HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-01-25, Page 88 MINOR LOCALS, —looker matelt in Winnliapa rick on 3'riday evening, ---Help cbeer for the Weigh= boys at the hoe1 ey match on Friday evening. --hockey mater*, Wingham vs. Paim- eraton, is Wiughane rink ou Friday evening, lull program of specialties at every performance by the Bijou Comedy Co. In opera house every evening this week.. —Piper McDonald and Miss Mabel McDonald took part in tbe Scottish con- cert at Tiverton on Monday evening. —Tho aunual meeting of tba ofticars ,of the eared Huron Battaliou will be held it► Clinton on Thurecday of next week. —The regular meeting of Court Malt - laud, Oauadian Order ot Foresters will be held ou Friday evening ot this week. —In a league hockey game at Herren ton on Wednesday evening of last week, Sacriston won from Lueknow by a score of la to 3. —Mr A. Tipling has sold his farm, stock and implements, to Mr. W. F, VanStone. This farm is one of the best in this district. —Mr. Wm. one has sold his flour and feed business to Mr. Awde, of To. Tonto and the new proprietor is now in possession of the business. •eougtaa, cordo, hoarseness. and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Creseleno tablets. ton centwoor box. All sgelsts —Btehop & Brewer of the Central hardware store are baying a special sale of axes and saws. Read advt. in an. other column for full particulars. —Mr. Gavin Davidson. of the Junction continues in very poor health and is now confined to his bed. His numerous friends would be pleased to learn of his early recovery. —Mr W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, D. D. G. M., of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, was in Wingham on Friday evening last, paying an officiai visit to the local lodge. —The Wingham Oil Co., are already meeting with ntuch success in their business. On Friday they made a ship- ment of a car load of oil to different places in Western Ontario. —Miss K. M. Fisher, who has pur- chased the book, stationery and wall paper bueiness from Cooper & Co., is giving bargains for the nest few weeks. Read new advt. in this issue. Havhig PlirCIIRSOL the Stock of Books; Statione *, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Toys, Fancy oods and China from i IESSRS. COOPER t'- Co., I will be prepared o the next few weeks to ive extraordin- ary bargains in these goods. A full line of Schoi Silpolies -Bijou Comedy Co, in . the opera house all this week, ---Dr joint Ferguson, of I iarriston is locating in l incardiue, where he will practice. ---btr. Art1Ar lflnrpby, OX the Junction Selseriously ill, and Itis friends fear that he will not recover. Mr. Murphy is now nearly eighty years of age. —Work on the new addition to the Union furniture factory will be own meuced as 80055 as the weather is favor- able. The briok and other building material fa now being delivered. --The Ladies' Aid Society of St. An- drew's Presbyterian Cnurch, helda very successful social and entertainmeut un Thursday evening latst. There was a good attendance and a splendid program rendered. --While working a saw at the Union factory on Saturday morning lent, Mr. Geo, Raby, had the misturtnue to have a piece tetkext off she thumb of his right hand. The accideet will lay Mr Baby off work for a time. —The new Grand Trunk station fs nearing t;t.mpletion, This week the heating apparatus was put in working order and the workmen are busy putting on the finishing touches. Next week should see the station completed, —The Bijou Cotnedy Co. are potting' on good plays, Hear them in the opera house. All this week. —This week Mr, 11. Davis, local ageut for the Allan Line steamers ticketed Mr. Geo. Parke, of Manitoba and G. D. Parks, of Wroxeter to Liverpool and return, Messrs. Parks will sail from Halifax on the 27th on the Coriuthiau. —The Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario west will meet in annual session at Goderich on March 13 and the town council have made a grant to their re- ception committee for their use. From 400 to 000 delegates will be itt attendance for the whole week. --Li the municipal contest in Stephen township for the reeveship Samuel Sweitzer and Heury Willer* ran even and the returning officer elected Mr. Willert, but a recount before the county judge