HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-08-08, Page 10• i • tit HURON EXPOSITOR AUGUST •, 1990 TOWN A UNTRV Ph©n• CLASSIFIED 527-0240 Deadline: Monday, 4:30 p.m. 1. COMING EVENTS 1 GOURMET DINNER Great cooking at Blyth on Saturday August 11 M, 8 p.m. at Blyth Communi- ty Centre Tickets a Blyth Festival building fund-raiser - $20.00 each Cal1 Box Office 523-9300/9225 1 32 1 SEAFORTH KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CQUNCIL 5289 Annual Jamboree on Sunday, August 12 at 1 pm - 5 pm In the K of C Hall, St Columban 1-32 -2 COMMUNITY SHOWER FOR KRISTA SNELL - Northside United Church, Monday, August 13, 1990 at 8 p. m Please bring your favorite recipe Everyone welcome. 1-32 -1 FAMILY/WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER wants to build reputation Very reasonable Call 524-0823. 1-32 -4 ANNIVERSARY - Come and enjoy a Patio Party on the occasion of Frank and Kathy Workman's 25th Wedding Anniversary Bring your own lawn chair and drop in from 1-30 to 4:30 Sunday, August 19, at the Workman home R.R. 3, Brussels (Cranbrook) Rain place Cranbook Hall. 1-32 -2 BLYTH FESTIVAL • Good Seats Available for many per- formances Albertlne: August 8, 10, 14 Firefly - the musical: Aug 9 (matinee), 11, 13, 15 (matinee and eve) Local Talent: August 9 Performances are at 8 30 p.m matinees - 2:00 p m Rush tickets available for every performance Box Office 523-9300/9225 1-32 -1 SEAFORTH HORTICULTURAL SOCIE- TY Flower Show, Wednesday, August 8, 3 - 5 and 7 - 9 Seaforth Legion Hall. 1-32 -1 GLAD DAYS - August 16th, 17th, 18th. Epilepsy Huron -Perth -Bruce will be sell- ing beautiful Gladiolus in Seaforth Price: $3.50 a bunch or $6.00 for two bunches RACE DAY FOR EPILEPSY, Barbeque, Clinton Raceway, August 19th. Tickets: $4.00 children, $8.00 adults. Epilepsy office 482-5527 1-32 -1 SCOTT-DICKSON REUNION to be held on Sunday, August 12, at 2 o'clock at Lions Park, Seaforth. Beverage supplied. Bring lawn chairs. 1-32 -1 COMMUNITY SHOWER - For Faye Carnochan, Egmondville United Church, Monday, August 13, 1990, at 8:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. 1-31 -2 SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB FAMILY BRUNCH, Sunday, August 19, at Lions Park 9 to 1, Adults $4.00; Children 12 & under $2.00 Preschoolers free. Free swimming. 1-30 -4 BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus. Thursdays. 7:30 p.m. Saltford Valley Hall, $3200 in prizes. $1000 jackpot must go. 1-31 -tf BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO Every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m Blyth & District Community Centre. $300 jackpot must go. Over $1000 in prizes. 1-31 -tf DABBER BINGO - Vanastra Rec. Cen- tre, Tuesdays at 7 30 p m $1,000.00 in prizes 1-31 -11 AP IP -. IP IP IP • IP IP der VIOLIN LESSONS REGISTRATION FOR SEPT. Date: August 11 Time: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the First Presbyterian Church For more information call: Anne Marie McQuaid 744-7134 1 1 1 1 •i - iii - i••, Heavy Duly Automatic Washers from '56995 W/t Drysdale Major Appliances Mental, Ontario Ina Prae. b Rvr Appliance. 262.2729 Open Daily, furl. - 9 p.m. 2. YARD/ I GARAGE SALE JOIN OUR YARD SALE - Weekly - To- day's Variety, No 4 Highway, Londesboro, Saturdays 8 to 5, Sun- days 11 4 Space available, weather permitting Everyone welcome, no charge 523-9790 2-30 -11 5. HELP WANTED MATURE LIVE IN FEMALE COMPA- NION for 80 year old widow in coun- try home, light housekeeping, meal preparation Full time preferred, part time considered Send detailed resume with references to' Box 3955, c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1 WO 5-32 x4 S. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED HERDS PERSON tor • 800 sow farrowing operation, good berielft and Incentive package, }surlily house available. Cai$ 887-6181 5.32 -2 CLASS "A" TRUCK DRIVER, tor U.S- haulage, must have good dnver record and U . S experience, must be 25 years or older Please send resume to Box 3954, c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ontano, NOK 1 WO 5-31 -2 PERSON TO LEARN MY BUSINESS ot financial planning and management, who desire above average Income and who has management abilities, no ex- perience required. Confidential inter- views Phone days, 1-519-482-5425 or evenings, 1-519-5241069 5-31 -4 FULL TIME HELP WANTED, September 1st for dairy and mixed far- ming operation Would prefer applicant that has had some farming experience Call 348-8084 5-31 -tf COACH FOR JR. "D" Hockey Team Apply by August 10, 1990 to Seaforth Centenaires, Box 1157, Seaforth, On- tario NOK 1 WO 5-31 -2 HOUSEWIVES, Mothers and interested persons needed immediately to sell toys and gifts for National Home Par- ty Plan No investment, deliveries or money collection Call (519) 258-7905. 5-32 -bc TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed Get your Class "AZ" license at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. Courses start every Monday. Tax deductible, weekend courses, job assistance, no experience required. MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT, 1-800-265-3559 Cambridge and Lon- don. 5-31 -tf Microwave Ovens from169" ♦ 1 6995 Drysdale Major Appliances H.n,ail Ontario Pia Placa to Our Appliance. 262-2728 Open Daily. Fri. - 9 p.m. HELP WANTED ARE YOU WILLING TO WORK? ARE YOU WILLING TO LEARN? ARE YOU ABLE TO WORK DURING THE DAY? ARE YOU ABLE TO WORK AT NIGHT? ARE YOU ABLE TO WORK ON THE WEEKEND? Pizza Train is looking for full & part-time employees. If you can answer yes to some of the above questions and are willing to work varied shifts and learn our system, mail or bring a resume to: PIZZA TRAIN P.O. Box 712 Seaforth, Ontario PLEASE, NO PHONE CALLS 7. SITUATIONS WANTED METICULOUS HOUSE WIFE would like to do housekeeping in your home Please call 527-2301 7-32 -1 SECRETARIAL WORK WANTED Word Perfect 5.0, Clerical, Typing, Bilingual. Part time or full time Pleasant, hard- working and experienced Call 527-2885. 7-32 x2 8. CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM BALING, also cut, condition- ing and raking. Call 345-2434. 8-31 -5 CUSTOM ROUND BALING, 4 ftwide by 3-6 ft high (John Deere). Scott Consitt, 233-9297 or 565-2728 8-31 -5 CUSTOM ROUND BALING. Dan Mur- ray, 345-2628 8-32 -2 9. FARM STOCK HIGHEST PRICE PAID for dead or disabled cattle or horses - Call toll free Murray Grinsven 1-800-461-4501 9-31 tt 10. FARM MACHINERY • HURONVIEW HOME FOR THE AGED requires a REGISTERED NURSE for casual part time employment. Please send resume to: Margaret Miller Director of Nursing Homeview Home For the Aged Box 219 CLINTON NOM 110 By Monday, August 20, 1990. PART-TIME WAITER/WAITRESS and COOK required Call or apply in person to WHITE CARNATION HOLMESVILLE 482-9228 6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY RETAILERS ONLY Video Laserdiscs, Nintendo, and Video Movie leasing We are well -stocked, fast, efficient- Bi- weekly rotation. You select your inven- tory Canada -wide: 1-600-665-5082 Fax: (204) 231-1150. 