HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-01-18, Page 51
is the only sale that offers you
-the free, unrestricted choice of an
entire stack of Men's, Youths' and
Boys' Overcoats at prices like these.
It's the only sale where the offer-
ings are not in some part the styles
.and makes of last season, or job lots
made specially for sale purposes,
It's the only sale where the cloth-
ing offerings consist of new and up-
to-date goods.
Here's the Reduction on every Overcoat :
Every $15.00
Every 12,00
Every 10 00
Every 8 00
Every 5.00
No goods sent out on approbation,
No goods eharged at these prices.
Boys' Pea Jackets Boys' Suits
26 Boys' Three -Piece Suits, sizes
22 to 33; regular prices $4.00,
$4.50 and $5.00. Sale price $3.00
12 only Boys' Pea Jackets, double
' breasted, high storm collar,
sizes 22 to 28; regular 85.00:
sale • - - - $2.25
Men's Fur Bargains
Coon Coats, Dogskin Coats, Wombat Coats, Bishop Coats, Calf Coats,
Fur -Lined Ooats-at wholesale prices
MEN'S FUR COLLARS - Persian Lamb, German Otter, Wombat, Coney
Electric Seal, Coon, -at 20e on the dollar off
MEN'S FUR CAPS -Persian Lamb, Havelock, Electric Seal Jockey, West-
ern Beaver. Wedge, Persian Lamb Wedge, Muskrat Wedge, Nutria Wedge,
Astrachan Wedge. --at 20o on the dollar off,
Furnishing Bargains
Men's $1 all•wool Unshrinkable Underwear - .75
Men's 60o Unshrinkable Underwear - - - .40
Men's $1 Colored Shirts - - - •59
SNAP IN FELT HATS -14 only sample Soft Felt Hats, reg $2, sale $1
Men's heavy snag proof Rubbers $2. Men's heavy gum Rubbers $1.50. -.
Men's $1;50 Felt Shoes $1.
The R. H. CROWDER Co. - Wingham,
That's what a prominent
Emulsion a short time
What Wideawalsre Times Correepondente Communicate --• Other
ago. As a rule we don't
use or refer to testimonials
in addressing the public,
Items Clipped k'ron'} Our 311rvbariges,
Mrs, George Campbell fell headlong Mr. R. B. Carter ieft Eiyth Islet week
down the cellar stairway, at the home of to accept a position in a drag store in S i 173 i l a r expressions are
her daughter, Mrs. William Haley, Arnprior, atter a lengthy visit with made so often in eonnec-
Lightbouse street, Sunday afternoon, his parents here.
sustaining injuries which resulted in The anniversary FerviCes in cannec- 11011 With Scott's �'.nlulSiOn
her death shortly after, Mrs. Campbell tion with St, Andrew's Presbyterian that they are worthy of
was attending her daughter, who is ill, church were held ou Sunday last. Rev, occasional . no t e. From
and had evidently opened the door lead- P. H. Larkin, B A., of Seaforth, preach-
ing to the cellar in mistake for the pan• ed at 11 a m. and seven p in, infancy to old age Scott's
try, and, without noticing the fact, step- The annual meeting of the Morris Emulsion offers a reliable
ped in and fell to the bottom, her head Branch Agrtenitural Society was held on
striking on the cement floor. The un- Wednesday: afternoon of last week. The
fortunate woman never regained con- treasurer, Mr. Frank Metcalf, presented
soiousness and passed away before medi- his report, from which we take the fol -
cal aid arrived. The deceased woman lowing items: -Members subsoriptiots
was one of the oldest residents of the and donations, ,1 221.50; admission fees to
town, coming here about CO years ago. exhibitiou, 6092 56; paid prize winners,
She is survived by one son, William, of 6175 6;3; total receipts, 61491.31; tote'
