
to former Centenaire Pat Murray of
Dublin who scored his first
National Hockey League goal
Saturday night for the Philadelphia
• from page is
Evan Echen, Steve Phillips, Scott
Henderson, Mark Vock, Adam
Leonhardt, Jason Hugill, Barry
Medd, Rob Spittal, Jason Hulley,
Mike Van Bakel Matthew Crash u
Tim Devereauz, Peter Ryan, Jason
Tunney, Brian Hawks, Regan Price.
NORTH STARS - Coach: Ray
Brian Melady, Jonathan Hugill,
Mike Coyne, Dan Dalton, Kevin
Diegel, Brad Moore, Jason Hender-
son, Colin Devereaux, Zac�
Szczebonski, Brent Hulley,
VanDooren, Justin Knight, Brandon
Nash, Pay Coyne, Scott Wood,
Scott VanDooren.
CANADIANS - Coach: Ted Griffin
Adam Agar, Rob Vanden Henget,
Joe Murray, Wayne Schoonder-
woerd, Derek Gridzak, Dave
McKay, Ken Hildebrand, Jim
Crowley, Steve Vanden Henget,
Shawn Anstett, Mike Hugill, Jason
Murray, Bruce Griffin, Derek Smith
Charles Robertson, Stephen Pearce.
KINGS - Coach: Bryan Nuhn
John Moylan, Kalen Carroll,
Steve Hicknell, Mike Weber, Mike
Moylan, Justin Rodney, Harold
Hugill, Steve Mclnally, Chris
Marion, Mark McNichol, Pat Grid-
zak, Chad Flemming, Jared Munro,
Joshua Dietz, Adam Nolan, Jordan
OILERS - Coach: Gregor
Chad Lamont, Pat Maloney, Mike
Devereaux, Jamie McNichol, John
McKercher, Boyd Devereaux, Mau
Vock, Dean Finnigan, Jason Smith,
Mike Vock, Jason Gemmell, Mur-
ray Workman, Jeremy McNichol,
Robbie Craig, Derek Hunt, Mike
• from page 2 - .,
them by hand. But the
ground is still too muddy and the
equipment would get stuck. The
beans themselves are soft from all
the rainfall and if you tried to work
with them this afternoon, they'd just
squish in the machinery.
This has been an autumn of bad
bean weather. Even with today's
sunshine and gentle breezes, these
conditions must last for more than
48 hours to achieve the drying, and
then you need more good weather
to do the work. Just think back.
We've had thunderstorms and
clearing, showers and sunny days
alternately for the last month. This
is the type of weather that puts ten
different kinds of toadstools all over
your lawn, and gives rise to rumors
of puffballs growing in the bush.
The weatherman is no help. Last
week he promised us four days of
good weather before a weekend
storm. Even while he was talking, I
looked at the weather map and
thought I spotted something
ominous in the west that he wasn't
mentioning, but dismissed the idea
as being Great Salt Lake or
something. Well, it turned out to be
a lake all right, and it was dropped
on us both on Tuesday and
Thursday night, destroying all the
drying progress made before his
predicted stormy weekend. Oh yes,
he was right about the storm on the
Watching weather forecasts these
days is a bit like smoking. You
know that it's going to do ab-
solutely nothing beneficial for your
blood pressure, but somehow you
can't help yourself. You even
increase your addiction by checking
newspaper forecasts, other channels,
the radio, anything for a kind word.
A favorite at our house is the all
day Weather Channel in French.
Sitting there with your translation
dictionary in one hand, you grope
around looking for a good word, a
favorable phrase about "demain", or
pictorially - rows of smiling yellow
suns to beat back that cloudy
looking trash.
And the dialogue of those T.V.
weather people! It's enou0 to, turn
the air blue over many a huichtime
kitchen table.
"Rain showers tonight. We won't
be able to get those golf clubs out
until the weekend". Or "it's a good
day to get out and rake those
leaves, but take your umbrella when
you go to clue your cottage this
weekend because we're expecting
the odd light shower of rain". Poor
bahim, They tJbviously live in a 9
to 5 world where the old pay che-
que turns up whether or not it rains.
You'd be better off not paying
attention to v..:nther -prod c&'!Is. If
they can be wrong when it's not to
your advantage, they could also be
wrong when it's to your advantage.
And every little cloud that passes
over our heads will not always drop
its load right in our bean field,
right? Better to forge ahead and
pull those beans as soon as they get
dry enough, ignore the cold fronts
and the low pressure areas, and
whack that combine around the
field until the lightning drives you
back into the barn.
Yet, miracles do happen. I
remember one Thanksgiving Day
many years ago when the beans
were still in the field. They had
been rained on, had even endured
the first snowfall and we had given
up and were prepared to swallow
the loss. We invited all the family
to our place for Thanksgiving din-
ner and turned our attention to
preparing all the trimmings for the
event, putting the best possible face
on the whole sorry situation.
Being younger then, our extended
family included many babies and
toddlers. Everyone arrived early,
and in the excitement of balancing
kids and cranberries, we girls in the
kitchen didn't notice the bright
sunshine or the men wandering in
little groups to the edges of the
fields until they came as a
delegation to give us the word.
They thought the beans would
What happened next? You
guessed it. All the little kids and
their mothers sat down together for
the feast, while the men disap-
peared to their various fields with
turkey sandwiches to follow. We
got the crop off, and that
Thanksgiving we felt truly thankful!
I wonder if i'll ever be old
enough and rich enough to dis-
regard the weather. Imagine looking
out the window like Christopher
Robin and saying, "Dear, dear, i'
looks like rain", without feeling
upset about one crop or another.
Maybe I'll get that old someday, or
maybe 1'11 win the Lottery.
To all you farmers who have
already got your beans off the field
and are getting on with the year by
planting your winter wheat, this is
not meant as "sour grapes". We're
all in this industry together and
everyone has their turn at the ups
and downs. And we have still not
given up on these beans: things
may yet work out.
To all the weathermen and
weatherwomen out there fussing
about rain on the weekends cur-
tailing their fun at the beach Of
wherever, 1 say "Phooey on you
with your golf clubs and your silly
weather maps".