HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-09-26, Page 7PLENTY OF PROJECTS were completed by these three 4-H members, honoured at the Farm Safety Achievement night held recently in Brussels Receiving awards were (left to fight) Mary Lou Stewart, R.R.1, Dublin of the McKIIbp Safety Seekers for completing 18 projects, Sandy Bennett, R.R.1, Gome of the Fordwich club for completing 24 projects, and Tanya VanSteelandt, R.R.2, Dublin from the St. Columban club for completing 12 projects. Legion approves donations The first monthly meeting of the Legion for the season was held last Thursday with Gordon De Jong, the Legion's new President in the chair. Requests for donations totaling $13,070 were approved as follows: Arthritis Society $100; Seaforth Community Hospital $10,000; Entrance to town signs $90; C.N.I.B. $150; Terry Fox Run $100; Seaforth District High School Band $1,000; Ringette $1,000; District C Campaign Fund $200; Child Video Fund $250 and Free Skating in December $180. The Fall District meeting will be held in Port Elgin the weekend of October 13 and 14. Anyone wishing to attend on the Sunday please get in touch with Secretary Thelma Coombs immediately. The First War Veterans and those over 70 years for the Second War Veterans will be held on Sunday October 21 at Clinton Legion. Church arrang Worshippers at the Hensall United Church were welcomed and greeted at the door by John Thompson of the Offical Board and Rev. Doug Wright. Doug Kyle and Dave Brock were the ushers. During the "Children's Time" Rev. Wright, with the help of his puppet Fred, talked with the children about God's greatest gift to them - the gift of life. There are 55 children registered in the Sunday School this year to date. Any child who would enjoy the stimulation The Legion would like to thank Miss Shelley O'Brien for being the Legion's entry in the Fair Queens Contest. In as much as she wasn't chosen as the Fair Queen, the Legion was very proud to have her as their entry. Congratulations for your effort - you were very good. Legion Bowling will be starting very shortly. If anybody would like to bowl this season please get in touch with bowling league President Gwen Harburn right away. To our Comrades in Hospital, the Legion wishes you all a speedy recovery and hope to see you at the Branch soon. Bar Roster: Wednesday, Septem- ber 26 - Donna Oosterbosch. Thursday September 27 - Gary Bennet. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. ing for courtes and fellowship of Christian education is always welcome. Cathy Mann read the scriptures and the choir sang a beautiful an- them entitled "Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost". Rev. Wright's sermon was entitled "To Be or Not To Be - Is That Paul's Question?" An eight week video Bible Study on the Prophets of the Old Testament will begin Wednesday, October 10 at 9:30 a.m., at the church. The official Board is trying to arrange for a courtesy car service to • Op 041P SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT Friday, September 28 7:30 p.m. Students are asked to be at the school by 7:00 p.m. Duffs Church 125 years young Wailes Carraspaaiat ME8. aL+'r!'y NeCALL 111141177 1t was a special Sunday at Duff's United Church Walton when past and prawn! members gathered w Church calendars ordered COsmarty Corre.po.dsat MRS ROBERT LAING 346-232 Jean Carey presided for the Sep- tember meeting of the Marian Ritchie W.M.S. on Tuesday evening and opened with a reading on the theme, The Rewards of Honest Labour. Hymn 456, Forth in Thy Name, was sung with Betty lou Norris at the piano. Edna Stoneman was in charge of the worship ser- vice, using as her scripture Psalm 95:1-7, and giving a meditation on Praise God for His Care. Alice Gardiner read the minutes of the July meeting and the assis- tant treasurer, Edna Stoneman, gave the treasurer's report. Ruth Laing presided for the business when plans were made to invite the Home Helpers to the Thank of- fering meeting on October 16. Jean Evans of Motherwell-Avonbank, press secretary for Stratford -Huron Presbyterial, will be the speaker. An invitation to Exeter P.C.W. meeting on October 9 at 8 p.m. was ac- cepted. Twenty 1991 church calen- dars will be ordered, to be sold for $2.25. There was some discussion regar- ding the joining of the M.R.W.M.S and the Ladies Aid, also the for- ming of circles of all the ladies of the church for social services such as serving lunches. Grace Kerslake read a humorous column by Helen Barker, A Put -it - off -Day. y car service In the matter of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1980, R.S.O. Chapter 337, Section 32. NOTICE OF PASSING OF BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth passed By-law Number 35 - 1990, on the llth day of September, 1990 under The Ontario Heritage Act, 1980, R.S.O. Chapter 337, Section 32. AN EXPLANATION of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing the lands to which the by-law applies Is provided below. The complete by-law Is