HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-09-19, Page 5THE HURON EXPOSITOR SEPTEMBER 19 199u Seaforth to BY SUSAN OXFORD ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Seaforth Town council approved its aixouots payables whit.* included: $33,586 Haan Perm Colonies Roman Catholic School Board. Rcquulinon; S114,6172 How County Board of Education. Re- uisiuori; $105,380.36 Levis Co., wok coo Brantford and Chalk Su.; a d S 1,241.46 K Sout i in News for advertising tenders for paving and sanitary sewers in Business Comrrierc sal News CORRESPONDENCE Seaforth Horticultural Society requested the Town of Seaforth in its 1991 budget to contribute to the landscaping of Seaford) Public Library. The Society asked council to match their suggested 5250 donation dollar -to -dollar. The Society approached Strcetacape and learned there were no plans to improve the library's lam The Society said they receiv free landscaping advice on possible condition they purchase shrubs from a Stratford company. Council referred the request to Finance and General Government committee. Council supported a request from Canadian Psi asters and Assis- tants Association to write Canada Post about their displeasure with cutbacks of postal outlet hours. Mr. Crocker said, "We (at Town office) have to change our office procedures to (accommodate) the new post office hours." Council heard that Canada Post, as part of its ongoing com- munication with Seaforth, is pleased to announce that, after a study of the street letter box network in Seaforth showed very low volumes in most letter boxes, the number of letter boxes will be reduced August 31. Tuckersmith Township, in a letter to Seaforth council, stated their disappointment in Seaforth's decision to not support by way of grant the Vanastra Recreation Centre, the only indoor swimming pool in Huron County. Seaforth is the only surrounding municipality that does not financially support the swimming pool. Council proclaimed October as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Seaforth, as requested by Huron County Community Child Abuse Coordinating Committee, Goderich. The committee will organize special events, outreach programs and media coverage. Council gave the Arthritis Society permission to canvass in Seaforth for the month of September. In a letter, lawyer Wharton Rus- sell advised the Town not to pass a Development Charges (lot levies) By-law since the Ontario Home Builders have advised Premier Peterson they will sue the first municipality that passes: a Municipal Development Charge By- law, and, it has a School Board in its jurisdiction which passes a Development Charge By-law. They claim the act is unconstitutional. Mr. Russell suggested letting a larger municipality be the first court case. In the meantime, he suggested the Town continue gathering data for a Development Charge By-law for the future. ADMINISTRATOR The Town Clerk received a copy of Bill 230 which proposes some changes to the Municipal Elections Act. If the bill is adopted by the provincial legislature, some of the following procedures would affect Municipal Elections: the clerk may request identification from a person exercising a proxy vote; have a new may pass a by-law WE ballots for the visually provide election unatenal in language* other them requisitscsi municipal school board facilities, provincially funded institutions and building with 100 or more units for use as polling places; and a 55,000 limit will apply on campaign donations the individual, nude union or cor- porstioa may contribute to a cam- paign. A complete copy of this file 1s on file in the Town office. The bill has received fust reading in the Ontari legislature. The Clerk told council of Bill 229 which proposes an act to amend certain acts related to municipalities. Some of the document's points are: exempting land occupied by non -profs or- ganizations municipal taxation, excluding local improvement rates; all references to reeve and deputy reeve be replaced by mayor and county councillor, thus all heads of council would be called mayors and mayors would sit on county coun- cil; remove the requirement that projects be financed by the issue of debenture and can be financed to include other types of borrowing; amortization period for debentures be increased to forty years; municipalities