Alpena, Mich., one daughter, Mrs. Ha- expenditure $1357.23; cash on hand,
ley, and her husband. $)34 OS; assets, 63570 08; liabilities, en -
352 63, The treasurer's report was
adopted on motion of Messrs R. B. Mc-
Gowan and Robert Ferris. The follow-
ing officers
ollowingofficers were elected: -President, air
J. B. Tierney; first vice•presideat, Mr.
Robert Ferris; second vice-president,
Mr. T. W. Sloan; directors for 1<7.orris,
Messrs. George Taylor, Wm. Pollock,
and Daman Laidlaw; directors for East
Wawauosh, Messrs. R. D. McGowan and
Thomas Black; directors for Ilnllett,
Messrs. John Barr and Adam Elliott;
directors for Blyth, Mr. E. Livingston
and Dr. G. E. Long. Illeesere. J. M.
Hamilton and James Mcbturchio were
re•appoiuted auditors.
BLEED but the above remark and
_io Mtiiien.. es py;, fiekti111.11, d n9,111 o6, 7!.IYL IA4r„ YuieW►4nd,W4ALV:9 -d
L. A. BA►L.L, & CO.
Picture Framin
For the net 3o
days. Call and see our Mouldings.
2 dozen Mattresses, regular prices $4.,00 and
$4.50, reduced to $3.25 and $3.75
Examine quality of ticking.
This Medicine Xs Breathed.
That's why it is sure to cure Catarrh.
You see it goes direct to the source of
the disease, -its healing vapor repairs
the damage caused by catarrhal inflam-
mation. "Catarrhozone" always cures
because it goes into those tiny cells and
passages that ordivary remedies can't
renob, goes where the disease actually is.
Impossible for "Catarrhozone" to fail as
any doctor will tell you. Don't be mis-
led into thinking there is anything so
good as Catarrhozone,-use it and you'll
soon say good-bye to catarrh.
Brick residence 5th house west
from Hamilton's Corner Drug
Store, where night calls will
receive prompt attention.
1.11 n Ii ii,. y.9a l:aJmLariY , 1, -Yr ,ani ,.1 i I. I, n
Next season Aaron Keller talks about
erecting a new briak residence on his
farm on the 8th con. He has a fine site
for a building.
At the School meeting in S, S. No. 1
Albert Carter was elected trustee as
successor to John Davidson, R. Hoover
$1.000 REWARD
I'or A Case of incurable Constipation
means of remedying im-
proper and weak develop-
ment, restoring lost flesh
and vitality, and repairing
waste, The action of
Scott's Emulsion is no
more of a secret than the
composition of the Emul-
sion itself. What it does
it does -through nourish-
ment -the kind of nourish-
ment that cannot be ob-
tained in' ordinary food.
No system is too weak or
delicate to retain Scott's
Emulsion and gather good
from it.
To a person who can't be cured of '•=i:
constipation by Dr. Hamilton's Pilles the -"es-
above reward will be paid. No cathar-
tie medicine gives such lasting satrifac-
was appointed Secretary -Treasurer, R. ' lion or effects such marvellous cures as
Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Relief imme:iiate-
ly follows for headache. billiousness and
stomach disorders, No griping pains, let i, con 1, requiring 3 inch tile for a por ,
no burning sensations, nothing bat the tion of the drain and 3 inch tile fpr ri e
most pleasant relief attends the use of
Dr. Hamilton's Pills -others not so good. balance, move! by Mr. McCutcheon se- {
Price 25o. a box, at all dealers. courted by Mr. Campbell that this ennn-
e oil pay for the tile at the kiln, Mr. Galley l
to do the work. -Carried.
Cochrane got the wood contract at $2 30
per cord. The cleaning of the school
was let to D, Shine for $30.00 per aunum.
Word came from R. M. Douglas, of
Park River, North Dakota, formerly of
the 15th con., that on Deo. 23rd he lost
his house and the contents upstairs by
fire. A temporary dwelling has been
constructed. Mr. Douglas expects to
move to Saskatchewan dxst.rxet,N.W.T.,
We will send you a
sample free.
Demme that this picture In the
form ot'a label 13 on the wrapper
of every bottle of Emulsion you
Toronto, Ont.
50c. and $1; all druggists.
