HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-09-12, Page 151. COMING EVENTS 4 114. ARTICLES FOR SALE 4 1 1 TOWN AND COUNTRY hit elu(ON EXPOSITOR. SEPTEMBER 12, 1990 15 Phone CLASSIFIED 5270240 Deadline! Monday, 4:30 p.m. BLYTH FESTIVAL - Last chance to see Penis. Only a few performances remaining of Blyth's popular comedy The Perils of Persephone Perfor- mances September 12-15 FaWSpnng entertainment tickets on sale now For reservations cant the Blyth Festival Sox Office 5239300. 1-37 -1 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Hot Lun- cheon. Euchre, Bake Sale. at Brucefield United Church, October 2. 12 30 p m Door pines. 1-37 -2 C.H.S.S. CLASS REUNION Graduating Class of 1980 (1976-1980/81) on September 29 For more information can 482-9935, 434-4280 357-3610, 1 416-653-6517 1-37 -2 CLINTON AND DISTRICT BADMIN- TON CLUB 1990-91 season begins Wednesday. September 12. 1990 run- ning through until May 1991 every Wednesday trom 8 p m - 11 p m CHSS gym, Clinton Fees due on registration dates of October 3 and 10 Students. 015 00. adult single. $20 00 married couple, $25 00. New members are always welcome Bring your runn- ing shoes, racquets available. Lots of fun and fellowship For information call Bob Rhiel, 482-7865. 1-36 -2 VAN EGMOND CIDERFEST - September 30, 10 a m Barbeque Pork, Beef and Turkey Dinner served 430 to 530 p.m. Adults $9.00, Children $4 00, Preschool free. Tickets available at Beckers or call 527-1102 or 233-3326 1-36 -4 VENDORS WANTED - for Van Eg- mond Foundation Ciderfest - September 30, from 10 to 5. Flea Market, antiques, crafts or vegetables No charge for space. For inquiries call 527-1102 or 233-3326 1-36 -4 SEAFORTH HORTICULTURAL SOCIE- TY Dessert and Invitation Meeting, Wednesday, September 12, 7 p.m Seaforth Public School. Speaker Dr Rodger Whitman on hybridizing. 1-36 -2 NEXT C.P.R., Saturday, Sept. 15. Call 527-1650 to register. 1-35 -3 SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB Annual Oktoberfest, Sat. September 22, at Seaforth and District Community Cen- tres 1-34 4f 1. COMING EVENTS NOTE CHANGE OF DATE INE LEARNINI DUTIES ASSOCIATION c* NINON CO. meeting will be held THURS., SEPT. 13 8 p.m. at the CUI11OU SCNOCIl CUITOP Future meetings will be held on the 1st Thurs. of each month. For info. 524-5133. d 1TARD/ GARAGE SALE YARD SALE Sat Sept 15, 9 A -M - 1 70 Main St N Seaforth Furniture, dishes and misc household items 2-37 -1 GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 15 and Sun Sept 16 in Harpurhey (beside old body shop) Includes dishes, bedding, homemade peach felly and peaches, pots and pans, chicken barn equip- ment. turkey waterers, etc 2-37 -1 GARAGE SALE. 87 John St Seaforth, Sat Sept 15. 9 a m choose from 7 Lots to 2-37 x t 3. LOST, STRAYED LOST - Black 8 white male cat, friend- ly, wearing a leather collar. Egmond- vilte area Please call 527-2623.3-37 -1 WOULD THE PERSON or persons that removed the skateboard from my pro- perty last week, please return same My grandson would greatly appreciate getting it back Marie Muegge 527-0362 3-37 -1 BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, Thursdays, 7:30 p.m Saltford Valley Hall, $3200 in prizes $1000 jackpot must go. 1-36 4f BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO.... Every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Blyth 8 District Community Centre. $300 jackpot must go. Over $1000 in prizes. 1-36 -tf DABBER BINGO - Vanastra Rec. Cen- tre, Tuesdays at 7.30 p m $1,000.00 in prizes. 