HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-01-11, Page 8S
---Read A. Colons' adv. in. another
The days are already commencing to
-•-Division Court will be held in Wing -
ham to -day..
Regular meeting of Camp Caledonia
Sous of Scotland next Monday evening.
--Regular meeting of Court Maitland,
Canadian Foresters on Friday evening of
skid week.
—The Wingham hockey boys will go
to Lucknow on Friday evening to play
their firetleague game.
—The January session of Huron
.County Council will open at Goderich,
on Tuesday, January 23rd.
—.The Royal Scarlet Chapter, L 0. A.
will sheet in Wineham on the 14th inst.
Brethren are cordially iuvited.
—Mr. Walton MoSibbou'e many
friends will be pleased to know that he
is able to be at the store again after his
recent Miaow.
—The first meeting of the Winghani
School Board for 1906 will be held on
Wednestlay evening of next week.
—Maitland Lodge I. 0. 0. F., meets
this (Thursday) evening. The iustalla-
tion of officers for the ourrent term, will
take place.
roughs, colds, hoarseness, and other threat
ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene
atablets. ten cents ver box. All druggists
—Many people are taking t dvll>atage
of the Trams clubbing offers. Subscrip
tions for any newspaper or magazine re-
ceived at this office.
—The many friends of Mr. Edward
Haines, of the gravel road, south of
Wingham, will be sorry to learn that he
has been in poor health for some time
past. We hope he may son be able to
be about again.
—During the year 1906, there will be
five Sundays in April, July, September
and December respectively. Good Fri-
day cornea on April 13th; Easter Sunday
on April 15th; 24th of May on Thursday ;
the 1st of July on Sunday, and Christ -
was on Tuesday..
-'he first of the series' 6f concerts to
he given by the Citizens' Band has been
postponed from Friday evening, January
26th to Friday evening, February 2nd.
—For the past week we have been hav-
treated to a touch of old genuine king
winter. The sleighing is not very good
as the high winds have carried the snow
into drifts.
—The treasurer of Culross reports that
the last dollar of the township taxes levi
ed for 1905 was paid en before the end of
the year. Such promptness in the pay -
meet of taxes is unusual and it has rare-
ly occurred that collecting has been com-
pleted within the year.
—We notice by last week's Goderich
Star that the paper has passed another
milestone, having entered its forty-
seventh year. The Star is certainly im-
proving with age and is one of the best ex-
changes received at the TIMES office.
We wish the publishers continued pros-
—The Ladies' Aid Society of St. An-
drew's Presbyterian Church will hold a
social and entertainment in the lecture
room of the church on Thursday even-
ing, January 18th. .A good program
Come from the Rich, Bed Blood made
by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills.
Beauty is more than akin deep—it is
blood deep There is no real beauty, uo
aced health without run, red blood.
Every graceful curve, every sparkle of
the eye, every rosy blush, conies from
tick, red blood Dr Williams' Pink
Pills are the greatest blond builder and
beauty maker in the world. Every done
actually makes new, pure, rich blood
By making new blood Dr. William"'
Ptak Pills sharpen the appetite. soothe
the worried nerves, regulate the health
alley hanish paleness, clear the complex-
ion, bring rosy cheeks and eparkline
eyes. They give plenty of strong b odd
for all the rte)icate functions of w mau-
hood. WAS Mary Jackson, Nor andale,
of three
Out., says:—''For upwards
years I suffered from arae a.'I grew
n•) weak I could scarcely lk about the
house. I had n color • t my face, my
Nps and gums we a bl eclipse, I suffered
from headaches n dizziness, and fell
away in weight n it I weighed only 94
pounds. No treatment gave me the least
beuntil I began the use of Dr, Wil-
liams Pink Pills Inside of a few weeks
after beginning the pills I began to grow
better, and they soon restored my health
and white using them I gained fourteen
pounds in weight. I can strongly re-
commend Dr Williams' Pink Pills to all
pale and feeble girls "
There are thousands of pale anaemic
girls and women throughout Canada
wuo e,hould follow the example of Mise
Tneltson and give Dr Williams' Pink
Pills a fair trial. Bright eyes, rosy
cheeks and perfect health would soon
follow When e ou buy the pills see that
the fnll name, "Dr Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People," is printed on the
wrapper around each box. Sold by medi-
cine tteaIera or by mail at 50 cents a box
or six boxes for $8 CO, by writing The
Dr Williams' Medicine Co , Brockville,
is being prepared and a p g
may be expected, Tile aalA19fiQ11 \Pill
be 1Oc for children and ltio for adults.