Kelly-Yonil1.-The Clerk was in -
Peter McDougall was elected trustee structed to order 8 copies of the M1larum.
in S S. No. 10, to take the place of Alex. pal world roe use or council and officers.
Stock = Taking
COSIIIIMBOVISMSMIt 1404 3.11 .114.5o!
a64wX ts11
in the thick of stuck-takinn, and fire making
prices iu.termsting and profitable for the
buyer during the rem tinfng' dais crf
this great Out -Pr ce `l`.
Prices like these are sure to rowd the store.
Come ea v.
10 pieces Finnn•'ilettn tr, clear at, per yard
r oiscea 121,2;c: Print to clear atper card - -
3 Iii•-ces Towelling to ell ar et, per vat(' -
4 niPCAs Shirring, feat netors. to oleer at, per i'arrl -
7 paces FlannelIette Enibrrridt'ry to hear at, per yard
One Dollar Corsets nn bargain tahles for -
fOe F1anuollette Corset Covers on sale for
50c duality Corsets, cur. price
t')ee taints heavy Skirting, worth 15 t psr vara, for
Rate and Cnp'rines, worth 3310, to clear at •
Flannellette Blankets, worth 61 25, on sella at
Lidirs' new style Coats. worth from 7 to 8 rinliare, for
Coe piece heavy Table Linen, worth 61,l f :r
One piece Wrapnnra•rte, worth 100 for -
iftennellette Night G 2tvee, reamer urine :t1, for
Men's 10 dollar Ready to Wear Seirs, for
tten's 8 dollar Overcnatsl to clear Itt
Large Granite Kettles wish 1 lb cans Art Biking
- .03
- 7.50
- 1.00
- 3,00
Powder .50
ISAR & 6
next Spring where hie old friends here .
hope by will do well: •%Forest. Campbell -Kelly. -.Tao. Watson was
A. H. MCtial 1, ' H. Forsyth and Jno. ro-appoiated assessor ata salary of $ 70 00
Wednesday morning of last week MaOutcheon, of Frobisher N.W,T., ere on t we give holt' of th' usual grouts to
1 Yemill voting nay
motion of Medd and Thompson.
ands- { lie Libraries. Carried.
Thomas and Mrs. Davidson, 11th con„ welcome visitors with relatives and ilcCate"ecu Catnpi3P1I M fleury
Moved br. y Medd and Bailie that
Mrs, Thos. McFadzean and Jno. Smillie friends in Morris. and Grey. It :13 hinted_ -
were called to Elmvale, Simthat some of them may have compau_v i; ,ard of Health.
coe Co., to Tui}nstnn was curs salary be $5 00; moved in amends
appointed member of the inept by Marray a1d Thompson, that
attend the funeral of John Lambie, bro- back to the Weet < 51re salary be $7. Ameudntnnt carried. 1
they to Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. LTePad- bast week John Wheeler 41h Iine, r.r, John Parrott appeared requesting 211mo'iuu uC Anderson rtnri 11ledd, i
t.} tt his property be withdrawu freta S.
zean and uncle to Mr. Smillie. Funeral tiVm S :t�Uroatia was a 2poioted clerk
took place Thursday. Mr. Lambie was
well up in years and is survived by his
wife and oue son. Deceased was only
ill a short time. He was a member
of the Presbyterian church and a highly
respected, Weil -to-do man.
Wednesday of last week, Cbntle e
Ritchie, of Brussels, and Miss Maggie,
daughter of Richard Bewley, of Morris,
were united in marriage at Seaforth, by
Mr. Larkin, and have taken up residence
at their comfortable home, John street.
The Post wishes them many happy
A years.
Tuesday afternoon of last week the
Grey District Orange Lodge met in the
Orange Hall, Brussels, for the transac•
ni,di , . lu sit d,.'ni+Segssee'iSYddrllloense ssesit tion of business, election of officers, etc.
There was a good attendance. Officers
were elected as follows: -Master, S. T.
