HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-08-29, Page 1010 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 29, 1990 Fall Registration nights are coming up fast The Seaforth Recreation 9 p.m. also a the knot Fu will E<uinure Wnm1.Yest cantactJcDOrowSCwTWG Ms fall W Recreation Odic, at 527-0682. children Ages 6 to 17 years of agc. This program win be eight - one tour sessions for $30 pct child. Sharma Core will guide the children through a aeries of skating drills. The children will be put into dif- faomroups according to ability, and age. 'nr data; and tuna can be found in the Recreation Deperunent ad in this issue. All children must have a helmet. gloves and elbow pads on while on the ice, for safety precautions. If you are interested in putting your child in this program, registration will be held on Sept- 5 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Arena, and Sept. 6 from Seaforth aid District Minor Hock- ey Aasociatian will bea TRAINERS CLINIC on�y Y. October 15 beginning at 6 p.m. at the Seaforth and District Com- munity Centres. if you are interested in taking this course, contact Marty at the Recreation Office - 527. SENIOR SHUFFLEBOARD continues every Wednesday after- noon at the Seaforth and District community Centres from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Last weeks winners were: Ladies - Doreen Kelly (507), Isabel Gardiner (411) and Audrey McLean (349). Mon - Bruce McLean (414) TECHNICAL MERIT: 9.4 - Shwoing fine figure skating form, a bowling buff executes a near -perfect Flying Camel at the Seaforth Anniversary Tournament on Wednesday. Elliott photo. Liberal Agricultural Forum Friday, August 31 at the Goderich Township Community Centre in Holmesville from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Panelists will be former federal agriculture mini- sters the Honourable Eugene Whelan and the Honourable Ralph Ferguson and the Honourable Jack Riddell, former Ontario Minister of Agriculture along with Huron candidate Jim Fitzgerald. Come and enjoy free soup and sandwiches. Sponsored by the Huron Liberal Association. RECREATION PREVIEW by (Recreation Director) Marty Bedard and Bill Kelley (326). The Seaforth Recreation and Parks Committee would like to invite everyone to aucnd a Workshop on VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT. If you belong to a group or coMununny rgsriaton, and are having troubo le getting volunteers, this workshop is for you. The Workshop will be held on Wednesday, October 17 at the Seaforth and District Community Centres from 7 to 10 p.m. Admis- sion fee will be S5 per person, coffee and muffins will be ore ed. The workshop leader is Karen Ross of the Central Volunteer Bureau of London. If you are interested in this evening, call the Recreation Office at 527-0882, far registration or more information. FITNESS IS FUN will be heli again this fall beginning on Tues- day, September 25 from 9 - 10 a.m. The morning classes will be Tues- day and Thursdays, and the evening classes will be held on Wednesday from 8 - 9 p.m. beginning Septem- ber 26. The Recreation Department will offer a babysitting service for all the mothers that would like to take the morning classes. A small fee will be charged, for this service. Registration will be taken on Sep- tember 5and 6from 7- 9p.m.at the Arena. Sunday, September 16. The run, walk, ride, will be held at the Van Egmond Hous starting at 10 a.m. Piedge sheets can be picked up at any Scaforth Bank, Town Hall, the Post Office, the Recreation Office or a variety of downtown mer- chants. For more information on the day please call the Recreation office at 527-0882 INFORMATION - REGISTRATION NIGHTS will be held on Wednesday, September 5 and Thursday, September 6 from 7 - 9 p.m., at the Arena. This will give you a chance to register for Minor Hockey, Minor Broomball, Figure Skating, Ringette, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Youth Bowling, Curling, and the Recreation Department programs. Bring the entire family, ask ques- tions, request information, and see how you can become involved. For more information, please call the Recreation Office at 527-0882. ► The Egmondville United Church would like to invite one and all to their MORNING BREAKFAST on Saturday, September 1 from 7 a.m. to 12 noon at the Church. Admis- sion will be $5 for Adults, $3 for children, and Preschoolers are free. All money raised will help cover costs of the new addition on the church. Come out and enjoy a The 10th Annual TERRY FOX home cooked breakfast, without RUN for Cancer will be held on having to cook it yourself! Kyle Cooper Memorial draws record field The Kippen Gun Club enjoyed an afternoon of top -calibre trap- shooting, good weather and good