gave Mr. Switzer a majority of one, and the reeve's chair for 1006. Sore Throat and Coughs A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat irritations is found in Cr©solone Antiseptic Tesblets They combine the germicidal value of Cresolenewith the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice. • 10e. Jill Drueglsts 4+10 —The Epworth League of Harriston Methodist Church, ran an excursion to Toronto over the O. P. R. on Wednesday of tbis week, to give people an opportuni- ty of attending the TorryAlexander avangelistio meetings. A number of Winghamites took advantage of the cheap trip. —Our good neighbor, the Wingbam TIMES, bad ancther birthday the other day and locks healthy and able to do good service. Bro. Elliott hriva the helm with a steady band and the Trues carries a well freighted cargo of news and live advertising matter each week.— Brussels Post. Thanks, Bro, Kerr. —During the month of Demeter Dr, H odgetts report 2,116 deaths in Ontario, of which 248 were due to infecticus dis. eases, For the same pericd in 1004, :,017 deaths were reported, out of a r po elulaticn of 1,9;t7,7C0. C'onsumpticn r St � still continues its onward course, caus- 8fy. of the finest ciuuality al - nays kept on hand. Your patronage is respect- fully solicited, ng 172 deaths, as compared with 159 in 1004 —This week Mr. Chas. Ii;nec1ste1 sold his harness business azsd stock to Mr, Geo, Manners and the steels has been mored to Mr. Manners' shop. Mr. Knschtel has been in business in Wing - ham for a number of gears. We under- stand that he intends gang West. He 899) 1t '1 will have the beat wishes of many friends. AvLs d MO EMT 7 7E A O O P wont" 'gym opiclif ;iiNiTYKA7 i�f,tio work wh!ch Got' DUST acoorrpiiribll. All labor$ look alike to the Gold XDu;.t Twin;;. 'ihoy c:mrt floors and ~inks and citiilks—eso from cells r to attic—and leave only hrightnr,as behind. Got acquaintscl Gold Bost Vireelleins los v!"t� o/ °i t>iflr:i s 0E1 -mita, Ccrcbbiel (tour.,, cv5aliinet clothe, aril eli.hoe, akts'nniaff s'i VOR work, oil deli s:iverwsro and tinware aoli'.ainn bra:.) work, COLO DUST cleaning Lath morn. Dipes, eta., atti makitz the Mad soft coag. !Mb f;,; TITS N It 91itt13Atilt COMPANY, Mertraal, P. Q.—tSakers of rAIi Y SOA1s. sous Dun* snakes hard water soft 1 TEE WINGEAN TINES JANUARY 25, 1906 --T. E. Walker's sale ot cows, an- DIED uouuced for Saturday of this week has been postponed, and wig now be held at the National hotel, on Saturday after, noon. February 3rd. a —At the meetings of the different County Ooaucile ott TuesdLV, the Ward- eua for 1000 were elected Mr 11 Spark - mom of Exeter was Fleeted for Huron county; A. W. Robb, of Walkerton for Bruce; Robt Armstrong, of Ellis, for d Perth. ' —Mrs. Craig, mother of Mrs E• H. Kaiser and l4tra. A J M. Helen, fanner residents of Wfnghan. died very and• denly at her home itt Walkerton ou Sun. i day last. Ars Craig bad visited in Wiufcham several times and lusr friends here.wiil hear of her death with regret. The bereaved family will bave the sympathy of their Wit gleam friends. )-. CHURCH NOTES. DeWTS—In Wingbam, ozz January 200s.Nellte Mary Small, wife of Mr. rico, Irwin.. aged 'd3 years, 0 months and 11 days, MOKAautr--In Btuevale, on ,Tannery 19th, Agnes Petrie, relict of the late Robb Negardy, ged 70 years, thlil8Us Ji wiztE,rt East WSt by,,, neUetti Thursday lata John Hr burn and mother of Nr.1). 1P, iiepburn, of w inghatn, in her 75th year. Goanolt—At Lurktnow on January 18t1t, at the residence of Iter brather3 r. D. 4. Gordon, t ictoria Elizabeth (,4 ziel• (a*ordon, yonugest anghtee of the tate John E. Gordon of tot. Helens, Ont. Otvnem—In East Wawanosh, on January 20rd Joint Owens, aged 77 years and 0 months, The funeral takes /deer this (Thureday) egalcioolt, and service wilt ba hold in ilelgrnve Methodhtt church at 2.t)0 o'clock. Interment n McCrea's cemetery.. COW STRAY Strayed from the pr 1^.y of the under. signed, Minute street, W a tam, on January tsrd, it large rod and whi '• cow, mostly white, with large, well-shept,d horns. t<uitable re• ward for information n=+ to her whereabouts. JAMES BROCK. Services will be held in Zetland sebool house next Sunday afternoon, comtuono- ing at 3 o'olook. Rev. T. S. Boyle gnes to Montreal next week where he will deliver a course