The Huron Expositor, 1990-09-05, Page 11Horse riding on highway better if rules of the road are followed BY SUSAN OXFORD Horsemen have to obey rules of the Bond as struck as drivers MO and Goderich OPP officer Riding Hulse( eaplamed some of *Mt rules to a meeting of Sc Orth Horse and Puny 4-H Club manbers Ku 15 at the home of Tow and elly Ryan. Officer Hiring told 4-H club members that a Mase is considered a vehicle under the Ontario High- way Traffic Act. Under the act vehicles are certain nudes of transportation that are powered by motor or muscle. Since a horse is most certainly powered by muscle, and therefore a vehicle under the act, it follows that a horseman must obey resits outlined by the act. A highway in the act is a common public street, trestle, gravel road, ecL, that is used for the littoral movement of traffic. "You have to operate a horse in a safe manner," said Officer Huisa, who is a horse owner and rider. "If a problem arises, and it's found to be the fault of the horseman, char- ges may be laid under the act or the Criminal Code. When the act was being written cars were coming into widespread use, although many people were still using horses. Nowhere in the act does it say you can't ride a horse on the road." For other drivers encountering a horse on the road, all rules for vehicles apply. The act states that every person having control or charge of a vehicle, when ap- proaching a horse or other animal that is drawing a vehicle or being driven, led or ridden, shall operate, manage and control the vehicle to such manner as to exercise every reasonable precaution to prevent the frightening of the animal and to ensure the safety and protection of the rider. Roughly translated, this means drivers of vehicles are responsible for the safety of the horse and rider. The act also states that when a person in charge of a vehicle or on horseback is overtaken (passed) by a vehicle or horseman travelling at a greater speed, the overtaken per- son shall turn to the right and allow the overtaking vehicle or horseman to pass. It follows then that any person passing another vehicle or horseman shall turn to the left so far as may be necessary to avoid a collision. The person overtaken is not required to leave more than one-half of tate rartiorer free, awning that a womb. sea, arc not suplisi IP 10 the shoulder of Ism to allow the overtaking vehicle room to pass. a vehicle on the highway is not under the wt. wether it's racing cars or horses. If a per- son is convicted of racing an animal on the highway a $78.75 fine can be imposed. If a person fails io ensure the safety of a parson to charge of an horse, a fine of $78.75 can be imposed upon conviction. Officer Hulse: said he drives his horse on the left side of the road so he can watch traffic. He is comfor- table with this practice and said it's within the law to do so if a bores - man and horse are more comfor- table facing traffic. The Canadian Equestrian Federation (CEF) has its own safety rules suggestions for horsemen: be sure you know and trust your horse; know and use the correct hand signals; dress properly, wear a helmet and wear a solid shoe or boot with a heel; check your horse tack and be sure the saddle fits properly. If a horseman is alone or in a group: ride in single file; ride on the right side of the road; obey traffic signs, lights and police; give way to pedestrians at authorized crossings; look both ways before crossing the street and make sure your group is together before cros- sing; turn a horse's head away from what frightens it and push the horse past; place a quiet horse in front and rear of the group. In town the CEF suggests to: avoid crowds, especially children; keep away from dogs and if neces- sary warn dog owners if there is a risk that the dog may be injured; and respect private property. When leading a horse, whether the hor- seman is mounted or leading by foot, always lead on the right hand side with the horseman between the horse and the highway. The CEF recommends avoiding riding at night since drivers have poor visibility and a horse can have a nervous reaction to headlights. If riding at night must occur, the horseman should wear reflective tape on light clothing and carry a light. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 5. 