Plum. re-elected; Deputy Master, Dun-
can Johnston; Chaplain, B. Gerry; Sec-
retary, Chas. Case; Fin-Sec-Trea.,
��'-"na Joseph Hamilton: Dir of Car., Henry
Hamilton; Lecturer, Wm. Smith. Co.
Lodge will meet in Wiugham on Tues-
day, February 6th.
The following officers were installed
Iu Brussels A. O. U. W. Lodge by Post
�a l v rug Master Farrow and W. H. Kerr, D. D.
G. M•: --M. W., Jno. Simmons; Fore-
man. M. I.1. Moore; Overseer, Watsoa
✓Hx ,t4� �r Ainley; Recorder, W. H. Kerr; Finan -
w 1; glee, W. H. MCCracken; Treasurer, G.
iti rte,; r % A. Deadman; Ctuide, Wtu. Armstreug;
L Watchman, W. Wilton; 0. Watch.
."s man, H. Mercer; Medical Examiner, Dr.
y S
t .-✓ McKelvey; Auditors, T. Farrow and
Jews Master
Dr Ross; Rep. to Grand Lodge,
"arla� Jb• W. Ii. PeCracken; alternate rep , G. A.
`'i = IF' Deadman.
rived home from Cuba where he went ; S. No. 1 slue annexed to Teuton S. 8. No t
intending to spend the 'Pinter hut ille I le, Morris and Kellett. O'} lection or Murray and 'rhatnpsou, J.
• climate was to damp for -iiia rheumatism Belly-� colli. -That this council take G. Ward was appointed trear;urer. Geo.On
so by was compelled to leave. Mr. C.(!gg cp action. -Carried. matioa of Anderson and s' -o Murray,
mo -
has gone item Cuba to Florida. We . Campbell-Kellebb was appointed ins •s or. r):1 y -That Mn'.Mr. R. Prue- f I dd 'r vt
hope Mr. Wheeler will improve, ,tor be re•rtppoiuted collector at a salary
Thompson was appoiuted Colientor.
Ft,% L
is the work which GOLD DUST accomplishes. Alt labors
look alike to the Gold Dust Twins. They clean floors and
doors, sinks and chinks -go from cellar to attic --and leave
only brightness behind. Get acquainted with
Gold Dust Washing Powder
OtilER GENERAL. I Scrubbing noose washing clothes and dishes, Cleaning woed-
USES FOR work, oft cloth, silverware and tinware, polishing brass work,
COLD nus' cleansing bath room, pipes, etc„'and making the finest soft soap.
Made by va et It FAIRBANIC COMPANY, Montreal, P. 0, -Makers et FAIRY SOAP.
GOLD BUST makes hard water sof
That Palo Tired Girl
She iii in society, in business, et home,
everywhere ou eveh
her, buts! ays worn
and fatigued. She hasn't heard of Fee -
1 rozone or she would be perfectly well.
How quickly it strengthens -what All
appetite it gives -what a glow it brings
to pallid cheeks! The nutriment conn
trained If in errozone puts strength into
anybody. Laughing oyes, rosy lips,
bright, quick movements, all tell of the
vitality Verrozone produces. Thousands
of attractive happy vvohlen use Ferro -
zone -Why not you? A box of fifty
chocolate coated tablets costs fifty cents
at any drug store.
A Hamilton womaiu has toed a :Kitt.
gars falls broker for $1,000 damages be-
oalilie he kissed her.
[ton O t e and br,tlllln)u, Wtn,
Chs:. A:'mstrong and ten Ri, x, of 't u, .;55,00, --Carried.
blaose';v .C4.I'„ was lli rs oil . uali- 1 R Anderson teas appointed auditor
J r - Nf A000ints Wen ordered to be pail ne ..a faction of Anderson and Tholrrpeon.
day with relatives. It is 16 years follows. -Jno. Scott, gravel $i/ 09; A. E.
