HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-09-05, Page 14i • • 1 14 1 HE HURON EXPOSITOR SEPT EMBER S. 1990 I 24. PROPERTY FOR SALE • SEAFORTH GOLF COURSE LTD. Building Lots FOR SALE - Beautiful lots situated near Seaforth God t Country Club For twitter Information can 522-0985 Ash for Cameron, C.A. of Rod. 25. PROPERTY FOR RENT FARM HOUSE FOR RENT, apply to Box 3958 clo The Huron Expositor, Setatortn. Ontario, NOK 1 WO 25-34 -3 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT SMALL BACHELOR APARTMENT, 8258 Bachelor apartment, $298 Bachelor apartment, $344 one bedroom apartment. $375 Utilities not included Call Seer 5 p.m 1-393-6921 26-36 -tt ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in Dublin. Phone 345-2314 26-35 -tt BACHELOR APARTMENT $350 month, heat and appliances included. Cali 1-271-3591. 28-35 -t1 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, main floor, appliances and heat included. No pets Phone 1-271-3591 26-33 41 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in Seaforth, fridge and stove plus utilities. Phone 482-7054 or 527-1720 26-36 -tf TWO OR THREE BEDROOM APART- MENT, available anytime References required Phone 527-0877 26-32 -11 r27. FOR SALE f OR RENT NEW AND USED Satellite Systems, rent or lease to own with easy monthly payments; also, repairs to all makes. L & A Southwest Satellite, day or night. 524-9595 27-36 -tt 1 23. REAL ESTATE 28. WANTED TO RENT TWO OR THREE BEDROOM HOUSE wanted tot NovemOSi 1990 Kar profes- sional couple wan two children moving to the area Would poster Seelonh or surrounding area Apply BOA 3067 cio The Huron Expositor Seaforth Onlano. NOK 1 WO 28.34 3 31 - NOTICE ARE LIVING WITH A DRINKING PRO- BLEM? Al Anon can help 527-1660 31 38 -1 A. A. IF YOU THINK you have a drinking problem, Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for millions Call 527-1650 31-36 -tt d. 34. AUCTION SALES RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON - 482-7898 SAT., SEPT. 8 AT 10 A.M. - 5 school buses for the Huron Board of Education plus 1986 Renault car, 1981 Lincoln Town Car, anti- ques, furniture, appliances, etc. from local consignors. Additions now being accepted - phone 482-7898. WED., SEPT. 12 AT 6:30 P.M. - Real estate - Orange Lodge Hall and lot in the Village of Varna. Building size 241/4 x 481 h. plus the contents including antiques. Hall and lot will be sold at 7 p.m. without reserve. For information phone Richard Lobb 482-7898. 34. AUCTION SALES LARGE AUCTION SALE $ School Onwrs /or the Huron Coun- ty Board of Education, 2 cars, boat and MAW, Davol troller, huniture, appliances, antllqIree for local con- signors to be hold at Lobb' s Large Auction Sulking in Clinton. SAT., SEPT.8AT 10 A.M. BUSES AND VEHICLES SELL AT 11:30 A.A/. BUSES: 1902 Choy 60 passenger. 1982 Chew 54 passenger, 1982 Chew 66 passenger, 1981 GMC 5.4 passenger, 1979 GMC 06 passenger, .Sling as a, whore is. Plus additions - 1978 International Load Star 06 passenger used 1 month, atter safe- ty, 1972 Ford ago bus selling as is CARS: 1981 Uncoln Town Car (Florida car). selling certified; 1966 Renault 4 door sedan, 4 cylinder, 4 armed, selling certified. BOAT: 1987 Glass Stream 17 ft. Bowrider, 128 HP inboard, OMC Cobra outdrive (Florida boat); Shoreline galvanized roller trailer, selling subject to reserve. ' TRAVEL TRAILER: 1975 Jerry 21 ft tandem travel trailer with roil -out awn- ing; 1978 Suzuki GT 550 motorcycle. FURNITURE, ANTIQUES, ETC.: Kenmore modern fridge, Inglis frost free fridge, Inglis Sterling 30" elec- tric stove with black glass oven door, Westinghouse 24" electric stove, Simplicity twin tub portable washer, older upright piano and bench, 1930's GE fridge; humidifier washs- tand with towel bars, 2 large antique chest of drawers, modern dry sink, 3 matching pressback chairs, odd pressback; 