1990 1 G0 E AND CELEBRATE Seaforth Golf Course's th Anniversary Party COMING SAT. SEPT. 15 GOLF - TOURS - SALE ENTERTAINMENT - DANCING The South Huron All Breed Horse Association held a com- petition on August 25 as part of the Bayfield Fall Fair. Among the association's competitors was Art Brand, seen here com- peting in the 17 and over category tor Western Equitation. Under -17's bow to Exeter St. Columban Under -17's played their final playoff game of the year on August 25. The locals suffered a 5 - 0 loss in the 'A' finals to a strong Exeter team that finished the season unbeaten. St. Columban beat Lucan 6 - 4 to make it to the finals, and Exeter finished off Nairn to set the stage for the final. St. Columban played two games against Exeter this year in the season and lost both games in close score, 2 - O and 5 - 3. St. Columban started the game by putting pressure on Exeter, forcing them to make mistakes and giving St. Columban a penalty shot early in the match. The shot missed the right-hand corner, but the St. Columban team never gave up and had many chances to take the lead, although they couldn't finish the plays. Exeter started the scoring late in the 1st half as St. Columbans pressure failed to hold up. The team fell asleep, giving up four straight goals that Exeter took advantage of and they led 4 - 0 at half time. St. Columban came out strong in the second half but again failed to score on many opportunities as Exeter ran away with the game 5 - 0. The St. Columban Under - 17's wish to thank their parents for their fan support, and especially coach Bill Vosper for the great season, and his hard work with the team. This year's team included: Mike Coyne (goalie): John Moylon (defense); Kurt Lindeman (defense); Sean Vosper (defense); Kalen Car- roll. Mike Etue (halfback), Mike Seiler (halfback), Mike Cronin (halfback). Dean Murray (forward), Steve Ryan (forward), Steve Hick- nell (forward). A special thank you to the peewees we brought up to play for us: Wayne Schoonderwoerd. Mike Watt, Joe Murray and Scott Vosper. Centenaires, Brussels Bulls reach agreement The Seaforth Centenaires and the Brussels Bulls have applied for affiliation to the Ontario Hockey Association. Bob Beuttenmiller, president of the local Junior 'D' team, and Gregor Campbell, the team's general manager, met with Junior 'C' Bulls g.m. Steve Coulter and coach Scott Pettigrew two weeks ago in Seaforth before agreeing to the notion proposed by Brussels about a month ago. Seaforth wanted to have its new coach in place before sitting down. Bob Zimmer of Stratford was ap- pointed to that position early last week. The Bulls were championship finalists in the Junior 'C' group last year, and the Centenaires finished last in their division of Junior 'D'. Boiled down to basics, the af- filiation agreement allows carded players to move up a grouping, but not down, until a set date in the new year when a player can only play a limited number of games for the senior group before becoming ineligible for the lower group. "We were wary and did not rush into this,” says Campbell. "We didn't want to see our guys putting a puck into the net in a packed Brussels arena on a Friday night while our team lost another for lack of a shooter in front of an empty house. We know that affiliations often don't work, especially for the lower group. But after talking with the Brussels officials we were con- vinced they are sincere and aware of our problems. We explained we only have so much to give with a .145 winning percentage over the last three seasons, and with many of our more dedicated and talented former Centenaires playing Junior 'B' this season. We have to do some winning soon or we won't have a Junior 'C' team in this com- munity." Brussels, which opened its training camp at Listowel on the weekend, had about 80 hopefuls showed up. They want to k some borderline players on a string, , vo to speak, to keep rivals from picking them up and to develop them in our system as prospects further down the line. On the other hand, Seaforth had as few as seven skaters show up for some practices and games last year, a situation which tinea the coach's hands and is not healthy. "We already had 60 invites out to our training camp before this af- filiation thing came along," says Campbell, "but just because they're invited doesn't mean they'll show - and the more bodies the merrier. And if one of our guys has got the goods and wants to develop by playing a lot of hockey this winter he will certainly be able to do so under this arrangement. The bottom line is we get more bodies from which to mold a competitive team and our coach stili gets the final say on our playing roster, and who goes up and who doesn't. Brussels said they wouldn't even ask on nights we were both playing." The nature of an affiliation agreement is such that it can be ended simply by not using it, says