We shall be glad to have contributions to
this column from any of our readers. If you
have visitors or purpose going away yourself,
drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that
Mies C. Mead has returned home after
spending some time in Milan, Mich.
Mr John Anderson, of Wareham
visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Thos.
Miss H. W. Barber of Manitoba in
visiting with her friend, Mre. M.
—Mr. J. S. Found, who has been C. Lamont.
P. R. agent at Gorrie for thirteen years - Miss Jean Dallas has returned home
has been promoted to the agency at Fer- after spending five weeks with Mrs.
gus. Mr. Found is a son of Mr. Jas. Beecroft at Barrie.
Found, of Wingham. Mr. Andrew Hnggan left on Saturday
to spent part of the winter with his
daughter near Mitchell.
Miss Minnie Fowler, of the Bluevale
road has been visiting for the past week
with relatives at Teeswater.
Mr. Arthur Craigg, of Whitechurch
bas returned to the Business College to
complete bis commercial course.
Mr. and Miss Wight, of Dutton have
been visiting at the home of their uncle,
Mr, Gavin Davidson, Wingham Junc-
—Three rinks of the Wingham curlers
go to Lucknow on Friday afternoon.
The local curlers have received invita-
tions to attend bonspiels at St. Thomas,
Flora and other places.
—The next sitting of the High Court
for this county will be at Goderich, ou
Tuesday, March 13th (jury), before
Justice Anglin, and Monday, May 7th
(non -jury), before Justice ()lute.
Sore Throat and Coughs
A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat
irritationsis found in
Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets
They combine the germicidal value of Cresolenewith
the soothing propoertiA11 Druerlets elm and licorice
—The Huron Old Boys of Toronto will
hold their annual banquet on Friday
evening, February 16th. Invitations are
being sent to the Mayors, members of
Parliament and press of the County. •
—The nominations to fill the vacancy
in the Turnberry Council, ceased by the
death of Mr. John Coupland, will be
held in the Foresters' Hall at Bluevale
on Tuesday, January 16th, at 1 o'clock
p. m.
Come and share in the
feast of seasonable bar-
gains now being offer-
Full stock of school
supplies for the opetling
Of school. (look cov-
ers free with all text
Mr Jr seph Philips of the folk Loan
appeared before the Police
and was remanded for a
charge of conspiracy.
Harry Newkirk, aged thirteen years,
was drowned near Chatham while skat-
Coilingwood Council defeated a pro.
meal to submit a local option by law to
the people,
Liberals and Conservatives at Kingston
have signed an agreement to conduct a
clean election for the Legislature.
Joseph Winters of Windsor, was robin
ed of his vest, contuining ; in() and a
gold watch and chain, w hile he was tak-
ing a nap.
Rev. Dr. Dickie of Toronto has been
called. to Woodstock, to succeed Rev.
Dr. MacKay, in the pastorate of Chal-
mers Church.
week on the
SELLERS.—In Morris, on December 30th, the
wife of Mr. Joseph Sellers: tl sun.
xert.Y.—In Morris, on December 23thh, the
wife or Mr. J. W. Kelly: a daughter.
BEACON.—In Hallett, on December 20th, the
utile of Mr, Wes.ey Rexton: a sou.
Oseertnon'l•,-1n Wroxeter, rn December
:tilt, the wife of Rev. J. H. Osterhuut: a son.
WAnn.—In Fordwich, on December 27th, the
wife of Mr. W. G. Ward; a sou.
GRAHAM —In Fordwich, on January 2nd, the
wife t,t 71r•. Jolts (xraltam; a son.
BRowN.—In Howick, on January 3rd; hewife
of Mr• John W. Brown; a daughter.
IITOONF'Y—AMFs.--At the residence of the
bride's parents, Dee. loth, by Rev. J. G. Elliott,
B.D , 14r. Chas. Edgar Antes, of Milestone, N.
W. T., to Miss Margaret, daughter of Mr. and
Henry I1oonoy , of Weyburn, N, W. T., former-
ly of Morris township.
DteIcsoN—HAnvEY.—At the home of the
bride's parents, Castle Hill Farrah, Elmo, on
Dec. 25th 1C05, by Rev. Win. Harvey, brother
of the groom, assisted by Rev. A. MacVicar,
Miss Maggie hi., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Dickson, to Cyrus W. Harvey. of Ehne.
RonERTSON—At Nanton, Alberta, on Janu-
ary 6th, Will S. Robertson, formerly of Wing -
ham, in his 2sth year.
