HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-08-22, Page 13• 1 Ht HURON E APOSI TOR AUGUST 22 1990 - 13 40. IN MEMORIAM MTN in loving rrtemory of a dear mother and g<andrnother. Viiolet, who per away one year apo, August 21 t rano God gave us our Mom with a roan Jt Who meant more to us than muutr+ 4ntol0, The reertachee of this word are many But losing our Mom was the greatest of any YOW lite wee love and labour Your love for your family true. You ow the best for all of as, What more could a mother do. A wonderful mother One who was better, God never made A wondertui worker, loyal and true A wonderful mother we knew A mother who taught us to have faith in God. So treasure her Lord, in your garden of rest, For when on earth she was one of the best Always loved and remembered from her loving family 40-34 -1 42. ENGAGEMENTS GAYNOR-FEENEY Carl and Dorothy Feeney, Seaforth, are pleased to announce the torthcom+ng marriage ot their son, John, to Bran - da Gaynor, daughter of Mary and Borden Smyth. Centralia The wedding to take place Friday, August 24 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Mount Carmel, at 7 p.m. Reception to follow, Exeter Canadian Legion 42-33 x2 44. BIRTHS WALTERS Steve and Judi Walters (nee Torrance) are thrilled to announce the arrival of their little girl, Saddie Lauren, born August 13, 1990, weighing 8 Ib., 3.5 ozs The first grandchild for Winnie and Gord Walters ot Godench, and the eighth grandchild for Marg and Henry Torrance of Porter's Hill 43-34 -nxe Expect money worries to be doubled with BY HARRY L MAROON When you're as unmarried adult wish nu family responsibilities, what yydo with your money is your buiaoeinoas. But once you become married, managing the combined family income has to be a shared resp risibility . Marriage counmellors report that unless husbands and wives come to a workable agreement on family financial matters, fried= will develop and the marriage may suffer severely. And this should be discussed amicably and scaled before the wedding cakes place. Difficulties arise if the man and woman have sharply differing habits and attitudes concerning money. Each individual is entitled to hold an opinion on the best was that money should be managed, but eva►wally husband and wife will have to reach a compromise position. The give-and-take ap- proach works because neither spouse feels ignored or over - dominated. Back in the 1970's, an American women's magazine published a questionnaire dealing with family BIRTHS POWELL - Ryan and Lindsey are excited to announce the long- awaited birth of their new sister Donna Michelle on Satuurday, August 11, 1990. Michelle weighed 7 lbs., 14 ozs. Proud parents are Rick and Carolyn. Spoiling rights go to Verna Edgar of Dublin. CAMPBELL - Jim and Cathy (Kelly) are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, a son, James Hunter Fergus, born August 5, 1990 weighing 7 lbs. 12 ozs. Proud grandparents are Ferg and Anne Kelly, Dublin, and Charlie and Peg Campbell, Seaforth. A great-grandson for Esther Kelly, Dublin, and Robert and Adelaide A'Hara, St. Thomas. McCLURE - Larry and Lynn are pleased to announce the arrival of their first child Kacie Elizabeth. Kacie arrived at Seaforth Com- munity Hospital on Sunday, August 12. Proud grandparents are Bob and Josie Nigh, Egmondville and Walter and Muriel McClure, Seaforth. Another great-grandchild for George R. Campbell of Seaforth. money matrcrs. It aalticcid ilsat hus- bands and wives should answer the questions separately, a writing. Hien the couples should compare their answers. The purpose of the exercise was to bring out discrepan- cies in opinions and peak uccs con- cerning family finances. Here's an abbreviated version of the question- naire: • Which of the following would best describe you attitude toward money - too thrifty, too worrisome, too easy-going, other? • Which would best describe your spouse's attitude? • In general, does it seem to you that you worry a great deal about money? Does your spouse? • What money problems arc the most frequent source of disagreement between you? • Do you think you have better money sense than your spouse? • if your family had to cut down sharply, where would you first cut expenditures? Where would your spouse? • If you suddenly came into $10,000 what would you do with the money? What would your spouse? • What is the most that you world spend on your own without dim. a with your spouse, apart flosit regular household ? • What's the most sensible thin that you ever did with yourmoney? The most sensible thing your spouse eves did? • What's the moat foolish thing that either of you did with your money? • Has your attitude towards money changed since you were married? If so, how? Has your spouse's? • Do you expect your family's financial situation to change much within the next five years? If so, roughly how much more do you think will be added to the family income? • What is your family's total take home pay at present? • How much do you put into savings per month, excluding