HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-09-19, Page 2Huron
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Published in
s.otorth. Oest.rie
t►Ary Wsdnasd.y Morning
EO 11111111011. Eisner& M+•O+r
tssAl'fatr OONNlT editor
NEWS STAN: P.wd. Lilian
SUMO o &tw d
AOVIRTISINO. Terri-lyww 0.1.
O4.Kwi. McO,.th
Linde Pultenon
Member Conadtan Coonnsunnv Pitowspoptw Aeon.
Oolong Cornrnuntty Newspaper A*wc'attOI+
Ontor,o Press Council
Conwnonw.oith Press Union
IntSrnattortai Pr..s Institut,
Subscrptwn Rotes
Condo 'V 00 o rear in e0vanco
Santo( Clttsens ,19.00 o rear M lessen )
Outstds Canada 'IA 00 a year. hi MINIMS
stngi. Cowin `o cants each
Sec u4,4.1 class mail rowsuation Number ObSlb
Editorial and Owlwsss Offices - 10 Msln Street. $..forth
T.1.plwn• (1111) 1274240 Pas 127-0242
Mailing Address - P.O. Eco= 40. Seaforth. Ontario, NOK 151110
just go with it
There are plenty of good, practical reasons to support the
Seaforth Fall Fair this week. Pride in the community. Seeing Aunt
Martha's pie take the red ribbon again. Showing the kids the
animals. Supporting the efforts of the Agricultural Society
Good solid reasons. But what about the real reasons?
Recapturing the wonder of a chili. The sounds of the midway.
The taste of that first coffee in the early morning light on the
fairgrounds, watching the exhibitors ready their stock. That
intangible something that keeps drawing a town through the
fairground gates.
The Seaforth Fall fair is the success that it is for many diverse
reasons. It has come to town as faithfully as taxes for 145 years
thanks to to efforts of a very dedicated group of people on the
Fair Board. It is the culmination of months of planning, tireless
work and seemingly insurmountable odds.
But more than any one contributing factor, the Seaforth Fall Fair
owes its growth and tradition to over 2,000 seperate factors. The
people of Seaforth and area. `fog are the Fair.
To the very young, the Fair is a culmination of sights, sounds
and excitement. With each year, the Fair comes to mean a little
bit more, and a bit more embroidery is added to the vibrant
tapestry that makes up any faithful fairgoer's memories of the
event. A chance to meet, to reacquaint, to relive the past.
There is more than a little magic in the Fair. The Fair amounts
to much more than just a mass of exhibits, livestock and a
parade. Words like `tradition" and "community support" come to
mind, but they slip too easily off of the tongue to fully capture the
essence of the fall fair, any fair.
Try to put your finger on what the fair means to you. Tricky, isn't
it? But chances are that it will be enough to draw you to the
fairgrounds this Thursday and Friday for the annual gala. Come
to think of it, don't try to figure it out. Just go with it.
See you at the Fair, Seaforth.
by Jeanne Kirkby
Polar Bear dis are
fun for somepeopl
twining and invited the suis ul.
They drdn' t take up the: ulvsurttua,
but rather stood on short takes
photograptis of waves crashing over
Oracle Mike. When he came out of
Me water teal shoulders were blue
with cold. 1 had brought ply of
towels, but he couldn't ger fully dry
In my life, u seems anything 1
look forward to uomea ata bad
time. Tbls weekend nd 1 had guests
from Germany, and the bat I could
dei is pea thein Saturday with
'hello and how are you' between
my sniffles, coughs aid sneezes.
After a few beets my cold sub -
Mad and 1 was able to =joy my
compsay and have a good. if not
just ply intentions, time with
Three young Gorman girls (a
Grace of my frsuad, Oriole Make,
and her two friends) drove to
Seaforth o see something other
than a city. This was to be their
'top to the countryside'. They
especially wanted to see Lake
Huron because they were told it
was such a big lake it is impossible
to see the other side. To them Lake
Huron was a sea.
We drove to Grand Bend to see
the 'sea' and Oncle Mike, un-
daunted by the cold winds blowuig
and frigid looking water, went
Who's milking who?
Last week a Huron County farmer expressed his feelings of frustration
about some recent farm news. A new study had indicated that the 1990
average family farm income now nearly equals that of their urban
neighbours. Why does this frustrate him? Well, the fine print of this
study states that the majority of farmers, their wives and family
members, depend on off -farm income to bring their total income to this
"I always wanted my kids to come back to the farm", he commented
ruefully. "I hoped that they would go to the OAC and come back and
carry on the family business ... But now I'm going to encourage them
to get an education and get out of here. You can't make a living at this
any more; it's just a question of how long you can hang on".
This man has a four year degree from the Ontario Agricultural
College and compares his situation with that of some classmates who
didn't farm and who now have other businesses, employees, winters in
Florida and time off on the weekends. He works hard to pay high
interest on thousands of dollars of capital investment needed to establish
his food production "factory". His markets are uncertain and mostly
depressed, and his working schedule is usually 70 to 80 hours a week
on a diversified operation. He gets few holidays and can't just lie down
when he's sick because someone must always be on deck to milk the
cows. You can't argue with the girls in the ban!