SMELT.— in East Wawanosh, Jan, 10th, 1000,
Mary Lister, relict of the late John Shiell,
aged 74 years.
McCuarrn'r.—In Tut•nberry, on January 5bh,
Thornes Phillips McCreight, aged 06 years and
2 months.
BAnNAttn —In Wroxeter, on January 4th,
Mrs, Edward Barnard, aged 34 years.
Wtr.Toel —In Brussels, on Dec 29th, Eup-
hernia Simpson. beloved wife jar ob.9. Wilton,
raged 46 years, 10 months and 10 days.
Wrr.T.TAMsoN.—In Grey, on Deo. Blit, Chas.
WiLiammon. lather of Mr. Win, Williamson, of
�Vingham, aged 70 yea's, 3 months and 0 days,
Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Cor-
veyencing done
OFFICE—In Vanstone Block.
Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clook.
Meeting of Huron Cou ouncil
1 The council of the cul of Huron will sheet
in the council chain et. . the Town of Goder-
ich on Tuesday the '? d day of January at 3
o'clock p. m
All accounts against the county must be
placed with the Clerk before this date Dated
Jan. loth. 1900.
Mr, Samuel White of Moorefield ar-
rived in town Monday to take a course
in stenography in the Wingham Business
Miss Lizzie O. Elliot desires to thank all
friends for their sympathy and kind re-
membrances to her during the Christ-
mas season.
Miss Snell of Bluevale bas returned to
town to resume her studies in the Com-
mercial Department of the Wingham
Business College.
Mr. and Mrs. John Clubb, from near
Peeerboro have been visiting with rela-
tives and old friends in Wingham and
West Wawanosh.
Miss Beemer and Miss Wellwood, both
of town, are among the lateat arrivals
in the Stenographing department of the
Wingham Business College.
Mr. Jas. A. Pattison, and his eldest
daughter, Miss Bessie Patteeou, of Boie-
sevain, Man., are visiting at his father-
Wawanosh, and with other relatives and
Jos. Golly, V. S., who has been spend-
ing a few weeks with relatives and old
-; friends in Wingham and vicinity, re-
turned to bis hone in Treheree, yuan.
; On Tuesday.
By the removal of Ira Parker from
, Brussels to Winglham, the Epworth
1. League of the Methodist church here
loses its ('resident, the Sabbath School a
good teacher, and the church a worthy
member. He is a young man well worthy
of the esteem in which ho is held by
those who know hint and while sorry to
loge him from town we wish hire pros-
perity. --Brussels Post.
Sentence Sermons.
Tact is touching with love.
Weeds are a call to work.
The immovable hearts mover the world.
The blue heart always has a black sky.
The empty faith is usually made of
The only work without honor is that
which helps no one.
The devil is always willing to play
dead in a war of words.
sounding brass.
One does not get wedded to truth
flirting with doubt.
Tenders will be received • the undersigned
up to January 24th at 4 , clock p. in. for the
construction of a br 1 over the Maitland
River on Water street, Wingham. Plans and
sppe�elfles tions can be seen at the Town Clerk's
office. The lowest or any other tender not
necessarily accepted.
Chairman of Road and Bridge Committee.
A comfortable Cottage
on North St.
Insurance, Loan and Estate
• Do you want a good position in the
Commercial World? The surest and
shortest road is via this school. We •
give a course of training that is not
surpassed by any Business College in
Canada. We give individual in-
struction therefore you may enter at
any time. Write for free catalogue
and get full particulars.
Farmers'l Institute.
Meetings of the '.flet Huron Farmers'
Insiitute will be h d as follows:—
Fordwich, Frida , January 12th.
Bluevale, Sat. (at ernoon only) Jan. 13,
Jamestown, Mon ay, January 15th.
Molesworth. Tu sday, January 16th.
Ethel, Wednesda , January 17th.
Walton, Thnrsda , January 18th.
Harlook, Friday, annary 19th.
Winthrop, Saturc ay, January 20th,
St. Columban, M nday, January 22nd.
To be addressed y Duncan Anderson
of Rugby, assisted y good local speak -
Meetings at 1 30 .m. and 7.30 p.m.
All are cordially nvited to be present
and take part in th discussions.
Presid nt. Secretary.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0.
