HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-09-12, Page 5Histo y of NDP is history of this century BY SUSAN OXFORD Unlike the other two inlet C>inaadtan puhuc:al porus the New Democratic Party (NDP) has a hu*iry that is totally within thus L.e ntury . Stronger through a joining of other panics in 1961, the NDP has become a political farce to be reckoned with. In the beginning of this century Canada was a two-party country. The Liberal and Conservative par- ties were modeled on British party examples raogouing allegiance to the Bnush crown and economic traditions. Eventually the parties would compete for allegiance from Quebec, but originally they were based an Bnuah prwcipleaa. Out of the Canadian West came a party that was c4xnpietGely Canadian and separated itself frcxn European Aim w become a mama ut Howie of Commons procedure aid he used his abilities to brag about Caneds's fust, but limited, aid age peritonea legislation to a minority government. He rejected to offer by the Liberals of a cabinetposition. Dun ng the 192A's wealthy people thnved while low wages and pover- ty was a problem lived by many Canadians. Unions and labour movements were divided In their policies of dealing with the probhms. As the Depression of the 1930's advanced Western farmers and workers realized they had more in common titan their destitution and saw the need for a unified �Western labour groups began holding confereix es in 1929 and in Regina, 1932, they formed a uruty W7. —� 11M 1111 LOOKING FOR WORK • Families like these travelled from town to town looking for work, or a home, during the Depression. styles of political policy. When the 1900's arrived Canada was an advanced capitalist state and labour movements had been around for a while. As in Britain child - labour had been dismissed and adult workers made up the workforce. Members of labour unions had suxessfully run in elections as Independents, or allied themselves with one of the major parties, and a few had been elected as Members of Parliament (MP) in Ottawa. Some labour movements attempted to form socialist political parties and their first lasting party was founded in 1932. J.S. Woodsworth, a former longshoreman and Methodist minister that had been jailed as a leader of the failed Winnipeg General Strike of 1919, won a seat in parliament in 1921, and represented Winnipeg until his death in 1942. In parliament he watched many labour parties flounder with no co-operative unification. Their lessons taught with farm groups and founded the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF). In its founding the CCF proposed in its eight -point programme "a co-operative com- monwealth, in which the basic principal regulating production, distribution and exchange will be the supplying of human needs instead of making profits." Its first national leader was Woodsworth. In the midst of the 1930's Depression the CCF replaced the eight -point programme with the Regina Manifesto that emphasized economic planning, nationalization of financial institutions, public utilities and natural resources, security of tenure for farmers, a national labour code, socialized health services and greatly increased economic powers for the central government. This came after police charged a group of relief camp workers in what became known as the 1935 Regina Riot. Woodsworth continued to hold his Winnipeg seat in Parliament and was joined by seven other CCF MP's in the 1935 election. When World War Two reared its head in Ethiopia, Woodsworth, who was ill, considered resigning his position because his pacifist principals were not shared by the majority of CCF members. Canada joined Britain in the war in 1939 after Germany invaded Poland. M.J. Coldwell became the CCF's second national leader in 1942. The war in Europe showed Comdata& the CCF's message taxa the 1930's Depression that resources cxxikl be found to SU.I4U1 fullez*luYulont and a buunw,g c homy if only the wall dad the planning were available. The CCF was +plc w win and hold smut in Parliawkat, but it was in Saskatchewan that u made its biggest sondes. The Saskatchewan CCF won its first provincial election in 1944 under the leadership of former Bapust minister T.C. (Tommy) thelas, who had won a seat for in Parliament previously. After the war many European countries ousted previous govu iuncats of traditional politics in favour of labour governments. Even Britain's Winston Churchill, who had helped lead Britain to victory in the war, was ousted in favour of the new ideas of labour a 1 In944 Saskatchewan was almost bankrupt after suffering seriously in the 1930's. Douglas remained in power in Saskatchewan for almost 20 years and fulfilled virtually all the CCF promises. He brought in civil servants that restored and diversified the province's economy and made Saskatchewan the fust province to implement hospital, health and automobile insurance. He set firsts in welfare and labour legislation and created some publicly -owned industries. The success of the CCF in Sas- katchewan did not spread like wildfire, yet, to the other Canadian provinces. Saskatchewan was dif- ferent from the other provinces in that it had suffered terribly with unemployment and poverty during the 1930's Depression and ad- ditional problems such as drought and soil loss. By the time the 1950's arrived the CCF and its Depression image was having trouble being accepted nationally by the people of the new economic boom. In 1956 the Regina Manifesto was supplemented by the Winnipeg Declaration in which the CCF recognized the reality of a mixed economy and Canada's involvement with the wider world. Unlike the other two major parties whose leaders had frequently been chosen because of personality and image, the CCF still had its leaders from the Depression. Not willing to change its proven leaders for more flamboyant characters, the CCF decided to strengthen itself by ac- cepting an invitation to join forces with other national labour parties. In 1961 the CCF, with the Canadian Labour Congress, a strong national movement, and other labour groups, became the NDP. Needing a national leader, the NDP had a leadership convention that was won by old CCF member, Tommy Douglas. During the convention the premier of British Columbia made it illegal in his province for union dues to be used for any political party, but the law was abolished in the courts with the judges insisting that political contributions were purely an individual matter. After winning the national NDP leadership race Douglas hurried RIDING THE RAILS - People rode frieght cars for free as they travelled across Canada looking for a place to earn wages. RYAN'S LANDSCAPING Winthrop 345-2494 Landscapers Special 20e/0 OFF ALL TREES SHRUBS & BULBS Boat th.GST ... Landscape This Fall SPACIAL DISCOUNTS FOR SENIORS On ati LogniseepIng aid o_ >Nres GA11100H CINT*1 HOUR Fri. Twos. 9100 •.w*. -4:00 p.n. Wed. 9100 •.m.