4 matching modern wooden arm chairs and dark pine round dining table with 2 leaves; buf- fet, chesterfield with pull-out bed; pressback rocking chair; washstand, refinished; platform rocker; swivel of- fice chair; recliner chair; parlour table; 34 size mattress; large cab- bage slicer; harvest type table, iron bed; 30" x 5 tt, office desk, combina- tion desk and bookcase, New Idea hand turn corn shelter, captain's chair; 5 oil lamps; kitchen shelf clock; 2 sewing machines; 2-1932 calen- dars; 3 ofd enameled signs; Filter Queen vacuum with power head; copper boiler; coffee and end tables; hooked mat; oval rug; old trunk; dressers with mirrors; hump back trunk; old floor model radio; telephone answering machine; lanterns; small glass churn; dining table with jack knife leaf; open front china cabinet; 4 modern wooden kit- chen chairs; floor lamp; dishes; glassware; pots and pans, etc.; plus much more. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I D AUCTIONEERS Richard Lobb & Burt Lobb 482-7898 123. REAL ESTATE, • R.R. #2, Harpurhey Rd. 4 bedroom brick bungalow on 2 lots. Built to VLA standards. MLS 0-1005R Larry McGrath, Sales Represen- tative - 527-2236 Res. $134,500. Canada 1r'ust / Realtor, n Culligan REAL ERTATE LTD Seaforth Office: 527-1577 8 Main Street. Seaforth Other Listings 19 310E STREET - 11 storey, 3 bedroom home. main floor laundry, C1090 to uptown Small lot Price $59.900 00 CHALK STREET - 2 bedroom bungalow. eat -in kitchen, extra targe lot with mature trees, across from school & park area Price $115,000 00 Seatorth i Clinton\ Representative Maureen Wlldlong 4824224 . Rich Kook* 348-8864 REAL ESTATE LTD. 15 8p ' Street 000ER(cH STREET - This century home has outstanding features, 4 ‘paclous bedrooms. 21/2 baths. formal dining room, library, stained glass win- dows, hardwood flooring, 2 fireplaces, family room, lacuzzi One of a kind. North Main Street. *87,500. A KETIt - 11,41 storey home. hardwood $ pine flooring. main floor family room, formal dining arwa, new heating system. Covered deck at rear with treed back yerd. $70's 34. AUCTION SALES Doug Jacob & Wallie Ross 271-71194 or )934214 AUCTION REGISTER THURS., SEPT. SAT 8..+N P.M.: AUCYIun of appliances; antiques & misc. items to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre in Mitchell kw Victorian Treasures of Mit- chell and Carl Stoskopt of Sebringyille. MT., SEPT. 9 AT 10:00 A.M.: Estate auction of implements; an- tiques & collectibles to be held east of Stratford on Highway 8 across from the Festival Motor Inn for the Estate of the Late Den- nis Lernweber. ' 34. AUCTION SALES CLEARING Auction Sale for Fergus and Tensa Feeney of Conc. 5, Lot 24, Hibbert Township; 2Yi miles south of Dublin and 1'h miles west SEPTEMBER 15, 1990 AT 1:00 P.M. SHARP TRACTORS AND LAWN EQUIP- MENT: 35 Massey gas tractor with loader and chains (in good condition); 8 h p Snapper riding lawnmower, five yrs old, 3 h p push lawnmower (Motorcraft) HOUSEHOLD: Antique Deacon bench and mirror; maple kitchen suite with six chairs; chesterfield, rocking chair and lazy boy chair; rollaway bed with mat- tress; double bed, 2 bedside tables and dresser with mirror; 4 drawer filing cabinet; bunk bed; Ghent' electric organ and stool; Filter Queen vacuum cleaner. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: Air com- pressor; 3 point hitch blade, bench vise, walking plow; Homelite chainsaw; battery charger; jack -all -jack MOTORCYCLE: 1982 650 cc Night Hawk, (selling as is) Owner or Auctioneer not held respon- sible for any accidents PROP.: 345-2257 Steve Gardiner Auctioneer 345-2678 KEEP CANADA. AUTI FU L , [37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AUCTION SALE Varma Orange [nail and lot, fur- niture, autos. etc. to be IVOR on location 1n Varna for the LOYAL ORANGE LODGE WED., SEPT. 12 AT 6:30 P.M. PROPERTY N*.L ESOLD AT 7 P.M. Property coronas ot Part Lot 18, Con- cession B. R. N . Stanley Township with a frontage of 52.50 ft more or IOW approx 0.00 &Gess, 24,/t x 48 ft single storey trams building zoned in- stitutional. Property wall be sold to the highest bidder with out reserve, TERMS: 10% down at the time of sale, balance due in tulll in 30 days For Information phone Richard Lobb 482-7808 For viewing 233-9884 or 233-3214 FURNITURE, ANTIQUES: Antique pine blanket box; 3 antique carpet balls, 6 pressback chairs; 2 lift top desks, 1 chicken coop chair; 21 mat- ching wooden chairs, 4 matching wooden chairs, church pew; Outlet, 2 podiums; 3 pedestal stands;,small table; 4 folding chairs, Box wood bur- ning stove; some dishes, 2 base drums, 1 kettle drum, 2 swords, plc cure frames, Relief of Derry 1689 pic- ture, 3 wooden tables 11 ft long TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper ID AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 482-7898 ILNOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate Of ROSS SCOTT AM claims ogoinst the Estate of ROSS SCOTT, late of the Town of Seaforth who died on January 21, 1990, must be filed with the under- signed on or before September 28, 1990, thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims then filed. Charlotte Alice Ruth Rushcoll. Ronald Kenneth Scott and Robert Lyle Ford, Executors, by their Solicitors, SHEPHERD, McKENZIE, 300 Dundas Street, P.O. Box 40, London, Ontario N6A 4V3 Attn: Peter 8. Adams, Esq. • woucs TO CIMI1DITORS AND OTHERS in The Estate Of LUELLA JEAN OA V IDSON All persons having claims against rnm estate of L1/911A JIAN DAVIDSON. lot. of the Township of T uckersauth ,n the County of Huron who died on or about tit 1 bit cloy of July 1990 ore hereby notified to send in full par bailors of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 261$ day of Sept 1990 atter which dote the swan will be distributed having regard only to Clowns then received Doted of Seaforth. Onto' io this 1st cloy of August 1990 McConnell. Stewart & Devereaux Bsrrlst.rs. lc.. Seaforth. Ontario Solicitors for the executer • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate Of WILLIAM RUSSELL PARSONS All persons having claims ogoinst the estate of WILLIAM RUSSELL PAR- SONS. Iota of the Township of Hibbert in the County of Perth deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of March. 1990 ore hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the under signed on or before the 19th day of September, 1990, after which dote the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 23rd day of August, 1990. RALPH SMITH Barrister and Solicitor 20 Goulnlock Street P.O. fox 159 Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1W0 Solicitor for the Estate NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate Of EVELYN CARDNO All persons having claims against the estate of EVELYN CARDNO. late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 18th day of July 1990 ore hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of September 1990 after which date the assets will be distributed hav- ing regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 7th day of August 1990. McConnell, Stewart i Devereaux Barristers, 11c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BiLL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. SALES HELP WANTED PRESTIGE 12 year old Canadian firm seeks representatives for display merchandise placement in your area. Eam up to $1500+ weekly immediately. (416) 756-2156. (416) 756-3174 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXTRA INCOME! Grow baitworms in your basement or garage. Odorless operation. Low investment. Market guaranteed! Free information Early Bird Ecology, RR#1 Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4252 AGENTS/ DISTRIBUTORS NEEDED in your area to promote Nathans Liquid Lustre Products, 'as seen on T.V.' Great products, great income opportunity. Call now. Shine -on Products. 