since Mr, ?,rnlstrong first went '`Test'' Bradtviu, printing,$5 00; iS:Iatnci )al Jus Johnston if'rk fuss appointed auditor. an
t motion of Thome-oa and Bente. Fur
and 5 yeers since he was home. He has , World, election supplies $7 20; 0 e ,
done well and looks first-class. Rich. S. school ted rtrbon m a on A tromp o n was
Lrea, Jas A. Moore, Thos. Miller, t4 u. epp;,inted on motion of Thompson and
Armstrong, an old resident of the Ord Laidlaw, R. H. Garnier awl Joseph Robb Auderson. For drain viewers -Chits.
line is the visitor's father. for D R, 0. fees, each $ti 00; Sehool
The newt elee:e:l members of the motion
n, Thos. Taylor, H. dA.'snnx. , ou
y Sections Nos. 1, 9, 5, 7and 10, use of
municipal coaucil namely: -Geo. Tay• school house at election, each $3 O i; W. elf of array and ludersurl
lor, Reeve and Goa. Kelly, Wm. H. Me- ; CIark, election expenses and posting ' cull. for the iltu Connell
',ard. were
nrtterud the C,onu.;t1 B•,ard. Them
Cutcheon, 0. G. Campbell and Robt, financial statement, $10.00; R, Proctor, .. nr. Herts was appointed caretaker of
Yoaill, Coaneillors. postage and stationery$1.50; R Proctor, ,
Council met acoordiug to statate f hall at 8. f 00 a year, on motion of
I collector's salary $S5.00; 6luni='i;ta! Thunipsou and Jlarrtsv.
ou Jany 8th and subscribed the neces- , World, sabscription 66 50; R. Yonhill,
sant declarations of office and qualifies- lumber $8 06; Sick Children's Hosplral, The Reece and Councillor 'Medd were
tion. The Reeve o.cupied the chair. Iappointed to arrange for court recto on
donation5.00; T. S. Brandpoe,tage on, motion, of Murray and Anderson. 0
Minutes of Iast meeting for 1005 were ' , and stationery $2 00; D. Saminervilie,
read and passed. t gravel, $4 02. B,.arci who atthoii,tad a member of the
Kelly-Youill.-Wm. Clarke was re- i McCutcheon - "Fell Hunoof Health.
y.- The comma Moved by �lurlerfon and Medd that
appoiuted Clerk at a salary of .';+100 00. I then adjourned to meet again on the 5th •
Campbell-McCatcheon.-letessrs. ai: i day of February next, - ---•-- -- -- -----
Black and R. Johnston were re. appointed I W. CLARKE, Clerk.
auditors, salary $5.00 each. s f VNVVVVVVVVYVVVVVV+AYYVYVYYV
McCutcheon-Youill-That Mr. Jur. I
Sacressfat tforsetuan.
Scott be paid a balance of 60.90 due for t
gravel. -Carried. Never allows his horse to suffer pain. f
Campbell McCatcheon.-The or(lin-' He always uses Nerviltue width is not. I
ed tor curing stiffness, rneumtitlsru, I
ary township printing for the current swellings and strains. Nerviltue is just ,• ?
year was awarded to Wm. H. Kerr, re- as good inside as ootside. For cramps,
numeration $30.00. colic, and internal pain it's a periett
Mr. Jas. Golley appeared in reference marvel. In the good racing stabler+
Nervitine is always used,-b,•eause it •
to an outlet drain on road allowance at makes better horses and stualler veteri-
Esfa7;li bed
' Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Crip,
Asthma, Diphtheria
f Cpcao!ene it .x boot', to Aotraittat:Cs
' el:Eset'Sr tan Leen W,1 '•t.c I nrd sh, Cont r' -u,, .ly The +
tor the ,t.'n,nea tn.i;.;,tri., 1: , . ,n 1 on ::.e tl.e 11.r r, r: he T! Paallrer t Atate321(a2L fiIN3�Ced
.1ereAstro,,,;iynt:t:.e1,;, '.,,,n 1.1oairttc,li.r:s,.1e -- 3 balance on hand of $616 45, tiled. The
: tea fir the Lunui, s: tai, r a - ;t ctmY hr, nil:, gir.,nr I councillors fees were fixed at $.10., aad
preseesa sueratui m gent, diene au rers.ar.i.. _„
five teralee,!•, era, •a t, -nt ebretee 1,, t le t:s, t:ud ' 1 the Reeve�,35
at ytfor the year, au motion
nary bills. Twenty-five cents buys a
large bottle of Nervlllne; try it.