-12100 p.m. Closed Wood. afternoon 1 Thur*. PLANT A TREE - IT'S ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY a DEMONSTRATING FOR JOBS - In Canadian cities the unemployed demonstrated for jobs. Govemment relief was available, but it was pitifully low. back to Bel a.. whew dui: - ton wee to leave the pQroviac;e and ate into dotiaaicre ti North America's first health in- surance pian Douglas invited Europc:au and Asian doctors to ppr�a�,uce in the province and Sas- katchewan dtx:tun reacted with a racism -based protest. Doctors cut tack then services to the people of Saskatchewan and the effect was stn strong the NDP was ousted in an election. The incoming provincial government did not let the doctors get away with thou shenanigans and two years later Saskatchewan implemented its health insurance prognun. After its fust year of operauon Douglas was able to prove that doctor's incomes had increased by $3,000 under the plan. HOFFMEYER' 5 1VIILL LTD SEAFORTH • 527-0910 "Quality and Service Since 1906" END OF SUMMER SALE FELDMANN WIND o W s % OFF LIST PRICE UNTIL FRI., SEPT. 28 (Not Included Clod *alders. Ssssmerd Units & skylights) 1.• As leader of the national NDP Tommy Douglas was able to retain a seat in Parliament but could not compete against former NDP worker, flamboyant Pierre Trudeau, and the Trudeaumania that swept in the new Liberal Prime Minister in 1968. However, Douglas and the NDP did see many of their policies such as family allowances (baby bonus), unemployment insurance, worker's compensation and univer- sal old age pensions be adopted by government. The national NDP has had three leaders since Tommy Douglas: David Lewis, Ed Broadbent and Audrey McLaughlin. The NDP have been the Official Opposition in Alberta, Ontario and Nova Scotia and has formed governments in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, the Yukon and now Ontario. Nationally the NDP favours more provincial rights instead of more centralized power of the federal government. They oppose Canada's involvement in NATO and NORAD and have called to make Canada a nuclear - free zone. The NDP is critical of the high rate of foreign ownership of Canadian industry and opposed the Free Trade accord. Members of the NDP have been appointed to positions by other Canadian governments: Stephen Lewis is Canada's ambassador to the United Nations and Ed Schreyer was Governor General. Appointments like this surely recognize the impor- tance of the CCF -NDP in Canadian history and in practice. CIVIC CORNER THE SEAFORTH BIA will hold a seminar on Wednesday September 12, 1990 from 7 to 10 p.m. in the Seaforth Council Chambers. The seminar deals with "Keeping Business in Seaforth" THE SEAFORTH BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA COM- MITTEE will meet Tuesday, Sep- tember 18th at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Town Hall. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. SEPTEMSER 12 1990 5 A Review of activities at SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL BE TRIM PROGRAM: Seaforth Community Hospital is now offering the Be Trim Program. Be Trial is the largest hospital- based weight control program in North America, conducted by a Registered Professional Dietitian. The program is founded on self awareness and understanding of the conditions that in- fluence your habits and attitudes toward food, eating, exercise and stress. Be Trim will provide the techniques and support that will help you to chane your habits and attitudes in order to achieve permanent weight loss. Ten Weeks, 2 Hour Classes. Introductory Session: Tuesday, September 18 - 7:00 p.m. - Con- ference Room 2 - Seaforth Community Hospital. Program Facilitator: Lorraine Devereaux, R.P.Dt. Enrolment is limited so call 527-1650 - Ext. 262 to pre -register. ARTHRITIS MONTH: September Ls Arthritis month. The public are invited to attend an information night on AR- THRITIS. Professionals from your local hospital will be on hand to answer questions on causes, diagnosis and treatment. Come to the hospital to get reliable information on diet and ar- thritis, medications for arthritis, tests for arthritis, and treat- ment for arthritiis...heat or ice; rest or movement, the role of x-rays and arthritis? The person to see for personal questions is your doctor, but for general information in sorting out the myths around arthritis, you are invited to attend the...AR- TERMS INFORMATION NIGHT - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1990 - PHYSIOTHERAPY DEPARTMENT - SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL. WELCOME TO OUR NEW STAFF MEMBERS: Linda Lam, R.N., Evelyn Blake, R.N.A., Dorothy Barry, Dietary Aide, Lori Terpstra, Lab Technologist, Pam Nesbitt, Accounting Analyst and Ron Drager, Mainenance. l •wrkr Leda l dldurll r .rn xr I.m•rw ♦yA'rM Oitll l* l,,.r tiM. If you're through with diets that don't work, call Diet Center. Here, our expertise comes from first=hand experience. In fact, all our counselors have lost weight on our pro- gram. We can give you the support you need to succeed, too. 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