6-32 -bc lectrohome Air Conditioners Priced to clear t'ard Or',y, 5 yr -v Ar. r' �..r n. , -Ilr!n VI n.- t „G Drysdale Macer Appliances nae 11 AMarw Per to) ,,,v Apps Dail . Fre 9 . m 16 ARCHER'S farrowing crates, various brooders, pig feeders and drinkers. One recirculating tube fan and miscellaneous, $1000 buys all. Phone 233-3380 10-31 -4 12' PRESSURE TREATED loading chute for hogs; 2 1/2 gal medicator, sow calendar; 20" new barn fan; 20" new tan shutters; 200 gal fuel tank for pickup truck - 2 compartments - 150 plus 50. Phone 529-7607 atter 6 p.m. 10-20 -tfnx 11. HAY & STRAW 24" Deluxe Ranges from 42995 wit Drysdale Major Appliances Kraut( Onlarb i.. PI . b 8v9, Apoilanc.. 262-2728 Open Dally. Fri. • 9 p.m. 12. USED CARS 1981 CHEVY MALIBU, 4 door, V-6, 3 speed, ps/pb, AM/FM Cassette, 80,000 miles, $2250.00 certified. Call 527-2234. 12-31-2 1990 CHEV SPRINT CL, 5 speed, 2 door, silver in colour 30,000 KM, rust protection, 48 mo. or 200,000 km war- ranty. $9500.00 firm, certified. Call 524-9211 9 - 5, or 482-5849 atter 6 12-25 -tfnxe 1984 PLYMOUTH HORIZON, 4 door, standard, $2.400 or best offer Phone 524-5198 after 5:30 p.m. weekdays. anytime on weekends. 12-05 -ttnxe 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE CASCADE ELECTRIC WATER HEATER, 40 gallons, 220 volts, like new, asking $100 00, switched to natural gas Call after 4 30 p m 522-2182 14-32 -3 APPLES AND PLUMS, more varieties to come. 23 apple, 13 plum, 5 pear McClymont Orchards, 1 mile south of Varna 233-3214 14-32 -1 CUCUMBERS FOR SALE, call 527-2650 14-31 x3 CUCUMBERS for sale Contact Mary Fotheringham, 233-9196 14-31 -2 WHITE'S METAL DETECTORS. New and Used, coin and jewellery locating Call 345-2564. 14-31 -3 ART HELL'S FRUIT FARM charnel Hwy. 1 seat 41440 (sane T.wt O•P•E•N•i•N•G 17aer,.altr. Alyv.r 2 • re..•t.ee a 4,.4i,.w. 01••••••• • hi", • rMw.. • 4pp&.. widen RAJA e*.rerNe..1 ...me A eowthr heal re• ray r rt' 1Mer 4.4.44 44.4.1 4 A h p hital 524-803 7 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE STEEL BUILDINGS "Summer SeMabrs- tan" on Quonsets, S. Series and Con- ventions* Payments, Lease or Pur- chase, we have a plan for everyone Call Future 1-800-668-8653. 14-32 -Dc BUS CONVERTED INTO A CHiP WAGON, complete with 2 propane fryers, grill fan, exhaust system refrigerator, one deep freeze, cash register, sink and cupboards, curtains As is $5000 Call 5249211, 9 - 5, atter 524-4240 14-20 -ttnxe PASSPORT PHOTOS, and identitica tion pictures whsle -u -wait, can take at your own home 2 for $8 Color Gregor Campbell photographer. 527-0273 14-31 -tt WICKER RATTAN GREAT SAVINGS NOW! Wicker, Rat- tan, Patio and Solarium furniture, plus accessories Warehouse open Tues - Sat. 10-5. 71 King West, FOREST (519) 786-2180 14132 x1 BRAND NEW YARD MAN Riding Lawn Mower, 16 h p - 46 inch cut. Will sell for reasonable otter For infor- mation call 348-9268 14-32 xl FREEZER - large size, $175.00. Call 522-1989 14-32 x1 BUILDING CLEARANCE - Save thousands while supply lasts - we overestimated and are clearing out ex- cess stock - straightwall all/steel and wood/steel types - Paragon - 24 Hours - 1-800-263-6984 (Ask for J R.) 14-32 -bc Heavy Duty Dryers from $3 6995 w.t Drysdale Major Appliances HenuII Onlarb Tree Pix. le Bur App" lance. 