HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-09-26, Page 19U.S. Farm • tram see 2 bushel of wheat has absolutely nothing to do with thou selling price on the world market. By comparison, sometimes Canadian 1940 farmers tea that our country dues as act a tugh enough value on the independence that self sufficiency in food production can provide. Canada his been hard tut by the trade et ha gv agauhast Iraq., one of ow bawa►cr t wheat cuss in 1989. We aren't disloyal. We support tea efforts of world starnctioss to Willa madman to heel, even though in the • treat page 2 Mill Road farmer David McIntosh sustained injuries that resulted in his death that evening. Hensall advanced another step ui us battle for the O.B.A. title on weclne day when the Huron -Path champions defeated Southhampton 6- 3 in the second game of the series nt Hensall. An all -day ram forced the cancel laud n of the Zurich Fall Fair on Tuesday. Cranbrook Family Night Cranbrook Correrpuadent MRS. MAC ENGEL 857-4645 The Sacrament of Communion will be observed in Knox Pres - Council • from page 1 inspection. If the municipality deems the inspection portion of the permit fee to be negligible and does not charge for the inspection, the entire permit fee will be GST exempt. The report looks at the impact of the GST tax on the Town's boards and commissions such as the BIA, the community centre, fire department, PUC waterworks and PUC Hydro. Since the community centre and PUC Hydro generate more than $30,000 in revenue they must register. Council approved a recommen- dation that Deloitte & Touche be requested to prepare a proposal to assist municipal staff with changes t;.► computer operations and management systems to implement the GST. QUEEN'S e4t $IAPORTM - 527-0820 OPEN M URS..FRI. 11ON -SAT 4 P.M4PM EVERY WEDNESDAY NEVA• Senior Discount Day SENIORS LUNCH DISCOUNT Back By Popular Demand FRIDAY LUNCH BUFFET '16 ' Hard to Believe! September 25 Colin Skea LOVE Mom, Dad and Karen byterian Church on Sunday, Oc- tober 14. Wilfred and Laura Suckler had a holiday at Provincial Parks in Col- lingwood, Port Elgin and Sauble Beach area. The September meeting of Court Woobine M 100 of the Canadian Order of Foresters was held in the Cranbrook Community Centre. The President Harry Jacklin and chaplain Lois Hart opened the court. Judd Milburn and Jim Jamieson were present to install the following slate of officers: Past President - Harry Jackiin; President - Mary Ellen Jacklin; Vice - President - John Vanass; Secretary Treasurer; Bill Craig; Chaplain - Lois Hart; Recording Secretary - Nancy Vanass; Conductor - Mac McIntosh; Guard - Beryl Smith; Auditors - Jack Conley, Donald Clark. Plans were discussed for the November family night and the secretary is to get prices for catering. A donation is to be sent to the Canadian Forester's Cancer Fund in memory of Ted Kumm. A social time followed. Jim Jamieson won the 50-50 draw. C.H.S.S. CLASS REUNION Saturday, September 29 (,r,xluating (lass of 198(1 11976-1980/811 or Intormation call 482-9935 434-4280 357-3610 1-416-653-6517 DISC JOCKEY SERVICE try Gall ock'n' Roll DISCO FOLRAS *ALTIES NEW LA$R DISC MUSK GOOD RECORDED MUSK FOR WEDDINGS DANCES ANNIVERSARIES ►ARtIES Et( ,. „,. .' sria •N..rll.... Mary BRUSSELS - 887-81 59 DAYTIME or EVENINGS back of our minds we wonder about the power of the cal uhsoslaats, and whether world opinion wound have boosuit�e so fired up for a country 1>ltrt Lt'bcria welt no oil to sea. Our wheat producers bear the costs of expressing Canada's disapproval of the action in the Middle Eam. il_ switiik, the Americans ale wol kilg hard to boat us out in other tion/ market:. was. the USA has budgeted up to $900 million a year for export Childreach • 9 PC. � Ot g pieCes ln thicken WW1 • i WEEKLY LUNCH SPECIALSI rAlf a Ct4 K SEAFORTH 65 Goderich St. E. 527-0220 er hancrareut over the next ti v c years aid we feel that these cxlxxt subsidies arc the maw to ic* respunsibk tor our devastatum grain pnc es, can wecheat to spec to of then sub- sidies in GATT negotiation? Hopefully other countncb of the world will sous wgethc to lead nup�o�rt to the eluuinauun of this ode isritoauon, and this price war will ncx be continued throughout the 1990's. • trona page 1 vision of Cluidrtn's Acuvuieb Coordinator, Sarah Shay, a fauna teacher living in Seaforth. Children's Group Volunteers have responsibilities