Council met according to statute ou e?
January Sth. The newly elected mem-
hers after having subscribed to the neces-
sary declaration and gnalitioatioa, took
their seats at the Board. Reeve B-dlie ; >
in the chair. Minutes of last meeting
confirmed on motion of Anderson and
lnnne1L,te relief beat e.u.gt 0 of ,u4..n.,r1 a tnat.et.s or , of Thompson and Anderson.
' the threat.
The Treasurer's salary was fixed at
*:10.00; to include financial statement, on
motion of Medd and Anderson.
The clerk's salary was fixed at $140.00;
on motion of Murray and Anderson.
The assessor's salary was fixed at $00.; 1
valro.c..0,01e1e la sold
ty 8rn,;,;;ata r1 erre 11
pahi on te. a Ipt of prh+•-
A tap.4re.etens ort•
01 Sn 1nu.n; n 1 �ttlo r.t :401
t'rraolenc ti1.:o, b'cmi ter
tree fllest'ate,i 1,,dc:et.
r.1:,:et e :tett; eo.,
.t;ento, :'t7t1 St. 1'atnes At..
ttontreol, Canada,* Sot
The foltr,tving cheeks were iseued-
Win Bray I: , day shov.•lfing gravel,
$1 t4; Collector's refund of ,Toho Wil.
son's t.ox;s, el 25; Muuioiprtl Worlrl,sub
ecrietiolls, $5,75; Reg. Births, Marriages
and D,wuhs $17.00; Charity for Nixon
boy, f;) 00; election and other supplies
$7 40; Asquith, work at St. Helens on
road, i 50; J. S. Nicholson 40 yds gre.
vel at 7o, damage $1.00, total vd h0
elec'tiou expenses, $36 50; A'•ehie Robin,
son 3J yds gravel at 7c, 6Z 10; Thos
Henry repair railing as gravel pit on con
12, $1 00; Thos. Sandy, ita't•ttee on tile.
.2 70; liinluss, part haleness (PA bounder_r
hue work, $S 00; St, Hele',t Public Libr-
ary grant, $10 00; Dungannon, library
O.( 0; Manchester, library, $50.
'toe Reeve easure cu
powered to borrowandTr$2000.u0rer for were
Council adjourned to meet on Wed
uesday, February 1.4, at 10 o'clock.
W. S. IilcOrtosens, Clerk
The Windsor Hotel at 3iontreel was
daulaged by fire. L me, $250,000.
Mr. William Edwards wits gilled now
Derham by a lead of lugs falling newt
To Holiday Shoppers
Having such a large stock of Holiday Goods,
everything will be sold at prices that will
sell them. See our stock and prices
before purchasing elsewhere.
READQZlTATt sirkl1Cty k`0It
Watches, ()locks, G•11d and
Plated Jewelry, Silverware, Sil-
ver and Ebony Novelties, Foamy
Sets and Boxes, Burnt Wood and
Leather Goods, Souvenir Goods,
Faucy Chinaware and Novelties,
Gold. Silver and Pearl Umbrel-
las, Spectacles in gold and silver.
Fancy Stationery, Gift Books,
Novels, Bihles, Hymn Land Prayer
nooks, Chibiren's. F,lncty Goods,
Christmas Cards and Calendars,
Picture Books, Dolle and Toys,
elueical Iustruments, Cameras,
Comic tend Snow -111r Post Cards.
P 25c in cash or trade allowed on alt purchases of
$5.00 worth of goods.
Fine Watch, Cloak and Jewelry Renairing a specialty.
+ Opposite Queen's Hotel, - . `t'GINGHAM•. ,
on motion of Anderson and Medd. I
The collector's salary fixed to $60,00;