262-2728 Open Dally. Fri. - 9 p m. 19. PETS TO GIVE AWAY - two house cats, 1 black, 1 multi -colored Please call 263-5471. 19-30 -3 FOR SALE - Chocolate Point Siamese kittens, 7 weeks old. Phone 529-3278 or 529-7382. 19-29 -tfnxe 21. WANTED TO BUY OLD BARNS OR BRICK HOUSES. Phone 233-7594. 21-30 -12 B.B.Q PIGS and veal calves. Top price Call 233-7424 21-31 -tf 22. WANTED USED RIDING AND PUSH MOWERS for used parts. Please call 524-4660 daytime or 524-4766 evenings. 22-20-ttnxe 14 cu. fl. Frost Free Refrigerators from $7 1 995 wit Drysdale Major Appliances Mensal, Ontario Ire. Mar. 10 Bur Applr 262-2725 Open Dally, Fri. - 9 p.m. DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS 18 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS 16 MONDAY 11 A.M. 22 words - one week, 54 50; two weeks. $100, three weeks, 13.50 Additional words 18 cents B IRTHS - No Charge ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of $7 with picture *12 prepaid MAR111IAQE$ - Free tor 8 weeks after date ot wedding Atter this time, photo and cutline only. 115. Complete write-up 125 IN MEMORIAM - 14.50 plus 36 cents per line of verso CARD OF THANKS - 30 words, 14 50 Each additional word 06 cents S0 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF THE WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 13.00, each additional week - 11.00 CLASSIFICATIONS 23 Real Estate 24 Property tor sale 25. Property tor rent 26. Apartments tor rent 27. For sale or rent 28. Wanted to rent 29. For rent 30. Room and Board 31. Notice 32. Vacations 33. Educational 34. Auction Sales 35. Tenders Wanted 36. Legal notice 37. Notice to creditors 38. Service directory 39. Cards of thanks 40. In memoriam 41. Personal 42. Engagements 43. Marriages 1 Coming Events 2 Yard, Garage Saie 3. Lost, Strayed 4. Found 5. Help Wanted 8. Business Opportunity 7. Situations Wanted 8. Custom work 9. Farm Stock 10. Farm machinery 11. Hay and straw 12. Used cars 13. Used trucks 14. Articles for sale 15. R.V.'s for sale 16. Mobile homes 17 VCRs for sale 18 Computer corner 19 Pets 20 Swap or trade 21 Wanted to buy 22 Wanted PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 123. REAL ESTATE • NEW HOMES FOR SALE IN KIN - BURN, 3 huge bedroom ranch style. open concept kitchen and dining room, walk out patio door, fireplace open to both Iivingroom and diningroom, full basement, two bathrooms/ Call 519-671-3049 or 416-659-1212 after 7 p m 23-31 -2 1986 TAHOE PARK model with enclos ad Florida room, on your own lot located in Bonita Springs, Florida Completely furnished. including ceiling fans, washer & dryer, dishwasher, cen- tral air and hest with many extras Asking 146 000 U S NEGOTIABLE. Phone 524-4240 after 6 p.m. 23-7-tfnwx 24. PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO BUIIbING LOTS IN KINBURN will build home to quit your needs Call 519-671-3049 or 418-659-1212 after 7 p m 24-31 2 24. PROPERTY FOR SALE Built-in Dishwashers from '42995 Drysdale Major Appliances H.null Ontario Th. Paco ro Bur Appllanc.a 2622728 Open Daily, Fn. - 9 p.m. 25. PROPERTY FOR RENT FOUR BEDROOM FARM HOUSE on paved road, 1 1/2 miles from Seaforth. Available September 1 References re- quired. Call 527-0528 25-32 -2 STORE FOR RENT, Main St., Seaforth, one available immediately. 482-7054. 25-31 -tf 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT with storefront in Walton. Call 887-6029. 