HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-07-18, Page 14• ► 4 THE HURON EXPOSITOR JULY 18 1990 amass DISC JOCKEY SERA IL t tea _ AN .•»tai ION cos. sac *AL GOOD i�w+.• +rig •us iso r,rd swaa oar Ac so Fes soeuriers MON. Mew Mums - SI7-• 139 ...Taft., irWrwl�� The Legion Ladies Auxiliary To Branch 1 S6 Sea/orth are serving • Roast Beef Dinner SUNDAY, JULY 22 S P.M. TO 7 P.M. ADULTS CHILDREN 12 1 UNDER •e.00 4.O0 BUCK & DOE Shorrl Elliott A tor Norm N o Jackson SAT., JULY 28 erodhogon Community Centro Music by Clossiquo D.J.'s •S 00 person - Lunch Provided FOR TICKETS CALL. 348-9481 BUCK & DOE JEFF VISSER and BETTY VANDEWALLE Friday, July 20 For Info Call 345-2169 or 527-0577 BUCK & DOE FOR Heather Waddell and Rob McEwen SATURDAY, JULY 21 For info call: 527-1635 or 263-2247 QUEEN'S SEAFORTH IS OPEN ealel MON.-SAT. 11 A.M.-2 P.M. THURS., FRI. Evening 4 P.M. -8 P.M. Thursday Is FISH NITE (2nd Special Half Price) TAKE OUTS AVAILABLE A GIFT FROM THE HEART - Beatrice and Allan Campbell Winthrop recently gifted the Winthrop Caven United Church with a set of matched bulletin stands. Members of the church for 50 years now, the Campbell's donated the stands to the church as a token of friendship to all of their friends at Caven. Elliott photo. Goodness gracious Great bails of fire Look who's 40... WALTER DENYS Announcement Queensway takes in We dove wand you tor a coupk of weeks, so chore's lots of ea hing uptdo. Jack Smmor and his music group provided lively entertainment to belp okbrate the June birthdays. Residents, stats, family and friends had asuper time. Several residents benefited from a trip to the Huron County Museum in Godench early in July. They had a informative afternoon with film and a tour followed by a lovely lunch of scones and tea in the museum uxiservawry. . The Friday barbecues remain popular with the fresh au enhancing everyone's appetites. We appreciate the auxiliary women who assist at these events. Church services for the past two weeks have been led by Reverend • museum QUEENSWAY Wnght and Reverend Van Essen. Bible study group continues to meet each Wednesday afternoon with Chaplin Rev. Stojoicovic in the Rest Heine sunroom. Residents are fin- ding their study of Psalms very worth tile. "My Fair Lady" pan 1 and 2 was viewed the past two Thursday evenings on movie night. international Day was held Friday afternoon and our theme was Canada Day. Everyone enjoyed browsing through information on each of thep ounces. We had contacted the IVl isuy of Tourism for each province so there were leis of interesting booklets, posters, maps and pictures on hand. Fol- lowing the tnfonnauon session, residents snacked on asuxted Canadian fruits and cheeses. C events arc: July 18, 2 - 4 p.m., a 'ISr.p to The Maplewood Manor Talent Show in Seaforth. July 26, 7 p.m. our monthly Birthday Party. St. Columban baby baptized on weekend St. Columban Correspondent MRS. CECILIA RYAN 3415-2028 Danielle Nicole Melady, infant daughter of Tom and Joanne Melady was baptized during the Saturday evening mass at St. Columban Catholic Church by Father J. Hardy. Danielle's god- mothers are Patsy Rayn of Thames - ford and Carolyn Miland of Mitchell. Guests attending mass and the baptismal ceremony and visiting later with Tom and Joanne at their home were Ted and Frances Melady of St.Columban, Brian Meladv of Mitchell, Brian Melady, Jr., Patsy Ryan of Z?iamesford, John and Lenie Roles of Deleware, Annette Roks, Deleware, Cathy Roks of London, Jim and Judy Roks of Deleware, Father Hardy and his cousins Danny of Chicago and Matthew of Baulecreek Michigan, Carolyn Miland of Mitchell and Lisa Melady, Danielle's sister. Andrew and Crystal Carruthers of Missiauga visited on the weekend with Ab and Eileen Cronin. Ted and Frances Melady of St. Columban, Tom and Teresa Melady of Goderich and Dorothy Harback of Kitchener spent a few days last week with their brother and sister- in-law, Ferg and Kay Melady of Belle River. Sister Jean Moylan of Windsor visited on the weekend with her mother, Mary Moylan. Les Ward of Kitchener spent last week with Gerry and Karen Ryan and family helping out on the farm. J.D. and Marg MacRae, Jenny and Ian of London visited on Sun- day with Cecilia Ryan. John Warren of Moose Jaw, Sas- katchewan is spending a few days with his parents, Cecil and Betty Warren of Shakespeare and visited on Monday with Cecilia and Mark Ryan. The Huron Provincial Pr.. Assoc NOMINATIO { wail ,cl on AUGUST 8, 1990 ONDARY SCHOOL inton Further .I tion can be obtained by cal '? he riding president ''�l Ken ampbell - 527-0249 . tive TING ////ii THANK YOU John and Cindy Hunt would Tike to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the tremendous support on the Grand Opening of their Reddi-Chef Restaurant in Seaforth. The words of encouragement and compliments as to the quality of the food and the new look of the store were both grati- fying and encouraging. They look forward to serving you again in the weeks ahead. Again, thank you for your support 65 GODERICH ST. E., SEAFORTH calf a/end bat $upea 'tat $eawu 527-0220 401E11ICit 521.1111 FRI.