of lectures at the Montreal Theological College The annual congregational meeting of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will be held on Friday evening of this week. All members of the congregation are re- quested to attend the meeting. Rev. O. W. Sanders, B.A., of Luck - now, will preach next Sunday in St. Paul's church here. Mr. Boyle will conduct anniversary services at Luck - now and St. Helens. The Executive Committee of the Wzngbam District Epworth League has decided to bold the Summer Sobool in Wingham this year. A good program is being prepared and the meetings will last several days. A very special invitation is extended to young men to hear pastor Fitoh's statements of "The Young Mao's Peril" in the Baptist church ou Sar.day even- ing. The services are made bright and interestiug by music from the Torrey - Alexander hymn book. The report for Eadie's Presbyterian church for 1905 shows that $504 28 was raised for stipend and expenses, and $t45 01 for sohetnea of the Church. The W,F.M S raised $48 74 and the Sunday School, ?30 19. The membership is 90, Duritag the year five members died,seven removed and twelve were added. The total income of the Methodist Missinnary Society in Canada last year was $385,741, and as a result of an in crease of $30,000 over previous years, the missionaries were paid their full ap. propriatiau for the first time to twenty years. Nearly 000 missions are main- tained with 400 missionaries, and 42,000 members in Asia and America. In rais- ins; the necessary funds the children are exceedingly active, having raised over $30,000 last year. 1,Y>;I rTECRURCE . A very pretty wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, January 17th, at four - thirty p.m., at the home of Mrs. Thomas Alirehouse, Maple Grove farm, Kinloss, when her daughter, bliss Maggie Mire - house was united in marriage to Mr. Peter Naismith of North Dakota. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. M, Dunn, of Whitechurch. To tbe strains of the wedding march, played by Mrs. Joseph Stalker, of Lucknow, the bridal party took their places beneath a beanti- eel arch of evergreen. The bride was Riven away by her brother, Mr. George Mirehouse and looked charming in a dress of pale green with yoke of white chiffon. Miss EIizabeth blirehonse acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Richard Mo. Barney ably supported the groom. Miss Maggie Mirehonse of Langdon, North Dakota, made a charming flower girl and carried a handsome bcgnet of car- nations. After the ceremony the guests to the number of about one hundred sat down to a sumptuous repast and the evening was spent in dancing, games, etc. The esteem in which the bride is held was evidenced by the numerous and costly gifts which she received from her Iarge circle of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Naismith will visit friends in Ontario until March, when they will return to their home in Sayles, North Dakota. PROPERTY FOR SALE. 'VENDERS will be i signedup to 12 o'c January 27th, for the desirable property on Centre streets. known large two • story bt shingled. Parties tendering Rectory and one lot ceived by the under- ok,noon, onsatuiday, urchase of that vera o corner of John and as the Rectory, being a eh dwelling, lately re• fill please state price for r Rectory and two lots. THOS. BELL, J. 13. KEERR. Church Wardens, FARM FOR SALE One of the best farms in the Township of Turnberry, beim lot S and part of lot 4 in the 7th con., containing 107 acres, all cleared ex- cept 4 acres of hardwood bush. This farm is well fenced and drained and the land in a ttiah state of cultivation. There is about 70 acres under gross and 81.6 acres of good fail wheat and a large orchard. Running water, conven- ient to the buildings, and open the whole year round, supplies the stock with water. The barn is a large frame barn with stone founda- tion and cement floors for cattle and hogs. The ]rouse is large and comfortable with an excellent cellar and cistern. Two line kilns and a limestone quarry art.' on the premises. The farm is 0 miles from Wingham and 4 miles from Wroxeter, 1? miles from church aztd 1 toile from a post office. This farm will be sold ou reasonable terns as the proprietor is going West. For further particulars apply on