26-32 -tf TWO OR THREE BEDROOM APART- MENT, available anytime. References required. Phone 527-0877. 26-32 -tf 23. REAL ESTATE 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ♦ TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. In Egmondville, $400. a month plus utilities, call 345-2773. 26-31 -2 LARGE ONE BEDROOM APART- MENT, in Seaforth with fridge and stove, no pets $310 per month, plus utilities, available September 1 Call 348-9603 26-31 x2 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, 63 Side Street, Seaforth Phone 524-4994 26-30 -It [27. FOR SALE OR RENT ♦ NEW AND USED Satellite Systems, rent or lease to own with easy monthly payments; also, repairs to all makes. L & A Southwest Satellite, day or night. 524-9595 27-27 -tf 31. NOTICE ARE YOU LIVING WITH A DRINKING PROBLEM? Al Anon can help. 527-1650. 31-32 -1 A. A. IF YOU THINK you have a drinking problem, Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for millions. Call 527-1650. 31-31 -tf DDD UMW Utnu ttl,itr OPEN HOUSES SAT., AUG. 11 SAT., AUG. 11 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 NOON 123 HIGH ST., CLINTON (follow the signs) Beautiful starter home, main floor laun- dry. large lot $75,000 JUST LISTED - Dublin 11/2 storey yellow brick home, 3 bedrooms, formal dining, country kitchen, all featured on large 112' x 145' Id with mature trees Priced to sell at *89,000. TOUCH OF COUNTRY in this 4 bedroom sidesplit with sunken living room, beautiful new kitchen, 16 x 32 in - ground indoor pool, 6 man hot tub and much more Call for details JUST LISTED in Heritage Estates 3 bedroom doubts wide Bendix trailer with extra large living room, heated insulated 14' x 22' workshop on very large cor- ner lot Priced to sell in *40's 3 BEDROOM FIELDSTONE BUNGALOW - Dining area with patio doors to very private redwood deck, at- tached garage with workshop area in rear Festured on very quiet street Call today 11/a STOREY SIDED NOME - '1 bedrooms, sunporch and large living room on large oomer lot Priced in *50's 1:00 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. 11/4 EAST OF SEAFORTH (follow the signs) Cheaper than rent Just like new. 3 bedroom mobile home 14' x 70' reduc- ed *46,000 Vendor may hold second mortgage for qualified buyer 5 ACRE HOBBY FARM with large frame home, barn suitable for any animal. many beautiful mature trees Priced to sell HERITAGE ESTATE - 3 bedroom trailer with beamed ceiling, large dining area. fenced -in yard, very tastefully decorated. Priced in *40's 3 BEDROOM NEW HOME close to downtown Call today DUBLIN - 21/2 storey yellow brick, 3 bedroom home, extra large living room, sunporch, family room, all featured on beautifully landscaped lot Listed at *140.000 LOOKING FOR A EXCELLENT STARTER HOME? We have homes in Vanastra starting at *55,000 up to *109,000 , all in move -in condition LOTS 77' x 150' FOR SALE M *24,000 OOOERICH STREET - 11 storey sid- ed home with beamed ceiling and for- mal dining Priced in *60's H you are driving around town looking for a home, remember not all our vendors like signs. Just give Mary 527-0968 or Sharon 527-0650 a call and we w111 tell you about more. Sharon Medd (Seaforth) Peter Demme Aileen Craig Pieter Weeterhout 527-0560 482-9849 482-3669 482-5718 Gordon Hill Fes 527-2763 Office 11 Victoria St., Clinton - Mary Vanden Mengel 8111 Steenstra 8111 Shackleton 527-0968 462-3780 462-3220 233-3307 482-5991 FREE EVALUATIONS