1-36 -tf r r�lf LEGION LADIES AUXILLARY are holding an AFTERNOON TEA honouring Legion Week WED. SEPT. 19-2:00 to 5:00 pm Everyone Welcome) • ,iGece erd-dC4 CALL NOW Fall Sessions Starting SEPT. 11 Tues. afternoon 1:00-3:00 Tues., Wed., Thurs. evenings 7:00-10:00 GREENWARE AND SUPPLIES AVAILABLE CALL 527-1041 For more information Face Your Business Future With Confidence The Seaforth BIA and the Federal Business Development Bank are sponsoring a series of three (3) workshops to help make your business more competitive in the 1990's. Open to both members and others, these valuable sessions include tips on keeping business in Seaforth, store layout and design and staffing Set aside these dates September 12th October 3rd October 24th from 700-1000 p.m. in the Council Chambers Phone Cathy Vida today at 527-0160. LOST - 1 black heifer around 700 lbs, last seen 3 3/4 miles north and 1/2 mile east of Dublin Call 345-2919. 3-37 -1 LOST - Spayed, female tabby cat, 1 1/2 yr. old, wearing blue collar and bell. Answers to Dolly 527-0752. 3-37 x1 5. HELP WANTED MATURE PERSON to babysit in my home, 3-4 days per week from 4 p.m. - 9 p.m Phone 527-2751 or 527-2473. 5-37 -1 TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed....Get your Class "AZ" license at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. Courses start every Monday Tax deductible, weekend courses, lob assistance, no experience required MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT. 1-800-265-3559 Cambridge and Lon- don 5-36 -tf PART-TIME DISPLAY ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE The Huron Expositor has an opening for a part-time (3-4 days per week) display ad rep. Duties will include calling on regular weekly accounts, preparing adver- tising layouts, plus general office routine. Apply in writing, with resume to Ed Byrskl, General Manager The Huron Expositor P.O. Box 69, Seaforth NOK IWO WANTED Babysitter Babysitter to care for children on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. while mothers take fitness class at the Seaforth Arena. Starting period: September 25 for a 10 week period till November 29 I 7. SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED CARPENTER avoilot4e kx renovations, drywall, tramming, front- ing, rooting, etc quality work at a reasonable price Cali Rick at 345-2906 7-37 -4 JACK OF ALL TRADES, to lust about any job you need done Drywall, trim repairs. you name it. Call Keith, 345-2629 7- 35 tf 9. FARM STOCK SUFFOLK EWE LAMBS, born March and April 1990 Grade Contact C Pot- ter 482-3585 after 9 p m 9-36 -2 HIGHEST PRICE PAID for dead or disabled cattle or horses - Call toll tree Murray Grtnsven 1-800-461-4501 9-36 -tt 10. FARM MACHINERY 1 1 - JOHN DEERE mid mount bean puller, 1-5 belt pickup. Call 887-6697 10-37-1 5. HELP WANTED HERDSMAN wanted for 600 sow far- row to finish operation Good incentive and bonus package House available Farm experience necessary Phone 887-6181 5-36 -2 PART-TIME STOCK CLERK with 2-3 years experience required. Neat and tidy in appearance. Apply in person to Rob Taylor at LYONS FOODMARKET Knechtel Associate Store 95 Main St. Seaforth, Ontario 10. FARM MACHINERY 11 PRESSURE TREATED loading chute tor hogs, 2 1/2 gal rriedicallor, sow calendar; 20" new barn fan; 20" new tan shutters; 200 gal fuel tank for pickup truck - 2 compartments 150 plus 50 Phone 529-7607 after 6 p m 10-20 -tfnx C12. USED CARS 1979 CHRYSLER NEWPORT selling as is, $500.00 or best offer Good winter car Phone 345-2433 12-37 -1 1970 MUSTANG COUPE, 302 automatic , PS , PB . good rubber , good brakesruns excellent, needs body work and paint Phone 1-528-2284 (Lucknow) after 8 30 p m 12-36 -ttnxe 1984 CADILLAC ELDORADO ROADSTER, mint condition, loaded Call 527-0968 12-38 -2 1990 CHEV SPRINT CL, 5 speed, 2 door, silver in colour 30,000 KM, rust protection, 48 mo or 200,000 km war- ranty $9500 00 firm, certified Call 524-9211 9 - 5, or 482-5849 atter 6. 12-25 -ttnxe 1984 PLYMOUTH HORIZON. 