available tor Inspection st my office during regular office hours. Dated at the Town of Seaforth, this 11th day of September, 1990. JAMES CROCKER, AMCT CLERK -TREASURER 72 MAIN STREET SOUTH SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 'WO THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH BY-LAW NO. 35 -1990 Ry -law 3S - 1940 has the following purpose and effect: 1. By-law 35 - 1990 repeals the designation of the land and buildings owned by Jerome Aubin and Joanne Aubin, and known municipally ss "The Kunz Residence • 11 Victoria Street. Upon application by the Owner, and after consultation with the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee, the Seaforth Town Council granted their oonsent to repeal the designedly(' by-law, as the original Intal of deelgretlon wee on a voluntary bests. Thls by-law also repeals by-law number 12 - 1979 Insofar as 11 affects All of Lot 39 and Part of Lola 5 and d, according to R.gielared Plan 301, In the Town of Seaforth. • bring people to and from worship on Sunday who might otherwise not be able to attend. If you could offer yourself and your vehicle for a one month period, please contact Doug Wright. The Church In Society Committee will be packing Thanksgiving Gift Boxes for area shut-ins on October 3. Donations of plain cookies brought to the church before that date, would be much appreciated. share in the 125* arnoivallary. Gra4c11 ware Doug and Marjory Frays Organut: Glenda Carter, pianist Marian Godo i; Violinist; Phyllis Mia,:hell. The large crowd were ushered in by Brian McGav,n and Allan Serle. The Wilt family played a music prelude prix to the Worship service opened by Rev. Bonnie Cole Ansi. The Bos- man Trio frau L ndeaburo sang several numbers and the chuu sang an Anthem, "What a friend we have in Jesus". Don McDonald sang a solo, "We come to Praise ow Maker" accompanied by Margery Huether at the piano. The guest speaker was John King who is Rural Life Co-ordinator for the London Conference, bringing a very thoughtful message on "The Church as Servant". The offering was received by Brian McGavin, Allan Searle, Doug Fraser and Rick McDonald. After the service a luncheon was served in the basement during a time of fellow- ship. An interesting display of pictures was set up by Marilyn McDonald. Orders will be taken for those who wish a copy of the church history which will be pur- chased later this year. PEOPLE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lundy, Hamilton visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall and family and auended the Brussels Fall Fair on Wednesday. Several people from this area attended the wedding of Ruthie Thamer and John Uyl on Saturday at Duff's United Church, Walton and the dinner and reception later at the Brussels Community Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hether, Toronto spent the weekend with their parents in the area and at- tended the 125th Anniversary Ser- vice at Duff's Church on Sunday. Congratulations to Hugh and Malinda Johnson who celebrated their 54th Wedding Anniversary, September 23. They were formerly of the 17 of Grey and now live in Brussels. The U.C.W. of Duff's Church have a busy week with the Fall meeting of the Huron Perth Pres- byterial being held in the church on Tuesday. On Wednesday September 26, at 6:30 p.m. the Fast Huron Regional Rally will be held at Brucefield United Church, Lavonne Ballaghes speaker. Next Sunday the regular Sunday School Classes begin. Teachers are to be present for the award ceremony. THE HURON EXPOSITOR SEPTEMBER 26 1990 7 HOFFMEYER' S MILL LTD SEAFORTH • 527-0910 "Quality and Service Since 1906" END OF SUMMER SALE FELDMANN WINO 0 W 8 % OFF LIST PRICE UNTIL FRI., SEPT. 28 (Not included Clad Sliders, Basement Units i Skylights) SEAFORTH STOCK REDUCTION SALE 4 DAYS LEFT...STOREWIDE SALE...4 DAYS LEFT... SAVE UP TO Wel ON ALL BRAND NAME FOOTWEAR Our Toss is your gain. Our remaining footwear from our Exeter Store MUST BE SOLD at our Seaforth Store, NOW! 4.1) 1' For this special event OPEN Mon. -Sat. 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Friday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. EXETER STORE ONLY Lottery profits help hospitals. On the night of the car accident, Bruce was not expected to live. For- tunately, a specially equipped and staffed trauma unit was ready and standing by at a nearby hospital. This special facility helped Bruce heat the yids and he has returned to work. • helping hospitals is just one way lottery profits are used. Lottery profits are also used to provide grants in other areas such as helping people with disabilities. They also help fund sports and recreation, arts and culture, and province -wide charities This is how Lottery funds are working for you in your area. St. Joseph's Hospital, Sarnia London Symphony Orchestra Association, London Port Franks Recreation Park, Port Franke Pinafore Park, St. Thomas Ontario Lottery Corporation 'together %re're making good things happen. ENCORE ENCORE • Provincial 4