to provide physical care for babies and that includes feeding, diapering and comforting. To toddlers and preschoolers the voluntoors are responsible for hel- ping with snacks and dealing with physical care. Stimulation will be provided to preschoolers with prear- ranged crafts, colouring, pasting and a story time. The students have been sworn to confidentiality. For each day of the program there will be a guest speaker talking on a topic of interest to today's parents. Some of the planned topics are Talking to Children about Sex, Egmondville United Church The Congregations of First Presbyterian Church and Cavan, Northside and Egmondville United Churches will celebrate WORLD WIDE COMMUNION together on SUNDAY, OCT. 7 at 11:45 AM at Egmondville United Church A children's program is planned and a fellowship hour will follow the ser- vice. All are welcome and each con- gregation is reminded that their regular offering envelopes will be for- warded to their own church. S.T.E.P. Parunung, Creativity, Children's Health, Aids, and Violence a is Society and its Impact on the Family. "Everyone is welcome to attend the Childreach programs," said Mrs. Hoy. "It's a time for parents to meet and learn together." Childreach will meet every Wed- nesday morning at Egmondville United Church from 9:30 to 11:30 beginning September 26 and finishing November 21. Refresh- ments and snacks are available and all parents are welcome to attend. More information can be obtained from the Children's Aid Society of Huron County at 1-800-265-5198 or 524-7356, or Joan Tabbert at 522- 2087. Te 60mmere;4i ocks R 1 ARMELA LONG Gres sight, Great Sounds of 70's,80's & 90's Experience 11115.00 Cover NURSDAY and SATURDAY Hit and RUN Donn' all the right stuff Oct. 5 and 6 only HEADFIRST I can't say enough ,snout this act Oct. 11-13 LAYDEN RIFF Oct. 18-20 ME STRIPES Sat. Oct. 27 SCARECROW Back 4 More Nov. 1 - 3 WILD FIELD tor, 'ECU cLowE Sat. Nov. 17 KATMANDU • clip & save • :Seaforth 527-0980: WS I HE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 26 1990 — 19 FALLIpECIALSL CRUSTY • � ,Ln� 5 BLUEBERRY MUFFINS� �� Of Hca. a WHOLE WHEAT MUFFINS 1 99 PKG. of e CHOCOLATE CHIP COODOKLIES 1.49 Tasty -Nu Store T -BALL DONUTS DOZ HERRY PIE • act~+ 1.49 .STT' PKG. OF S OnIy A olid. varway o>f Combo And waporta.d CHEESES FRESH OFF THE BLOCK 3 99 LB.� 0 BEA4.59RA' 2694E/TASTY-NU 2.69 BREAD Finest Quality 1 X99 DELICIOUS DONUTS and FRESH HOT COFFEE VON* III Num ;I:Sr—a" Id A? �I GINETTES 90 Main St. 527-1964 RESTAURANT Seaforth's Family Restaurant 90 Main St. 527-1964 ROAST PORK DINNER ;95 Includes Coffee or Tea & Dessert SUNDAY, SEPT. 30 5:00 to 7:00 If II 'DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS •LICENCED UNDER LLBO SENIORS 15% DISCOUNT MON. to SAT. 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM SUNDAY 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM 7527-0180 Why Wait ... Call Ahead LUNCH TIME ... ... PIZZA TIME OPEN DAILY AT 11:00 AM SUN. & MON. * TUES. WED. THURS. * FRI. & SAT. UNTIL 11:00 PM UNTIL 12 Mid. UNTIL 1:00 AM itt tititi r WHITE BEANS We're ready when you deliver. W.G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. know that when it comes to delivering beans you want the quickest, friendliest and most efficient service possible. So bring your white beans to Thompsons Because when you deliver - we deliver. The home of Stinger. Welland, Midland and Rocket white bean seed BRANCHES Blenheim Hensall Mitchell Pontypool Granton 676-5411 262-2527 348-8433 277-2002 225-2360 Seaforth Port Albert Rodney Kent Bridge Ailsa Craig 345-2545 529-7901 785-0420 352-6311 293-3223 SATELLITES Howson & Howson, Blyth 523-4241 Ken R. Campbell Farms, Dublin 527-0137 Palmerston Elevators Ltd, 343- 3702 Bar -B -Dee Farms l.td., Bornholm 347-2966 Topnotch Feeds Limited, Aylmer 631-2670 Cargill Grain Company Ltd., Greenway 238-842s UCO Alvinston, Alvinston 898-2861 • 1 25th ANNIVERSARY Angela and Andrea Siemon wish to in- vite the friends of their parents, Allan and Geraldine, to a dance celebrating their 25th Anniversary on Saturday, October 6 at 9:00 p.m. at Brodhagen Community Centre. Your presence on October 6 is the only gift they wish. • 9 PC. � Ot g pieCes ln thicken WW1 • i WEEKLY LUNCH SPECIALSI rAlf a Ct4 K SEAFORTH 65 Goderich St. E. 527-0220 er hancrareut over the next ti v c years aid we feel that these cxlxxt subsidies arc the maw to ic* respunsibk tor our devastatum grain pnc es, can wecheat to spec to of then sub- sidies in GATT negotiation? Hopefully other countncb of the world will sous wgethc to lead nup�o�rt to the eluuinauun of this ode isritoauon, and this price war will ncx be continued throughout the 1990's. • trona page 1 vision of Cluidrtn's Acuvuieb Coordinator, Sarah Shay, a fauna teacher living in Seaforth. Children's Group Volunteers have responsibilities to provide physical care for babies and that includes feeding, diapering and comforting. To toddlers and preschoolers the voluntoors are responsible for hel- ping with snacks and dealing with physical care. Stimulation will be provided to preschoolers with prear- ranged crafts, colouring, pasting and a story time. The students have been sworn to confidentiality. For each day of the program there will be a guest speaker talking on a topic of interest to today's parents. Some of the planned topics are Talking to Children about Sex, Egmondville United Church The Congregations of First Presbyterian Church and Cavan, Northside and Egmondville United Churches will celebrate WORLD WIDE COMMUNION together on SUNDAY, OCT. 7 at 11:45 AM at Egmondville United Church A children's program is planned and a fellowship hour will follow the ser- vice. All are welcome and each con- gregation is reminded that their regular offering envelopes will be for- warded to their own church. S.T.E.P. Parunung, Creativity, Children's Health, Aids, and Violence a is Society and its Impact on the Family. "Everyone is welcome to attend the Childreach programs," said Mrs. Hoy. "It's a time for parents to meet and learn together." Childreach will meet every Wed- nesday morning at Egmondville United Church from 9:30 to 11:30 beginning September 26 and finishing November 21. Refresh- ments and snacks are available and all parents are welcome to attend. More information can be obtained from the Children's Aid Society of Huron County at 1-800-265-5198 or 524-7356, or Joan Tabbert at 522- 2087. Te 60mmere;4i ocks R 1 ARMELA LONG Gres sight, Great Sounds of 70's,80's & 90's Experience 11115.00 Cover NURSDAY and SATURDAY Hit and RUN Donn' all the right stuff Oct. 5 and 6 only HEADFIRST I can't say enough ,snout this act Oct. 11-13 LAYDEN RIFF Oct. 18-20 ME STRIPES Sat. Oct. 27 SCARECROW Back 4 More Nov. 1 - 3 WILD FIELD tor, 'ECU cLowE Sat. Nov. 17 KATMANDU • clip & save • :Seaforth 527-0980: WS I HE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 26 1990 — 19 FALLIpECIALSL CRUSTY • � ,Ln� 5 BLUEBERRY MUFFINS� �� Of Hca. a WHOLE WHEAT MUFFINS 1 99 PKG. of e CHOCOLATE CHIP COODOKLIES 1.49 Tasty -Nu Store T -BALL DONUTS DOZ HERRY PIE • act~+ 1.49 .STT' PKG. OF S OnIy A olid. varway o>f Combo And waporta.d CHEESES FRESH OFF THE BLOCK 3 99 LB.� 0 BEA4.59RA' 2694E/TASTY-NU 2.69 BREAD Finest Quality 1 X99 DELICIOUS DONUTS and FRESH HOT COFFEE VON* III Num ;I:Sr—a" Id A? �I GINETTES 90 Main St. 527-1964 RESTAURANT Seaforth's Family Restaurant 90 Main St. 527-1964 ROAST PORK DINNER ;95 Includes Coffee or Tea & Dessert SUNDAY, SEPT. 30 5:00 to 7:00 If II 'DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS •LICENCED UNDER LLBO SENIORS 15% DISCOUNT MON. to SAT. 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM SUNDAY 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM 7527-0180 Why Wait ... Call Ahead LUNCH TIME ... ... PIZZA TIME OPEN DAILY AT 11:00 AM SUN. & MON. * TUES. WED. THURS. * FRI. & SAT. UNTIL 11:00 PM UNTIL 12 Mid. UNTIL 1:00 AM itt tititi r WHITE BEANS We're ready when you deliver. W.G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. know that when it comes to delivering beans you want the quickest, friendliest and most efficient service possible. So bring your white beans to Thompsons Because when you deliver - we deliver. The home of Stinger. Welland, Midland and Rocket white bean seed BRANCHES Blenheim Hensall Mitchell Pontypool Granton 676-5411 262-2527 348-8433 277-2002 225-2360 Seaforth Port Albert Rodney Kent Bridge Ailsa Craig 345-2545 529-7901 785-0420 352-6311 293-3223 SATELLITES Howson & Howson, Blyth 523-4241 Ken R. Campbell Farms, Dublin 527-0137 Palmerston Elevators Ltd, 343- 3702 Bar -B -Dee Farms l.td., Bornholm 347-2966 Topnotch Feeds Limited, Aylmer 631-2670 Cargill Grain Company Ltd., Greenway 238-842s UCO Alvinston, Alvinston 898-2861 • 1