4 door. standard, $2,400 or best otter Phone 524-5198 after 5 30 p m weekdays, anytime on weekends 12-05 -tfnxe 13. USED TRUCKS 90 FORMER GOVERNMENT VEHICLES and others 60 - 1980-88 pickups, 4x4 Ram Chargers, cabs and chassis and dumps, 1 - 1985 Lincoln Signature Series, 5 - 1985 Vans, 4 - 1987 Ford Crown Victoria Police cars, 7 - 1985-88 station wagons and cars, 13 - utility and van bodies Mighton Truck and Car Sales, 4 miles west of Durham or 6 miles east of Hanover on Hwy 4. Phone 1-369-3136 13-37 -1 1985 FULL SIZE FORD CONVERSION VAN, power steering, power brakes, air. stereo. 3 sun roofs, blinds and drapes, 4 captains chairs. Call 527-0968 13-36 -2 5. HELP WANTED ASSISTANT MANAGER required at Clinton Community Credit Union. Further information regarding this position may be obtained from our offices in Clinton or Exeter. Applications to be received by September 28. CLINTON: 482-3466 EXETER 235-0640 Seasonal Workers The Exeter Plant of Nabisco Brands Ltd. Requires Seasonal workers to work on the com line to help process com, starting immediately and running to approximately October 5th. • Hourly rated Jobs available • Day or night shpts Register for employment NOW AT: Personnel Department, 210 Wellington St. W., Exeter Ont. NOM 1S0 (519) 235-2445 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY 11 A.M 22 words-- ons week, 4.50, two weeks, $4.00; three weeks, $3 50 Addit.u, words 18 cents SIATMS - No Charge ENGAGEMENTS - Fiat rated $7, with picture $12 prepaid MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks after date of wedding After thea time pnu<<- and cutluw only $15. Complete write-up $25 IN MEMORIAM - $4.50 plus 36 tints per line of verse CARD OF THANKS - 30 words, 54 50 Each additiurwi word 06 cents 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF THE WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3.00, each additional week - 51 00 CLASSIFICATIONS 23- Real Estate 24 Property for sale 25 Property for rent 26 Apartments tor rent 27 Foie or rent 28. Wanted to rent 29 For rent 30 Room and Board 31 Notice 32 Vacations 33 Educational 34 Auction Sales 35 Tenders Wanted 36 Legal notice 37 Notice to creditors 38 Service directory 39 Cards of thanks 40 In memoriam 41 Personal 42 Engagements 43 Marriages 4, 1 Coming Events 2 Yard, Garage Sale 3 Lost, Straytlp 4 Found 5 Help Wanted 6 Business Opportunity 7 Situations Wanted 8 Custom work 9 Farm Stock 10. Farm machinery 11. Hay and straw 12. Used cars 13. Used trucks 14. Articles for sale 15. R.V.'s for sale 18. Mobile homes 17. VCRs for sale 18. Computer corner 19 Pets 20 Swap or trade 21 Wanted to buy 22 Wanted PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. i LARGE QUANTITY of new chicken barn equipment Also used waterers, and quantity of turkey waterers, 7x8 flatrack with front panel to protect cab Some automatic feeders without motors, '81 Buick Skylark Phone 522-0155. 14-37 -2 FREE TRACTOR TIRE, suitable tor swing, planter or sandbox Call after 5 p m 527-2661 14-37 x1 BURGLAR AND FIRE ALARM SYSTEM - Photorelay Sensor. elec- tronic dual tone siren, magnetic swit- ches and wiring - 0300 Call 522-1641 14-37 -1 OVERHEAD PROJECTOR - Bell and Howell in excellent condition - $200 Call 522-1641. 14-39 -1 FEED TANK - 10 ton - 0600. 5 farrow- ing crates, never used - 560 each; "II - is" Pregnancy Tester with recharger and case - $200; grain box for wagon or truck Call 522-1641 14-37 -1 CANNING TOMATOES, pick your own or ready picked. Sweet corn. cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, green and yellow beans. all available in freezer quantities Garden mums Nursery stock and perennials now reduced. TE -EM Farm, RR 1 Bayfield, 482-3020. 14-37 -1 FRIGIDAIRE WASHING MACHINE in working condition, green 527-0549 14-37 -1 2 SETS OF SCREEN WINDOWS. 