1807, , chapter 129, sec. 38, that all persot - having
claims against the estate of Hanna Almenia
Long, late of the Town of Win ,am, in the
County of Huron, widow. deo sed, who died
uu or about the sixteenth d of December
A. D. 1905, are require to se by host prepaid
or to deliver tu B. Van ton •, Solicitor for the
Executors, on or befog •. t e sixth day of Feb-
ruary A.D. 1006, thei • Imes, addresses and
descriptions and a ful atement of particulars
of their claims and the nature of the security
of any) held by them duly certified, and that
after the said day the Executors will proceed
to distribute the assets of the deceased among
the parties entitled thereto, Raving regard only
to the claims of which they shall then have
Dated this lith day of Januarr, 1606,
Windmill P. 0.
Solicitor for the Executors.
No Matter Where It Is.
I have for sale at the pre cent time 7,000 acres
of choice farts lands iu Huron County, and I
e9: you before you buy your farm to see the
bargains I have to offer you. Just the property
you wit may be en my list.
( 1louRes for r;81e, from 8.1(0 tip to 94000.
hire, Life and Accident Insurance efeeted.
C. 3. .M[AGUIRE,
- Real Estate and BasineSS Transfer Agent,
-1 VAttnotts Brevet. • WIPi(lii4M, Orrr.
He is blessed with fortune who has
learned to bear misfortune.
'The losses of truth are more profitable
than the gains of trickery.
A man who is honest for policy will be
dishonest for promotion.
Many a deacon who 1s long on coat
tails, will be found short on wings.
A lovinheart is like
a summer's clay '
it fever needs to advertise itself.
You cannot look constantly on dirt and
keep your windows free from dost.
Nowhere does money create a more
disappointing mirage than in a moral
Many of us want a God with a keen
ear tor our prayers and a dull eye for our
Many a fly is ready to die in the pan if
his Epitaph shall read; "Ile lived in the
Reflections of a Bachelor.
From the New York Pres,l,
A girl has got to have a beau if he
only in a story book.
It takes almost as many clothes for a
baby that is coming, as for a bride's
One of the greatest problems of mod-
ern society 16 stairs when you Come
home late at night.
A man would hardly eaor mind being
matrie(1 if he didn't have to acquire 30
many good habits.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0 ,
1s37, Chap. IV, See. ae, that all persons having
claims aann"st the estate of Albert Willits,
late of the Township of Howick in the County
of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died on or
about the :1st day of December, A. D. 1902, are
required to send by post prepaid or to deli-
ver to R. Vanstone, Solicitor for the Ad-
ministratrix, on or before the 213-th day of Janu-
ary A.D 1000, their names, addresses and des-
criptions and a full statement of particulars of
their claims and the nature of the security (if
any belt. by them duly certified, and that after
the said day the administratrix will proceed to
distribute the assets of the deceased anon g the
tis clentitled
aiof wR ch she shall than have nothaving regard ice.
the h se.
Wingham P. 0.
Soliciter for the Administratrix,
Dated this 26th day of December A. D. 1905.
Machine Shop
Having purchased the above business,
I am now prepared to attend to the
wants of the public in all kinds of
Machinery Repairing, Steam Fitting, eto.
Successor to W. G. Paton.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to 11,8.01897,
Chap. 120. Sec. 38. that all persons having claims
against the estate of James H. Casemore, late
of the Township of Turnberry, in the County
of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or
about the 13th day of November A. D., 1005, are
repaid t a' or to deliver
required. to send. by }Solt 1
to >-. Vanstone, Solicitor for the Administra-
trix, on or before the 2Oth day of January. A.D.,
1000 their names, addresses
s atdeseri
and full statement
of mirth -Oars of their
•Elias and the nature of the • •••rarity ; if any)
held by then duly eertilled, a, ,hat after the
said day the Administratrix ',III proceed to
distribute the assets of the e, ,eased among
the parties entitled thereto, has .uaregard only
to the claims of which she hall then have
Wingham P. 0.,
Soiicitor for Administratrix.
Dat( -(1. this Stith day 1.0 December A. D., 1903.
Home Comfor
Stec' Range
Manufactured by
Wrought Iron Rauge Company,Ltd,,
FOUNDED 1864. CAPITAL, $I,000,000.
A• NEW'o e
0 Shope•
0 j
• ♦
e HAVE opened a Butcher Shop ♦
• in premises two doors north 6
• of the Chisholm Block, and •
• am fully prepared to supply the e
e best of all kinds of ♦
•Fresh and Cured Meats. •
0 •
• Special •attention paid to orders .e
e from farmers and othelca for meat •
O in large quantities. '•
• A share of your patronage ie •
* respectfully solicited. •
• e
COLUMBIA" and aequaint yourself with the ,
gr, -tit resources and possibilities of our im-
mense West. Agriculture, 'Attuning, Forestry,
Fisheries. Mathew.