1-800-465-0252. NEW PRODUCT LAUNCH FOR CANADA Agent Wanted, No experience required. Untapped market, exclusive product position in the most demanding industry in the world - FUEL. (613) 394-3142. HELP WANTED CAMELION - Run a business from your home marketing sheer non -run hosiery & sterling silver jewelry. 40-50% profit. Start before the pre -Christmas rush. Call collect (604) 687-0510/687-0409, weekends/evenings 681-3394 EDITOR -REPORTER for weekly publication. Community newspaper experience required. Must have camera and vehicle. Resume to Publisher, The Guide, 9 Dundas St W W. Napanee. Ont. K7R 1Z3 EXPERIENCED Harris web press operator required for Kingston plant No shifts Call Cam at (613) 389-7400 HELP NEEDED Men and women needed to sell and market our fine quality Rawleigh products, and our new health formulas. Call collect anytime at (519) 627-1337 CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide to home -study correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West. Toronto, 1-800-950-1972 TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for rewarding careers in trucking. Class A -Z and D -Z licences Days and weekend courses Job placement assistance Markel Transport Training Guelph 1-800-265-7173 LEARN AUCTIONEERiNG at the Southwestem Ontano School of Auctioneering. Next class October 20-27/90 For information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneenng, R,R.95, Woodstock. Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. MORTGAGES ARE YOU A HOMEOWNER? We have mortgage money for any purpose Pay off credit cards No qualifying hassels Excel Financial Corporation (toafres) 1-800-265 6984 OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LAND availability and Ontario properties to be sold for unpaid taxes. For information write: Properties, Dept. CN, Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. AUCTION NEW HOMES SOLD unreserved to the Highest Bidder, financing, 1400-2200 sq.ft. Shelburne Auction, September 18th. Viewing Daily. 1-800-267-0016. Ken Maynard Auctioneer. WANTED FOR AUCTION, Oct. 6. Rifles, shotguns, hunting equipment, wildlife paintings, trophy heads, decoys, books and magazines, Indian relics, hand tools, etc. Call Freeman -Brooks Auctions (519) 426-6317 VACAT1ON/TRAVEL SOUTH CAROLINA - MYRTLE BEACH RESORT - Oceanfront Condos, Tennis, indoor Pool, Putting Green, Saunas, Whirlpools, Housekeeping and Golf Packages. FREE Brochure1-800-448-5653 or 1-803-238-3902. COMING EVENTS ANTIQUE SHOW - 250 dealers. CHRISTIE CLASSIC Outdoor Show, Saturday, September 8, 8am-4pm Christie Conservation Area near Dundas, Hwy 5, 9km west of Hwy. 6. Admission $3 Free Parking_ PERSONAL WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Christian people. ages 18-80, the object being companionship or marriage. Write ASHGROVE, P.O Box 205, Chase, B.0 , VOE IMO STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDING CLEARANCE. -Save thousands while supply lasts - we have limited steel left from our largest summer sale - straitwall 8 quonset types - Paragon 24 Hours - 1-800-263-8499 BUILDING - FACTORY STEEL CLEARANCE Unbeatable pnces - 30x40's - quonset $3.469'. S -Model $4,239'- Straightwall $8,249' Complete with endwalls Fast Delivery Limited offer PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1- 800-668-5422 (24 hours) BUILDINGS Plowing match special, Quonsets, 'S' Models & Straightwalls Factory has allocated 29 buildings Various Sizes, No reasonable Offer Refuseri Call Future 1-800-668-8653 A - Z PRE -ENG BUILDINGS INC New types. steel/wood, quonset cladding For true value. action & answers Wally (416) 626-1794 after 6pm, weekends Free brochures Clip -save FOR SALE BIG, PEPPY BAITWORMS Wholesale, retail Never need refrigeration Early Bird Ecology, RRI1. SmtMv�lle, Ontario. LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252 NINTENDO GAMES - 72 games 5190 . tax, S/H Visa or COD (416) 549-3038 Wnte for more information Micro Genius'. Stn A, PO Box 1070, Hamilton. L8N 3RS Your ad could appear In community newspapers In Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today! ■ ■ I.Q10 INI I L to t.,—,,..comiErb 11 Victoria Street Clinton, Ontario NOM 482-5991 We have several lots in for sale, all sizes and prices. Sharon Medd Mary Vanden Mengel Associate Broker Sales Rep. 527-0560 527.0968 FAX (519) 527-2763 Peter Dements - 482-9849 8111 steenstra - 462-3780 Aileen 1L0 Shackleton 4e�220 Gordon Hifi - 233-3307 Peter Westerhout - 482-5718 Seaforth and the surrounding area For more information, call soon. sided 3 TO 5 BEDROOM: Brick bungalow, all newly redecorated, large living room land- with fireplace, finished rec room, very private back yard. 79 new 2 JUST LISTED: 4 prime Seaforth lots, List 2 blocks from downtown, serviced. Can be bought individually or as one com- For plex, many possibilities. large lot 5 BEDROOM: Country home, finished rec room, large country kitchen at 3 BEDROOM BRICK: Ranch home with finished rec room, large living room with fireplace home, 3 BEDROOM: Fieldstone and sided gas home, formal dining room with patio Asking doors to very private deck on very quiet street. Call today. 3 BEDROOM: Angelstone & home. Open concept, 2 bathrooms, finished rec room, beautifully scaped Make us an offer. HANDYMAN SPECIAL (CLINTON): Huron St , 3 or 4 bedrooms, storey addition at rear unfinished. $55,000 00 VENDOR TAKE BACK AT 11.5%: this brick 3 bedroom bungalow, 247' depth. Close to Clinton Hospital, new addition, Targe workshop Priced $139,500.00. NEW LISTING (CLINTON): Immaculate 3 bedroom. aluminum sided close to uptown, new high efficiency furnace and detached garage $82.000.00. FREE E'VALUA"i#NS 34. AUCTION SALES LARGE AUCTION SALE $ School Onwrs /or the Huron Coun- ty Board of Education, 2 cars, boat and MAW, Davol troller, huniture, appliances, antllqIree for local con- signors to be hold at Lobb' s Large Auction Sulking in Clinton. SAT., SEPT.8AT 10 A.M. BUSES AND VEHICLES SELL AT 11:30 A.A/. BUSES: 1902 Choy 60 passenger. 1982 Chew 54 passenger, 1982 Chew 66 passenger, 1981 GMC 5.4 passenger, 1979 GMC 06 passenger, .Sling as a, whore is. Plus additions - 1978 International Load Star 06 passenger used 1 month, atter safe- ty, 1972 Ford ago bus selling as is CARS: 1981 Uncoln Town Car (Florida car). selling certified; 1966 Renault 4 door sedan, 4 cylinder, 4 armed, selling certified. BOAT: 1987 Glass Stream 17 ft. Bowrider, 128 HP inboard, OMC Cobra outdrive (Florida boat); Shoreline galvanized roller trailer, selling subject to reserve. ' TRAVEL TRAILER: 1975 Jerry 21 ft tandem travel trailer with roil -out awn- ing; 1978 Suzuki GT 550 motorcycle. FURNITURE, ANTIQUES, ETC.: Kenmore modern fridge, Inglis frost free fridge, Inglis Sterling 30" elec- tric stove with black glass oven door, Westinghouse 24" electric stove, Simplicity twin tub portable washer, older upright piano and bench, 1930's GE fridge; humidifier washs- tand with towel bars, 2 large antique chest of drawers, modern dry sink, 3 matching pressback chairs, odd pressback; 4 matching modern wooden arm chairs and dark pine round dining table with 2 leaves; buf- fet, chesterfield with pull-out bed; pressback rocking chair; washstand, refinished; platform rocker; swivel of- fice chair; recliner chair; parlour table; 34 size mattress; large cab- bage slicer; harvest type table, iron bed; 30" x 5 tt, office desk, combina- tion desk and bookcase, New Idea hand turn corn shelter, captain's chair; 5 oil lamps; kitchen shelf clock; 2 sewing machines; 2-1932 calen- dars; 3 ofd enameled signs; Filter Queen vacuum with power head; copper boiler; coffee and end tables; hooked mat; oval rug; old trunk; dressers with mirrors; hump back trunk; old floor model radio; telephone answering machine; lanterns; small glass churn; dining table with jack knife leaf; open front china cabinet; 4 modern wooden kit- chen chairs; floor lamp; dishes; glassware; pots and pans, etc.; plus much more. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I D AUCTIONEERS Richard Lobb & Burt Lobb 482-7898 123. REAL ESTATE, • R.R. #2, Harpurhey Rd. 4 bedroom brick bungalow on 2 lots. Built to VLA standards. MLS 0-1005R Larry McGrath, Sales Represen- tative - 527-2236 Res. $134,500. Canada 1r'ust / Realtor, n Culligan REAL ERTATE LTD Seaforth Office: 527-1577 8 Main Street. Seaforth Other Listings 19 310E STREET - 11 storey, 3 bedroom home. main floor laundry, C1090 to uptown Small lot Price $59.900 00 CHALK STREET - 2 bedroom bungalow. eat -in kitchen, extra targe lot with mature trees, across from school & park area Price $115,000 00 Seatorth i Clinton\ Representative Maureen Wlldlong 4824224 . Rich Kook* 348-8864 REAL ESTATE LTD. 15 8p ' Street 000ER(cH STREET - This century home has outstanding features, 4 ‘paclous bedrooms. 21/2 baths. formal dining room, library, stained glass win- dows, hardwood flooring, 2 fireplaces, family room, lacuzzi One of a kind. North Main Street. *87,500. A KETIt - 11,41 storey home. hardwood $ pine flooring. main floor family room, formal dining arwa, new heating system. Covered deck at rear with treed back yerd. $70's 34. AUCTION SALES Doug Jacob & Wallie Ross 271-71194 or )934214 AUCTION REGISTER THURS., SEPT. SAT 8..+N P.M.: AUCYIun of appliances; antiques & misc. items to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre in Mitchell kw Victorian Treasures of Mit- chell and Carl Stoskopt of Sebringyille. MT., SEPT. 9 AT 10:00 A.M.: Estate auction of implements; an- tiques & collectibles to be held east of Stratford on Highway 8 across from the Festival Motor Inn for the Estate of the Late Den- nis Lernweber. ' 34. AUCTION SALES CLEARING Auction Sale for Fergus and Tensa Feeney of Conc. 5, Lot 24, Hibbert Township; 2Yi miles south of Dublin and 1'h miles west SEPTEMBER 15, 1990 AT 1:00 P.M. SHARP TRACTORS AND LAWN EQUIP- MENT: 35 Massey gas tractor with loader and chains (in good condition); 8 h p Snapper riding lawnmower, five yrs old, 3 h p push lawnmower (Motorcraft) HOUSEHOLD: Antique Deacon bench and mirror; maple kitchen suite with six chairs; chesterfield, rocking chair and lazy boy chair; rollaway bed with mat- tress; double bed, 2 bedside tables and dresser with mirror; 4 drawer filing cabinet; bunk bed; Ghent' electric organ and stool; Filter Queen vacuum cleaner. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: Air com- pressor; 3 point hitch blade, bench vise, walking plow; Homelite chainsaw; battery charger; jack -all -jack MOTORCYCLE: 1982 650 cc Night Hawk, (selling as is) Owner or Auctioneer not held respon- sible for any accidents PROP.: 345-2257 Steve Gardiner Auctioneer 345-2678 KEEP CANADA. AUTI FU L , [37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AUCTION SALE Varma Orange [nail and lot, fur- niture, autos. etc. to be IVOR on location 1n Varna for the LOYAL ORANGE LODGE WED., SEPT. 12 AT 6:30 P.M. PROPERTY N*.L ESOLD AT 7 P.M. Property coronas ot Part Lot 18, Con- cession B. R. N . Stanley Township with a frontage of 52.50 ft more or IOW approx 0.00 &Gess, 24,/t x 48 ft single storey trams building zoned in- stitutional. Property wall be sold to the highest bidder with out reserve, TERMS: 10% down at the time of sale, balance due in tulll in 30 days For Information phone Richard Lobb 482-7808 For viewing 233-9884 or 233-3214 FURNITURE, ANTIQUES: Antique pine blanket box; 3 antique carpet balls, 6 pressback chairs; 2 lift top desks, 1 chicken coop chair; 21 mat- ching wooden chairs, 4 matching wooden chairs, church pew; Outlet, 2 podiums; 3 pedestal stands;,small table; 4 folding chairs, Box wood bur- ning stove; some dishes, 2 base drums, 1 kettle drum, 2 swords, plc cure frames, Relief of Derry 1689 pic- ture, 3 wooden tables 11 ft long TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper ID AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 482-7898 ILNOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate Of ROSS SCOTT AM claims ogoinst the Estate of ROSS SCOTT, late of the Town of Seaforth who died on January 21, 1990, must be filed with the under- signed on or before September 28, 1990, thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims then filed. Charlotte Alice Ruth Rushcoll. Ronald Kenneth Scott and Robert Lyle Ford, Executors, by their Solicitors, SHEPHERD, McKENZIE, 300 Dundas Street, P.O. Box 40, London, Ontario N6A 4V3 Attn: Peter 8. Adams, Esq. • woucs TO CIMI1DITORS AND OTHERS in The Estate Of LUELLA JEAN OA V IDSON All persons having claims against rnm estate of L1/911A JIAN DAVIDSON. lot. of the Township of T uckersauth ,n the County of Huron who died on or about tit 1 bit cloy of July 1990 ore hereby notified to send in full par bailors of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 261$ day of Sept 1990 atter which dote the swan will be distributed having regard only to Clowns then received Doted of Seaforth. Onto' io this 1st cloy of August 1990 McConnell. Stewart & Devereaux Bsrrlst.rs. lc.. Seaforth. Ontario Solicitors for the executer • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate Of WILLIAM RUSSELL PARSONS All persons having claims ogoinst the estate of WILLIAM RUSSELL PAR- SONS. Iota of the Township of Hibbert in the County of Perth deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of March. 1990 ore hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the under signed on or before the 19th day of September, 1990, after which dote the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 23rd day of August, 1990. RALPH SMITH Barrister and Solicitor 20 Goulnlock Street P.O. fox 159 Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1W0 Solicitor for the Estate NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate Of EVELYN CARDNO All persons having claims against the estate of EVELYN CARDNO. late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 18th day of July 1990 ore hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of September 1990 after which date the assets will be distributed hav- ing regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 7th day of August 1990. McConnell, Stewart i Devereaux Barristers, 11c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BiLL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. SALES HELP WANTED PRESTIGE 12 year old Canadian firm seeks representatives for display merchandise placement in your area. Eam up to $1500+ weekly immediately. (416) 756-2156. (416) 756-3174 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXTRA INCOME! Grow baitworms in your basement or garage. Odorless operation. Low investment. Market guaranteed! Free information Early Bird Ecology, RR#1 Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4252 AGENTS/ DISTRIBUTORS NEEDED in your area to promote Nathans Liquid Lustre Products, 'as seen on T.V.' Great products, great income opportunity. Call now. Shine -on Products. 1-800-465-0252. NEW PRODUCT LAUNCH FOR CANADA Agent Wanted, No experience required. Untapped market, exclusive product position in the most demanding industry in the world - FUEL. (613) 394-3142. HELP WANTED CAMELION - Run a business from your home marketing sheer non -run hosiery & sterling silver jewelry. 