4 sets of storm windows. Rubber boots, size 10 and work boots, size 8, fairly new, both steel toes. 527-0704.14-37x2 CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR, beige tones, good condition. Call 527-0243 after 5.00 p.m. 14-37-1 ROASTING CHICKENS for sale, ready September 24 Phone 527-1640 or 263-3021 14-37-1 USED WATER SOFTENERS Excellent condition -- warranties Call Bruce 524-9101 14-37 -3 INDUSTRIAL 8 hp walk -behind tractor with lawnmower. snowblower, tiller and other attachments $3000. Call 527-1819 14-37 -2 STORAGE SPACE for 8 to 10 cars 560 cash. Also 1-10 speed bicycle for sale Call 345-2489. 14-37 x1 ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES - Grand Opening, 9 a m , September 1st at 123 King Street. Hensall. Specializ- ing in hockey, baseball cards. old postcards. pop, beer, milk bottles. fruit jars, cranberry, depression, carnival satin glass. Regular hours Friday Sunday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 14-35 x4 DOWNHILL SKIS 160 CM. Salomon bindings. with poles Also ski boots. ladies size 8 with carrier Excellent condition. used one season. Set for 0200 or separate. Can Paula at 527-2725 or 527-0240. 14-34 -nxe ROASTING CHICKENS - 6 to 10 lbs. Ready August 28 CaI 3432277 14-34 x4 BUS CONVERTED INTO A CHIP WAGON. complete with 2 propane fryers, grill fan, exhaust system, refrigerator. one deep freeze. cash register. sink and cupboards, curtains Aa is $6000 Ca11 524.9211, 9 - 5, after 524-4240 14-20 -tfnxe PASSPORT PHOTOS. and identifies tion pictures while -u -waif. can take Al your own home 2 for $8 Cob. Gregor Campbell photographer 527-0273 14-36 tf i 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE litA SANDY MacLEAN 527.2234 HOME DEMONSTRATIONS • FUNORAISERS e • INDIVIDUAL ORDERS CHRISTMAS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER - CALL NOW FOR A FREE CATALOGUE OF EDUCA- TIONAL TOYS & GAMES!! LAST WEEK OF SWEET CORN AT POLLEN'S '6 mi west of Seaforth on Hwy 8 • Best freezing corn of the year -Reasonably priced *Discounts on orders over 10 doz 'FREEZE NOW - SAVE $ THIS WINTER CaII ahead for large orders 233-7896 ART BELL'S FRUIT FARM Clinton Hwy. 8 east of lights (Orange Tent) NO SALES AT TIIE FARM APPLES *Macintosh *Courtland S•P•E•C.I.A•L 5 lbs. Maclnto.h sise FIELD TOMATOES Open Tues. -Sat. 10 am -5 pm 524-8037 I 18. COMPUTER CORNER ATARI 520 ST 512 K 3 1/2- disc drive with 10 educational programs $499 Also Eppson printer wide car riage 0250 522-0257 18-37 1.1.1. PETS FOR SALE - One full grown buck rab- bit 526-7569 after 6 p m 19-33 -ttnxe 21. WANTED TO BUY WANTED one used change table in good condition Phone 263-5048 2' -37 1 INTERESTED IN BUYING baseball and hockey cards any year Call 524-8915 21-37 x3 ATARI 7600 OR 5200 GAMES Car- tridge games for C-64 526-7569 after 6 p m 22-33 -tfnxe OLD BARNS OR BRICK HOUSES Phone 233-7594 21-36 -6 22. WANTED WANTED Clown on foot any age Coq 527-1870 or 482-9523 22-37-1 USED RIDING ArJi) MUSH MOWERS for used peril Pieose call 524-4880 daytime t,. 524-4766 evenings 22-20 -Wive .,1 The Huron Perth Mental Health Implementation Committee is accepting proposals for the development of counselling services for women who have been sexually assaulted. Please contact: Marsha Stephen (273-1391) or Ken Engelstad (524-8323) for further information. LARGE QUANTITY of new chicken barn equipment Also used waterers, and quantity of turkey waterers, 7x8 flatrack with front panel to protect cab Some automatic feeders without motors, '81 Buick Skylark Phone 522-0155. 14-37 -2 FREE TRACTOR TIRE, suitable tor swing, planter or sandbox Call after 5 p m 527-2661 14-37 x1 BURGLAR AND FIRE ALARM SYSTEM - Photorelay Sensor. elec- tronic dual tone siren, magnetic swit- ches and wiring - 0300 Call 522-1641 14-37 -1 OVERHEAD PROJECTOR - Bell and Howell in excellent condition - $200 Call 522-1641. 