"FISn1NG and SHOOTING" aeeonroanied
Iry a "SPORTSMAN'S MAP," will tell you
w7hei e the greatest gamy t (,orts 80 thin Dom-
inion are loented and holo to get there.
"CHALLIiNGE of the I.00IIIES" gives ex-
cellent and interesting information conerning
the rimed. d grandeur of the "Switzerland of
outlines pleasant and educative tours to the
farfamee East. Ideal trips for the winter
- months.
1I10NT111 AI,'and''Qt:I:REC," beautifully
illustrated booklets, de seriptive of the ('om•
hhi(re'al metropolis of Canada and historic
scenes of earth i day!,.
Alt)' of the 814(7,• .publications free on appli•
0801021 to your rat •nett Canadian Nellie Agent.
Fait partieulah 4 fir ' Canadian Pacific agent
er write C. 13.1 V 4Tu1 Den A., Tortntto.
• •
The above is a cut of our improved nickle plate Range,
with handsome enamelled reservoir attached to water front in
tire box.
The Wrought Iron Range Co. have located one of their
divisions in Wingham and will canvas the surrounding country
from this place. • Testimonials of some of our customers in
this locality will appear later.
' UST ARRiv ED 1
1.1 .doti0e., n..dk nhld k: . a..,d,q,r,A15lul l ,,.tiho I ,
o , .
No Time Like -the Present
These aro all of the latest designs
and materials, and at prices that are
reasonable.Y w 1
We have a special lino of
Black and Blue Serges
you ought to see.
• Call and have a look through our •
stock and see the Fashions for fall
and Vitiator.
All you have to do is tell us how
• you want your garment made, and
we make It that way.
• Oar Trimmings are of the best. -
Robt. Maxwell
We have a large stock of choice and up-to-date Furniture, such as
Buffets. China Cabinets, Sideboards, Bedroom Suits, Parlor
Suits. Writing Desks and Music Cabinets—all at money -saving prices.
Call and inspect our Mattresses from $3.00 to $5.00, made of
the best ticking and filling.
Our references are : Every man, woman and child
that have bad any dealings with us.
Undertaking receives our prompt and careful attention.
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Anyeven numbered section of Dominion
Lands n Manitoba or the Northwest Provinces,
excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may be ]home•
steaded by any person who is the solo head of
a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to
the extent of ori -quarter section of 160 acres,
shore or less.
Entry may be antic personh a11 y at the local
land oillee for the district in which the land is
situate, or if the homesteader desires, he may.
on application to the Minister of the Interior,
Ottawa, the Commissioner of Immigration,
Winnipeg, or the local agent, receive authority
for Boma one to make entry for him.
The homesteader is relinired to perforin the
renditions connected therewith under ono of
the following plans :
(1) At least site months' residence upon and
cultivation of the land in each year for three
01) If the father (or mother, if the father is
deceased) of the homesteader resides upon 8
farm in the vicinity of the land entered:for the
requirements as to residence hnav be satisfied
by inch person residing with the father or
(3) I0 the settlerlias his permanent residence
upon farming land Owned by him in the vicin-
ity of his homestead, the requirements as to
residence may be satisfied. by residence upon
the said lanai.
Six �
n inwriting :,hound be lura
months' notice , riw
toSmonthe Commissioner of Dominion Lands at
Ottawa of intention toapply for patent.
W. W. 'CORY,
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior,
N. it.•—tThhauthorized publication of this ltd•'
vertitenient wilt not be paid for.
A reliable agent for Wingham and
surrounding country. Good pay weekly.
Exclusive territory. Sample case or out-
fit free. Our terms are the best in.
the business. We need a man of good
character r andability dti!'ina Fall and
Winter r months.
OVER 600 ACRES. Tho choicest
and moat extensive list of stock in Can-
ada, including fruit and ornamental
stock, small fruits and seed potatoes.
Fast selling specialties offered for the
first time. Write for terms now to
The Pelham. Nursery Co.,
Go to
"Tho Lind of Smiimer's Sunshine.f"
Leaving' Toronto on Jan. 29th. Cov-
ering all points of interest. Special
roduo'bd rates.
Mount Clemens "Mineral Baths"
and St. Catharines Mineral Springs.
Delightful 19901ts for those who need a
rest. Best of hotel accommodation.
For tiCkcts end information call nn Agent,
nr bf addressing J. D. MODONALD, Aietrict
l'aesenger Agent, Toroate,