may jointly invest money held in general fund, capital fund and reserve fund; municipalities may lend any securities held by it if the loan is secured; for the purpose of counteracting fluctuations in foreign interest rates and the Canadian dollar, municipalities may enter into foreign currency exchange agreements and similar investment vehicles. A copy of the proposed bill is available at the Town office. The bill has received first reading at the Ontario legislature. DEPUTY CLERK Miss Huard reported she has completed her examination of the Property Management System (PMS) and is satisfied with the program. The PMS program allows the Town to manage and access records on all Seaforth properties. Miss Huard recommended to coun- cil they consider purchasing the program in its 1991 budget. Local Government Week is from October 15 to 20 and Miss Huard told council this year's theme is `It's Your Community: Be a Part of IL' She will be organizing various events and wants suggestions. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Miss Vida reported she has a copy of the Small Business Loans Act in her office, should anyone be interested in reviewing it. She also reported she is working on recruiting Associate BIA members from the areas surrounding Seaforth. Council passed a resolution in June 1982 requesting to participate in the Ontario Based Mapping Program sponsored by the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the ministry has advised that they are ready to complete the program over a 2 year period. The Town's share is expected to be about $1,000. A request for a new chair and bookcase from the 1990 budget for the Town Clerk was approved, and the Clerk was further directed to purchase a new clock for Council Chambers. PROTECTION Chief Claus was authorized to tender for a 1991 police cruiser for delivery after January 1 as agreed during the 1990 budget process. Council approved a request for 4 - way stop signs at the corners of Isabella and Brantford Sts., along w II .. Learn the Computer, Accounting and Business Skills that will make you a competitive participant in today's office environment ADULT BUSINESS EDUCATION • Joan Van den RrrYkrk Chairperson •Learn Word Perfect and Lotus 1-2-3 •Free - at Seaforth District High School •October to June. Daytime Classroom instruction and full semester co-op assignment elf you don't have your diploma, this will allow you to work toward your Grade 12 diploma. PROGRAM TO BEGIN OCTOBER 1 If you want more information or want to register can Susan Wheatley SEAFORTH DISTRICT MGH SCHOOL 527-0380 0 Enron Public Education Opining Op the World Bob Allan Director A doctor in n ear future with additional signs far three aboltish& ' that are new Coma Mined approval 3�way Ow at Isabella and Gorge SM. peRdin on evaluauon of the 4 -way slop signs at Isabella and Brantford Ss. Council approved an additional space for the disabled be at 55 Main St. S., and that Seaforth parting spaces for the disabled be eautely painted bright blue with the disabled symbol intuited yellow in the centre. In August council passed a B y - law regarding the implementation of the Freedom of Inform aeon and erotcction to Privacy Acts and delegated council's powers to the Police Chief for police masers, and to the Administrator -Clout for all other municipal masers. Further to the August By-law, it was agreed that the Chief and Administrator - Clerk should each be responsible for the implementation of the Acts respectively. In his report to council Chief Claus told council the Ministry of Transportation conducted a Safety Lane in Seaforth, August 21, and 24 notices were issued, 1 motorist failed to show, 1 vehicle was removed from the road and 4 were to report back with repairs. Chief Claus also reported that during August: 2 vehicles were reported stolen and were recovered; 1 per- sonal injury accident was reported to police; 2 summonses, 3 notices to parents, and 1 Provincial Offen- ses Act were served; 2 warrants were executed; 7 parking tickets issued; and three accidents inves- tigated. TRANSPORTATION & EN- VIRONMENT The construction of sanitary sewers and forcemain has been awarded to Omega Construction, London, the lowest tenderer, at a cost of $325,102 and Omega will take 30 weeks to complete the work. Omega included a tender fee of $40,000 in