in- suuunce? • How much would you like 10 be able to save? • Roughly how much does your family spend monthly on a) shelter, either rent or mortgage, and taxes; Party attracts Cranbrook neighbours Cranbrook Correspondent MRS. MAC ENGEL 887-6645 Cori and Andy Smith of Toronto spent two weeks at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Stevenson. Several old neighbours attended a reunion and surprise birthday celebration in honour of Jean Dunn's birthday at the home of their son, Allan and Pat Dunn at West Montrose on Sunday, August 12. Mrs. Mac Engel spent a few days early in the week with Jack and Marilyn Clark, Stratford. Many attended the silver wedding anniversary celebration in the Com- munity Centre for Frank and Kathy Workman on Sunday afternoon, also the "Open House" at Melville Church, Brussels, in honour of Alfred Knights 90th birthday. Wildlife Watchers houseclean for Hullett The final meeting of the SL Columban Wildlife Watchers was held August 8 at 10 a.m.. The members met at the Hullet conservation Area, where they were told about the layout of the area and species of ducks which are most common there. The club was divided into groups and told where the duck boxes were located, which they were to clean out. After a short ride to the ponds, the members set out in their canoes. Most of the groups were successful CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BiLL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide to home -study correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for rewarding careers in trucking. Class A -Z and D -Z licences. Days and weekend courses. Job placement assistance. Markel Transport Training. Guelph. 1-800-265-7173. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestem Ontano School of Auctoneenng. Next class: October 20-27/90. For information. contact: Southwestern Ontano School of Auctaoneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. SALES HELP WANTED HOUSEWIVES, Mothers and interested persons needed immediately to sell toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investment. delivenes or money collection. CaII (519) 258-7905. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXTRA INCOME! Grow baitworms in your basement or garage Odorless operation Low investment. Market guaranteed! Free information Early Bird Ecology, RR#1 Smithville, Ontano. LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4252. HELP WANTED HALIBURTON HIGHLANCS, year round resort dining room Host/hostess. waiters/waitresses bartender, front desk personnel Send resume to Wigamog Inn, R R 2, Haliburton. Ontano. KOM 150. (705) 457-2000 MARINE DISTRIBUTORS WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE! Brand new Checkmate performance. ski and family boats at wholesale prices Large selection from 16'-30' Ken Mason Marine. Portland, Ontano 1-800-461-2840 AUTOMOTIVE JEEP OWNER'S FACTORY SOFTTOP Clearance CJF from 5355., CJ5-CJ7 skins only $249 95, Fastback Tops $399 95 Gemini Sales, 4736 E. Hastings. Burnaby, B.0 V5C 2K7 Phone (604) 294-2623. (604) 294-4214 VACATION/TRAVEL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA+ 4 -bedroom. 3 -bath Spanish Villa Elegantly furnished completely stocked Spectacular view+ Islay Investments. 800 Garden Street. Suite K. Santa Barbara. California, USA. 93101 Brochure/rate schedule MORTGAGES ARE YOU A HOMEOWNER? We have mortgage money for any purpose Pay off credit cards No qualifying hassels Excel Financial Corporation (tollfree) 1-800 265-6984 CHINA NORITAKE SALE' Terrific discounts on current patterns+ Delivered well -packed. insured For price list on your Noritake pattern. call Alexander's, -The Noritake Experts', Toronto. tollf se 1-800-263-5896 MISCELLANEOUS HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed! FREE information. Write: Popular Music, Studio 60-, 3284 Bouchene Road, Kelowna, B.C. V1Z 2H2. FOR SALE HANDCRAFTED BUTTERFLIES. Give your plants life! Colorful. Decorative. Small 99 cents, medium 51.99, Targe $2.99. Postage $1.75. Pattison's, #91, 5512 -4 St., NW, Calgary, AB, T2K 6J0. JOIN THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. Buy wigs at wholesale prices. From 539.95. Shop by catalogue and save. For FREE catalogue CALL TOLL- FREE 1a800-265-7775. COMPUTER SOFTWARE MANAGE CUSTOMER CONTACTS with Sales Lead Management System. SLMS software - IBM PC/Compatibles - records sales leads, organizes Customer history, generates letters, guarantees followup, reports results. CCMS. (416) 855-2765. BUILDING MATERIALS BRASS, CHROME, STAINLESS RAILING Fittings and accessories. Easy installation. Suits Commercial, Residential, Restaurants. Estimates and assistance available Send sketch Catalogue available Brampton (416) 790-0515 Fax (416) 790-0520 STEEL BUILDINGS A -Z PRE -ENG. BUILDINGS INC New types, steel/wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers Wally (416) 626-1794 after 6pm, weekends Free brochures. Clip -save. BUILDING CLEARANCE. -Save thousands while supply lasts - miscellaneous stock clearance - all excess stock to be cleared straightwall all/steel and wood/steel types - Paragon - 24 Hours - 1-800-263- 8499 ALL STEEL BUILDINGS - LAST CHANCE for Factory Discounts on these models 25x30 $2.699, 32x40 $3,829, S30x36 54.195 Offer expires Aug 31/90 Limited quantities. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-668- 5422 (24 hours) STEEL BUILDINGS 'Summer Sellebration' on Quonsets. S Series and Conventionals Payments. Lease or Purchase. we have a plan for everyone Call Future 1-800-668-8653 FARMERS MARKET SELLING 85 LOTS Quality Polled Herefords, Monday, Sept. 3. 12 noon on the farm. Contact Windrose Farms RR11, Thornbury, Ont, NOH 2P0 (519) 599-2925 or (519) 599.2723 REAL ESTATE WATERFRONT GOLF COURSE beautiful Haliburton Highlands. 9 holes. 2 houses, Pro Shop. fully equipped room to expand, 145 acres, Bill PAYNE REAL ESTATE. Minden. Ont (705) 286-3124 WANTED TO BUY TRAIN MEMORABILIA WANTED Lanterns, signs timetables, brochures, uniforms. menus, flatware, keys. orders, postcards, tickets. books. pictures Brucm Cole. Gen Del . Lefroy, Ont. LOL 1 WO Your ad could appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today! in the mission, however, some couldn't locate any duck nesting boxes. Those who did find the boxes had to remove the contents into a specific bag and place some sawdust back in the box. Members then enjoyed a barbecue lunch, followed by a walk in a bush close by. The group would like to thank leader Maria Volgels for all her time and effort put into organizing this club. marriage b) food; c) clohutg; d) transpor- tation; c) entcnauunent. • How much do you pay out per motto on instalment debt? • How much hie insurance do you have? • If you needed $1,000 gwckly 10 whom or where would you turn? It both spouses answer dice yues- tsoiuiaire fully and frankly, n can open this way for a common-sense, at;L eptable plan for the family 's sa uig and spending? IT'S COMING AT YOU - Doug Ludwig was at the Optimist Park August 15 to help with a soccer toumament for children. Here he throws the ball to a little boy who's supposed to hit the ball with his head. Oxford photo. Pontiac Firebird reported stolen 11. CRIME STOPPERS 1-800.265.1777 Sometime between 9:30 p.m. July 28, 1990 and 8:30 a.m. July 29, 1990 a 1979 Pontiac Firebird, grey in colour and bearing Ontario licence TTZ-891, was stolen from the parking area at the end of the Colborne - Ashfield boundary line sdtamommis near the Sheppardton creek. The family vehicle had been parked while the family camped overnight. At about 2:30 a.m. July 29, 1990 a vehicle was heard in the area and the stolen Firebird was found at 8:30 a.m. July 29, 1990 in a corn field near Mid -Huron beach, with the interior of the car gutted by fire. If you have information about this or any other crime call CRIME STOPPERS OF HURON COUN- TY, 1-800-265-1777 and you will be eligible to receive a reward of up to $1000.00. You will never REMEMBER CRIME DOESN'T PAY, CRIME STOPPERS DOES. Festival trip for Manor SEAFORTH MANOR Seaforth Manor residents started off their week with Rug Hooking in the activities room on Monday morning with volunteers Hazel McGonigle and Eva McCartney. Thank you, ladies for your time and effort in this project. Monday afternoon was Bingo time, and this week our lucky win- ners were: Dennis Arney, Elmer Bakscy, Mamie Ross, Anna Agar, Mary Essery, Dave Netzke, Keith Harmon, Margaret Smale, Mar- geurite Schill. Full -card winner was Dick Weatherhead from the Retirement Home. Congratulations! Thanks to volunteers Mary Nolan, Anne Downey and Greta Kerr for assisting. On Tuesday morning, the weather was perfect as we boarded the bus for Stratford. Following a delicious picnic lunch at the Upper Queens Park pavilion, residents and staff enjoyed a tour of points of interest in Stratford followed by a scenic drive along the river to view the swans. The grounds and flowers at the Stratford Festival were enjoyed by everyone and all agreed it was a perfect day! Thanks especially to staff member Jeanette Stoll and to volunteers Hazel McGonigle, Dor- thy Papple, Doreen Kelly and especially Viola 1 awson, who Naked the delicious huuer tarts to top off our desert. Residents also thanked volunteer Sue Bain for meeting them in Stratford and com- mentating our tour of the city. Several ladies also enjoyed manicures on Tuesday morning, provided by volt►nteer Anne Rowland. On Wednesday morning, Knitting and Crocheting class was held and Thursday afternoon, Father Henry visited the Manor to conduct mass. The week's activities concluded with Fun and Fitness on Friday morning, a series of chair exercises done to music followed this week by a game of "Chair Badminton". Coming Events: Sing -A -Long with Marion Rose - August 21; Euchre - August 23, and an "Ice Cream Parlour" - August 24. LOVELY COUPLE - Residents of Seatorth Manor Retirement Home hammed it up before the wedding of Manor employee Jody Maloney Here bride Arthur Hallam and groom Dick Weatherhead run away from pastor Norman Turrall Submitted photo