the premises or address (alenfarrow P. 0. D. FRASER, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1807, chapter 129. sec. S4, that all persons having claims against ilie estate of Hannah Ahnenia Long into of the Town of Wtngham, in the County of Huron, widow. deceased, who died on or about the sixteenth day of December A. D. I005, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to B. Vaiistone, Solicitor for the Executors. on or before the sixth day of Feb- rttary A.D. 10510, their names, addresses and desertptlons and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day tate Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shalll then have notice. Dated this Oth day of January. 1000. R' 1VinghnmNP 0. t olicitor for the Executors. :\IiWBRIDGF.. A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Millen, 7th con. of Howick on January 17th, when her eld- est daughter,MarthaMellisaa was united in marriwee to Mr. Wm. R. Faille, a very estimable young man of the 4th con. of Minto. At the appointed hoar, to the strains of Meudellshou'a wedding march, Tendered by Mies Della Jealiie, sister of the groom, the bride, leaning on the arm of her cousin, Mr. Jas. Spence proceeded to the arch of evergreens and flowers. The bride was beautifully dressed in blue cor-de-soie and carried a bunelh of white carnations. The cere- mony was performed by Ilev. A. B. Dobson of Fordwieh. After the con- gratulations were over the guests, to the number of about sixty, retired to the dining -room where a sumptuous repast was provided by the hostess. After all had done justice to the loner man the guests retired to the parlor whero a pro. grata was rendered, consisting of recita- tions, solos, duets and speeches. The rest of the evening was spent in games and social conversation. The young couple received a large number of beau- tiful and costly presents, showing the high esteem in which they aro held. The guests from a distance were Miss Lizzie ][`alit$, Toronto; Mies McKersie, Glenfarrow; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dul- niage, Ii'arriston, and Mrs. T. Littlejohn of Orandell, Manitoba. The guests re• turned to their homes in the small hours of the morrhing well pleased with the evening's enjoyment. The young couple 'Will remove to their new home on the 4th on. of Minto, carrying with them tho well sviahes of their many friends. SYNOPSIS OF Canadian orthwasI Homestead Regulations. Any even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba or the Northwest Provinces, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may be home steaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one•quartcr section of 100 acres, more or less. Entry may be made personally at the local land office ter the district in which the land is situate. or if the homesteader desires, he may, on application to the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, the Commissioner of Immigration, Winnipeg, or the local agent. receive authority for some one to make entry for him. The hon' esteader is required to perform the conditions connected therewith under one of the following plans 111 At least six .months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to residence may be satisfied by such person residing with the father or mother. t8 t If the settler has tiffs permanent residence upon farming Land owned. by- him in the vicin- ity of his homestead, the requirements as to residence may be satisfied by residence upon the said land. Six months' notice in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. W. 'W. CORY, Deputy of tiro Minister of the Interior, N. R—t nauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. DORN. Resistive—In (key. oa Tannnryi't]t,titewife of Mr. Tho.+ I1a'nnett; a+lett„liter. N1tA,t+*1N -155 Turab,•rry, on January 115112, the wife of 2tr. Role rt $lierein: a slaughter. (4fAh--In trinchans. oa ,Iativary lath, the Wale of Mr. Ju-eph'fray ; a daughter. :cnottrit: —In Loml':n, on Yannery I1th, the wife of Mr. ant. t. tY,wer.., formerly of Wing- hau„ason. MARIIIx:» NA WWI (1-MTlIEli tea &t th,' rogtieihee of Hut bride's mother, Menlo.