Last week the price of milk went up in some local grocery stores. A
cheerful young man stacking milk onto the shelves told me that the
farmers got a raise, and he obviously thought that they deserved it.
The price increase of $2.50 per hectolitre for milk used in the fluid or
table market was the first raise since May 1, 1988. It brings the total
amount that a milk producer receives for one litre of this milk to almost
57 cents. Since May 1988, the Consumer Price Index has risen by more
than 9.6 percent.
If you were working for Ford of Canada, earning a base wage of
almost $ 18.00 per hour, enjoying excellent employee benefits and good
vacations, without any capital investment in land or machinery, seed or
fertilizers, would you be ready to go out on strike as they arc now?
If you won a raise of 4.59 percent, which is what this raise works out
to for dairy farmers, would you accept it without any side benefits?
Probably, if you liked the job. But it gets more complicated.
What if, when you accepted this raise, your hours were cut back by
five percent? Would you feel you were going uphill or sliding back?
As of August 1, the Market Sharing Quota (MSQ) has been converted
to kilograms of butterfat instead of litres of milk. This means that a
producer can no longer rely on breeding and management techniques to
ince^.ase his production, but can only expand by buying more quota.
The Ontario Milk Board gives the reason for this change as the fact
that surpluses of butter are piling up over the acceptable level of 12
million kilograms stockpiled, to a high of close to 18 million kilograms.
They also cite the consumer's preference for low fat products in this
age of "body cense io usness" .
The net effect is that while the farmer gets an increase in his payment
per litre, he will sell less due to a lower butterfat based MSQ unless he
buys more quota. When Article 11 of the GATT agement is
threatening the very existence of the dairy industry in Canada. why
would he want to increase his vulnerability by a greater investment in
in the gmcery stores that have not yet added this increase-, one litre
of homogenized milk sells for $ 1.47 and a pound of butter costs
s urn to page 17A
or warm.
That evening we spent a few
hours at the Green's Hotel and my
friends and 1 just loved tate place.
The guts made thou own party and
spoke German and English with
anyone who would listen. Somccxcc
at the bar
er Wit each of the girls a
toe -shut andthey posed for photos
by the pool table wearing their new
Sunday morning carne and 1 felt
no better. I bundled up in warm
clothing and, with me looking like
a well -wrapped mummy, we went
to the beach at Bayfield. That mor-
ning the girls had decided they
were going to go into the sea.
The winds were Wider than the
by Sura Oxford
y before and I just knew the
water would be even colder. Uncle
Mike was first to the water. 1 acted
as a towel rack and let everyone
drape their towels around my
shoulders, and 1 could still feel that
cold wind blowing through my
100% cotton amour.
The girls stood on shore and
watched Oncle Mike and debated
whether they should go in to join
hun. They decided they would
honour their morning vow to go in
the water and got ready for the
swum. Despite the fact they had
brand new Queen's Hotel tee -shuts
they could have worn, they made a
mad dash into the sea dressed like
good German girls - in only their
under cants.
Wow, I thought to myself, even if
1 was wowing a full length fur
bathing suit and felt so healthy I
could swim faster than a barracuda,
1 wouldn't go tow that water an a
day Wee this. The sight of the
blueing frolicking frauleans and
Oncle Mike u1 the water made me
pull the towels tighter around
After the dash into the sea we
headed to a cafe and ordered hot
chocolate so the swimmers could
warm themselves, then we returned
to Seafoath. Late that night they
piled into their car and drove back
to Kitchener, and 1 know all the
way back the car would be filled
with the sounds of sniffles, coughs
and sneezes.
;ca4 .
..a •.• ••cin
The roughest note of them all
Have you ever sat down to read a
really good book, and had such a
good time reading it that you didn't
really want to get to the last chap-
Reading the last chapter can
sometimes be a bittersweet thing,
and so can writing it. This is the
final chapter that I'll be hacking out
here in Seaforth, and as far as these
Roughnotes go, it's one of the
rougher ones.
A number of months ago, a
cohort from Goderich was talking
about writing his last column when
he was leaving the Signal for a
paper in Owen Sound. "I don't like
mushy farewell columns," he
growled into his beard. "I refuse to
write one."
The next week, there on the
editorial page of the Signal -Star,
was a farewell column as large as
life. His hands might have become
possessed or something, but chan-
ces are good that he took a final
look around at his home and knew
that he just had to say something.
I balked at the idea of a farewell
tome myself, but I know that there
are a lot of people out there that I
won't get a chance to say 'goo-
dbye' to before I head off to British
Columbia on Monday. I'll count
myself lucky if I have a chance to
scratch my nose between now and
We set a date of October 1 to get
on the road to B.C. Surprise! A job
offer. Surprise again! Starting Oc-
tober 1. I didn't exactly see my life
flash before my eyes, but I saw the
next seven days scream by in a blur
of packing, phone calls, visits, pet
vaccinations, laundry and maybe
munching a cracker or two
somewhere along the line.