14-39 -1 FEED TANK - 10 ton - 0600. 5 farrow- ing crates, never used - 560 each; "II - is" Pregnancy Tester with recharger and case - $200; grain box for wagon or truck Call 522-1641 14-37 -1 CANNING TOMATOES, pick your own or ready picked. Sweet corn. cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, green and yellow beans. all available in freezer quantities Garden mums Nursery stock and perennials now reduced. TE -EM Farm, RR 1 Bayfield, 482-3020. 14-37 -1 FRIGIDAIRE WASHING MACHINE in working condition, green 527-0549 14-37 -1 2 SETS OF SCREEN WINDOWS. 4 sets of storm windows. Rubber boots, size 10 and work boots, size 8, fairly new, both steel toes. 527-0704.14-37x2 CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR, beige tones, good condition. Call 527-0243 after 5.00 p.m. 14-37-1 ROASTING CHICKENS for sale, ready September 24 Phone 527-1640 or 263-3021 14-37-1 USED WATER SOFTENERS Excellent condition -- warranties Call Bruce 524-9101 14-37 -3 INDUSTRIAL 8 hp walk -behind tractor with lawnmower. snowblower, tiller and other attachments $3000. Call 527-1819 14-37 -2 STORAGE SPACE for 8 to 10 cars 560 cash. Also 1-10 speed bicycle for sale Call 345-2489. 14-37 x1 ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES - Grand Opening, 9 a m , September 1st at 123 King Street. Hensall. Specializ- ing in hockey, baseball cards. old postcards. pop, beer, milk bottles. fruit jars, cranberry, depression, carnival satin glass. Regular hours Friday Sunday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 14-35 x4 DOWNHILL SKIS 160 CM. Salomon bindings. with poles Also ski boots. ladies size 8 with carrier Excellent condition. used one season. Set for 0200 or separate. Can Paula at 527-2725 or 527-0240. 14-34 -nxe ROASTING CHICKENS - 6 to 10 lbs. Ready August 28 CaI 3432277 14-34 x4 BUS CONVERTED INTO A CHIP WAGON. complete with 2 propane fryers, grill fan, exhaust system, refrigerator. one deep freeze. cash register. sink and cupboards, curtains Aa is $6000 Ca11 524.9211, 9 - 5, after 524-4240 14-20 -tfnxe PASSPORT PHOTOS. and identifies tion pictures while -u -waif. can take Al your own home 2 for $8 Cob. Gregor Campbell photographer 527-0273 14-36 tf i 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE litA SANDY MacLEAN 527.2234 HOME DEMONSTRATIONS • FUNORAISERS e • INDIVIDUAL ORDERS CHRISTMAS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER - CALL NOW FOR A FREE CATALOGUE OF EDUCA- TIONAL TOYS & GAMES!! LAST WEEK OF SWEET CORN AT POLLEN'S '6 mi west of Seaforth on Hwy 8 • Best freezing corn of the year -Reasonably priced *Discounts on orders over 10 doz 'FREEZE NOW - SAVE $ THIS WINTER CaII ahead for large orders 233-7896 ART BELL'S FRUIT FARM Clinton Hwy. 8 east of lights (Orange Tent) NO SALES AT TIIE FARM APPLES *Macintosh *Courtland S•P•E•C.I.A•L 5 lbs. Maclnto.h sise FIELD TOMATOES Open Tues. -Sat. 10 am -5 pm 524-8037 I 18. COMPUTER CORNER ATARI 520 ST 512 K 3 1/2- disc drive with 10 educational programs $499 Also Eppson printer wide car riage 0250 522-0257 18-37 1.1.1. PETS FOR SALE - One full grown buck rab- bit 526-7569 after 6 p m 19-33 -ttnxe 21. WANTED TO BUY WANTED one used change table in good condition Phone 263-5048 2' -37 1 INTERESTED IN BUYING baseball and hockey cards any year Call 524-8915 21-37 x3 ATARI 7600 OR 5200 GAMES Car- tridge games for C-64 526-7569 after 6 p m 22-33 -tfnxe OLD BARNS OR BRICK HOUSES Phone 233-7594 21-36 -6 22. WANTED WANTED Clown on foot any age Coq 527-1870 or 482-9523 22-37-1 USED RIDING ArJi) MUSH MOWERS for used peril Pieose call 524-4880 daytime t,. 524-4766 evenings 22-20 -Wive .,1