(+rota+Farm, Ilan - k:9, tit ,tatttrery L,ria.by Rev. G. M. Dunn of Whit whim.)). his. 2et:'r Naie.niith, "f ;germ rl:rlutts, T., Mf- 4 Maggie, ataq:hter alba. Thal biirAfrnSi+. JUST MED! A COMPLETE SI '; Olt OF evercoatings,, 3 3 , Suitings T1:41.7SE12INGS AND VESTINoS. These are all of the latest designs and materials, and at prices that are reasonable. We have a special lino of Bloch anti Blue Serges i you ought to see. WCall and bave it look through our stock and see the li'ashions for Fail and Winter, All you have to do is tell us how . you want your garment rnade, and ' we make it that way. Oar Trimmings are of the best. obt, Maxwell TM LO R. C1..T. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT Accounts, Bents and Notes Collected. Cor- vevanoing done. OFFICE—In Vanatone Block. Open Saturday nights frau 7 to A o'oleok. $1000000 mionassammarmaiwom One Hundred Thousand Dollars to loan on Farni Property at 5 per cent during the next two months. Why pay loan companies 5} and 6 per cent.? ABNER COSENS Insurance, Loan and Estate agent. WINGHAM. ses STFIATFORD. ONT. CENTRAL Do you want a good position in the Commercial World? The. surest and shortest road is via this echeloi. We give a course of training that is not surpassed by any Business College in Canada. We give individual in- struction therefore you may enter at any time. Write for free catalogue and get full particulars. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. 40.04•®®44i4A4•440••4 M.. • o NEWS• is• e o 4 • HAVE opened a Butcher Shop es •• in premises two doors north 2 • of the Chisholm Block, and • 4 ani fully prepared to supply the 4 o best of all kinds of o s Fresh and Gurect Meats. o 4 Special attention paid to orders 2 • from farmers and others for meat ee • in large quantities. 4• • A share of your patronage is ± O respe2 ctfully issolic�iiitttted. • • • 4• 7i }'1"-a DIAMOND ti 4 4 .....00064,00040 0040 000 0 000 i NGHAM achke Shij Having purchased the above business, I am now prepared to attend to the wants of the publics in all kinds of Machinery Repairing, Steam Fitting, eto, ....�ilun..w �.x.t..0 W. S. ESTES MACHINIST. Successor to W. G. Paton. Ci;mfort See Ran!e Manufactured by Wrought Iron Range Company, lid,, TORONTO, ONTARIO. FOUNDED 1864. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. The above is a cut of our improved nickle plate Range, with handsome enamelled reservoir attached to water front in fire box. The Wrought Iron Range Co. have located one of their divisions in Wingham and will canvas the surrounding country from this place. Boissevain, Man., Jan. 6th, 1906. To whom it may concern: -- Four years ago I purchased a Home Comfort Range and have found it apIendedIy adopted to our western wants. I know of dozens of my neigh- bors h- bors who are more than pleased with the same Range, and this season the company are selling twine as many as they did on their last canvas four years ago. If you want the best buy the "Home Comfort.” (signed) JAS. A. PATTERSON. Box 17, Boissevain, Man. Teeswater, Jan, 12th, 1006 I have used a Home Comfort Range for four years. It's the beet yet; don't buy any other. I wouldn't take $100.00 for mine if I couldn't get another just the same. (signed) ROBERT MARSHALL J. W. K. VANNORMAN, DIVISIONAL SUPT. iq�h:3S. "i. k'"2 `u9aee'iEai``LiY:EtL: �"�_?8". ....,.:._ .en,.,.v ii0iii,dl�iiJ��AiY;wJYwVYtlit,w/taLil,a<W+�albiuUi+Oii'LI51Wi..."�4 a`bi °`5:pi e:'+!r1YlYlMlci id,G4,N,. i3`�t a !'ANGLS / 3 EL AT $45.00 EACH dtr SEE THE "H U RO 99 before buying any other. It is the best value in Steel Range construction on the Canadian market. Every Range guaran- teed absolutely. Will burn wood or coal. Extra large reservoir means abun- dance of hot water. Made right in your owl County. Read what pleased users say : Blyth, PO,, Jan. 19, 1006 Western Foundry Oo„ Ltd., Wingham, Ont. Gentlemen: --- It affords mo muck pleasure to be able to recommend to any intending purchaser your Huron Steel range. I name had ono of them iu nse for the past two years and during that time have found it to give me the most perfectsatisfaction on a minimum amount of fuel. My wife awns that she would not ea:.• chango it for any make of range that she has seen yet, in fact if aha could not get another One would riot sell it at any price. Very truly yours, The WE$TER1 F EILJNDR MADE • Chriato»her Johnson BY Y CO, Ltd. - Wjnghani, Ont, iFlIu11416h.eL Di! ,u IliiG.!pn;lk.+1l1 .eadld�lllii I X { t, '4'