eats on Sunday, August 26 when the club hosted the 13th Kyle Cooper Memorial Shoot. The largest crowd ever came out to the 100 target event, with 69 shooters from. as far away as Chatham and St. Thomas travelling to Kipper to test their skills. And a local marksman walked away with the day's top honours, to boot. Brad Mann of Hensall cap- tured first place in the 'A' class, with a score of 99/100 for the day and 50/50 in the shoot-out. Bill Wylie of London was runner-up with a score of 99/100 and 47/50 in the shoot-out for the 'A' title. In the 'B' division, Bill Hender- son of London shot for first place with 94/100. Taking second was Chris Bell of the Petrolia Gun Club with 93/100, and 49/50 in a shoot- out. 'C' class winners were Bill Stewart with 88/100, followed by Paul Herman in second place with 83/100. High -scoring veteran at the Memorial Shoot was Lloyd Vennor, teAittg we:tvi JUNIORTCITIZENS De fIL iUtU ecce? Do you know a young person, aged 6 to 18 years, who is involved in worthwhile community service or a special person who is contributing, while coping with a physical or psychological limitation? Do you know a youth who has performed an act of heroism? The Ontario Community Newspapers Association with Canadian Airlines International as the patron, are looking to recognize these "good kids". the young people of our province who show a commitment to making life better for others. To nominate an individual or a group of young people, for the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award, please contact this newspaper or the O.C. N.A. at (416) 844-0184. Nominations, for this year's awards, will be accepted until October 31, 1990. Every nominee will receive a certificate and up to 12 individuals and one group will be the recipients of a plaque presented by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year lapel pin, $200.00 and a family portrait with the Lieutenant Governor. NOMINATION FORMS - are available by contacting this Community Newspaper or O.C.N A (416) 844-0184. A (ONTARIO j' �►.JUNIOR CITIZEN - OF THE YEAR YAW ARDS A, a pint community protect of rtar° Canadwn (.ut.wt�:in'\,1,nc.Inlrrn i4 11ti1 with Keith Fulton placing second in the class. Larry McNeil of Goderich was awarded for recording his first-ever 25. In overall season shooting, Brad Mann captured the Kippen Gun Club High Average title with a 94.8% average over 500 targets. To be eligible for the High Average placing, a marksman must record 500 targets over 17 weeks, with at least 50 targets a week. Runner-up for the High Average was Bob McPherson with 94.4%. COOL CHARACTERS - Three cool customers take refuge in the shade on Sunday afternoon while they take in the Mite championship final game at Lions Park. Elliott photo. C EARS TO YOU - Greg Campbell of Hensall mans the com boiler at the Kippen Gun Club's Kyle Cooper Memorial Shoot on Sunday afternoon. The hungry crowd wolfed down com and cook -your - own pork chops after the succesful trapshooting competition. Elliott photo. ON THE MARK - The biggest tum -out ever made it to the Kippen Gun Club for their 13th Annual Kyle Cooper Memorial Shoot on Sunday afternoon. Walking away with the hardware were (front, left to right) Bill Henderson, 'B' champion (94); Brad Mann, 'A' champion (99 and 50) and Kippen Gun Club High Average season champion (94.8%); Bill Wylie, 'A' runner up (99 and 47), and Bill Stewart, 'C' champion (88). In back are (left to right) Paul Herman, 'C' runner-up (83); Chris Bell, 'B' runner-up (93 and 49); Keith Fulton, Veteran runner-up; Lloyd Vennor, High Veteran (91) and Bob McPherson, Kippen Gun Club season average runner-up (94.4%). Elliott photo Hensall Scouts invite mugs II Corr rwpond•ne SUSAN HARTMAN 262-2449 Hensall Scouting organization is sponsoring a Father and son camp from Priday, September 14 to Sun- day. September 16 at Pinery Provincial Park. Please call Tom or Leslie Bailey at 262-2819 if you would like a registration form. Bring your own fond and standard camping gear tor weekend. lost is S3 per person. Any boy age 5- 17 from the Hensall area and his father or guar- dian may attend. You do not have to be registered in the Scout's Canada organization. This will be a FUN weekend where you can enjoy hiking on the Pinery trails, canoeing on the Old Ausable River, observing the local wildlife and just being in the out- doors together. The purpose of this father, son camp is to encourage boys and possibly fathers to become part of the Scouting Group in Hensall. Hensall Shuffleboard scores for August 21 are: Highest Score for six games - Hugh McKay (409); Dave Woodward (:154); Hazel McEwen (332) and Ethel McMurtrie (305). Highest score for five games - Lorne Shelton (314) and John Pepper (265).