40-50% profit. Start before the pre -Christmas rush. Call collect (604) 687-0510/687-0409, weekends/evenings 681-3394 EDITOR -REPORTER for weekly publication. Community newspaper experience required. Must have camera and vehicle. Resume to Publisher, The Guide, 9 Dundas St W W. Napanee. Ont. K7R 1Z3 EXPERIENCED Harris web press operator required for Kingston plant No shifts Call Cam at (613) 389-7400 HELP NEEDED Men and women needed to sell and market our fine quality Rawleigh products, and our new health formulas. Call collect anytime at (519) 627-1337 CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide to home -study correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West. Toronto, 1-800-950-1972 TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for rewarding careers in trucking. Class A -Z and D -Z licences Days and weekend courses Job placement assistance Markel Transport Training Guelph 1-800-265-7173 LEARN AUCTIONEERiNG at the Southwestem Ontano School of Auctioneering. Next class October 20-27/90 For information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneenng, R,R.95, Woodstock. Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. MORTGAGES ARE YOU A HOMEOWNER? We have mortgage money for any purpose Pay off credit cards No qualifying hassels Excel Financial Corporation (toafres) 1-800-265 6984 OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LAND availability and Ontario properties to be sold for unpaid taxes. For information write: Properties, Dept. CN, Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. AUCTION NEW HOMES SOLD unreserved to the Highest Bidder, financing, 1400-2200 sq.ft. Shelburne Auction, September 18th. Viewing Daily. 1-800-267-0016. Ken Maynard Auctioneer. WANTED FOR AUCTION, Oct. 6. Rifles, shotguns, hunting equipment, wildlife paintings, trophy heads, decoys, books and magazines, Indian relics, hand tools, etc. Call Freeman -Brooks Auctions (519) 426-6317 VACAT1ON/TRAVEL SOUTH CAROLINA - MYRTLE BEACH RESORT - Oceanfront Condos, Tennis, indoor Pool, Putting Green, Saunas, Whirlpools, Housekeeping and Golf Packages. FREE Brochure1-800-448-5653 or 1-803-238-3902. COMING EVENTS ANTIQUE SHOW - 250 dealers. CHRISTIE CLASSIC Outdoor Show, Saturday, September 8, 8am-4pm Christie Conservation Area near Dundas, Hwy 5, 9km west of Hwy. 6. Admission $3 Free Parking_ PERSONAL WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Christian people. ages 18-80, the object being companionship or marriage. Write ASHGROVE, P.O Box 205, Chase, B.0 , VOE IMO STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDING CLEARANCE. -Save thousands while supply lasts - we have limited steel left from our largest summer sale - straitwall 8 quonset types - Paragon 24 Hours - 1-800-263-8499 BUILDING - FACTORY STEEL CLEARANCE Unbeatable pnces - 30x40's - quonset $3.469'. S -Model $4,239'- Straightwall $8,249' Complete with endwalls Fast Delivery Limited offer PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1- 800-668-5422 (24 hours) BUILDINGS Plowing match special, Quonsets, 'S' Models & Straightwalls Factory has allocated 29 buildings Various Sizes, No reasonable Offer Refuseri Call Future 1-800-668-8653 A - Z PRE -ENG BUILDINGS INC New types. steel/wood, quonset cladding For true value. action & answers Wally (416) 626-1794 after 6pm, weekends Free brochures Clip -save FOR SALE BIG, PEPPY BAITWORMS Wholesale, retail Never need refrigeration Early Bird Ecology, RRI1. SmtMv�lle, Ontario. LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252 NINTENDO GAMES - 72 games 5190 . tax, S/H Visa or COD (416) 549-3038 Wnte for more information Micro Genius'. Stn A, PO Box 1070, Hamilton. L8N 3RS Your ad could appear In community newspapers In Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today!