Remember how proud I was back
in February when I did all of my
packing in three hours, moving
from one apartment to another?
This must be some sort of nemesis.
Somewhere out there, The Imps of
Packing are having a real hoot,
watching me pull my hair out.
But somewhere between now and
the flinging of the final crate into
the truck, I would like to have a
by Paula Elliott
chance to say 'ciao' and thanks to
everyone in Seaforth who made this
the year that it was. YEAR! At the
risk of killing a cliche, it does seem
like only yesterday that I pulled
into town in the creeping blue hor-
ror, the '79 Chevette from Hell.
(The little dickens is looking for
good home, by the way...)
To all of you who offered
compliments and words of en-
couragement over the past 12
months, a big, fat 'thank you'.
Somehow, people just seemed to
know when I was having the
longest day of my life, and how to
turn that day around with a smile
and a hello.
Everyone who has picked up this
paper with any regularity has gotten
to know quite a bit about me over
the year. You've heard me bel-
lyache about a Christmas that came
and went too fast. You suffered the
trials of 'parenthood' with me when
I acquired Beatrice the Wonder
Dog. And you got airsick right
along with me when I brashly
volunteered to take an aerial
Thanks for coming along for the
Whenever I have diddly-squat to
say for myself, I can ramble on for
hours. But when I have something
really important to say, words are
hard to come by.
Final chapters come too soon in
good books. And writing this final
chapter in Seaforth has taken me by
surprise, too. But the end of one
book means the start of another,
and I'll be looking forward to
seeing what this one has in store for
It's been good to know you,
Golfer sinks hole-in-one...on wrong green
SEPTEMBER 19, 1890 The new tountain donated to the
Mr. James Graves has painted a
very attractive advertisement on the
Agricultural Grounds fence for Mr.
Robert Willis, which does credit to
his artistic skill. He can beat the
Burdock Blood Bitters' artists all
The town streets are having the
annual coat of gravel laid on.
The Listowel Banner says: There
is a rumour than a farmer in an
adjoining township, who was taken
before the court and fined for sen-
ding skimmed milk to the cheese
factory, lay in wait watching his
can on the stand and caught a
young man in the act of skimming
the can. He is said to have knocked
down the cream thief with a club
and nearly choked him to death.
Dressyman and two others, the
last of the Riel rebellion prisoners,
have been released from the Stoney
Mountain Penitentiary.
SEPTEMBER 17, 1915
Mr. J.G. Crich, the artist, former-
ly of Tuckersmith but for some
months past of Stratford, has
located in Toronto as most central
tor the practice of his pntifession.
town of Clinton by Miss Smith of
Toronto, has arrived there and will
be erected on the market square at
an early date. It is an attractive one.
Two thrashings last week prove
that Huron County has yet to be
beaten for growing wheat. Samuel
Gray, of Ashfield, threshed 517
bushels of excellent wheat for ten
and a half acres and Neil McKenzie
of the same location, threshed 410
bushels from ten acres.
"See our exhibit of Columbia
talking machines at the Seaforth
Fall Fair, get our prices or better
still. get one for your home. Beattie
Bros., Seaforth."
SEPTEMBER 20, 1940
Playing the ninth game of golf in
his life, Jack Wright of Seaforth
won a niche in the golfers' hall of
fame when he shot a hole -in -one at
the Seaforth Golf and Country
Club. The only thing that prevented
him from receiving the material
things that usually accompany such
a feat was the fact that it was the
wrong hole. Accompanied by Ralph
McFaddin, he drove from the No. 4
tee, only to see the ball go into the
cup on No. 6 green, nearly 300
yards distant.
from the Expositor Archives
Tanned by two weeks under can-
vas nearly 100 men of 'D' co.
Middlesex and Huron regiment
returned to town on Sunday by
ial train from Thames Valley
A transient near Beechwood,
north of Seaforth, amused the
suspicion of the residents on Mon-
day evening. He was seen before
dark but when people or motors
a he quietly disappeared.
He was seen eating food from a bag
at the side of the mad. Two
constables from Goderich searched
barns and vacant houses, but failed
to k)cate him
SEPTEMBER 23, 1965
The first baby to be born in the
new Seaforth Community Hospital
arrived Thursday, two days after the
ital opened. She is the daughter
IS and Marie Hick ne ll of
R.R 5. Seaforth
Three years of planning were
culminated by the official opening
of the New Christian Education
building of Hensall United Church
Sunday afternoon. Reverend Arthur
Higenbotham, chairman of the
Huron Presbytery, performed the
Good weather of the early part of
last week allowed the threshing of
spring grain to be almost
completed. About 20 percent of the
bean harvest has been completed
with above expected yields. Only
the odd silohasbeenfilled -cornis
maturin slowly. Wet weather of
the last few days and high humidity
have slowed harvest of crops.
it was a long -remembered oc-
casion when Duff's Church, Wal-
ton, marked the 100th anniversary
of the founding of the congregation
over the weekend. Former members
and friends of the church returned
to Walton from points Goers On-