their tender ap- plication. The committee agreed the existing Sewer Liaison committee should stand and instructed the secretary to respond to the Ministry of the En- vironment and arrange for a meeting. In his report Superintendent For- rest reported that in 1991 the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority has agreed to plant 5,UUU to 6,000 seedlings at the Seattath- `Ia kcramitA Landfill Sac at no cost to the Town.The Mayor and Cleric were authorized to petition the Ministry of Transport for Innterun Payments on expenditures made dung January 1 10 August 31 uw the amount of 5142,103. Following complaints frwn a taxpayer, Superintendent Fcxresst was given perrnistsicxi to put repairs to two catch basins on the future wan schedules. The superintendent was also authorized to erect a 'No Exit' sign at the Main Street entrance to Walsh Street. Reeve Bennett reported the Seaforth PUC has suggested a tour/examination of the Town's trees and streetlights be conducted to determine areas in need of main- tenance/trimming. A date is to be announced. Council heard that a traffic count on Centennial Drive counts an average of 400 cars a day. COUNTY Reeve Bennett announced the Huron County Library system will be clos•ing down four libraries, St. Helen's, Lakelet, Molesworth and Dashwood, due to low usage. RECREATION & PARKS The committee reported a Hockey Pool will be operated by the Arena as a fundraiser for the 1990-91 season. LACAC Seaforth lost another Heritage Designated house when council approved to repeal the designation of 11 Victoria St. Council approved a designated property grant application submitted by Barbara Box, 57 High St., to repair/reconstruct the front porch. Also, the committee reported it reviewed and approved a letter of support to the ministry that will accompany a Commercial Rehabilitation Grant application for the Province of Ontario Savings Office. The Heritage Coordinator reported the Ministry is promoting new ideas for public education on local heritage issues and suggests LACAC take a role in developing a curriculum for use in schools. The committee recognized the need for local education programs, but due to time and costs, can't do so at this time. ONE EYE OF NEWT...Ross Ribey could have been cooking anything in this cauldron on Saturday evening, but he and his cooking partners from the Kinbum Foresters were stewing some harmless com for the crowd at the Seaforth Fall Fair Chicken BBQ. Elliott photo. DIAMON ENGAGEMENT RTNr" MO( INT 02326-24 .24ct. Center Diamond 2 X .04Regc1. Should5.er Diamonds S... 1 100 . $ 5?. A DIRECT SAVINGS OF 14 75.00 Anstrtrs hand select and purchase their diamonds from world markets, then handcraft t their on settings. so that they can Ming you sar+lrtgs like these. 'Myles vary by atorr. J• N, I4Kt. (told HANDC AFTE Mellot ANSTETT JEWEIIEPS LIMITED S C.aweseent Inseam b are }e' mama UMW IWOlrl11. IT. mem vautrintasoomicm SEAFORTH MEAT MARKET MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH SKS 2.59 SIRLOIN STEAK_3.99OA ITOLE , SAUSAGE 1 .9$ Li PEPPER HAMOR SMOKED BEEFLB4I.99 Mil FsFEILEEScHnosEGOOFS CHEESES HINDS a BEEF 2.19 La CUT AND WRAPPED COUNTRY STYLE PORK RIBS OR TENDERLOIN END ROAST � 2.29 Specials in Effect Wad. Thru Sat. This Week Only Check Our Trim & Freshness 527-1821 MORE IN-STORE SPECIALS HOFFMEYER' S MILL LTD SEAFORTH • 527-0910 "Quality and Service Since 1906" END OF SUMMER SALE FELDMANN W 1 N a 0 WS %OFF LIST PRICE UNTIL FRI., SEPT. 28 (Not included Clad Sliders, Basement Units & Skylights) SERVICE SPECIAL OIL CHANGE 95 •Includes up to 5 Litres of Oil •New Filter ALL FOR ONLY CARS AND LIGHT TRUCKS MART 'ttlM Meet Dago if"Mt The $1 lNltrt" 1 BOOK AN APPOINTMENT TODAY ORD J MERCURY HIGHWAY 8 WEST SEAFORTH 527-1010 See The Original DOVETEC CORN HEATER (35,000 BTU) The Only Corn Heater With ULC Approval On Display at The Seaforth Fall Fair SEPT. 21 & 22 Coming Soon...HIGH EFFICIENCY DOVETEC SPACE HEATER' BTu° DOVETEC CORN FURNACE'' T See it at the Van Egmond Ciderfest Sept. 30 ORDER NOW FOR DELIVERY IN EARLY FALL HURON CORN HEALERS 1-657-9548 EO BAKER Sole Factory Authorized Dovetec Distributor in Huron AGENTS: McGavin Farm Equipment 887-6465 or 527-0245 Richard Lobb Auctions. Clinton - 482- 7898 J.P. Enterprises, Kippen - 263-6129 Salverda Bros., Londesboro - 482-3106 or 527-1929 tit