-THURS JULY 20-26 FRI & SAT. 7 & 9 P.M. SUN.-THURS. 8 P.M. 77E HIGH-SPIRITED NEW COMEDY! BILL COSBY Ahh....the joys of t ratisp,t rcnthood! PAAINTAi,4!"1I R 0YIOANCt ' 1TUfSOan LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1-800-265-3438 FOR FREE MOVIE INFO Mrs. Marian Hulley and r. an Mrs. John Melady are pleased to announce the engagement of their children, Sandra Marie and Mark Thomas. The wedding will take place on July 21, 1990 at Nor- thside United Church, Seaforth, Ontario. St. Columban Soccer DANCE Friday, July 20, 1990 Monkton Arena Tickets available from team members_ for information or tickets call 345-2264, 345-2236. B:00-1:00 a.m. $5 • . r i . rson FEROIE'S LOUNGE & PATIO QUEEN'S vietitet OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Live Country Returns FRIDAY, JULY 20 "DOUBLE TROUBLE" Playing Country & Light Rock BUCK & DOE THERESA VAN WIEREN KAI WISCH SAT. JULY 21, 9:00 pm For more Info. call 345-2075 263-2208 This THUR . • I. SAT. Dance Dance Dance! LAYDEN RIFF * Great Band Great Music! THURSDAY. JULY 26 ONLY SYRE A8M Recording Artists HIGH ENERGY ROCK 'N' ROLL Top 40 Dance July 27-28 COWBOY THE PINEAPPLES •Don t let their name throw you off August 2-4 BIG NOISE August 9-11 LIOHT THE PRESSML ROkLL August 16-18 NO BIG DEAL Main St . Seaforth 527-0980 BRUCEFIELD ODD FELLOWS BREAKFAST - Breakfast was on at the Brucefield fire hall Saturday as the Brumfield Odd Fellows had their annual fundraiser breakfast. Despite the rain of all morning the event was well attended and here the chefs take a short pause from their work. Oxford photo. Over fifty Campbell family descendents meet Descendants of the late John and Robert Campbell of McKillop Township, met at the Seaforth Lions Park on Sunday July 8th with over fifty attending. Brian, Mabel and Harry Nesbitt organized the sports for the after- noon. Winners were: - Three years and under - Mark Nesbitt, Five Years and under - Krysta Nesbitt, Young Men's Race - Chris Nesbitt, Young Ladies Race - Sharon Nesbitt, Kick the Slipper (men) - Chris Miller, Bill Campbell, Kick the Slipper (ladies) - Carol Nesbitt, Heather Keys. A number of relay and novelty games were held with some par- ticipants even managing to get wet! Effie and Steven Nesbitt won the water balloon toss. Other winners for the afternoon were: Oldest Person attending - Mrs. Edna Hackwell, Youngest Person attending - Timothy Powell, Coming the farthest - Ed and June Smith, Toronto, Birthday closest to July 8th - Krysta Nesbitt, Guess beans in Jar - Sharon Nesbitt A poster of the family tree was on display, and a smorgasbord supper was enjoyed by all. The Next reunion is to be held on the second sunday in July 1992. Executive are: President - Bill Campbell, Secretary Treasurer - Effie Nesbitt, Sports Committee - Brian and Janet Keys, Chris Miller and Heather Keys. Lunch Commit- tee - Jack and Audrey Mclllwain, Ken and Joan Campbell. Walton Ladies' tournament will be reset daughter of Connie and David. The Anniversary guest speaker will be sermon was "NO Turning Back". John King on Sunday, September Gloria Wilbee sang a solo during 23 at 11 a.m. the service. There are no U.0 W. meetings till LADIES TOURNAMENT CAN - Sept. 5 when you are reminded of CELLED the meeting with Barb Middegaal of Walton Ladies's slow pitch ball the Bluewater Centre. Ushers for tournament this past week -end was July 22 - Ian and Elva Wilbee. July cancelled due to rain. Games were 29 - Alvin and Vera McDonald. No played Friday night and Saturday service in August. Sunday, Septem- morning and the games will ber 9 is the Bluevale Anniversary at hopefully be completed in two 11 a.m. with Rev. Stan McDonald weeks. as guest speaker. Walton's 125th Walton Correspondent MRS. BETTY McCALL 8878677 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Sunday morning greeters at Duff's United Church were Ken and Leona McDonald. Glenda Carter was the organist, and ushers for the montb of July are, Nancy Godkin, John Gillis and Murray Dennis. Rev. Bonnie Cole Arnal baptized Amber Elizabeth Townsend, • e- 1 AUGUST WEDDING Ken a Doris Carno•han of R R 01 Seaforth, Ont are happy to an- nounce the marriage of their daughter Faye Elizabeth to John David Murray soon of Ron A Theresa Murray R R /1 Dubin. Ont The wed- ding is to take place Aug. tech in Egmondvills United Church. A clos- ed reception to follow Happy 90th July 25 VISITORS Jerry and Linda Achilles of Bellwood visited on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rolly Achel- les. Lynn McDonagh and her baby daughter from Lucknow visited on Saturday at her grandparents home. Della Achilles of Hearst has been visiting at the same home for the past couple of weeks. Viola Kirkby spent part of the weekend at her cottage at Point Clark. Vance Stevenson, Witby spent two weeks with his cousins, Ron and Chris Stevenson. Jim and Helen Duncan and son Corey visited with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Searle, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duncan, of Rrussels.