Campbell, and in any case any agreement automatically ends at the season. "Also, I feel you would have to get up pretty early in the morning to pull a fast one on Mr. Zimmer, so we feel pretty safe. But we are not entering into this arran- gement with that kind of negative attitude. We feel the affiliation can benefit both clubs. We'll just see how it goes." The Centenaires training camp opens in Hensall at 8:30 p.m. on Sunday Sept. 16. All interested area players are welcome. �`„SEAFORTH GOtFand 43 n� COUNTRY CLUB LiBo Anyone interested In Playing In The SEAFORTH INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY LEAGUE CAN SIGN UP AT ARCHIE'S SUNOCO Before October 3/90 FOR MORE INFO CONTACT: MARK McKELLAR at 527-0269 OR ROB SEYMORE at 345-2846 Editor's note: Due to an error in layout last week, the opening three paragraphs of this story were omitted. The Expositor apologizes for the error, and is certain that the story will make much more sense this week. NEW A FOR FOR A NEW DIRECTION IN ONTARIO KARATE BEGINNERS COURSE 8 Classes HOURS: Monday & Wednesday 7 pm - 8:30 pm Classes available for men, women and children. STARTS: Monday September 17 COST: ONLY $12.00 Classes held at Goderich Township Hall in Holmesville. For Pre -registration or Information Phone: 482-3634 by September 14. For Chik'ren's Classes (Age 6-10) Phor.F Goderich Rec. Dept. 524-2125 GODERiCH JR. C SAILORS OCKEY CAMP STARTING SAT., SEPT. 8 at 8 p.m. OPEN TO EVERYONE at the Goderich Memorial Arena • L. iG-� g.�iC�.,..1L.. li._ •1. • L. • r.: g.. • il..... • L. • ELECT TOM CLARK 0 For rides to the poli, phone Clinton Office collect at 482-1731 Tom Clark Campaign Headquarters, 79 Huron Street, Clinton, Ontario NOM 11.0 Tel: (519) 529-7794 (519) 482-1731 (519) 482-1732 Family Coalition Party Pblkies WHERE DO THE PARTIES STAND ON THE ISSUES?? liberal Policies BE AN INFORMED VOTER!! P.C. Policies N.D.P. Policies MORAL ISSUES (which attack your family) ABORTION — Fight for the protection of every person from conception to natural death (Sanctity of Life). EUTHANASIA Will fight two hills before the house (Bills 131 & 132) which if passed will facilitate the killing of the elderly. PORNOGRAPHY Will introduce legislation aimed at restricting the showing, sale & distribution of porn magazines, videos and movies. EDUCATION Tom Clark would return the control of education to the parents and county boards. Tom (lark would work to return prayer and bible reading to the school classroom. Tem (lark would return to the public school classroom teaching from a ludeao-Christian perspective presenting moral absolutes Halt the escalating cost of education by reassessing nes programs such as festreaming, Top heavy administration and duplication of programs. AGRICULTURE 1 pledge to you the farmers of Huron that 1 will work 10 make farming prosperous again through the formation of a FARM BANK run by farmers for the benefit of farmers with a (I% ceiling on ail farm loans. 1 will work to protect the supply management system in Ontario from Free Trade & GATT Will open 15-20 new abortuaries in the province which will substantial ly increase the killing of Ontario's babies with your tax dollars. Produced ads with your tax dollar'. aimed primarily at young peopk promoting so called "Safe Sex." Passed Bill 7 giving homosexuals special rights in Ontario. Two weeks after the last election Mary Brown, head of Ontario Censorship Board, was fired. She was too moralistic in her views. Cut transfer payments to schools so they could say they balanced the budget Passed legislation declaring it "wrong" to recite the 1 ord's Prayer in school 1',1 L..,1 11... 1... —--E—�...1...I.._L..L.. Mike Harris quoted in Toronto Star, Aug. 19th, will force all hospitals nc,t now performing abortions to do so or be charged under the law. Started the process under Bill Davis to censor Judeao-Christian Teaching from our schools. At the 1989 convention. the Pro- gressive ('onservatives voted 85.70 against including the supremacy of God and the sanctity of life in their constitution — truly an anti Christian parry. NDP have supported abortion on demand since their inception as a party. The NDP believes the government should control education and not the parents. The NDP support the bankrupt economic system called Socialism — bigger and bigger government. more and more taxes, less and less freedom - just like the liberals and Progressive (conservatives. b� ��- HURON rs °�� WONTARIOaliti A friend of the family L.. >L... k.. L.. L.. �mho, rod by Imo 140 amp. (Fn flu Hutto Forn,h , ,1r ]1°1 r) .. lia.: 1t. 1..._ Lt.: