HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-01-18, Page 8THE WING$Al TIMES JANUARY 18, 1906
MINOR LOOMS, Gobiltrea, and wee at supper, the lady Reflections of a Bachelor.
addressed him: "Sir, I have been eon- Prom the New rout press.
Renew for the Tates. sideriug the matter of a wife to be a
—Changeable weather during the hast helpmeet for you; and have found one,
trusty and true, if Somewhat inexper-
week. ienced by reason of her youth." "Awl
who is she?" asked Knox. ' My daugh-
ter Meg, who sitteth at your etds," was
the somewhat astonishing reply.
But Knox was accustomed to judge
quickly, and to oecide great bones in
short apace of time. Turning to the
trembling MFg, be said, "My bird, are
- -Rave you renewed your eubsorilition
to the Toles for }190(i.
—Regular old fashioned winter
weather on Tuesday of this week.
—Ruyan County Council will meat at
Gloderioh on Tuesday of next weep.
—Miss Mae Knox entertained a pun•
Iter of young people Monday evening.
—Bijou Oomedy Co. in Opera House,
Wingham, all next week, fleeter auspices
of the firemen.
—Tenders are being asked for the
pnrobese of the Reotory property, cor-
nier John and Centre streets See advt.
in another column for full particulars,
-The petition of residents of Gode-
rich Township, Huron County, that the
Provincial await deportment make au
examination of the books of the muni-
cipality, has been granted.
The West Ontario Pacific Railway
Company propose, if Parliament gives a
charter, to builo a branch line from Lon-
don northerly through the counties of
Middlesex, Oxford, Perth, Huron aad
Bruce to Lake Huron.
—Mr W J Henderson, of the Bluevale
road, lost a valuable two year-old colt
one day last week. The animal injured
itself in the stall, and had to be killed.
This is the second horse Mr Henderson
has lost in less than a year.
-coughs, colds. hoarseness, and other throat
attlments are gniekty relieved by Cresoleno
iablots. ten. cents Der box. All druggists
--.The White Star Line, of Detroit, is
already making preparattous for the
annual June trip between Goderich and
Detroit. Excursion Agent Ayer announ-
ces that the Goderich people will be
given two days in Detroit next time.
Wben woman trusts her husband it is
a sign the doesn't let him know it.
People eau be friends as long as they
don't try to prove anything to each
Generally a girl picas out the wrong
man to fall in lave with Duce; but the
man it a hundred times,
Lots more bachelors would beeome
husbands it their married friends ti ereu't
always trying to oonvit,ce them that
you willing to marry me?" She answer. it isn't all misery.
ed, "Yes, sir; only I fear I am but a
slight thing to be the wife of Mr Kuoe "
" .iy bird," he said, "It yon be willing
to take me, you must take your venture
of God's providence, even as I am ready
to do, I go through the land on foot;
often with but a wallet and my Bible. I
am a wanderer, as I sail a while agoue. yet fully appreciated that from modest
Butyou may put into my wallet some heginuings it has Brown under Ha pr's
gear for yourself, and go with me, if you i ant maua)~ement until stoew it Ia not only
will. Will you lodge where I lodge ? the moat but there
anty one pa rnr ig
yi~ Ontario. they? is only one horning
And will you bear the wallet at times, paper in all Canada that exceeds it in
if I bid you to do it?" "Aye, sir, all oirculaciou,
will be trust There was a time when people thought
this I will do!" "And
youy they had to get a morning paper if they
and true, end good as your word?" ` wanted all the news, but that prejudice
"Aye, Birt" So there was no more fuss
about it, and John Knox, wedded the
youngest daughter of the house of Ochil -
tree, Margaret Stewart, daughter of
"the good Laird."
He was sixty-seven, but already an
old roan, Waken by hardships and toil.
Pretty Meg "bore the wallet" very often
during the years they spent together.
"I find," wrote Lethington to Queen
Elizabeth, "that blaster Knox is less cable news covers the events of the Old
The Toronto Star's Wonderful
One cannot find in this country a
Parallel for the remarkable progress of
'file Turooto Daily Star during the last
live or six years. It is a tact perhaps not
has given way to a couviotion that to
really get the news while its hot and
crisp yon must read a live afternoon
daily like The Toronto Star. The great
advances made in printing machinery
and telegraphy are largely responsible
for this Once it took all night to get
the previous day's news into print. That
was the morning paper's era. Now the
Toronto Star pablishes all the news of
all the world up to within half an hour
of the time the edition is printed. On
account of the difference in time, its
bitter of speech since he wedded his
young wife." But the famous sermon
in St Giles' came after that. There was
plenty of bitterness left, as poor Queen
Mary found to her dost,
—At the nomination meeting of the "When a child is well, give it nomedi-
electors of the Township of Tnrnberry fi nt'sigs of vtxonbte the eagiretnint at mother
held in the Foresters Hall, Bluevale, on will give Baby's Own i'ablets, which
Tuesday, Jany 15th, Mr. Robert Mc- promptly cure indigestion, co!io, Dotted -
Micheal was elected by acclamation to patina, diarrhoea, simple fevers and
3zl1 the valency in the Council for the teething troubles. They contain not one
year 1906.
—The Ladies' Aid Society of St. An-
drew's Presby terian Church, will hold a
.social and entertainment in the Iecture Ont., says: "Baby'a Own Tablets
room of the church this (Thursday) wrought a wonderfnl ohango in my little
ravening. A good program leas been pre- one. When he was two months old he
and refreshments will be served. began to tail and Dried almost night ana
paredday. But after giving him the tablets
Admission, 10 cents for children and 15c he grew well and is now a bright, laugh -
for adults. ing baby, who scarcely ever gives any
trouble. The Tablets are surely a bless.
—Mr and Mrs John Lennox celebrated leg to both mother and child." All drug -
the filth anniversary of their wedding ists sell these Tablets or you can get them
en Tuesday and in.the evening entertain- by mail at 25 cents a box by writing the
Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville,
ed a few of their friends at their home Out.
soy Diagonal street. The TIMES joins
with the numerous friends in wishing ;
Mr and Mrs Lennox many more happy o JA91ESToWee
years of wedded life. Mr Donald Innes of Moorefield visited
particle of opiate or poisonous "sooth•
ing" stuff, yet they give refreshing sleep
because they remove the cause of sleep-
lessness and the child awaxens bright
and wail. Mrs. k', McIntosh, Wabigoon,
Sore Throat end Coughs
A simple. effective and safe remedy for all throat
Iv/rations is found in
Cresol ne .Antiseptic Tablets
Thy comb;nc thegermicidal value of Crcso.ene with
thesootbing properties of slippery elm and licorice.
lOc. All Druggists #00
Somebody has recently unearthed old
papers relative to the second marriage of
,Cohn Knox. The story is characteristic.
Not only the Church but the whole
realm was greatly disturbed in those day
Cardinal Beaton, the Roman Prince
Bishop, had been murdered at St.
.Andrews; many Protestants were burnt
at the stake; Knox had been sent a
prisoner to France, where he toiled at
the galleys in chains. A year or two
later he was in England preaching and
teaching the '.new" faith; for the Re- great opportunities awaiting it.
forming religion ftourised in Scotland, in Messrs Jas Moses and Wm MacDonald
spite of Queen Mary and her Catholic attended the Scottish concert in Wing -
friends. Knox came home to his own hair on the 9th lust., and report a very
land, where he became the very center pleasant time.
and chief of the Reformers. Ile was at
this time a widower, and free to devote
his whole energies to the cense. Miss Mina McKelvery has returned
The Laird of Ochiltree, with his lady from visiting friends in Toronto.
and most of the household, were his A number of the friends of Miss Mag.
devoted adherents. In Ochiltree Rouse
(here still exists the "lodging" where gie Taylor, from this 'vicinity and the
village of Brussels spent a very enjoy-
able evening at her home last Thursday
friends here recently.
Mr Percy Richardson of Brussels visit-
ed at Jas Strachan's on Sunday last.
MacDonald visited friends in
Win ham
and Lucknow last t week.
Mr Wm Hall of Ethel was in our
burgh last Thursday.
A meeting of the Bible Society was
held in Victoria Hall on Sabbath even-
ing. Addresses were given by the chair-
man, Mr. Thos Strachan, ar., and
Messrs W H Kerr and Class Richardson
of Brussels. Mr Strachan spoke of the
power of God's word and said he de-
plored the fact that it was not read and
studied more, especially in our schools.
Mr Kerr dwelt on what the Bible had
done and what the Society had been
able to do • gh its agency, and Mr
Richardson it more with the work
done the n
b h Canadian r
y branch and
• r'_
Mr. Jae McEwen, merchant of Gode-
rich, visited at the home of his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos McEwen of this place.
the evangelist could always Sud a bed,
a table, m stool and a candle stick—kept
World until a late hour every evening,
so that there is practically nothing fresh
left, for the next morning's papers.
You can get The Toronto Star and the
paper', ou are now reading for one year
for :$1 55.
HAaNNA.—At Wingluttn nu Thursday, 11th
inst. to Mr. and Mrs. C=eoege C. Hanna; a
RITCHIE—BY-MAY—At the manse. Seaforth,
on ann. lath, by Rev F. H. Larkin, B. A., Mr.
C. M. Ritchie, of 13 u•se}s, to Miss Margaret J,
Bewley, of Morris.
BmGi:R—GNA»Es--At the Methodist church.
Langduwn,.Torth Dal:. ts,',y Rev, h .T. Rucks,
Mr Otto E. Rueger, of Dresden, North Dakota
totnterlyufEast 1'i'arvanostr, to 'Miss Annie
Grave., of Langdon, North Dakota.
Hoot SR—Iu East Wawanosh, on January
Uth, Mr. Joseph B. Hoover, aged tie years.
Cunnus.—At kiarnceh. on Tuesday, Tanury
pith, t00a3, Mary Bell Geddes, only daughter of
Jot.0 and Belen Geddes, of Be;giave, aged 1:.'
years, 3 months imd 13 days.
rl,ENDEI3S will be ace, ed by the under -
9. signed up to 12 o' hoe' , nor,:•, on Saturday,
January 27th. for th melts,, Ut that very
desirable property oncoiner of
John and
Centre streets, known as the Rectory. being a
large two -+tory brick dwelling, lately re -
Parties tendering will t'9- -.0• state price for
Rectory and one lot or Reetary and t :e o luta.
mote i3eLL,
Church Wardens.
One s
On of the best farm. inhe is
hip T i.2iiP 0
Turnberry,being lot 1 and partr
t 4 in the
7th con., contain ng 107 acres, 11 cleared ex-
cept 4 acres of hardwood bit. . This farm is
well fenced and drained an the land in a high
state of cultivation. The is about -0 acres
under grass and 81s acre of good fall wheat
and a large orcha . inning water, eonven-
lent to the buildfn •s nd open the whole year
round, supplies t e stock with water. The
barn is a large fra e barn with stone founda-
tion and cement floors for cattle and hogs.
The house is large and comfortable with en
excellent cellar and cistern. Two lime kilns
and a limestone quarry are on the premises,
The farm is 0 miles from Whichani and 4 miles
from Wroxeter, 11miles from church and 1
mile from a post Wiles.. This farm will be sold
on reasonable terms as the proprietor is going
West. For further particulars {apply on the
premises or address (,lenfarruw P. 0.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0.
1517, chapter 129 sec. a',, that all persons having
claims against the estate of Hannah Almeria
Long, late of the Towu of Winghtun, in the
County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died
ou or about the sixteenth day of December
A. D. 1003, are required to .send by post prepaid
or to deliver toti an,tone, Stair:tor for the
Executors. on or before the sixth day of Feb-
ruary A.D. 1001), tht•ir names, addresses and
dei.eriptfons Cita a ?Air
of partfoulnrs
0f their curia+ and the ostia,' of the securiry
(if any: held bythem duly certified, and tltat
after the said day the Executors will proeeed
to distribute the assets of the dart ascii ain,,ng
the parties entitled thereto. having regard only
to the claims of which they shall thou have
tinted this 0th day of January. 1144.
Wingham P. O.
Solieit•'r for the Executors.
0. sl , sv�AGWE sir
.Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Cor
veV3nelrt • done.
OFFICE -sly Vanstone Block,
Open Saturday nights from 7 to 0 o'clock,
Tenders will be re.:•ivcd by the undersigned
up to January 2.9th at 4 o'clock p• m. for the
cort.truction of n br -ige over the Maitland
laver on Water streeI, Wingliarn. Plains and
+preiflcations ran been at the Town Clerk's
oiiiee. ?•he lowest or any other tender not
necessarily accepted. U BELL
Chairman of Rat and Bridge Committee,
Mooting of Coro i County Council
The council of the Co inty of Huron will meet
in the council chamber in the 9 own of Goder.
MI on Tuesday the :Lc/ day of January at 8
u'eln 'k p. nt
All accounts again 4:: the Bounty must he
tiuce<i wit,' the Clerk b •fare this date Dated
Jett. 10th. Doe.
A reliable amen; for Wingham and
snrrounding county. Good pay weekly.
Exclusive terricore Sample case or out-
fit, free. Our to Ins are the best in
the business. a need a man of good
character and a lity during Fall and
winner months.
and most extensi
a•ta, includtrg 1
stook, small fruits
Fast selling spe
first time. Writ
The .Pelhaa:
RES. The choicest
e list of stock m Can -
mit and ornamental
and seed potatoes.
ialties offered for the
for terms now to
Nursery Co.,
TO, On.
DAWN NarthwI
8nmesieag Regulations,
Any e'ett numbered seetdon of Dominion
Lands in Manitobe or the Northwest Provinces,
excepting 8 and 20, not re., eyed, may be home
steatled by any person who 15 the sole head 0f
a family, or any male over 18 years of cgs, to
the extent of one-quarter section of 1410 acres,
more or less.
Entry may be made personally at the local
land ogler for the district in which the land is
situate, or if the homesteader desires, he may,
on nppllcatiou to the Minister of the Interior,
Ottawa, the Commissioner of Immfgration,
Winnipeg, or the local agent, receive authority
for some ono to make entry for him,
The homesteader is required to perform the
renditions connected therewith under one of
the following pians :
1, At least six mouths' residence upon and
eultivation of the laud in each year for three
t. b if the father for mother, if the father is
deceased a of the homesteader resides upon a
farm in the vicinity of the land entered for the
requirements as to residence may be satisfied
by such person residing with the father or
4:b If the settler has his permanent residence
upon farming land owned by hint in the viein-
ityof his homestead, the requirements as to
residence may be satisfied by residence upon
the said land.
nof writing
should ands at
Ottawa tt.att o f intention toaPPlv for
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior,
N. 13—i'nauthorized publication of this ad-
vertisement will not be paid for.
i• NEW- c. •
y y
O 1-i3V E opened a Butcher Shop
• in premises two doors north r
• of the Chisholm Block. and •
4 em fully prepared to supply the
O brat of all kinds of 4
: Fresh and Cured Meats.
Special attention paid to orders ;
O4 from tarmt'rs and others for meat •
4 in large quantities. •
e A share of your patronage is •
te respectfully solicited. 4
m 4
in readiness. One night at supper my evening. NOTICE TO CREDITORS
Th en of this i held
lady sari, "Mr. Knox, I am minded that a young m la p ace e
ball in the house en the old Snell home -
yon are lost for the lack of a wife!" Notire fs }terel>y t;tv n pursuant to R. S. 0 , I"Madam; 'her returned, in some alarm, stead. �� very enjoyable time was spent 1slr,, C}t31t. 120, Sec.. that 311eeteens Ravin), .
,. , by all of the !ergo number resent, Maims against the a t;etr ie Albert Willits, i
I am a wanderer. No one would take g I late of the Township itowicie in the County
On Monday of this week two meetings of Huron, farmer, de •eased, who tifrxl ort or
fora husband a wanderer suck as I. about the t.,r day of ereutber, A. D. lee% ar.•'
LadyOcteiltree must have Leen a born of the Farmers' Institute, one in the re•qufrad e'eettd by est prepaid or to xlel
afte.rncon and One in the evening, were ver to Ii. t nnatrir t+uiieit<>r for the Ad• t
xnotchmatter. "If that is all your ob. �+ minfstratri:t, ns o , ore tit.• : ,tIt day oP Tauri•
held in Victoria Hall. Iu the afternoon nry A.D Hint, their n lues, a(ldr, s,•s and des•
Jcctiane," said she, "I'll make inquiries, r•ripticns and a full s teute•nt of liartieulars of '
L t
interestinge ande
and instinctive i th it rtr,nos t. int rr n • se • -
Ck ve E t Yu f the t
and let you know the result at your nc `:t lectures ee wererarity of ,
t anyi held lsy tht•nt tiny (•e•rtifid, and that after ;
-: oamiLg dais way!,r given by Meets Mab adgean of the +aid day the odor aistratrc will eructed to
And ii:( Hiro elle did first of her Walters, and Duncan Anderson, of Si
(dfstribtde t}:r• tts,Sts +f tlu• dor, test dbniena the ; :
# meet;
thet4-0. h3virt receard ()fl t" to'
1 , own t:ce Co. and Mr T Bennett rend a very l the claims of tticrlt r tr.Lnli t�t.^.n have uofiee. ' E
eldest dataJ~hter, but the girl "thou' ht t i
g , a —
r for the Adminiytratrix, j
interesting essay oII farming. The chief
acorn of an Did man, and a preacher, feature of the evening meeting was a ; 'lobeit
forbye." Jean, the second daughter, I3at••,l titi•',Nthtia;
Iecture, in which farming was ecrotared i
hurriedly observed that sue honed lien and contrasted thith other vocation, by ! _
mother ee.shed a hatter future for her i
than should she marry one who called Mr Duncan Anderson. Although the f S
himself ', wanderer.' But Margaret, the wetether was {vet and disagreeable, a
good audience was pteeent at both meet- Notice Whereby s, fit t , 1 ..,,
when Lees/ Ochiltree asked if she could, €I ! of
t Town-hilt
the iestate
li ;re, f tTnrr:i. ri ir,(in thio re.my 1
think of r Knorr, who would presently jet Huron. Fanner det•ea-' d. who died on or 1
als,ut tit,• bath day P NnvenxLer A;•14,0111.1r.!:1; it , li ' i, to e
Ile even a greater light than he was bTarthall Fidel, Chicago's great mer- I err nisi d tv send 1,, post l,repafd or ,0 deliver
fetitr he would not think of rile!" She i 11ta0, their names, ddre.st •• of ata deserti,tions
but seventeen, and "passing ?1Tr. John 'Watson Was probably fatally seri a fun stnt,•tne it of particular:+ of their
INISS passin tome- / elafms and {lie' molt ,• of fixe• zn!r,ity : if any,
8 Carded by Yellin(; into a hot water tanii , hal by ,. r .'f'a r , 1 r filo
„moat i at yman's tannery at ea on. d to -
tried tray' lady, highly pleased, I lI i tr 1 t t t' a rm r t' f t1 duo( 1
stoke 7Lgtiricsr and soon. let you Bear ; Elector in Weet Assiniboia, Saskatch-
ide anawcr." It vias jest ';that she had ! owan anis Sherbrooke, tine„ will be held
;o Knof: : en Feb. filth. Nominations a week ear.
When west tllo pre.a JMJ esune tot IIer.
11. VAN$TONI'l.
win h in l' (1
II to Suiiiogs
These aro all of the latest designs
and materials, and at prices that are
of December 3. i). 1t1.i. i We have a special line of
T CREDITORS. Bieck (llt$ Site Serres
you ought to see.
• v.'n ir.t'tntR'1.0 lsri"
youngest, blushed and hung her head i {!hap. I. esee. ee, tax .t an eereete haying claims
i s.
then? "Madam," she stammered, "I -chant prince, lacked alter a short illness, i }r;f"„ii ,>r? fu: tri te<tli day tee
o Iten7 January to
lye.” "If that is all your objection," 1 d th tet duly rti t d. in I iii, t aft,•
II p, d s xldal.'ly the Moii cstratriz wilt prods `�' �� J j
r,. f,tr ti +• •'l n• et •lath amongl * mail piWeil
Mt, pard' ,Corticol t terr•tn, itaviru rrrlard only
II, Flip ,•litias of w1 hit +h4• shall titre itav,•
%,:Il and have a lcok through our
stock and see the 'Fashions for Fall
and Winter.
All you have to do is tell its how
you want your garment made, and
we make it that way.
Our Trimmings are of the best.
If. 'i AN$T(d1 E,
St itmlint,t P. 0.,
Soli itor fut'A•ltnfttistratris.
i ob•,1
this861I1clay of D. t:ent',er A. i3., 1605.
No Matter Where it is.
1 have for sale et the present time 7,00C/flares
of choice farm lends in Huron County, and I
ask you before you buy your farm to see the
bargains 1 have t0 offer you. Just the property
you want may be on my list.
Rouses for sale, from $400 up to $9000.
Fire, Life and Accident Insurance effected.
Ileal Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
VA,NsruNa 1iaoms. • WINGHAM, Oxer.
A comfortable cottage
on North St,
Insurance, Loan and Estate
GcfrT� NT. -e. ,/
Do you want a good position in the
Commercial World? The Purest and
shortest road is via this school. We '.
give a course of training that is not
surpassed by any Business College in
Canada. We give individual in-
structiou therefore you may enter at •
any time. Wzite for free catalogue
and get full particulars.
Fan1er3 flthIe,
Meetings of the East Huron Farmers'
Institute will beeld as follows:—
Walton, Thur ay, January 18th.
Harlock, Frilly�•, January 19th.
Winthrop, Saterday, Jaunary 20th.
St. Colnmban, Monday, January 22nd.
To be add tease 1 by Duncan Anderson
of Rugby, assisted by good local speak-
Meetings at 1 40 p.m. and 7.80 p m.
All are cordial v invited to be present
and take part in be discussious.
Thos. MCMItee: , P. A. MoAerrnrn,
President. Secretary.
4 '7
Having purchaser) the above buswess,
I am *low prepared to attend to the
wants of the public in all kinds of
Machinery Repairing, Steam Fittiug, etc,
Steep ange
Manufactured by
Wroughl Iron Range Company, LIsiv,
CAPITAL, $I,000,000.
The above is a cut of our improved nickle plate Range,
with handsome enamelled reservoir attached to water front in
fire box.
The Wrought Iron Range Co, have located one of their
divisions in Wingham and will canvas the surrounding country
from this place.
To whom it may concern:—
Four years ago I purchased a Home Comfort Range and have found
it spleudidly adopted to our western wants. I know of dozens of my
neigh -
bore who are more than
pleased with the same Range, and this season the
company are selling twice as many as they did on their last canvas four
years ago. If you want the best buy the "Home Comfort."
(signed) JAS. A. PATTERSON.
Box 17, Boissevain, Man.
Teeswater, Jan. 12th, 1906
I have used a Home Comfort Range for four years. It's the beat yet; don't
buy any other. I wouldn't take $100.00 for mine if I couldn't get another
' just the same. (signed) ROBERT MARSHALL
Boissevain, Man., Jan• 6th, 1006.
Successor to W. G. Paton.
By being talked into buying (because it is
brought to your door) a
that you can buy
For One -Third Less Money
right in your own town.
at $45.00.
Castings will not sag or warp
with the heat. 1 -las extra large
planished copper reservoir. Large
plate warning closet.
:trade right in your own County, and you do not have to sign anything to get it.
It yo:;r dealer has not at sample, writ(; us.
. Brio,, k._ n1r
Y G0, LtdI - Wiugham, Ont.